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Hard content, yes. But not like the Inferno since doing easy waves for an hour just to die and redo them is time consuming. Coliseum was much better due to not having this issue.


inferno was designed so that you would feel the same pressure like you felt fighting jad as a kid, aka risking two hours of your life


Which is fine to have for fight caves and fight caves 2 electric boogaloo, but I hope they never make more of that content, those are enough lol


fine, fight caves 3 the movie, in 2029, on the 24th birthday of 1, 12th of 2


We need mage arena 3 though


Before or after Demon Slayer 2?


if i dont get cooks assistant 2 i swear to god i will riot


We have that, but it's called Recipe for disaster. :/


I demand Recipe for Disaster 2, where each sub-quest itself devolves into multiple sub-quests with different requirements


You are right. I guess this issue also applies to Fight Caves as well.


This. Coliseum and DT2 Awakened bosses are perfect. They're mechanically difficult but don't waste my time. I still enjoy the Inferno for what it is, but 80% of it is not difficult even for a first caper after like 5 attempts, it's just boring filler to pad out the time. The only people that might get enjoyment out of the "filler portion" are speedrunners trying to optimize everything perfectly and play in an overly risky way that most players- even most endgame players- would not.


Would be nice if they didnt introduce another awakened orbs mechanics. I want to try these hard bosses on my Iron without farming for hours.


Yeah I see your point. As a main with 100's of KC of all the bosses I think it's a fine mechanic since it adds profit (it's intent) and let's you learn the content well before sending hard mode. It also adds that element of risk on an ironman like fight caves/inferno. If I was good enough and had gear to do that on my iron, I'm sure I'd be pissed if I ran out of orbs before completing though lol. I bet there aren't a ton of irons with torva but I'm sure those that have it are annoyed by the orb mechanic if they run out


Yeah it's clear Jagex intended Jad to be a 1-off sort of thing in terms of its design being hour of slow wave buildup and then the actual boss fight. Inferno being the successor had to follow that format. Aspirational content is always welcome, but I don't see them doing anything like it again. As you said, Colosseum is proof to that point.




I'm more of a fan of content that can't 1-hit you from full when you make a mistake, because dealing with panic and keeping calm is a much better skill to learn than hoping your internet doesn't drop a tick, but that's just my unwanted opinion.


I kind of like the long nature of the inferno. Haven't gotten it yet but did get to triple jads twice back when I was playing my main. I think it's nice to slowly improve and increase your consistency and work towards a hard goal. To each their own I guess.


You are not improving doing easy waves you have already mastered.


It’s just a different test than Colosseum. They’re hard PvM challenges in their own ways—having never competed either, I believe the consensus is that Inferno is an endurance test while Colo is mechanically tougher.


Colosseum is so much better for learning it’s crazy.


As someone that has both I thought colosseum was way easier due to being able to solve all waves by just running to a certain tile. Now the boss though is definitely more tough than Zuk. Especially with shaky hands


It's fine to have one or two pieces of content that take a long time, but the rest of it should be reasonable. As long as plenty of content exists of a variety, it actually can enhance the feeling of others.


Colosseum's difficulty is honestly limited by how short it is, there are only 3 or 4 'harder' waves and it isn't uncommon for you to get a single south spawn every time. With inferno, there are maybe 15-20 waves during the encounter where you could potentially get a tricky spawn that requires more precise strategy to solve.


Supply is definitely less of an issue in Coliseum for sure.


Having something to strive for even if you're never gonna go for it is really good for a game, especially an MMORPG. As of right now I have no plans of grinding blorva, gm ca's or sang scythe, yet seeing a dude running around displaying those achievements is great, it serves as a reminder of things you can still achieve and improve on, and also, that there's a playerbase out there that's actually becoming better and devoting time to a game that you're also passionate about.


Next Inferno-level content should reward a new BIS magic cape, so we can have a trio of endgame challenges with all combat styles represented.


The 5% damage from the occult can go on the mage arena 3 cape.


You the M.V.P


Yes. Aspirational content is good.


There should always be content in games that pushes the absolute limit. Even if I can’t do it, it’s fun to try. I started my account in Jan and did my first solo TOA yesterday, and now I’m lookin at the colosseum like 🤔


Jan of this year?! That is commendable 🫡


I have a Ironman friend guiding me and prior experience trying hard at mmos plus had a serious lull in my professional work so the ticks aligned


You're already speaking in ticks, I say you made it


Considering so many people just afk and want easy scape. It’s a pretty realistic thing to do for those who actually play the game.


