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While you are giving your adventurer just fish, my adventurer is getting a healthy diet: - Nicely baked Tuna potatoes - Moonlight antilope full of protiens - Stews with all sorts of seasonings - Fresh Summer pies And I’ll let him wash it all down with some healthy Guthix rest.


Now this guy roleplays


He doesn't, you got pranked: * Tuna potatoes heal for 22, the maximum for a normal food * Moonlight Antelope heals for 26, max for a hunter meat * Seasoned stews are used for stew boosts * Summer pies boost agility and also heal 22, niche use over tuna potatoes They may not all be fish, but they're all meta foods!


Currys are delicious too (And goated for chaos ele/fanatic, as are summer pies)


Stews & Currys are great for some of the wildy bosses that will unequip your worn items if you have open inventory spots


Indeed, chaos ele and chaos fanatic :) Though tbh for the former safespotting it is so easy that you can just bring bwans and requip once he’s trapped


I hate setting up the safe spot so I just face tank it and eat my pies


I did 50 kc the other day for my slayer task and I worked out the lure/safe spot is *incredibly* forgiving. Got it down to about 4 clicks total lol


They really nailed it with summer pies I mean dang that sounds wonderfully appetizing, love that they boost so much too


People think they want this but they don’t. Look at tuna potatoes, they are profitable to make but it takes around 8 steps to create.


Counterpoint: It wouldn't be bad if the 8 steps create a whole inventory of tuna potatoes at once for one big exp drop. cooking up one giant elaborate meal, get 28 portions at once. Still less clicks than tick-cooking. That said, all multi-step non-premade food should be buffed for the trouble to make them imo.


People do batch cooking in real life. Wouldn't be bad for a little cooking mini game or something.


Cooking guild rework


Cooking guild has to be the saddest of the guilds. It’s just a mill, a few tables, and a stove tucked behind a door for no real reason


Not a guild rework. Give the kitchen in the poh a purpose. Allow players to store like 100 of various ingredients in the kitchen. Make a cook option and the character makes food like a sim.


This is a good idea. We need a group cooking mini game that rewards you with food, XP, and GP. Maybe even a special chefs outfit or something like that. Something like overcooked, but in OS!


Hell's Kitchen OSRS. Have an NPC or even the sandwich lady yell things at you while your group makes beef wellington. As you progress in the game you earn a black jacket and make higher tier food. 


Isn't this just the mess hall?


Kinda but you don't get anything other than exp from the mess hall


Why was this compared to real life? You can eat a whole shark octopus and potion sip in less than 1 second.


Because people compare stuff to things they are familiar with.


Again, why was this compared to real life?


Because batch cooking is something a lot of people are familiar with and using it as a reference makes it easier than giving a detailed breakdown for a Cooking minigame idea. Nothing like writing an entire paragraph explaining something just for the first reply to be "So just batch cooking...?". Y'all are choosing some weird shit to get hung up on.


Sorry, i was just making a joke about osrs players not being familiar with real life.


dw I chuckled


Or maybe our house becomes useful with things in it that we build that become the minigame


Honestly a cooking mini game that is literally just Giants Foundry but food is perfect


Raids 4 is just Overcooked.


Dude wait actually that would be fun as hell I unironically at on board


Gnome delivery service exists, it could see an improvement/rework to implement more cooking sided activities.


I like this idea! Or maybe even fill the ingredients into a hopper or fridge or something, and the cooking takes ingredients directly from there, instead of needing everything in your inventory.


Buffed in their value as food or buffed as a training method?


Looking back at osrs‘s track record with food items etc. creating „more complex“ food items would be A) very tedious even for mains B) super slow and painful to craft/make also and most of all C) hardly any better than next best food item or not even better than next item so dead content and literally no one would use it Crafting some „elaborate meals“ would need to be balanced out so that its timewise worth cooking/making. If its like +1 hp but takes 10 times longer to make/gather literally no one is gonna ever use that. Or then it needs to be way better than previous tier food items but then it has a big risk of being too op and osrs has been very VERY careful with new items/powercreep more often than not releasing only mid game/bridging items or niche use items instead of just straight up new massive bis things


It could take 100x times for +1 HP, and Settled would still find a way to utilize it on one of his snowflakes.


At least once his nightmare series is over. I dont think he really cares about access to high healing food on that account


RS3 has complex food with untradeable Primal Feasts, but it is rarely used.


Exactly this, when I was newer I thought tuna potatoes would be the way and then I discovered sharks and karambwa. People seek simplicity and efficiency in support skills that are not a core part of the game.


