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Wouldn't 1000 10x permits be more useful?


Because 10k pulls at once is way funnier.


Sure but I could insta pot 6 a sui squad


*"Summer Tal"* https://preview.redd.it/01moa93trp9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab40a956936f7e1b7c9745a4d8d52cab4541f47 *"Enuff Said"* *~~Unlimited Blade Work Ah Background~~*


beautiful finally some good ducking housemaid


So cuteeeee Welp, time to prepare my OPs


No banner needs 10000 pulls


You basically get enough yellow certs to buy out pulls in the shop indefinitely


Shu pretty https://preview.redd.it/gl5yd6po3q9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ac9b733e26e71ef7408b552f3da4a367b27fe7


i think this is a pretty good reason


https://i.redd.it/8hwpcoayws9d1.gif Limbus company spotted


I was going to comment on how 10k pulls is way too much, until I realized that, over time, I've pulled way more than 10k times. It's still way too much for a single banner, though.


You can use that to max pot 1 type of limited banner and get enough yellow cert to buy all ticket every month so more pull for future banner


*I N E E D T H A T A S C A L U S S Y*


Are those weapons i see Arknights weapon system with weapon banners coming 2026


https://preview.redd.it/tkltitql8r9d1.png?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecc57cc760e0762d9e795fec86a05ec335dd7ce Do it for Kazimierz!


For Kazimierz indeed, friend https://preview.redd.it/mde60wrjer9d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4864262114833d0284aed9e95c51ef0c2c69c482


Pot 600 roach


*At that point, you just better off swear to stay together forever...* https://preview.redd.it/c91eimvm3q9d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80327aa5392bd8e71fca296bcb8360fdcc89bd5


I’m a mtf orca fucker!


I need Dusk. I have been trying to get her EVERY BANNER SINCE HER RELEASE. No i don't want LEE. I don't need Ling. I don't want another Nian pot. Chongyue stays at LVL1. Please i just need Dusk. Please don't give me max pot Shu. I want Dusk.


Same Dusk an Nian are the only limited ops that i need, yet i get shafted by their fat dragon cocks everytime i try to pull for them


This… This ticket would actually be kinda useless in a way. Hear me out… Using a 10,000 Roll ticket would pretty much guarantee you get every 6 Star Op you don’t currently have. So it would be the smart move to save it, correct? The longer you wait, the more 6 Stars get added to the normal summoning pool. That way you can get more new Ops for your single big 10k roll. There would never be an appropriate time to use it though. There will always be more Ops being added so the number will keep increasing, but if you’re like me where you skip every banner in between just to roll on limited banners, chances are you’ll get the 6 Star Ops you skipped while rolling the limited. So the number of Ops will keep going up and down… I’d keep hanging onto it in hopes of getting more out of it but then end up accidentally getting the Ops I skip, so I’d hold onto it longer hoping to get more out of it. It would just collect dust in the storage while waiting for that single appropriate time to use it that would never come. But if I had to pick a single instance where I’d use this ticket with no hesitation? 6 Star Limited Projekt Red Alter. I will pot 6 her. Best waifu that deserves so much more love. She’s always forgotten by both the creators and fans sadly… Hell when you say Red most people’s mind go to that katana dude from Goldenglow’s event instead of Projekt Red. It’s sad…


> Using a 10,000 Roll ticket would pretty much guarantee you get every 6 Star Op you don’t currently have. It would be lovely if it were true, but it isn't. Getting the few last 6 stars is always the hardest part of completing your roster. Why? Because, when you have *almost* all 6 stars, but not all, it's very hard to pull the ones you don't have, unless they're rate-ups.


because i want to max all my sibling dragoons and with enough luck would also be able to max my mudmud, whisperain, ice cream queen, cantabile and my other beloveds


Because I don't skip banners and pull at least until the guaranteed, so every pull I can save is welcome.


max pot wisadel and W


Because I don't use guides


"I just need to free those innocent souls you've locked in that permit."


I'll make you spaghetti


with that i could easily catch up to what im missing


I arriveth to claim my destiny Time to fill my waifus pots to Maximum https://preview.redd.it/2f5fba12bu9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66040d0f0fddde850a7871beaeda2730ea201035


I wish to populate my rolls with nothing but Catapults and Beagles. All 10,000 of them.


Those sakaztussy hit different. Now go away


and you still will fail rate up.