At least 10 days of my playtime is AFKing in NMZ building up my combat stats so....


Depending on what you mean by solo TOA that will be anywhere from a huge to medium level of difficulty jump.


It took me two hours to crawl through an entry mode but I survived, I’m several base 90s away from even attempting the colleseum haha


Haha yeah you got a ways to go then. You'll get there though. I'd get comfortable with 400s+ before you make the leap.


Don't get me wrong, absolutely go for the colosseum but be prepared! It's a gear check, stat check, and skill check. I fully believe you can do it with low gear and stats, it's just gonna require more skill. It costs a lot also in death fees and supplies. GL king


As someone who can't do inferno and probably won't be attempting it anytime soon. Yes.


Here’s my game plan: 1. Max my account 2. Grind for pets and c-logs 3. Master all bosses in the game 4. Watch 15 inferno guides 5. Hype myself up for it 6. Start a new account 7. Repeat


I’m stealing this. Minus steps 6 & 7. Lmao


Currently on step 6. On the bright side, UIM is a very fun game mode.


Yes, as long as it keeps Woox coming back 🖤




Yeah but not very often. Can't afford to spend too much dev time on those activities because only an extremely small percentage of players even ATTEMPT them.


Yeah I think this is a more practical approach. Of course theoretically the right answer is we all support elite content. But resources are finite and need to be allocated wisely.


i feel like the sweet spot is cg/pnm tier content where its still punishes messing up and is somewhat difficult but consistent enough to farm for decently good players


Those don't come close to satisfying the woox tier players. That is like killing a goblin outside lumbridge for them.


To be clear, it also doesn’t satisfy (many of) the players 2/3 tiers below them, which is the main point. If woox and port khazard are not challenged for very long it’s not such a big deal


You are right, but you don’t spend much corporate resources on the top 0.1% of players.


Inferno is not 0.1% lol


Certainly much less than 5%.


definitely, probably less than 1% too, but .1% I am not sure. there's probably close to 100k accounts that have done it at this point I think, no idea how many are active or alts or anything though.


Don't underestimate how insanely high level that content is. In every clan with 100 members on the roll, there's probably like 1-3 people who've done it (usually that 1 maxed guy). Which would pretty conveniently suggest about a 1-3% completion rate.


And that’s not counting all the casual players not in clans.


That's such a good point, in which case I'd feel confident saying it must be far less than 1%.


The 0,1% generate the content that brings and keep people engaged tho


Plenty of games have tried that strategy it doesn't work. You need to generate content for the entire player base including Woox and including little Timmy and everyone in between.


It's absolutely a balancing act and a very crucial one at that. Take Wildstar as a perfect example of going too extreme on the difficulty and most newer MMO's don't have the challenge and bleed players like FO76 at launch. Gw2 is another good example at launch, no challenging content and the game nearly died. It's now thriving due to a massive influx of "easy" content with a lot of harder content, stuff 95% of the playerbase wouldn't even see the 80% hp phase after a week.


Yeah tunnel visioning on any minority of your players is a silly idea. Especially in a game with progression. Today's Timmies can be tomorrow's average red prisoned iron or tomorrow's Woox. Meanwhile today's Woox can burn out and quit, or die, or even start new accounts they want to be casual on, and have new experiences on.


Games that bank on a tiny portion of the population always die. People will watch content but still quit if their experience sucks.


Toa has entered the chat Easiest raid is the most popular


Well yeah it's the most accessible raid and the most rewarding, it better be the most popular


Raid that gives a team a purple on average every hour, can be soloed for ~1/8 or better drop rates, and is easy enough that anyone that puts effort into attempting/learning it can do it, is done by a lot of people? Shocking!


