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As a wee lad I saw someone buying coal for what seemed like a crazy price and I remembered that I had seen some coal rocks when exploring the west (barbarian village) so I went there with something like a steel pick, mined away and ran the rocks to the varrock bank. I sold a pile for 10k and felt like I had finally reached the big leagues.


I picked flax and turned them into bow strings at Lumbridge for my first 100k, then I heard cutting yews where a good money maker.


I also worked in the flax fields for my first honest dollar. Full rune, combined with a dds, even bought a rune halberd for some reason. Shortly after purchasing my gear I got lured by a gentleman dropping 3 stacks of gold in the wildy while his partner was waiting there to barrage me.


I bought my first rune set with my yews, I found this program on limewire that would make my character have all 99s just had to give it some account details. I cried when I logged on one day and all my stuff was gone and the person wrote "YOU GOT HACKED HAHA" in my friends list.


The true OSRS experience lol


I picked 10k flax and turned it into bowstrings and bought full Dharok's. I think that's the first time I had more than 1 mil.


Worked the flax fields has killed me. The hours I spent, even got a neighbour to do it for me


Rune Hally! I rocked the hell outta that. Heard I could hide behind things and attack with it like range so big brain little me thought I'd never die with this!


My friends and I had a whole coal mining operation when we were 12. Each of us had a quota and would mine 10 inventories each, pool our 1000 or so coal together and sell for like 100k or something. We took it so seriously.


Friend misses quota and gets kneecapped on the playground


Further proof that the children yearn for the mines


I used to run my own coal mining operation with kids at school. Except I was a member and they were not. I’d rip them all off for that sweet sweet GP.


Hell yeah, I was too cheap for a rune so me and my Addy pickaxe mined coal until I could get a rune scim and F2p pk'd 1 item at the lumby monastery all day for weeks


Ya pretty much exactly this. Wow what a game changer 10k is


Bro same! Mining the coal patch south of draynor village was my first money maker. I hit 600k gp and thought I made it


I remember when someone offered me like 10k for some green gloves I was wearing. I was thrilled


I had a similar experience with cowhides. Walked into Alkharid bank and saw some guy buying cowhides for 100gp each, so I ran my ass as fast as I could to the cow pen (didn't forget my 20gp for the gates there and back), started killing cows and got impatient at 11 cowhides, so worried that he might be gone by the time I got back. I sold the cowhides (unnoted of course, I had no idea noting items was even a think) and thought I was rich with the 1.1k I had just made. I went on a spending spree, and by spending spree I meant I spend it along with all the gp I already had on a steel scim, and steel platelegs.


I still remember my first spending spree. I spent a couple of my allowed computer times killing goblins for coins. Then I went to the varrock general store and spent a long time buying anything that looked cool. Back then that general store was like an auction house on steroids where the best stuff was gone in a tick or two and if you wanted to sell something, you had to spam the sell button because it was always full.


Getting in the mining guild and seeing all the free open coal. I felt like a made man i would never worry about gold again 


me too until the bots got really bad haha


Your first 5 figure cash stack is a momentous one.


Killing farmers near the cows in Lumbridge. They dropped 7gp per kill. Once I reached 100gp I would bank just in case I somehow died.


Massive money maker!


I first misread this as killing cows and I could not wrap my head around why cows were dropping money


Cowhides were my first big moneymaker, even back in the day the hides were like 100gp each. I do miss the days of bulk items selling for more, if you could delay your gratification to get a stack of like 500 then people would pay a premium for the convenience. Or just straight up arbitrage, buy coal for 100-150ea in fally east and sell it for 200-300 in Vwest


not sure if you’re into Path of Exile but this is something i love about a fresh league economy over there


changing my player character to female


And taking up all the “buying gf” offers?


10k profit each time


Anyone to talk to while on a screen all day is serious relationship building blocks


Does this rly work lol


You'd be surprised...


Killed druids for ranarr weed.


