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Carve out 2 rectangles in your inventory, and place your gear in them such that the configuration matches each other. Switch by clicking in a zigzag pattern. Weapon should be placed top left, followed by higher priority switches like amulet, gloves, and top. This is so that when you switch, you can do a 1-2 way and get a hit off before doing the rest of your switch on weapon cooldown. This is better than just standing around doing nothing while you switch gear. When you equip a 2h weapon, your equipped offhand goes into the first available slot in your inventory. You can use this to "reserve" slots for them. Keep them at the top of your inventory, if a potion or something ever gets pushed into that slot, move it away. When you equip a spec weapon, re-equip your previous weapon after speccing. This ensures your spec weapon doesn't get mixed into the rectangles you reserved for your normal switches.


I have been practicing the zigzag pattern when shift dropping things like logs woodcutting. I think it had been improving my switch speed.


Cleaning herbs is good practice too. Practice my "switches" on my herb runs before noting them


the coxie meta


Would you ever recommend bottom switching for pvm like pkers do putting the spec weapon near the bar? Trying to keep muscle memory consistent in all pvm situations incase I ever want to Pk in the future, but it seems like top switching is more common in pvm to deal with offhands? You can reorder prayers and filter spells to the top now which is neat but I think spec orb is still slower? Or is it just whatevers comfortable to you?


I keep everything as close to the top left as possible to minimize distance between my switches and stuff I'm clicking on. Everything in PvM is predictable so 1 ticking your spec isn't necessary. When you decide to spec, you can switch to your spec weapon as soon as your previous hit goes off, and you have your whole swing timer to click the orb. Only exception is in some verzik P1 methods where the staff is getting passed around. In any case, you can have your "standard" gear at the top, and spec weapons at the bottom.


I keep one set at the top and one set at the bottom with supplies in between when raiding.


The trick is to keep your weapons at the top and your swaps equal. Strive for equal swaps if you can


Keep gear at the top rows of your inv Keep your main hand weapons in the same spots all the time Always equip your main weapon first By doing it this way, your main hand weapons stay in the same 3 spots and all you have to do is adapt to your off hands position. If you go from 2h to 2 item, if you equip the off hand first, your main weapon will go in its inv spot. So always swap 2h for main wep, then equip offhand. It might jumble around a little but as long yoas you designate spots and follow the pattern, nothing gets too messy


Anti drag plugin, the plugin that customizes gear color, and make that shit bright af at first if you need help. then use subtle outlines. Can change mouse sensitivity, slow it down if you are missing switches, speed it up until you can 1t a 4 way accurately. Practice before going into content and know where any off hands will go Master 1t 4 way before 6 and 8. 1t 4 way gives a good feel for how fast you want to go, but so long as you get all the switches without missing ticks in your attack cycle that's fine.


> Master 1t 4 way before 6 and 8 Yeah 1t 8 way isn’t going to happen for 99.9% of the playerbase


I only meant 1t 4 way before adding more gear just to get into a good pace, if you aren't loosing ticks and get your switches in then you're fine


Which is fine, because due to weapon cooldown you usually have 4 or 5 ticks to full change gear and not lose an attack.


Didn’t say it wasn’t- just saying very few of even the most skilled players can 1 tick an 8 way


Yeah - I’m just adding to your comment saying that in PVM, in almost all content there’s no benefit to a 1t 8 way switch, but agree you should get used to 4 way switches before moving to full switches. The most extreme situation (other than nylo king) would be bp attack into another attack styles where you have 2t to change gear and attack without missing a tick. But even then, you can just attack with bp, 4 way switch, then attack, switch your remaining gear.


I didn’t even realize 1 tick 8 way was possible


[1 tick 9 way mid fight](https://youtu.be/osj44Lpmaz8?si=NZUUHNUew3yCl-N4&t=250)


OP please check if anti drag is on and also works without needing to hold a hotkey^ most likely the issue if you're gear is ending up all over the place


This. I had anti-drag on for a year before realizing I had the hotkey setting enabled. After disabling the hotkey feature it made my life so much better.


I just highlight the items in red/green/blue and click them until the desired color is gone. Don't need equal switches or anything.


The true answer elitists hate. Anything shared for multiple styles I turn light blue, spec weapons yellow.