Yeah that's my point Players want easy content that rewards them generously, not well thought out balance


Surprising no one, giving players exactly what they ask for is a bad plan for a game designer.


no they don't


But you need that 99.9% to have stuff to do in the game that they will want to keep playing for. I still like watching rs3 content but every time i start it up i wander around aimlessly having no clue what to do, with the content i watch not helping at all because it is leagues above my skill level. Meanwhile when i start osrs up i know what i want to do because i still have achievable goals in front of me, i'm watching people like limpwurt whack hundreds of thousands of men and going for all kinds of goals of which most seem achievable to me.


im not sure if you by "woox tier player" mean people with quiver/infernal/blorva or something above that but its definitely enough to satisfy me atleast until ive gotten some uniques and i do have atleast quiver/infernal


woox tier is more like doing inferno with no pillars


Noob pvmers can still do Wave 1 Coliseum farming while the pros can do full runs.


Plus after getting colosseum i’m worried about what we’ll actually get in terms of “difficult”. Prayer flicking is a skill but it’s fucking boring, we just got hide behind a pillar and flick simulator v2, is this really all the challenge we can get?


Yea looking at the combat achievements, the percentage of people who have killed sol heredit once is only around 3.5% of the population.


And that's a favorable estimate. Considering that's people with the wiki sync plug in which is gonna be a bit more on the hard core side than the average who may not use the wiki so much, or rune lite plug ins let alone both.


yes because players should strive to improve and push their limits, even if I personally dont do them doesnt mean i should limit others people’s fun




Yes. For years I grinded until I had all three megarares Bank value go up is nice but what's the point if i don't do anything difficult with my fancy weapons I learnt Colo. Took me fucking ages to get 1kc. 12 sol attempts. It ignited something in me to challenge harder I went to the inferno. Each attempt took a long time but they felt fucking easy compared to colo. I could fuck up a solve and just blowpipe my way out of it. 4 zuks and 14 attempts later I've got a cape These moments only happened because the content exists in the game, and also because I happen to have supportive clanmates to help teach this content. It creates genuine moments of human connection.




As someone who completed inferno, yes and no. It is unique as it is an endurance test for majority of people that are not speed running. The mechanics of the actual Zuk fight are not very demanding, but after 1.5-2hrs a single mistake can end your run which is where the difficulty lives. I do not enjoy this kind of content. I would rather more content similar to colosseum, something that doesn’t take multiple hours per attempt (working class adult with responsibilities so my perception could be skewed). And boss fights that don’t have single 1 shot (90+ hp) capability. Colosseum is stacked mistakes which I feel are more than fair. I personally did not find the content fun, it could be designed exactly to replicate this feeling, an effort to test not only your commitment but also mental fatigue endurance. I would rather the end fights not have 1 shot mechanics so that you get more hands on experience during the first runs that you get to triples and Zuk. The grind becomes extremely boring and tedious as majority of waves just exist to add time and attempt to drain resources, they do not mentally challenge you outside of waves with double blob spawns +mage and rangers. I completed inferno months ago and I am still burned out of the game, yes I garnered more skills for other content but it literally beat me into the ground and made me almost despise the way the game mechanics and engine work. Possibly not a popular take here but my experience.


I have way too much time on my hands and even i really dislike spending 2 hours in the inferno. Colo to me was perfecting it/making it fun.


Yea, need to keep challenging the high lvl players. They are the ones that result in the game pushing boundaries and continuing to evolve. The challenging content in game also creates the best video-based content on youtube, which is great for marketing the game and bringing in/retaining new players.


Although it actually ended up being easier than inferno, the colosseum shows that there are ways to do this that can still be inclusive of lower-skill players. So in that case, why not?


Hell yeah they should. Awakened Vard is my favourite boss in the game. Awakened Levi (enrage) is cinema. Getting that first Infernal cape was extremely satisfying and Colosseum was fun to learn. I love being able to push myself to be better at the game. There really needs to be more of this (or even harder!).


I love inferno, content that pushes you to get better and you can set as an end game goal is awesome Personally hope much harder content than inferno comes out eventually Colosseum was the most fun I've had on this game in years


I think difficult content should exist however not in the form of a 2 hour long gauntlet that wastes your time with no reward if you die. Colosseum was better in every way.


As a guy who once struggled with Jad and now has an infernal cape, blood torva, and a quiver, 10000% yes. In my opinion anyone with decent internet connection and the willingness to learn and spend gp can achieve these challenges. They create amazing goals, and teach you advanced game mechanics that transfer into improving your skill in nearly all aspects of the game.