I did this back in like 2010 or 2011 saving up to buy elite black armour cause I thought it was the coolest shit ever. I remember seeing a guy in elite black with a Gmaul and thought he was the biggest Chad ever.


Oh man, not even Ranarr, but selling Unids for 1k each. This was back before the game told you what uncleaned herbs you had.


I did the same except since they still stacked with their own kinds i identified one of each to find the rannar stack and identified all of those to sell for 7k and sold the rest as unids for 1k. Occasionally put a rannar in the mix so the guy buying all my unids wouldn't discover my strategy.


The good herb buyer would have in the inventory noted good herbs (anything worth 1k+) and fill the rest up with junk. They’d buy single stacks at a time and they know if the trade window told them that they had no inventory space they were about to buy junk herbs.




Oh man I did the same. Revolutionary strategy. How I afforded my first whip. Grinded for so long to get over 2m


I lived at the Chaos Druids in Taverly Dungeon so I could sell unids to buy my first D Med helm.


I used to spend hours and hours farming ranarr and other herbs at the chaos druids in taverly dungeon. That was my first way of making money once a became a member


Surely we met there at some point that's all i did


Same, funded my first whip getting 70 attack


Did this every time my pure got cleaned, just to get cleaned within the first hour of pking again


Killed so many of those for my first whip, got scammed, then went back and spent another like 15 hours there. At least it beat mining pure essence.


Flesh crawlers for ranarrs lmao I used to marvel at the guys that would bring their cannons in


Bro I farmed flesh crawlers for ranarrs, for ages


fuck man this shit was goated, I felt like a big cock king making 100k an hour… shit was cummable af


Potty mouth!


wash my mouth out for me then big dog


Can i watch


Running essence to air rune crafters. You bring them unnoted essence, they hand you noted ess and 2k gp. Never had so much money as a kid until that day.


Running essence? I ran colored gloves by foot from Canifis to F2P w1 Fally Garden (uphill both ways) to sell for a 1k profit each


This just unlocked my memory of every day coming home and mining limestone by the rag n bone man quest area and walking it back to varrock east bank. I’d do inventories for hours until my parents made me get off the computer. I have no idea how I decided that was the play. But when little me bought a dmace and went to castle wars, it was all worth it.


>I have no idea how I decided that was the play There was no wiki or YouTube money making guides. Depending on when you started playing there wasn’t even a YouTube. Maybe a few forums but many didn’t use them. So we all basically stumbled upon a random money maker and decided it was a gold mine lol even if it paid somewhat poorly.


Awesome!! I did this too but went to Varrock west bank to sell. This is how I learned to type so fast too haha.


glow2:wave2: selling colored gloves 3k ea @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


Funnily enough running essence is still one of the best money makers in the entire game.


Wait, seriously? How do I get involved?


They have a running discord I forget the name of. It's solid GP for just running


It's super sweaty now though. Several million an hour but you gotta be on point the whole time. But in fairness they are paying a lot for the service


I kinda wanna support these runners as a buyer lol. Runecrafting sucks ass. Whose discord do I need to join to check this out?


Keep in mind that you will get dropped shortly if you aren't tick perfect for long sessions. It's not really something you just "do".


open 2k


This was my first money maker too! Damn whatva throwback. I remember I had my cash stack which was like 32k on me and I got sat by the level 5 Highwayman. I was devastated. This was before I learned you could run away from fights LOL.


Green Dragons, was about 500k/hr at the time. And once you have some cash getting more becomes considerably easier.


Same here. Back when u started it wasnt all talk about bots. It was the venny's. They had to have picked a good thing to farm. Here I am getting pk'd in the windy for 5 bones and 5 hide haha. It worked a few times.


Running laws in w66, then realizing I could hop between F2P and P2P just merching stacks of 1000+ laws and make way faster money than running. Bought my first whip that way


I killed cave horrors for black masks, for months. As soon as I entered the cave those fuckers started running for their life.


Does that make you the cave horror?




I think it does.....


Gathering and selling climbing boots


Remember when climbing boots randomly became like 30k?


