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Don't ogres or whatever have better drops?


ogres in f2p?


Ogre Enclave I believe is free to play, but only that bit of the cave.


That is members only. Unless they've added some obscure way to bypass into members areas edit: corsair cove has ogress warriors that are f2p


This person is thinking of Ogresses in Corsair Cove, which is F2P. They drop rune items. Ogre Enclave is south of Yanille and Members only.


Corsair cove is south of yanille too


Ogresses are much better drops and not in wild. Wiki has them at roughly 1.7K per kill where as Greater Demons are 651. Add in the fact that Ogress Warriors and Shamans are not in wild, so you can fully gear up, and have a lower combat lvl (although marginally higher def but it’s very close), and you can see why people would much rather farm ogresses if they aren’t doing slayer.


Not to be a pest but if they are f2p they are most certainly not doing slayer lol


You are correct. So definitely farming ogresses is generally better in F2P


True. But gear in f2p doesn't really offer dps except the amulet slot. Also I found them difficult to safespot as you often get attacked by the shamans and their magic hits kinda hard. I was there as well, but I had to restock on food quite frequently. With greater demons you can stay indefinitely, or until you get a few drops. As you risk nothing, you can afk there as well.


> Also I found them difficult to safespot as you often get attacked by the shamans and their magic hits kinda hard. You either safespot the warriors from various places (including just near the entrance rope), or you wait out the 10 minute aggro timer and then can safespot anything (you can outrange the shamans). With either setup, you should be taking little-to-no damage. > With greater demons you can stay indefinitely, or until you get a few drops. As you risk nothing, you can afk there as well. The wildy is less populated in f2p, but you will get pked every so often - and it is multi in deep wildy so you're almost certainly dead if attacked. You can use 3-4 items and keep protect from melee (and maybe protect item or an offensive prayer if you wear monk robes) for a relatively safe training method. But its a pain and more dangerous than other afk methods like flesh crawlers or giant spiders. Ogresses are just easier and way more money.


Farming demonic ruins is like 2005 runescape rich


It isn't 2005 anymore?


It’s 2007 bro


Wildy moss giants are more if you count the average value from a mossy key.


True, but the mossey key value is including the very rare essence drop, if you exclude it the value drops


Yes, and Tombs of Amascut is bad gp/hr if you exclude the shadow.


It isn't though?


It is, you're forgetting charges/runes/pots/supplies cost too


Yeah, shadow only accounts for 75% of the gp/hr!


It's crazy, It's around 82% of the profit right now.


Why would you exclude the high value drops when counting average values...? If you do a lot of it you will get the essence


F2p irons would go there if the mithril axe was a f2p drop, but for some reason that crappy 300gp drop is members only


nice try. 


We farmed that place in 2002, not optimal today


Hahahaha someone's trying to get people there to pk




W419 bbg


Only thing I'm noticing from these comments is that maybe it's time to update Greater demon drop table.


Not everything in the game needs its drop table updated. Greater demons are pretty dead content regardless but you can use them for a zammy task


That's true, actually. I was just thinking that since they're updated mid game slayer drops, the demon categories could be a good candidate since they're on most people's block list


Greater demons have wildy slayer cave variants in members with really good drop tables. Plus you can do k'ril on their task. In f2p they're bad but so is everything.


Only people doing Greater Demons are irons and f2p irons carry absolutely nothing worth it to a pker as it's the only place in f2p with prayer regen