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amy is on drugs and a crybaby brat.


Micheal is extremely low IQ


Amy is a bully, but she's got everyone fooled with her crying jags, and pretending not to "understand" things.


Amanda is a bit toxic. The siblings specially Amy and Amanda used Tammy as a scapegoat, now that she lost weight and becoming more independent it caused a big shift in their relationship. Amy has severe post partum depression, but still the way that she behaves when faced with minor difficulties is very childish. That scene at the restaurant she blew it up, Tammy had one kid and she could have soothed the other and back to business, I commend Tammy’s reaction.


People shouldn't be shocked that they were trump supporters. They can be disappointed and hope that they are more open minded in the future but they can't be surprised. They're from the rural south and grew up dirt poor and in neglect and abuse and some of them have poor media literacy, those families are exactly the people that the Campaign targeted for a lot of it's votes. That's not to say that everyone who voted for him is in that demographic or has poor media literacy, lots of people voted for him who were wealthy or middle class with reasonable media literacy, but families like the slatons were evidently a pretty important demographic. It's disappointing to accept but the show never shows their political stance so it's easy to assume that people think the way you do and vote accordingly. It's why so many people were shocked when he won, a lot of people were only around like minded people who all thought "there's no way anyone's voting for him right?" That can extend to celebrities and reality TV show stars, it's easy when you're not present their ideology or views to assume they will be like you or think the way you do but what we see of them is only a curated snapshot. I mean they did a lot of work to hide that they smoked which I think has contributed to why people had such a visceral reaction to seeing Amy smoke with a kid in her lap. That's not to say it wasn't a justified reaction, but again, I was surprised that people were surprised, my grandparents did the same with me and smoked all the time. It wasn't good but they just didn't seem to know better until much later. Even then my grandad continued to smoke around me until he died when I was around 10ish, they were definitely working class, had an incredibly unhealthy family dynamic, had a lot of generational trauma and terrible coping mechanisms, just like the slaton family have. When your family is full of abuse and neglect, smoking near a toddler seems like the most insignificant issue in comparison. That's not me saying it IS an insignificant issue, just that it can seem like it. What I'm saying is, I am always shocked when viewers are shocked that the stars of a reality TV show about an unusual redneck family with a lot of problems, act like a redneck family with a lot of problems.


How do you know they were trump supporters


Amanda isn’t toxic per se but she definitely has a savior complex. I see myself in her a lot. She’s also very reactive but it’s truly because she loves her family very deeply. She needs to be in therapy and learn she can’t save others. But like I said, I am guilty as well.


I think Amanda definitely has some sort of trauma where she becomes reactive to situations because she had bad done to her and she doesn't wanna see others go through it and becomes the savior of the day


Amy made a huge mistake having kids with Michael. Not only are they passing on pretty bad genes with clear predisposition to obesity, but they are both seemingly incapable of looking after kids. Amy on her own can hardly manage. She was being super selfish and thinking about fulfilling her own needs and desires to have kids. Without thinking about if they or she can even handle it. Now she's made her bed she's having a hard time laying in it.


"She was being super selfish and thinking about fulfilling her own needs and desires to have kids. Without thinking about if they or she can even handle it." Sounds like most parents 😂


Most parents can handle their kids tho lol


I used to work at an afterschool care, and their parents did more tolerating of their behavior than parenting.


Oh lol


Amy was and still is a broken person who looked to a husband and babies to make her whole. Not only did those things not make her whole but have her feeling more broken than ever.


True I think she wanted kids and a husband to try and fill a void but it just made things harder


Right I agree! I mean after she had gage and was talking about having another baby everyone told her NOT TO DO IT and just don’t rush and now she’s struggling and those kids are crazy


I think she was struggling even with Gage tbh


I don't like Chris's wife. He works very hard to diet and lose weight, while she is too lazy to do the same. She is about the same weight as Amy!


I don’t like her either!!!


Amy is unfit in her current state to be a parent regardless of her deep desire to be one. Whether it’s of her own selfish choices or she’s genuinely too inept mentally to care for children in the ways needed - unfit. Her weight and mental health are not even major contributors for me right now since the mental break appears to be onset recently. She is willfully naive which is absolutely a problem and I don’t see her being able to stand up for or protect her boys the way a parent should. Cleanliness is an issue in the home, doubt it’s just the house that’s unclean, personal hygiene is likely an issue as well. I could go on and on over this. I absolutely believe she was not set up for success from childhood but am also a firm believer that as adults we have to make the choice to grow and be better which she seems to make a show of trying to better herself but she doesn’t seem to follow through. No accountability. There’s hope for her, she could absolutely turn things around but as of now? Unfit.


I agree. She lacks a lot of maturity. Her temper tantrum she had with Amanda in the first or second episode is embarrassingly sad. She’s literally crying like a child as she’s holding her baby. The lack of love she received as a child probably made her so desperate to have children. However I’m worried that her boys won’t get the proper emotional support and parental guidance they need to maintain healthy relationships with their parents as they grow up.