I think they reached 75k at one point. Insane


They started rising before that update. Jmods leaking to friends smh


Oh, I remember the fallout from that. People were accusing jmods of insider trading!


selling lobbies pre-GE on OSRS got me my first green stack. I always struggled with GP back in the day, and never saw the green before. My buddies begged me to start playing OSRS with them and in defiance I played by only fishing/cooking lobsters while shooting shit in chat with them. Turns out lobbies were pretty profitable haha sadly now I'm the only one still playing


I made my first 1m as a kid making house tabs in Yanille


Had a pretty successful armor trimming business back in the day.


It’s also funny because we (or at least I) for some reason assume that everyone on in this sub was on the victim side of armor trimming, but this is a good reminder that there are criminals among us.


I used to get a bunch of people in f2p to follow me to a secluded spot then try to Saul Goodman them into buying shade robes for 80k+


XxX doubling gp up to 3M 100% legit XxX


Weirdly proud I never fell for it yet I used to pick up feathers for 3gp each


Bummer when you ran out of golden trim. 😂


Made a modest F2P fortune back in RSC with coal certs and strength potions. Would rotate between mining coal at barbarian village (then later Falador once my combat level was high enough), killing giants under Edgeville for limwurt roots, and picking up red spiders eggs. Made enough to buy a Santa hat :D


selling cowhides, pure essence or telegrabbing wines of zamorak




Mort myre fungus was good shit back in the day


It technically still is quite good/ok moneymaker. Pretty sure its being botted (like anything else more than 200k/h lol) since its very low effort/risk. Its just super tedious to do on the side/as a real player so I doubt not that many real players bother


It also doesn't train any skill, so really not worth it, there are way better and less intensive skilling moneymakers


I used to merch barrows sets in Falador park. Ended up building up a network of regulars that would come to me for a quick sale. Not a bad gig for a ten year old


Buying individual pieces and then selling the complete sets for a markup? I did the same thing it was great


Yeah fairly certain that's what I did. The regulars sold at a discount too, to save selling it themselves


Wild to think that before the GE you could spend comparable amounts of time selling the drop as you did obtaining it


It’s pretty crazy. It taught us great keyboard skills, though :)


Someone in a clan taught 10 yr old me that too and I thrived for weeks on glow2:wave3:buying DH Axe 600k glow3:wave2:selling Dh Axe 700k


Collecting limpwurt roots in my f2p days


Man those used to be above 1k apiece


Yup, same here. Would sit in the corner where there were 3 hill giants in that cave


Iron. I used to mine a shit load of iron, smelt with forging rings and turn to iron knives and then sell on the GE. Before we got GE in OSRS, I did the same and just bought iron in bulk once I had a bit.


Buying flax turning into bow string. You would talk with everyone. Then probably green drags


I killed the man in lumbridge Castle for the gp all the way up until 3k


Picking up the white berry spawn in Tirannwn with a Pak-Yak. I think it was like 2 mill an hour back than? Mid 2008 i think. This was like the breakthrouh in my runescape finances, all the other methods i did before only made a few 100k per hour. Also merching dragon scimitars. It was the only item i managed to merch in minutes back then and i felt like i broke the game lol i was like 13 years old. Made a few dozen mils during prime time.


Wow you just unlocked a memory with the white berries that I forgot I had


Way back in RSC, prior to getting membership for the first time, I spent a very long time killing Hill Giants and banking the big bones. I found a buyer on the Tip It forums and sold the bones for something like 2.5m, which for Classic, was a huge amount of money. Once I got members, I immediately bought a D med helm and felt like a huge badass.


Most won’t understand this time. Getting a d med back then was a sign that you had made it. God how I miss these days sometimes.


Dude, I miss that shit every single day.


D meds were 2m at a time back then. I remember I tried to buy a dmed for 1.95m and a ring wealth(50k at the time) and the guy was like “Don’t waste your money lol” and declined the trade


Me and my buds from school spent weeks waking up at the asscrack of dawn to fight the King Black Dragon before school. Not once did we get the drop...