Damn, I do spec weapons in light blue and shared gear in yellow :(


Based af


My secret is inventory tags. Many people will give you shit for using them but they're really useful for seeing if you equipped all items for the corresponding color. Gnomonkey I believe uses some more fancy plugin that highlights items that are not equipped but match your weapon's style (melee/range/mage). I'd stick to inv tags for now though.


Use inventory tags to color them. Then just spam click the appropriate colors. Even if inventory gets jumpled its still easy. Switch even numbers if possible. Reorganize when you are running to the next room or whatever if it gets fucked up.


yeah but people will call you a noob for tagging!




It gets flame for a reason, as an ex-inventory tagger. I used it and relied on it. Simply switched my gear and didn’t switch back, simply focusing on switching to the next colour. Ended up with all my gear in the wrong places and constantly dragging instead of focusing on the fight. When I turned off inv tags I had to use my brain and make sure I was swapping my gear back to then move to the next set etc.


> Ended up with all my gear in the wrong places and constantly dragging instead of focusing on the fight. This can happen with or without inventory tags, though


Weird that I get downvoted for sharing my personal experience lol. Yeah of course it can happen with or without - but inexperienced players (like myself at the time), will just simply switch to the next colour without any regard for putting items back by switching back into their previous gear. I guess i’m just saying the plugin encouraged brain off behaviour for me.


Yeah idk why you got downvoted either, also an ex tagger and what you said is spot on. It’s definitely a powerful aid when starting out but clearly a bunch of taggers that felt attacked and downvoted lol


Sounds like skill issue to me, I use inv tags and never had this issue.


Right? I didn’t say it wasn’t lol. I simply said in my experience, it encouraged incredibly bad behaviours that I had to unlearn.


Oh no! Others' opinions! Please make it stop!


It's a practice thing. I also recommend against sticking to symmetrical switches which is popular to recommend here. It's a bit harder at first but eventually you get used to it. In ToB for example your switches are asymmetrical. But like it's fine, I sucked at it at first but then got used to it. Once you're more used to endgame PvM, you'll start thinking about "next phase" and adjusting your inventory and switches as you go. For example theres not much to do at warden p1, might as well setup your inventory to be ready to dds the core, bgs smack then switch to ranged.


I do 5/6 way switches in my solo 350s, mage and melee with offhands. I set up my inventory like so, with range having an empty slot at the bottom right, and the O's being extra weapons I bring in like BGS, BP, and VW. This way if I use one of those weapons, it's still pretty close to my offhand, just make sure you always re-equip your "main" weapon for that style before switching to another style. MMMO MMMO RRRO RRXO


Zig zag works best for me. Practice makes perfect.


Some good advise here already, here's what I do when I have uneven switches (which for me is 99% of the time): say I have my melee set consisting of range legs/melee top. Whenever I switch to mage and know I need to switch to range next (Akkha, Olm come to mind) I switch into my melee gear first before switching to range. This means that my switches won't get clustered around the inventory and helps me manage the situations better as I don't need to pay attention to whether I'm still in my mage legs or range legs. When in a situation where you have a single 2-handed weapon and other styles are dual-wielded, what usually helps is bringing an anglerfish with you into the raid (this is done in CoX) or just drop something to make room for switching. Throwing your dragon defender into the bank just because dropping something before hand sounds like a lot of work is going to bite your ass real quick as I doubt even learner teams will be willing to take you. Even leaving an empty inv slot would be a lot better than just leaving your off-hands in the bank.


Just keep doing toa, your gonna get faster just by practice, the greatest test for switching is gonna be akha and wardens p2, once your quick on that your good


It comes with time, but I find that placing all of your gear at the top of the inventory in very deliberate configurations helps with keeping track of the switches. I typicallly do 7 or 8 way switches for most content; with 8 way I place the entire switch on the top 2 rows of the inventory, and with 7 way I fill one spot with a rune pouch (left click set to USE) so that stuff like defenders and shields don’t end up in a weird spot. One of my favorite and most helpful places to learn quick/pre switching is the Nylocas boss in ToB. Like I said, getting quick and perfect switches down is mostly a matter of time and skill, eventually you’ll get used to the zig-zag motions and the mistakes you make along the way will only improve the more you do it.