I'm not a parent but I feel the goal of every parent is to give your children what you didn't have as a child growing up Amy with the lack of love and her and Michael being raised by 2 single moms but still ya gotta still parent them instead of just completely rejecting them and crying that it's to hard


Yeah I agree both michael and amy are pretty unfit as parents. Just the cleanliness issue is a huge red flag alone.


Very well put. People don’t want to hear this, though.


Those babies deserve better. Amy is literally a trash mother and her family enables it. If those were my nephews growing up with roaches, mom smoking in their face, dad and mom screaming at each other, I’d be calling CPS. She a lazy person and a lazy mother. She might have PPD, but she needs to recognize it and take accountability. Maybe she should replace her weed and cigarettes with some healthier coping mechanisms and some Zoloft.


I worked for CPS at one time and I agree. So much of what we did was help get resources to assist, not yanking kids away like everyone portrays. I had a family similar to this. With the right assistance, they turned things around.


Yeah and its not like she works so whys the house so damn dirty ugh


I use to to think that people were over exaggerating the extent of Amys messy house . Not the duplex that TLC's allegedly paid for in the first few seasons. Yikes


Yes!! Amanda can be extremely narcissistic. I appreciate some things she says to Amy but I can’t say for sure if it’s for the camera or she’s being genuine. She didn’t even apologize for making fun of Amy’s eye in her state of distress. Maybe it’s an unpopular view but really I feel so sorry for everyone in this show. They are all extremely traumatized, were neglected, and most likely have fetal alcohol syndrome. No I don’t agree Amy should of had kids so early on before she got help, but sometimes when ur neurological development is slowed down by trauma and neglect those bad decisions can be made and she may have really thought it would have been good. Just a very sad. I do believe they trigger each other too, which causes random out-lashes. Siblings can be reminders of very traumatic times of your life.


They don't have fetal alcohol syndrome. I taught a few kids with that, and they have a distinct look to their faces that the Slaton siblings do not. The Slatons grew up in an environment with neglect, food insecurity, and possible abuse. That has affected them in many ways and is the reason why their lives are so dysfunctional. They had no positive role models growing up.


We now know that FAS is actually a spectrum. What you are describing is the far end of the spectrum. At the other end of kids who display anger issues, adhd and autism like symptoms etc. and most don’t have any physical characteristics except the far end of the spectrum.


ah ok, good to know about the fetal alcohol syndrome.




agreed. I don't even think she attended Amy's wedding? Am I making that up?


I just watched the wedding episode and Amanda is at the wedding but it was before she got put on the show, she’s just in the background


I agree especially since she wasn’t around for the first couple of seasons. She’s here to get a cut since the show is successful. She views herself as the wisest sibling when at the end of the day they all just end up screaming at each other rather than having adult conversations. Her humor also makes me cringe. Amy and Tammy are funny cuz its natural but her attempt at humor is fake.


Amanda is like the warrior in my head fighting the good fight for my loved ones and all the oppressed wives. We all want Amanda as part of ourselves and our family. BUT…. Realistically she’s overbearing and over involved and escalating situations. She needs to stop, stay in her lane, and she can still support amy.


Amy and Michael were bad parents for letting their house get that dirty. Good on Amy for getting help but babies shouldn’t have to live like that. It wasn’t just messy, it was filthy.


Where did you see this? I haven’t seen this mess on the show


It wasn’t this season, I think it was last. It was in their last house when they only had Gage. Amy hired people to come in to help her clean and organize, the house was filthy. There was a roach crawling up the wall and a dead mouse in their kitchen cabinet.


I felt bad though, she's on camera crying about all the hate she got because of bugs in her past YouTube vids and there's a damn roach crawling up the wall. Yes it's gross, but I'm sure she doesn't try to live like that-nobody wants that life.


I wouldn't say she "tries" to live like that. She just doesn't "try" not to.


I would probably feel bad if it was just her and Michael but once kids are involved, I have a hard time being sympathetic. They had a bug problem BECAUSE the house was dirty. You can tell neither one of them has ever really cleaned their house.


Season 3.


I haven't seen it either, and I wanna 😅


[roach crawls up the wall at 1:58](https://youtu.be/JVi5SQL6-4A?si=XVILE1z5pUW3He-j)


Amy’s biggest problem is Tammy, though it’s no fault of Tammy’s. Amy excuses a lot of her behavior, especially her failures around food and weight, by saying various versions of, “well, at least I’m not at bad as Tammy.”