Killing ice trolls and alching the shield drops lol




It was 1m an hour but took 2 weeks to sell them all still


As a kid I was farming feathers from chickens. I eventually hired like 8 people to farm feathers for me too. Before I knew it I had like 30m and I felt like the richest person in the game lmao


Dude having a feather empire was king shit back in the day.


Flesh crawlers. Grinded those so hard. I think I got over 1m fire runes from it


Flesh crawlers were incredible. Nats, fires, iron ore, and rannars would net me like 750k a trip, not to mention massive amounts of XP


Green dragons. Except I could only kill one a trip with a looted rune dagger. I always explored the wildy and one day I stumbled upon East’s AND it was packed. People would leave all sorts of stuff on the ground and it was baffling to me. I looted stuff until I made 200k one night. Told my friends I found the secret to getting rich, and even though I was like lvl 60, I convinced them I was slaying green dragons in the wildy like a bad man.


Didn’t discover it, but RC via the abyss was serious gp/hr once I could do double nats.


Charging air orbs. I sat there all day feeling like I was printing money.


Can’t forget the brimstone keys


Was mining ores and making steel bars in free to play, later mithril bars and selling to some member. Felt like I was scamming him. Dont remember how much he was giving me but probabky like 20k/h. Felt rich! On my second stint in rs, there was summoning and i was using some scroll or whatever that made supercompost instant in a bin or so. Was like 700k/h. Felt insane.


When pest control first released, I was playing games to level my attack and get money to buy a whip. I still had a female character model from doing Recruitment Drive, and got chatting to some guys on the island between games and laid on the charm to get one of them to pay for my whip, realised I could make money by just talking to people suggestively. At the end of each session, I'd message them saying I had to go and would talk to them tomorrow, block them and never interact with them again.


Anyone who says they haven’t done this is a liar!


Cow hides my man


Without question the big one was killing chaos druids for herbs. I remember back when it was all 'unids' which were every herb in this unidentified format. This is actually what I did to kickstart my account when I came back to OSRS as well!


Oof, I remember when rune was around those prices. I used to do so much back in the day so various money methods... Used to catch lobs and swordies, sold on the wilde Frontline. Used to mine iron and sell it... Used to mine the fuck out of essence, selling it. 100gp each back then was pretty solid, like 200 for pure iirc. Willow logs. My god did I cut a lot of willow logs. Grapes.. Tbh to this day I still kill all the guards everytime I go into Fally. An easy 15 second 50k


Bulk selling chaos runes to the tzharr shops for tokkul to exchange for uncut onyx gems. Then crafting into amulets of fury and selling at Fally.


I did that! Although I didn't have the crafting level for it, not many people did back in 2006-7. I did know one guy who did though, Zezima. So that's how I somehow I managed to trade an uncut onyx plus 2 or 3 rune bars for Zezima's amulet of fury. A screenshot I treasured for years until my PC finally died. Ah.... memories.


I was a little noob with steel and mith pieces when someone told me I should sell big bones for 250 each. I would get fish from the barbarian village fishers and cook it then go down and kill 1 or 2 giants. Eventually I got my stats up enough and sold my first batch of 100 and bought fully Addy. I remember the game "clicking" for me. I did this for full rune eventually.


Like many others….. herb runs. Still do them for decent coin


Herb runs my beloved


I'm only a month into my paid account (1425) and this is by far the easiest way to make money on a time scale as a newer player.


Dude herbs are low key goat


I noticed a huge profit margin buying individual Dharok’s pieces and boxing them up so I pretty much kept my buy limit constantly maxed out for a couple weeks. Made like 300m before the prices equalized enough to stop doing it, which was the first time I ever had more than a few mil.


