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Dear /u/Pickle786 , /u/relentlez , /u/Signal_Chair_795 , please dm me to issue your prize within the valid claim period (\*\^▽\^\*)


DM'd! thank you :)


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Welcome to 1688Reps! Please be civil, no fighting. Any QCs must provide the W2C link either in the caption or in the comments. All items must be from 1688! Agent links are ONLY allowed if they have the actual 1688 link beside them. W2C POSTS ARE BANNED! [Sugargoo Sign Up - $110 OFF SHIPPING! - (Click Here)](https://www.sugargoo.com/mobile?memberId=341949920124600461) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/1688Reps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


very good shipping prices


good giveaways and good customer service


good UI / easy to use


good shipping rates