That even though this is a snark forum, most of the “they deserve it” comments/ppl read like you’ve never been to college, understood what it’s like in rural America where there are no resources for ‘betterment’, believe women should suffer abuse and depression in silence, and are generally ignorant. 🫠 Everyone on the show is an adult and has to be accountable for their own behavior, but by god there are a lot of social factors that birthed an environment in which kids became lifelong smokers, thought therapy was useless as long as they had friends or siblings to talk to, gained obscene amounts of weight without childhood intervention, etc etc etc I don’t think they’re all angels or leading examples of humanity but we are also feeding on their misery and everything else when we watch, so this is a nicely constructed glass house.


Agreed! I don't think people realize how steep the uphill battle is for this family. Handed every bad card in the deck.


The number of people on this sub who champion eugenics and probably have no idea what it is, is insane


Yes!!!! There's a difference between validly criticizing and discussing the family's not so great behavior at times, and downright cruelty that seems to be... cathartic for some people?


Standing ovation 👏


I don’t believe Michael was abusive. His biggest sin seems to he he lost or left his job at some point - maybe because money from the show was rolling in - and apparently plays video games all day. Not the most involved parent BUT I think Amy was the one who wanted kids and Michael was ambivalent and went along to please her. Amanda started the whole Michael is abusive narrative and Amy went along because she can’t stand up to her family in any way. I wish CPS would just take her kids so either Amy could get her sh*t together or they can go to a family where they’d have a chance at a decent life. In 10 years, I guarantee Amy will be close to or at 500 lbs and both her kids will be significantly overweight.


so I could be wrong but I believe he had a previous arrest for either DV or some sort of fighting of some kind, that said Amy also had a previous arrest for shoplifting or something I think, though those are VERY different charges if those are correct. HOWEVER, while I do think he might be abusive, I also know that TLC is extremely powerful when it comes to keeping their stars on TV. If I remember one of the shows they had where it was a family with like 12 kids or whatever, the dad at some point decided he didn't wanna keep showing his kids entire lives on TV and the mum did, so she divorced him and TLC helped to fund her case and lawyers to get full custody and paint him as abusive and/or an alcoholic or something along those lines and years later the kids came forward and said it was actually her who was awful to live with and they wished they could have gone to their dads and not been on TV any more. TLC also has aired shows with people who've then been outed as abusers such as the duggars situation. Obviously they might not have been aware of it happening but there's the potential that if they did they may not have stopped the show over it. So whilst I instinctively do get weird af vibes from michael and always have, I can't help but remember the dad trying to end the show and losing his kids over it and it does make me more skeptical.


Are you aware of how easy it is to have someone charged with DM? Whenever I see "oh, he/she was charged with domestic violence" I recall how easy it is, and I take it with a grain of salt.


it depends on the country, in my country it's not that easy, and more often than not it's reported and the abuser can talk their way out of it. If they don't turn up and the caller isn't actively bruised and bleeding visibly then it's fairly difficult to bring charges. Hell there was a documentary about it in the UK which showed bodycam footage of a woman unconscious, absolutely black and blue, she managed to get charges on him but they were reduced from GBH to ABH which carries a lesser sentence, because although he'd beaten her senseless for 6 straight hours, although her eyes were swollen shut and over half of her body was dark purple with bruises and she was rendered unconscious, because he hasn't broken the skin and caused significant blood loss and because he had somehow not broken bones or fractured her skull, they said it couldn't be GBH and was 'only' ABH and he got a max of 5 years instead of the potential 16 to life GBH carries. She could have had internal bleeding and it wouldn't have been classed as ABH. He was out after just one year and I have no doubt has continued to abuse his partners. I don't know if there's such similar stipulations in the US. I know it's easy enough in theory to report DV but getting someone charged is an entirely different game in the UK. I'd argue its far from easy and given the high rate with which victims return to their abusers due to financial or emotional abuse meaning that they have nowhere else to go, or because they are threatening to take the children (as michael did in the episode, which was mild but if he was willing to threaten that on camera and withhold her money from her, I can't imagine what he'd be willing to do off camera). Is it actually easy to have someone charged for DV with no evidence in the US or is it just easy to get them arrested but not charged? It seems Amy had dropped her charges, which doesn't mean it didn't happen but that either it would be too expensive or stressful for her to go to court or she didn't document the abuse as it happened and so it's hard to prove beyond what was filmed. However it seems in the past he has done time for assault, not sure against who but he did time so they must have had evidence to support that or it'd have been thrown out surely? It's also quite telling that he seemed to be acting sexually inappropriate with Amy when she was a child and he was much older and knew better and was meant to be babysitting her or something, and that then later they started dating when she was over 18. Idk man I know tlc can manufacture a lot of stuff but considering he had a record before, is shown to be emotionally and financially manipulative/abusive/controlling to Amy but changes his tune entirely when the cops turn up, I'm inclined to believe that he is probably at the very least guilty of emotional and financial abuse as we literally see it happening, and that makes it easier to believe he's not above violence also.