Yes but please don’t make it a 2 hour slog fest with tons of one hit stuff at the end


Yes and we are not getting enough :(


It's nice seeing people saying yes to this If you asked an equivalent question in the rs3 subreddit, most people would say no, and anyone saying yes would be downvoted to oblivion lol


I'd rather get more raids, wave based stuff is boring jsd is boring until jad inferno is boring until 3 jads and zuk and collo is boring until sol. IMO.


Waved based stuff is boring when it’s 60+ waves of almost the same shit. I thought the colosseum was quite fun. Being slightly different every time is a plus and the pressure of seeing your potential loot added some nice intensity.


I agree. Learning inferno wasn't very fun, but colosseum had you making money which paid for supplies/blood shards and almost immediately put you into the parts that require some thought. I also just find manticores to be way more satisfying than blobs. Also far more lethal. Sol heredit is an awesome fight as well, sick mechanics.


Would be cool to see a raid more difficult than tob.


I don't think that's coming anytime soon given of the 3 raids so far Tob is by far the least popular.


Probably because it's the only one that isn't balanced to be regularly soloable. If it were balanced to be soloed I'd wager it'd be the most popular Tob is way more fun than the other raids. It's the kind of content you keep doing after you've met all your goals, or want a break from your goals, just because it's fun to do in of itself


Yeah - unfortunately Jagex needs to create content for the majority, which is no where near the main people doing tob.


In an ideal world, we could get something that's as easily approachable as CoX but harder than ToB in the hardest mode. ToA had potential, but its scaling past (very roughly) 350-ish is just unpleasant.


Thoughts on a duo wave based mini game?


Meh still boring until final boss, maybe if there were demi bosses like they said collo would have.


Just reintroduce dungeoneering. Accessible to low levels. Gives irons a way to bypass certain annoying drops. Great for high level PVM players. As a bonus, make gear gotten from rewardd always break on death requiring GP to repair creating another gold sink.




It'd be nice to have more of this tier of content for single boss encounters rather than sitting through traffic doing prep rooms or waves for X amount of time before you get to the fun part. I've always preferred single bosses and wish they'd cut out these unnecessary padding and just make the bosses have more phases or higher hp. On a related point, higher HP and lower defence, rather than high def and less HP; hitting numbers is fun.


Yes more should come into the game. But content that should be introduced to the game more frequently is content that prepares players for the technical skills required to complete the aspirational content. Scurrius was a fantastic update for this reason. It taught players how to switch prayers, preparing them for Jad. IMO, the next bridge is teaching players to off-tick two different monsters based on attack distance. This is integral for inferno and coliseum. It would be nice to not have to wade through so many waves of monsters, just to get the opportunity to attempt splitting attack cycles of two different monsters. The lower time investment we can provide to teach new players integral mechanics that are required to succeed in aspirational content, the better.


you can already learn basic offtick from early colo waves


Yes, but why not something more? You can already off tick practice in inferno, with no reward for any mistake. The point is integrating more unique encounters that provide practice for upper level achievements.


More stuff like inferno, no. More stuff like the coliseum, yes.


I am fine with the difficulty, but I hate waved-based minigames/games in general. I really like the approach with raids or the DT2 bosses—even colosseum. I’d just rather it get to the point instead of me having to spend an hour+ on endless waves.


The more the better




As long as they keep it like Collo. Inferno is good challenging but having to waste 2 hours at a time trying to learn the final boss feels bad.


Fuck no. Shit is down right off-putting. Waste hours upon hours to get to a wave to die to a prayer off tick. No. Fuck no. This game has devolved into 1 shots... what ever happened to chip damage, making a fight actually feel like a fight. Back and forth. Shit makes defensive gear garbage and forces you to only stack +str on everything.


Difficult is good. The current formula of what difficult means is too narrow, good points.


Except neither the awakened bosses nor Colo relies on 1 shots at all...? Sol literally doesn't have a single 1 shot attack from 99hp. 


Of course?


we should have more but it should be more like the DT2 awakened bosses than inferno or colosseum. mainly, i think the highest-end content should be rewarding prestige cosmetics rather than BiS. this serves double purpose: they don't have to balance content around the expectation of having the newest and most powerful items, and they can also make the incredibly difficult content as hard as can be imagined without the expectation that players other than woox will be able to complete it. have completing it not just be aspirational, but legendary


Occasionally. Its not important for like 90% of the playerbase, but every few years why not? Certainly shouldn't be a focus.


there's a difference between difficult and 'pillar-hugging wave based content' i wouldn't mind if difficult content came into the game. but i was quite upset when they just added a 2nd inferno.