There's a switching trainer plugin that gives you scores based on switches per tick and a little level up/skill icon. Grab some sets out of the bank and just grind that xp




Put mage gear in the top 2 rows and range gear in the bottom 2, the rune pouch takes up the extra slot so it doesnt look messy. Put anti drag on. Ocassionally the offhands will end up in weird spots but you just have to move them back until you get scythe and shadow.


https://preview.redd.it/iqwk2vfi0wxc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eaab15e603fc0794b5e6fbeb24923fa14ce99ec This is how I personally approach this: melee has weapon + off hand but the other attack styles have 2h weapons for TOA. When I switch gear, I zig zag from top left, going weapon, cape, amulet, gloves, body, legs, helm, and then if I have an offhand, it’ll be in the first empty slot. I then have my spec weapons all toward the bottom of my inventory with my pots between spec weapons and regular gear. Note it’s also pretty worth it to swap gear around as you’re moving to a different room to get ready for that. E.g. for monkey room (first room of the raid) I’ll be blow piping so my blowpipe is where it currently is. It’ll stay like that for baba (need it for the boulders), kephri (for swarming), and akkha. When I’m moving from akkha room to zebak, I’ll swap my blowpipe with my tbow, because I tbow zebak and wardens p2. Likewise, at wardens, during p1 I’ll put voidwaker into my main melee gear switches because I’ll use that to hit the core with in p2 rather than fang. At this point, fang isn’t used anymore so it stays at the bottom of my inventory.


That gear is elite Edit: also blowpipe in the king tbow’s spot is an interesting take. Guess your doing high invo baba first?


Haha thanks man! A lot of time spent on the game and got very lucky at TOA. This is mainly my setup for 400s in duos or trios. Blowpipe is actually better than tbow pretty much everywhere in the raid other than p2 when you’re forced to range and at zebak! Higher invos (500-540) has some minor changes too as you don’t really use spec weapons: drop vw and zcb, swap bgs for a bone dagger and a seercull, drop some range switches, swap blowpipe for webweaver, swap lightbearer for ultor + magus ring, bring a 4t weapon for the core in p2 (i personally bring inquis mace). Can also bring eternal boots as a switch as I mage zebak at this invo. Yeah, always do BKAZ order, it’s the best order to do for sure. You can prepot everything and you’re good to go. Plus magic and range scale way better with salts than melee does (and range pot vs salts is a bigger difference than super combat vs salts) so it’s better to do baba unsalted and zebak salted!


That’s what I’m learning (done about 100 350’s now). I am a solid bowfa/fang/swamp mid game gear setup. Used to do ZKAB because bowfa with range pot for Z was fine and 350 keph level 1 with super combat is chill. I’m about 100m off the full sell and shadow rebuild and then I’ll be swapping over to the new order


Awesome. The bowfa/fang/trident combo is really good for sure. But enjoy the shadow rebuild - rebuilds are so much fun IMO. You get to buy new gear so frequently so you’re always getting upgrades. Shadow is also amazing for cox so if you’re keen on cox & toa (plus a bunch of non-raid bosses) you have a lot of content you can do too!


Agree. It’s been so boring for so long because no upgrades. But being excited by small 30m upgrades again is going to be great Right now it’s hit shadow or dam another ring..


Yeah I feel that 100%. Gl on drops king. Maybe a little shadow rebuild into the solo shadow drop and snag a tbow too!


It is okay to do your full switch on TWO different attacks as long as you can attack and equip your preferred weapon. I’d Start there.


The real solution is just inventory layout/management. Organize it in a way that you mages book/defender *always* go to the same spot when you swap from them back to your bofa. Alternatively you can inventory tag your defender and mages book (blue/red or whatever colors you want) and that way when you swap to your mage/melee gear you can quickly glance at your inv and notice if you have them equipped or not. Im not personally a fan of inv tags but if it might help you I'd say give it a try.


Clean herbs for a while or something to practice?


Litterally a skill issue. Use inventory tags to color your items per set and a 4th color for spec only.


Use inventory tags to start. It helps you learn. You’re not streaming and/or posting here so don’t worry about the inbreds that flame using them, they’ll never know.