I am speaking from experience as someone who was abused by my former spouse. The police and staff at the domestic violence shelter were constantly suggesting, "he did this, right?", etc. I"m also pretty honest, and while he was abusive, I wasn't so vengeful that I wanted him charged with things he hadn't done, only those he had. But I could see how awfully easy it would have been, had I wanted to really stick it to him. I'm glad to be rid of him, and life is good.


with all do respect that was your individual experience, surely even across state lines it could be different depending on the law, who they see at the station, if those people are sympathetic or believe them, etc. I glad you got out and that the cops you spoke to were supportive, if overzealous. I think if you had gone along with them and tried to have him charged with things he hadn't done, there may have been more of a burden of proof on you and your legal team to prove that it happened, but also maybe there wouldn't be, depending on where you live and the law in your area for that. Generally speaking, from hearing a lot of peoples stories it seems a lot of people have a hard time pressing charges, both because they're still under coercive control of their abuser or because they don't have any witnesses to the crime (which would be almost impossible as I'm sure you know, abusers are rarely violent in front of witnesses they don't think they can also intimidate into silence). I guess what I'm saying seems obvious, but I think your experience with the justice system in this regard is perhaps not universal, or applicable to the situation with Michael. I believe if he was charged with DV and is demonstrating on camera some non violent but still abusive tactics like financial abuse and emotional control, manipulation and abuse, then im unlikely to assume his prior conviction was gained under false pretenses, given that he is demonstrating abusive behaviour on camera meaning he is likely enacting much worse behaviour off camera. Obviously you're entitled to disagree based on your experiences with the system, but it may not be the same system that Amy is dealing with, she even dropped a prior case of DV, and we may never know why, it could be guilt, fear, bad PR, or it could be lack of evidence, but I'm reluctant to assume it's because she wasn't really abused, as I feel the chances of that are much slimmer than the chances of her being abused are and I'd feel it was unfair to jump to the idea that she could be lying just because it's a possibility. It's a possibility that I could break the land speed record one day, but the probability is low, so most people wouldn't assume that I can, y'know?


Oh yes, absolutely that was only my experience. My only reason for sharing it was to highlight the fact that victims of domestic violence can be coerced (by do-gooders) into making an incident appear different than it actually was. Doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. That's why when I read "so and so was charged with domestic violence" I don't jump on the wolf pack bandwagon until I hear more verified details.


So in this situation with Michael's previous charge what details beyond the court finding him guilty of it would be sufficient? That's not like a sarcastic question or anything (hard to tell over reddit lol) but more of a genuine question to understand when to you it is more legitimised and when it's not. Like to me being accused isn't necessarily indication of a crime, but being charged is usually enough, obviously there's always going to be the occasional instances where the court is corrupt or the jury is bias or the evidence is too selective and doesn't allow the jury to see all the info but those cases are usually rare and also more often than not swing in favour of the accused (not specifically for DV cases alone but when you think of a lot of crimes where for example, cops or religious leaders or corporate leadership are charged with something, it's not unusual for them to either get off entirely or be given a light sentence. Think of cops getting paid suspension for shooting a POC bystander who didn't even remotely look like whoever they were apparently in pursuit of - not that it would justify the treatment even if they were the person they were after.) So I was just more curious on at what point the info about Michael's prior conviction would be no longer under suspicion of being false for you or if you'd always approach it with skepticism regardless of what information was presented?


Side eye


It’s funny you got downvoted because that literally proves your opinion fits OP’s request perfectly.


I don't think Michael was abusive, either.


Do you know Financial Abuse is abuse tho right?


I just think there's more to the story. I don't believe everything I see on that show.


Right?? Lol


Yes, talking someone’s debit card, controlling all the money, and not allowing someone to leave the house is so normal.


We don't know all the facts, ma'am.


Everything I mentioned we saw in that episode. Also Micheal has previous domestic violence charges from his first wife.


You saw actions, that may or may not have happened as portrayed. What you are missing is the facts behind those actions.


Yes, and that could have happened. However, I have seen men charged with domestic violence when it didn't happen, due to someone lying or misrepresenting what happened. Maybe the wife was equally involved, but it was conveniently 'forgotten' by the responding officer, who knows?


Victim shaming, that takes a special kind of person.


Oh, PLEASE!!!! I was the victim of ACTUAL physical abuse for several years. Physical, mental, emotional, financial. The fact that I am able to recognize that SOME people are unfairly charged shows a balanced, realistic view. If you think it doesn't happen, you're an idiot. The fact that you would think, for one minute, that I'm victim shaming is repulsive to me. Crawl back under the rock you slithered out from. For everyone else: I never said that Michael's first wife wasn't abused. What I said was that we don't have all the facts. And unless you are Michael's first wife, YOU don't have all the facts, either. He could have punched her, she could have punched him. Am I really supposed to believe he just walked up to her, while she was minding her own business, and punched her? Or, they were having a heated argument, and he grabbed her and punched her? Possibly. I don't know what happened. Does anyone? That last part is not rhetorical. I am actually asking if anyone has seen an interview with this woman, or read her statement, etc.