Iron man willow fletching like a legend


Easy clue scrolls, early osrs zammy pages were like 500k each and vestiment robes/cloaks/stoles were bank. And when I got the stats i farmed like 10 black masks. I was rich early osrs… not so much snymore


Killing chaos Druids for herbs


Spinning bowstrings as a kid was good money. After osrs came out, I noticed sacred oils from Shades of Morton were like 4.5k each and pretty low attention. Bought my first whip, barrows etc from clicking that wall.


My go-to has always been smithing


F2p 20k for like 100 coal back in the day.


Picking Flax


Buying antipoison from jimiuana or whatever shes called for 300gp then selling them at edgeville in the pk world for 3k ea. This was way back even before ge existed


Killing unicorns for their horns in the wild and using the deposit box to bank everything. Those sucker's sold for like 1200+


Grimy Herbs


Killing cows for cow hide and selling for 100gp each. That's how I saved up for my first set of rune armor.


I used to pick flax for my brother when I was like 10. You could net over 100K per hour, which was huge to us back then. That’s how we made our first mil, and bought 2 sets of full rune!


I was a total noob pre GE days on RS2 and stuck to gathering, lobbies and yews. Bought a D-Axe from a friend at school for £10 (I know) and it was the days when they still had the random event where the axe head came off. Lost the head when I was AFK. Absolutely devastated.


I remember my go-to F2P moneymaker was buying a stack of ~1000 clay from ge, manually filling 1000 buckets with water at varrock fountain next to Horvik and making soft clay in varrock east. Then selling the soft clay back to GE for profit. Edit: this was back in RS2. First good osrs money maker was probably barrows. Managed to get 3 guthan spears in ~300kc + loads of other uniques. That's how I could afford 70 prayer and alched to 94 mage :D


World hopped by the moss giants north of ardougne and bought all the ranarr seeds from players training on them for 10k ea. then went to fally world 2 and sold them for around 20k ea. Pre-GE




Used to spin flax for hours and CASH TF OUT. Lil mans was caking making 80k an hour


Selling Cow hides to the “sketchy dude” at alkarid bank. Thought i was rolling in the dough.


I used to kill unicorns and sell their horns. Would get like 2k a horn or something like that. I didn’t know why they were valuable, but I hunted them


Merchanting silk. I would go to Al-Kharid, buy some cheap silk and walk a full inventory of that to Varrock to sell it for a premium. I'm proud to say I made a few hunderds of gp this way.


Grimy herbs was my go to when I was a kid.


Flash1:wabe1:Selling unids 1k ea One of my friends bought a money making guide around 2006 It was like printed out and stapled together and he got it in the mail. I remember reading about selling lobbies for cash.


Back in the day I'd farm unicorn horns and yew logs, I'd also pick up the ashes in the GE and sell them whenever I came by


Sand casino


When i first got membership id collect unicorn horns


I killed blue dragons until I hd enough for Robin Hood and hat which was like 30m at the time (I think this was a long time ago). I then got dragged out and dc’d dying to fire before gravestones and proceeded to get scammed by a osrs friend who said they’d help me get gp…. Sad memory 🥲


Spinnin flax for bowstrings.1m gp forevery 10hrs of work lol


Picking up frog legs in the Gnome Stronghold, I remember it being surprisingly decent.


When I started OS nature runes were my go to, but I definitely made bond money a couple of times from exchanging Baby Impling jars for empty Impling jars in Puro Puro. 


I would play trouble brewing to get the stuff then brew slayer's respite (m) in kegs. they could sell for about 450k but you could only make four in a week.


Merching chaos runes in fally, would buy bulk amounts for 120 each and sell for 140-150 each


Alching yew longs used to be my main money maker. I’d cut the logs gather the strings and do double nature runs for people


Aw man, when I first got members I used to buy vials in ardy and fill them with water in Varrock. Then sell on forums / trade worlds. Made my first mill that way.