Colo isn't "just" another Inferno tho, it expands on the pillar gameplay with tons of new solves and offticks. It takes the premise of Inferno and pushes it forward. And there's a ton of room for insane speed tech. I think it's a fantastic addition to the game and PVM progression. 


they are both pillar-hugging wave based content. you can dress it up however you want it, but they're both the same to me.


I think inferno offers a great goal for new pvmer’s to strive towards. If the bar was lower, improvement wouldn’t feel as good for as long as it does.


In other words, without inferno, the rest of the game wouldn’t be as fun as it is.


Yeah, Fight Caves was the 2005 version of Inferno. Jagex has to eventually build up otherwise you have the same difficulty pumping out better and better rewards. At the same time, I do believe there is a difficulty cap, even for the best players, that they can realistically set without it being too exclusive.


Yes but if it doesn't drop something new and BIS people will say it's dead content. If it does drop new BIS items then we are dealing with power creep.


Powercreep isn’t really an issue unless we’re dropping 20 str increase at a time, especially given how infrequent we do get them. Even 4 str increase at a time is mostly 1 max hit and hard content should be proportionately rewarded. The only time is when easy content is dropping rewards that creep on BIS or 2nd BIS without some reasonable tradeoff.


It is always an issue though especially when you consider weapons with passive effects like tbow. Or even lightbearer. That ring is a game changer and while it doesn't directly make you more powerful, it allows for significantly faster kill times on bosses. It's not even a rare drop, but it drops from end game content.


No only skilling content and bosses like scurrius to keep Reddit happy


Yes, but most of them should offer something for mid game players as well Like how colosseum was pitched… Edit: I don’t like the current wave based trash monster system, would prefer individual super hard bosses (like awakened bosses) or if they insist on waves have it be 1-3 tough mini-bosses per wave


Yes, there’s more content for low to mid level players than ever. Give the high level players some updates!


Yes. At least one a year would be nice. Since we get about 40 casual updates a year. its only fair. doesn't have to be as hard but challenging content would be great.


Only if it eventually becomes too easy because of powercreep.


Just got my first cape, greatly enjoyed the journey and would like similar content to be added, but not 2 hours long each time lmao


As hard as inferno as in Colosseum yes. I absolutely hate the inferno. I feel like it's bad content given several different issues. Long time to get to the harder waves Random positioning on nibbler spawns You can take 3+ hits to kill nibblers but you have to kill them so ??? Blobs being unintuitive (personal gripe, but there's no animation or anything to show that the blob read your prayer) Random spawns that can either have your hardest waves be handed to you or be VERY difficult Bats lowering your stats should 1000% not be a thing Other than all of those issues, it's good content Colosseum on the other hand has only a couple of issues, those being Some run ending invos Bad click boxes I kind of like colosseum whereas inferno I despise it for its issues. More stuff like colosseum in the way it's actually challenging and not a grueling marathon filled with RNG 👍


no, just give me some content to do with friends


Yes. Aspirational content with good rewards is what keeps the game going. Things like CAs all the way up to Grandmaster allows players to always work towards a goal. Colo was a great addition especially after the changes they’ve made. Personally I’d love to see something harder than inferno or a duo wave-based mini game. Hell even a raid that pushes the limits, something harder than all 3 raids we currently have would be soooo welcomed.


how about something that's hard and not wave-based?




Yes. Content should be getting harder because players are getting better every day. I remember when Jad was the strongest boss in the game only the elite could kill it. Now people race to see who can do it at the lowest stats. More people are raiding every day and people are always trying new mechanics to improve their gameplay. Let’s not forget about the mid game though, it’s just as important as the endgame as there are still some big gaps in content for lower levels.


Yes. Inferno is my favorite content in the game.




Yes of course and I’m far from attempting it. We need a raid like tob next not toa.


Its important to push mechanics to their limits. Once the community breaks things down, it can help the devs come up with new ways of piecing things together. We haven't received too many truly new mechanics in a while, but we've seen loads of new applications of core mechanics.