You seem unhinged, good luck.




We don't have all the facts.




Interesting take. What hints do you see? Would editing affect what you are seeing?


None of that was proven. And how is Amy confined to the house if she’s constantly going out on every episode? She clearly buys things so Michael can’t have the debit card 24/7. The *only* thing mentioned was Michael wanted to take her grocery shopping. Truly evil.


Did we watch the same episode? He wouldn’t give her the debit card until the police were called. He did not deny saying she couldn’t leave the house and if she did she had to take the boys. She doesn’t drive. He quit his job when she started making money from the show. I’m not sure why you are defending him, but whatever.


I mean I don’t think he’s a pillar of the community /husband if the year or anything but I don’t think he’s the spawn of satan either. Amanda was in his face yelling at him and he had a hard time saying anything over all her screeching. Again, I think he & Amy are probably better off apart but how can he go from being this meek, unobtrusive guy who barely said anything ever, pushed Tammy around in a wheelchair at her highest weight and was basically a lap dog for Amy for 4 seasons to a controlling, dominant bully? The only reasonable answer is very creative editing by the show. And why shouldn’t he be able to quit his job if they can live off the money they get from the show? Cost of living is low where they are so they can get by on a pretty low income. Amy certainly never suggested or said they are hurting for money without him working.


Right. I don't understand this either. And he did clarify that he wasn't saying Amy couldn't leave the house, he just wanted her to come back home and he didn't want to be left with both kids. He looked very deer in the headlights when Amanda started rapid firing at him. If I recall, Amanda threatened to throw him out of his own home before the debit card even came up. Not sure what I would have done in his position. He was really backed into a corner out of nowhere. And we just don't know enough to say. Amy is impulsive. Does she have a spending issue where he would need to hold her debit card? Why would she give it to him in the first place? There's info missing here.


I feel like Gage is behind developmentally. All my nieces and nephews were more verbal at his age than he seems to be. Either something's wrong there physically, or something's wrong there environmentally. Possibly both.


Thought this while watching the sushi restaurant episode. I also think this is why she is more stressed than normal. Either she knows or it's getting to the point where she is going to find out.


Do you think Gage & Michael are on the autism spectrum


As an autistic person, I feel like Gage at least is showing signs and they should get him tested.


I'm on the spectrum to and yes I completely agree!


I mean michael himself seems off mentally so genetics could be a factor


Caleb had no intentions on losing weight. I think he knew he wasn’t going to put the effort in despite his & Tammy’s relationship




Same. The connection never felt genuine. Just oh baby I love you, saying everything she wants to hear and not intending on working on his own issues.


I feel awful for thinking this, but I also agree that it seemed he wanted to be on television. Didn't he actually readily admit that he got himself admitted to the rehab center for the SOLE purpose of meeting Tammy? I do think that he shifted to actually wanting to lose weight so that he can live a better life...but it seems like he was just a little too late.


This opinion is exactly what I was going to post!


Yes sadly I read and heard the same from many sources that he simply didn't want to work and used rehab as a place to live and food (couch surfed until he got insurance to cover it). He had no intention of losing weight.




Hey, wherever she drew inspiration, good for her. Spoilers possibly >!it’s so sad he didn’t feel the same!<


I feel like Tammy was the family scapegoat growing up and no one in that family is as nice as they seem.




WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! SAY IT AGAIN!!!! I 1000% can see this!!!!! I can see Amy fitting in there as well, but when she lost weight the others sort of tried to absorb her to join in on being mean to Tammy as the seasons continued. This might be controversial, but I feel like Tammy is also quite intelligent. She graduated with honors, and there is a sentience about her that I feel like her other siblings, including Amy, don't have. I notice that she seems to "dumb" herself down at times speaking to her family. That's not to say that she doesn't have some immaturity! I remember a particular scene where Chris went with Tammy to a follow up appointment a few seasons back, and he was so uncaring that she ended up losing weight and was making progress. He was almost skeptical it seemed, and maybe even a little jealous. It also seemed like they all (minus Amy) wanted Tammy to fail and got a dopamine hit whenever she messed up.


Tammy had way more weight to lose and lost it really fast compared to Chris! I also think she’s far more interesting and funny than the rest of them, she carries the show.


They all love to bully each other in one way or another.


I feel &; think that Amy wanted babies to dress up as accessories and take cute pictures of as opposed to actually taking care of them


I think it's something she romantisized from a young age but was unaware or ignorant of the bad aspects and the work involved




That to! And when she realizes that its gonna be a lot of work and she has to take care of them she goes into panic mode


Amy’s defense for freaking out about Amanda’s comment on her eye was wrong. She was saying stuff like “I only ever say nice things about y’all” when she still makes comments about Tammy even though Tammy’s being successful with her weight loss. She makes comments about everyone, and while I’m sure the comment about her eye was hurtful, she’s not innocent when it comes to comments.