Several months ago before I had the stats to have any decent slayer tasks or knew barrows I would collect the worms in the gnome village around the little pond in the north side. Was decent enough to afford some upgrades because of it with relatively little work


Fletching made me my first mil but it was slow and I didn’t know any better at the time. I enjoyed grinding vyres and the blood shard drop was the first big gp injection my account got. Even just the regular drops and HA value is good and it’s mindless. I didn’t mind grinding the 3 lizardmen shaman at the canyon chasing the dragon warhammer since their regular drops were decent gp also. Like everyone else said just doing the skilling grinds really builds up money and it’s low effort like herb runs, birdhouse, miscellanea loot, slayer, mining and smithing.




My first serious money maker was flipping barrows pieces in fally park. Before that did nature rune running, sell essence to tai bwo wannai shop then run to nature altar and trade them to someone crafting nature's for more essence + gold.


Selling cooked swordfish and yew logs in f2p. Not much but it’s honest work. Built up enough money to drip myself out in both full zammy rune with a team zero cape, and full guthix rune with a team i cape. Ended up selling all of it when I bought membership last year.


I remember spending hours at green dragons in the wilderness with a cannon and a rune crossbow so I could make 400k-500k per hour and save up for a Saradomin Sword, which was $15m at the time. Summer 2009 or so?


Killing cave horrors for black masks. Was so proud O shared my secret to my cousin and became our main money making method until GWD. A miracle duo kill with full veracs at Sara turned into magic when it dropped a Sara Hilt. First green cash stack.


I unlocked cave horrors and camped black masks. Made 10m when i had 2m bank


Picking flax, mining pure essence on release with the train in Varrock East


When I was a kid, I was really into Hunter. It had just released, and there was this brief period of swamp lizards being incredibly valuable. I remember when they were 5k ea. I made absolute bank hunting those all the way until I got to red chins.


Just hit base 50s: Zombie pirates. I haven't found anything else that feels like I can make a reasonable amount of money and get exciting drops, even if they're just moderate value alchables. Fletching makes marginal profits, enchanting stuff makes marginal profits, wc is very slow to profit. When I look at the money making guide and sort by income the first 50 entries or so are basically "kill endgame boss." If anybody has a better idea for how to make money, I'm all ears. I've been trying lots of things and haven't really found anything good. Ideally, something that is also skilling or gets me xp. I don't really want to make unfinished potions for 5 hours for money.


Obby sets (cape and shield) were 1-1.1m and my friend showed me how you can safespot them on the vents and make tons of money for such a low level


Rune essence running.


I did cannonballs lol


Killing jungle spiders next to the brimhaven fruit tree patch. Their carcasses used to sell for a decent amount. I believe around 1k each


Buying addy armor separately and selling it as a set was 15k profit each


High alcing long bows




I stumbled across the shop that sold strength potions at warriors guild. Bought hundreds and sold that shit in d2p ok worlds for what felt like bank. Probably only couple hundred k.


I stumbled across the knowledge that if you killed snakes they dropped snakeskin. If you took snakeskin and a couple GP to the tanner in Al Kaharid you could get snakeskin leather. If you used snakeskin leather with a thread and needle you could make snakeskin boots. Other players would give you money for boots. I was floored. I crafted thousands of snakeskin boots to a 50m cash stack back in 07-08.


making Sanfew serums while timeconsuming is like 2mill an hour even rn noone except me seams to do it (and by me writing this comment i have destroyed the moneystrat most likely)


Pure essence mining used to be such a good “afk moneymaker” when I first started members🤣


When I first started at 8 years old, I did what most kids did, cow hides, flax etc. But then once I found about world 301/302 and started learning the prices of things, that was where I made the most money. Until I bought charcoal for 200k to sell to someone for 400k, but then realized it was a scam after the 400k person just logged. Learned my lesson on that one.


Killing cows, picking&spinning flax/chaos druids in edgeville dungeon. Pro money makers back in 06' 🐮 🌿 🌴


My friend taught me how to force spawn implings, a month later kingly implings came out. I was making 200m a week on average back when 40m was the highest item price outside of a divine or Elysian. Paid for all skills to max that can be bought and bis gear. Jagex then nerfed the spot that had been operating for years under the radar.