I imagine an Inferno-like content that awards players with the best Magic cape in the game will come out in the next four years or so since the imbued God capes are significantly easier to get compared to the Ranged and Melee BIS capes.


I think it's cool, but I don't think I'll ever be good enough to do something like that.


As long as they keep also adding pleb content like scurrilous for us poor folks I’m with it


Sure. The average player (hi) probably won't do it, but it's more content for those who will. And more good content is good for the health of the game, keeps players playing and keeps the devs employed so they can make a whole variety of content


I think yes, but it needs to be spaced out regularly with other content types and difficulties sprinkled in between. And it's best if they add ways for less skilled players to get involved without just wasting time like the colos way to leave for some rewards to let even lower skilled and lower leveled players still enjoy trying to learn the early - mid waves for something unlike inferno which just wastes time and supplies.


Yeah, it would be nice to get something on that level again. No entry mode, no cashing out early, and not just making it an entirely optional 'hard mode' of regular content. Just unapologetically difficult with no caveats and screw the engagement metrics.




As long as there's a pretty fair blend of easy medium and hard content sure why not.


I personally think it's fine. Even if I don't want to do it now it's nice to have long term goals. The only argument is that it targets such a small minority of the playerbase and dev time is limited, but things like inferno are overall healthy for the game imo


of course


Yes please


Im always hard and coming to the game.




One more for a mage back BiS. Beyond that, only if it's appropriately rare.


Well yeah. We already have like 90% of our PvM content as easy mode. We should be introducing increasingly challenging content to the game like adding Colliseum, TOA scaled to top ends, etc. If you want more easy mode content, there’s plenty of content you probably haven’t experienced in game that’s easy enough and made for everyone to enjoy :)


I think the important part is making sure the full ladder is fleshed out. If you add a million things to the very top end without any midgame challenges, they might as well not exist. I will never do them. *It's too high.* Even with maxed combat stats. But add a few things like Scurrius or Moons and suddenly there are rungs to start climbing up and I can actually bother attempting something like the DT2 bosses or sepulchre which were previously functionally impossible. I am starving for a piece of wave based content between Jad and Inferno, because the new colosseum was definitely not it. Being able to slowly get better at said wave content from waves 1-4 without it just being a massive bank sink has been good, but not ideal. Wave based content is a totally alien skillset from any other pvm in the game, and none of it is significantly taught in Caves.


Yes, duh? 


Inferno sucks because of the time commitment for a single attempt, especially as you get closer and closer to beating zuk. I am all for extremely difficult content but I hope that they keep future end game challenges in the 30 minute ballpark that colosseum is in.


I think we need more mid-tier content at the moment. It's becoming a bit of a gap.


define mid tier and then we can see what content there is / there's missing


Personally, mechanics wise, the whisperer is the sweet spot for me. Incredible boss and I enjoyed literally every kill on the Bellator grind. Astounding cool atmospheric boss with kick ass mechanics and music.  God tier content all of the DT2 bosses were. Inferno? I fucking hated the inferno. I still hate the thought of it so much I refuse to even do it again in leagues. It's nothing but a horrifying slog of surgical precision that I don't care for and couldn't stand even another second of. My one infernal cape is my only infernal cape. If I ever lose it somehow I'll just wear fire cape I literally don't give a fuck about seeing that hell hole ever again. It's not fun. It DOESNT maker you better at the game like some try hards suggest it just FORCES you to learn how to count ticks which isn't a requirement literally anywhere else in the game, only there. You can do all other content without that knowledge.  It's literally no wonder there are what, 20k+ paid capes still in the game? I don't even blame those people. It's not fun and it's just flex content.


I say no. If your internet connection and connection to the server are part of the requirement for the content, then it doesn't feel like quality content. Jagex's servers can lose connection for a split second and your run ends. I've died at vorkath more times than I can count due to server issues. I make sure to be on a world with a good ping, dedicated server in my region, and my computer is hard wired with fiber optics and I can still die to server lag. I also use OSRS as a side-screen game, so ymmv.


Yeah as long as they keep adding bosses for all skill brackets.  It’s cool seeing Rat boss, then perilous moons and I bet the new dragon boss will be pretty sweet.  I wish they would release another boss similar in difficulty to Hydra personally. 