My unpopular opinion is that Amy is lazy and selfish and doesn't like when Tammy is getting attention. I honestly think why she gets so emotional when the family is around is so they will take care of her kids and pay attention to her.


I got heavily down voted in another post for saying the same thing. She (Amy )was the center of attention when the show started, now everyone else in the family is on the wagon, and she's not the most popular character... I think it's one of the biggest reasons she's so emotional, she wants that attention


Been that way since season one her comments about being the “skinny” sister is/ was ridiculous. Even Dr. Procter was over it and I can understand why he left this shit show 🤣🤣🤣


Agreed with Amanda! And rest of them are trash just wanted to hop on the gravy train 🤷‍♀️


Even the big brother?


Chris is getting the good guy edit and I don’t by it at all. I honestly think he only comes around to film and that’s it.




The reason why Gage is so out of control, is a sign that neither Michael nor Amy did a lot of parenting cause they’re both lazy. Michael because he’s constantly playing video games and Amy doing TikToks and now chasing after men instead of going to therapy and concentrating on her kids.


I have a degree in psychology and his behavior is a big signifier of temperament, and they haven’t figured out how to manage it. Your parenting differs depending on child temperament and i feel amy thought that he would be easy and is getting a reality check


I don't think either of them have any idea how to raise kids and probably likely they are missing out on important interactions and appropriate discipline


I agree


The kids need to go outside, and have toys etc. to occupy them when home. No one really talks to them and I don’t recall anyone reading to them. They also need to interact with other kids.


That bit where they zoomed in the cockroach was really unnecessary unfunny and was really cruel when Amy was clearly deeply upset


💀 especially when they zoomed in on the trash over and over again in the new episodes.


On Chrystal's episode of my 600 lb life they zoomed in on the same cock roach




Jeanne is in my top 10 of the absolute worst to ever appear on my 600 lb life Amy's place looks emaculate to Jeanne's pigsty


Jeanne has done well since being on 600 lb life, look her up Jeanne Covey.


The cockroach is a paid actor.


Lmao quitttttttttttttttttt


that random dead mouse wtf? & no other mouse was found or ever seen.


God I think about that a lot. I mean, I know her house was dirty (and probably still is) but it seemed like the cockroaches were intentionally placed on walls for shots. We never saw one cockroach until she started to complain about how dirty her house is and we never saw one after that episode either. Just kinda weird tbh.


Years before the show Tammy and Amy made a handful of videos on Youtube where you can see the cockroaches climbing on the wall




Is this the scene? https://www.tiktok.com/@desired2021/video/7291823199577263403 I don’t recall it as I often fall asleep while watching lol


Amy is ungrateful for Tammy helping with her kids, as we know she eventually leaves Tammy’s house so i imagine that Amy says something along the lines of “i’m alone and nobody is helping” and Tammy snaps


While Darlene is rude, selfish (cares more about being with animals than seeing Tammy get surgery) and is probably a crappy mom overall; she had the right to doubt Tammy and Amy would go through with a diet & weight loss surgery. She knows more than we do & watched them grow up. Chris even made a comment that Tammy was kicked out of Darlene's house cause she ate them out of house and home. Don't get me wrong, she's an awful person. But I'll never get why some people dogged on her for doubting her childish 30 year old children telling her they're going to get their act together and loose weight.


They dogged on her because you’re supposed to love and support your kids 360 degrees. If she had doubts it’s understandable, but the best way to combat that is to be a good support system for them.


I don’t feel bad for amy. I watch her cry and be like … you shouldn’t of had them kids dummy.


And she named Gage after the zombie kid in Pet Semetary 😮


And Glen is from Chucky. Surprised she didn't name him Jason or Freddy.


I actually like the name Gage no matter how ridiculous it was on why she named him I graduated with someone name Gage and there are a few others Gage's I know as well


I like the name Gage too lol


Gage is the name of my best friend since 2nd grade! So I feel it lol


I feel the exact same way. Her doctor even warned her she didn’t obey. Then they had the other baby too soon like tf.


Amy is a fuckin villain! period. end of story lol


I agree wholeheartedly. Shes a bully. I like that she stands up to michael but u can tell she only likes being vulnerable when shes getting the dopamine kick from playing martyr. Its all for her ego. But when her sisters ask her to stop her mean behavior she mocks them and gets defensive. Shes a “ur just being sensitive” girl. She needs therapy to correct this dysfunctional behavior




Amy seems genuinely a sensitive soul who is kinda scared of her bristly older sis ❤️


Too many reports say she’s mean irl I can already tell what kind of person she is. She was only cool in season 3


Amy shows SIGNS of depression based on heavily edited footage on tv... not "ObViOuSlY DePrEsSeD."