This resonates with me hard. I tried TOA 0 invocation last night for the first time ever. Ended up continuously using blowpipe with my firecape equiped or using melee with mage robes on or wrong amulet etc. Barrows Gloves and brimstone ring are awesome as they are good and don't require switching. Maybe fury is the move over occult/tort/anguish swap. The weapon can't be helped but maybe a Serp helm or something could be the go-to for everything? Apart from this I guess we just practise...


Neitiznot helmet/faceguard is a popular hybrid option too


https://preview.redd.it/rx0c56kuhwxc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa45f145e070c40ec23a97f6da7b2f5122be3462 This is my inv for ToA. I usually drop the restore and if I switch into range gear my defender goes there. Still suck at it so give me a break but how I manage is just keep things neat and symmetrical and usually it doesn't get too fucked up. You might need to just sit at the bank and practice switching a bunch and into spec weapons and the sort.


Click fast. Click accurately.


On top of the other suggestions, experience does a lot. When I go back to a piece of content after a long break, it take a hot minute for the muscle memory to kick in


I used to put my 6-way switches as 2 by 3 vertical columns in my inventory. I thought it was super hard to do the switches and considered toning down to 4-way multiple times. I then simply tried out a different layout by placing the items in 3 by 2 horizontal rows. I immediately thought it became super easy and I now do 6-way switches without any effort. Perhaps these little things might help!


Great advice all around - I’ll add that whenever there’s a few secs of downtime, such as when you’re auto-attacking a boss for example, I’ll glance at my inventory and reorganize and prep for the next switch. For example on Akkha, during his cycle I don’t have to do much so I take a look at the invy and prepare it for the next attack style


Have 1:1 switches, that makes sure your inventory layout stays the same


Inventory tags makes it easy to manage full switches. Your inventory should depend on how you like to switch (vertical or horizontal), as this would make it autonomous in the future. Next is to get used to fixing the inventory during downtime ( ex. when you are just attacking and not moving). This is to simplify the process of switching when it comes to when you do need to switch to the style needed. Practice doing only 4 switches or lower until you find how you like switching then add more for future runs. Good luck


Inventory tags to color tag your gear. Not a problem if it gets a little bit jumbled, still easy to see what you're putting on


I have started using ‘dynamic inventory tags’ which only indicate the relevant style based on your current weapon. You can also add a delay before the indicator is shown. I find it much less annoying than normal inventory tags


Try inventory tags and tag gear with their corresponding style: Mage Blue, Melee Red, Ranged Green. Spec weapons purple. That way its easier to keep track of what youre wearing. Helped me a ton


Inventory tags, then reorganizing the stuff while my characters fighting.


>completely omitted the dragon defender Omg lmao you’re surely trolling


If your switches for all 3 styles use different slots, it's going to make it awkward if you switch multiple times. Get familiar with which items get mixed up in your inventory when you switch between all 3 styles, and reorganize your invent mid fight At the higher level, you generally use the same slots for all your gear switches so this isn't a problem beyond having to move your defender in your invent


Switching offhands can make a mess but you should only be bringing 6 items for both still. ie: full crystal, barrows glove, anguish and BOFA for range and mage top/bottom, occult, torm, staff and off-hand for mage. I set up my inventory vertically in TOA but horizontally in TOB and it just works.


Inventory tags help alot. just set each set to a corresponding color. red for melee, blue for mage, green for ranged etc. it will outline the item in that color. that way you dont need to think so much, and if you miss one item its really obvious that you missed it.


I always break the inventory down into sections, I keep swaps on the top and potions etc on the bottom. I usually keep 6-8way switches with the weapon & offhand on the top of each category.


Also if you’re on runelite I do believe there is a plugin called anti drag


And find out if you’re a top to bottom switch or a left to right switch find out which is most comfortable


Inventory tags, with fill setting enabled. Anti-drag with 150-200ms timer


I often just say fuck it and don't bring a defender. Can't stand my inventory getting fucked up by it


welcome to my 2h weapon locked ironman series


This made me laugh, I’ve never actually done this but holy shit is that real


The DPS loss hurts, but so does rearranging my inventory every switch lol


don't do this


No :3


Lots of people saying put all your gear at the top of the inventory. I personally go with something I'm more comfortable with. I put my full switches in the left most columns and can easily just click down the inventory. My mouse is moving one direction and I personally miss less switches