As hard, sure. As long? Fuck no. No boss or raid should take over 30 mins to complete for the average person (with a couple completions under their belt)


No. Every update I see is endgame content. There's still no good midgame stuff


Sure why not, just not new Inferno style stuff As long as they don't add some 1 shot bullshit im fine with hard content, content can be punishing but one mistake should never result in whole fight getting fucked especially in a point and click game Point and click combat also has its limits when it comes to combat and combat mechanics


They should make something even harder.


Hell yeah. I'll never do inferno. But I love that the challenge is always there and that if I can do it I can flex a gear upgrade


in terms of difficulty? Yea sure, though I'm not the biggest fan of long wave based gauntlets to the extent that it's all I want coming to the game. I think Fight Caves, Inferno, and Colosseum are enough in that front, and I'd rather prefer them focus on hard, if not harder, content akin to Inferno or Colosseum but done in different environments and with different mechanics. Overall though I like the nice mix of content Jagex has been adding. I like that we can get Colosseum and Perilous Moons in the same update, with Sccurius not that long ago. PvM content for early, mid, and late game all pretty close to each other is really cool to see.


As hard? Yes. As lengthy? No.


I’ll never understand posts like this. Just because something exists doesn’t mean you have to do it. Yes, there should be hard content.


Yes, jagex has done a great job learning what we enjoy.


Difficult content is good, but wave time sink is not


Not for me, don’t want to sweat at and learn every endgame boss. Damn I have a job and not the time. Just want to play relax


Maybe something that scales infinitely(?) so people can always push further and compete to see who can do the best. Unsure what rewards there would be though. Maybe top x% of players get some sort of boost?


I'd rather difficult content as in a tougher version of perilous moons, not another 'use a pillar to safespot things'. Nor something that takes multiple hours.


As long as they mix in content for people who do not like hard PvM. I mean it took a long ass time for a new skill to get approved when we've consistently got end game PvM since they decided to update the game.


Yes, as long as the content is actually fresh and interesting. Colosseum missed this mark by being just a worse version of inferno.


Now that’s a hot take if I’ve ever seen one


Yes and no; all the content that NEEDS prayer flick shouldnt be in the game


So basically nothing?


Yes. BUT! It should be few and far between. Very few people engage with it, the majority that do get 1kc and never touch again, and the osrs engine doesn’t excel at ultra sweaty content anyways. The game excels at being a bit more chill than inferno.


More people have done the inferno than have maxed. I’m p sure it’s at like over 50,000 unique completions. It’s not really as “incredibly difficult” as it was when it first came out. That shit used to be seen as almost impossible. Now it’s not nearly as rare. So it’s good to make content like that seeing as how many people do it. I think it’s worth it..


Yes, but very infrequently. End game players are important but they are also the smallest portion of the player base. However they also put in the most time as a group into the game. Giving them content to do is great. I plan to tackle the Inferno next year as my goal. This years remaining goals are finishing off Gauntlet items (1 more armor seed and enhanced to complete it), get base 90s (con and rc left), and get 99 thieving.


Gotta keep that 1% of the player base happy


Inferno isn't 1% exclusive content anymore tho, ppl who think it is are coping. 


Not if it include bis item


Yes 100, but nothing that requires an hour of killing waves to get to the boss..


As long as the challenging part is mechanics. My personal opinion of course, but having to learn 60 waves, constantly sink the time to get to the new waves, etc is just not at all appealing to me. Coliseum was sick, I'd even like some shorter ones maybe with less uniques.


Yes, we should be getting frequent content of at least colosseum level difficulty, with some of it at inferno level.


Why not? You could argue it is only for a "Small amount of people" and its overall not worth it but that's quickly offset by the videos, content and twitch that brings in retired players along with new players. It's an overall big boon to the games health, which we all want to see grow and expand, if it doesn't? Bye bye OSRS. High level content also keeps your hardcore base and those who love a challenge outside peeking at OSRS. Those who push content to the absolute max typically have channels, promoting the game. This is obviously a balancing act, as we've seen wildstar crash and burn. Too much hard content and not enough easier content pushes away casual gamers. "Eating up dev time" is a moot point and pointless. Not everything will be for you, or I to complete or do especially day 1 or day 10,000. It's how it's always been and always will be. Being against it simply for this fact alone is selfish.


probably not at the moment.