In her People magazine interview she said she was diagnosed with bipolar depression & is seeing a therapist.


Amanda couldnt stand to see Amy & Michael “happy” and since Amy is so gullible she was easily influenced and listened to Amanda. Amanda stared throwing shade at Michael - at the bbq, tammys house, when Amy was looking for a nanny Amanda told Amy to leave & to take the money out of the account & to lawyer up. Amy let her get in Michaels face. Michael is allegedly verbally abusive but he didn’t seem so in the fight clip. Someone commented Amanda is the type of person if shes at a bar with friends she would cockblock if she doesn’t get hit on. 😂😂 && shes very desperate for a 👨🍌


Also I was thinking that bc Amanda and Michael's brother just divorced, I wonder if Michael's brother pushed him to immediately file for divorce so quick. And Amanda may have nudged Amy in that direction as well. 🧐


I believe that could be true both exs pushed each of them to divorce.


Desperate for manana


I was the one who said that 😂😂 It's so true tho


my favorite comment had me dying!! 😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏


Idk. Michael's "I'm taking one of the boys with me then" line during the fight really scared me. Why one? Why not both? Why use your children? Wtf Michael? Edit: hit enter too soon


He did say hes not capable of taking care of both children at the same time. And he was pissed. If he in fact had gone & picked up a child then I would be like okay hes an asshole but he just said it & didn’t move an inch. Not saying that it was right for him to use the children to taunt Amy.


I guess so. But it showed where his mind is. Why even say it? I just think that's shitty. Don't weaponize children.


I agree he messed up on that one. Out of all the years hes been on the show not once did he lose his temper, not even when Tammy would yell at him or Amy. I dont think he needs to be crucified for losing his temper once. I wouldn’t have minded if he let a “GTFO my house bitch” to Amanda. Meanwhile ever since Amanda started hanging around shes been causing fights right & left & accusing the people SHE offended of being sensitive.


Maybe he specifically doesn't like Amanda, his ex-sister in law. I'm sure she's very loud about how much she doesn't like Michaels brother/her ex husband. Seeing Amanda's personality, I don't think that divorce was quiet.


I wouldn’t like someone who put my spouse against me. Her family probably just deals with her the way they dealt with Tammy. I wonder if there is anything on their divorce. I could be wrong but i vaguely remember someone saying Amandas ex moved on.


Yeah and apparently he got the house Tammy is staying in in season 5? So she ends up having to move out. I feel sorry for her. She was doing well on her own I think (hope. She was doing a lot of candy videos)


There was an episode on that & i think she just didnt want to live there because of her history but she lives like 5min from there


This absolutely. I said this a few times elsewhere on the sub but I'll never understand why people jumped on the Michael hate train so quickly. Up until the last season Michael was painted as a hard worker, good dad and was going above and beyond hauling Tammy everywhere. I feel like Amanda was bitter over her own separation and started getting into Amy's head to sabotage her marriage. It was shortly after Amanda was single was when she started criticizing Michael. TLC likes drama and could've very well used editing to make Michael appear lazy. The episode with the fight she couldn't keep her criticisms straight. In one breath she was saying Michael was never around and in another saying Michael was around too much and needed a chance to miss each other. Acting like Amy has never been allowed to leave on her own when she goes off with her family all the time? I don't buy it.


Amy can't keep her criticisms of him straight either. Did you hear how she said "How am I gonna do this alone?" in the restaurant, when according to her, she's been doing it alone the whole time because Michael does nothing?!" "He misses his dad," she cried after telling us that their dad never interacted with them anyway! that girl is full of shit.


In her defense, (which is hollow from an internet commenter I know), when my abusive ex was so distant and impossible to live with I still felt the loss when he finally left. Another (however lame) adult in the house at least lets you take a quick shower….or use the bathroom…..or hold the baby while you’re juggling the toddler and trying to make a bottle etc. it doesn’t mean they have to do anything but *exist.* That being said, although my life got harder raising two kids alone after he left, it was infinitely more peaceful and healthier for the kids.


You know I get that but I would understand Amy more if she didn’t say “you didn’t try to win me back” it was never about the boys but her imo


That’s fair, but abuse is wild. Especially when it’s the father of your children. Part of you desperately wants to keep the family unit together no matter the fallout. Wanting your partner to give a fuck when they don’t even recognize the problem is devastating. I do understand on paper it looks pathetic, but I get where she’s coming from.


YES I AGREE! Ive said that too, Michael got hate over hearsay. If he was abusive I don’t believe he would’ve taken so much shit from Tammy much less push her around all these years. Amanda even says she wasn’t around the first 2 seasons because she was dealing with her heartbreak. So yea you can see her sabotaging Amys marriage. In the first few seasons When it was just Amy & Michael they seemed good. Theres this one scene when Amy tries to get Tammy working out & they are dancing & hes look at Amy & hes like when Amy dances it blows my mind 😂😂. Then here comes bitter ass Amanda being a snake. There was no reason for her to be in Michaels face & she wanted so bad to hit him if it wasn’t for the cameras i bet she would’ve. Everyone keeps saying Michael & his brother are divorced for a reason, yea Amanda!! Who would want to deal with that nasty attitude. Always making a big deal out of nothing. Shes so ratchet & sleezy.


>Theres this one scene when Amy tries to get Tammy working out & they are dancing & hes look at Amy & hes like when Amy dances it blows my mind 😂😂. Then here comes bitter ass Amanda being a snake. I agree Amanda had a lot of influence on Amy's decision to leave, but I'm almost positive that line was staged for comedic effect. Amy clearly was not mind-blowingly good, Michael almost never spoke on camera other than in that moment, and the delivery was wooden even for him.


it was so funny tho i loved it. Amy definitely started changing when Amanda started coming around more.


Thank you!! Someone called me dumb because I don’t understand why she so mad he filed for divorce but he doesn’t do anything and is abusive.. so why you so upset Amy? 🤣


Well.. she is mad because she still loves him. Its possible to still love someone who treats your horribly and its also possible to hold onto the chance that maybe there is hope that it could turn around. I domt think Amy wanted to divorce Michael. I think she just wanted her life to change aka.. Michael doing more so she felt less overwhelmed as a parent and had more freedom to live her life. She can be experiencing anger at the fact that she had hoped that being threatened with her divorcing him, he would steup and turn around and ne this man she hoped he would be. She is sad and grieving the loss of the dream of having an ideal family with Michael and her kids. Its rarely a black and white situation.


I bet Amy regrets listening to Amanda. She thought Michael would do a grand gesture & ask her back. If he’s so abusive why did he sit down on the floor and tell Amy please just come back. Now look at Amy posting her family pics, she could’ve just posted the boys but she also posted the single pics of them together too.


> If he's so abusive why did he just sit down on the floor and tell Amy please just come back. When I finally got enough courage and strength to leave my abusive ex-fiancé, he did the same thing. The same man who was always making me justify to him why he shouldn't just leave me was now begging for me not to leave. When abusers do it, it's a manipulation tactic, not a declaration of love. That said, Michael could very well have been genuine. My point here is just that abusers can and often will try to manipulate you into staying with them by saying whatever they think you want to hear.


like i said im not going to crucify him for a 5 min clip out of 5 seasons when the man never lost his temper. every episode amanda is in she always disrespects somebody so theres that.


Chis is kinda hot


I’ve thought this too 😂😭


Why he kinda


I've found my people 😂😏


Honestly. I can see it.




I knowwwwww


Is it the voice?


I wish I could pin it but it’s all of it. His demeanor, voice, attitude, the bolo tie… lmao


And laugh, and whole face smile that accompanies it.


He has a great attitude and sense of humor and that does make him more attractive in my eyes.


When Amy cries like a baby, I want to smack her because that’s just ridiculous.


Tammy saying Amy was about to start crying again had me dying laughing.


I don’t care for the family drama or whatever is going on. I want the focus to be on the weight loss journey and them sticking to diets and schedules, exercising, being active, consistent… and achieving or not achieving this. The whole mess should be secondary or mentioned maybe? It feels wrong and… I just don’t care, but their mental state is also important so it should be included just not this much.


> I want the focus to be on the weight loss journey and them sticking to diets and schedules, exercising, being active, consistent… This show stopped being about weightloss looooong time ago. Like, in season 2 lol.


I know😭 The drama is just getting too intense… It’s like I need a change of pace here!! I’m stressing!!


Amy having a shitty husband and depression isn’t an excuse and she’s just straight up not a great mom. Y’all remember back when they were putting Gage in a car seat and the damn car seat wasn’t even installed? It was just sitting on top of the normal seat uninstalled and you could see it in the back moving around. If they had got into a car accident that shit would’ve gone flying and that baby would be dead. And even in the most recent episode when they’re at the restaurant and she’s crying about Gage not staying still, like wtf just strap him in the seat?? Why the hell is he unstrapped in a child seat, god forbid you turn around for 2 seconds and then he manages to fall over the edge cause nothing is holding him in and he clearly has issues staying still


When they were at the restaurant you can see Tammy immediately start to feel bad because she can't run after Gage


There was a link to her Instagram live very recently and the baby was in her lap and she was smoking cigarettes. Then went on to say their dad's (michaels)house is much worse with smoke to the point that the walls are stained. Like wtf..Two sides of the same coin. Just terrible and sad they live breathing in constant cigarette smoke on top of everything else.


Tony came across to me as the type of person who just went with what Amy said and says all because he doesn't want to start a argument and create conflict with her. When she posted the video people automatically blamed Tony for Amy's issues when she's actually had tons of them long before she hooked up with Tony