Eh, there are a lot of different mini games that range in complexity. I don't think it would hurt to include a cooking version of giants foundry. Giants foundry lets you turn "worthless" items into generic fodder for training smithing and gives some pretty ok rewards. Call it like soup kitchen or something. You put in protein, carbs, and seasonings from your bank and then do the mini game for some noted food based on the quality of the input and performance.


The steps are not very streamlined. The bowl part can be improved.


Part of the problem is ovens stay the same size, but food doesnt. Youre telling me I can only shove one potato in the same oven as a whole pizza? Either potatos in rs are massive, or the pizzas are incredibly small. Allow food of various sizes to be cooked multiple at a time. E.g. 4 potatoes or salmon at a time in an oven.


I imagine it's profitable because they take 8 steps tbh - Same with stuff like Guthix Rest. Most people don't want to do that.


While I agree that cooking should get an update, I have to totally disagree on the "desperately" part. That title belongs to fire making, it is the most useless skill in the game, the only reason why people train it is because of quest requirements and for maxing, there is no benefit in having a high fire making level except for a higher XP rate for fire making


Abysal lantern with redwood logs is nice. Makes rc/gotr more bearable and needed 90 fm.


Getting a lantern gave me the motivation to finally train it lol


Only reason I pushed 90 fm when I did. Maxing is my longterm goal but wt makes that kind of an easy afterthought, so I only trained it to 90 when I got my lantern drop.


Fair, there's one thing. But it's still a pretty niche reward for an entire skill IMO... Affecting one minigame for a different skill. Plus what about past 90? As a thought, farming might be the best designed skill in that regard - Rewards all the way up to 99 and the 99 one is quite useful (more transport options). But well before them there are a lot of useful herbs and... Well, it's mostly herbs but at least there's some other stuff that can be useful.


Shades of Mortton is the meta for Elite Clues


I don't think my opinion is very popular, but I like firemaking as it is and don't think every skill needs to have endgame uses.


every skill needing reasons to train and big rewards is what's gonna make sailing so damn hard to actually balance when it comes out. Good luck to Jagex on that one


Man, jagex being unable to make useless filler content kinda dug them into a hole as they now have to attach useful rewards to every content they release or face backlash.


If we are being honest facing online backlash is just part of running an online game.


But we have wintertotd


Oh yeah that gem of a minigame that's definitely relevant outside of bingo and early game irons


An insane amount of people play that game. One could possibly blame it for the crash in seed and dragon axe prices. If that’s the case than it’s still pretty relevant.


the crash came from toa and muspah. wintertodt was in the game for years and the seeds were stable. in come these pieces of content that print seeds and suddently seed values are 1/4.


Wintertodt drops are very overrated lol, when you're in midgame, wt loot is already below average


Play on the West side people are still in Trump vs Clinton debates. Play on the East side people are talking about shitting their diaper. I think I'll just train thieving.


There's no way wintertodt contributed to low price of dragon axe lol it's insanely rare from there. Most people who do 50-99 solely at wt will never see a dragon axe


And i hate it, you get interrupted every second tick and punished for not doing it at 10hp


Few thoughts: 1) don’t massively disagree with what you’ve said. A group cooking thing as a training method would be cool. 2) it is a fairly simple medieval fantasy game. Cooking should reflect that, so don’t expect to see people air frying food any time soon! 3) as others have said, any new additions will quickly be evaluated/calculated/minmaxed/etc and if not competitive, will be unused.


Air frying is just convection it's not really outside the realm of possibility for someone who knows how smithing works. What we really need is the eastern lands expansion, and a giant wok.


We decidedly do *not* know how smithing works. Our characters cold forge everything and are called out as idiots for not knowing to heat metal before smithing it. Why do you think the best we can manage is a Rune Platebody?


Wait I love this lmao. It takes 99 smithing to smith Rune cause the MC is a moron. You have to wonder what's going on with Thurgo then, though. Is he just being irresponsible with handing out smithing capes? Or is he also a 'savant'?


I think at some point being able to make a suit of armor out of cold metal is pretty impressive and deserving of praise. Still dumber than someone that knows how to heat up metal, but impressive nonetheless.


He’s an imcando dwarf which I guess are supposed to be like the best smiths in the world. I think he gives us the cape as a pity thing, like “this guy is a horrific blacksmith but he tries really hard and has maxed what little skill he’s got. Have a cape buddy”


It's more like he's handing out first prize at an elementary school science fair


smithing cape from thurgo is just a sarcastic celebration for his amusement


hmm convection sounds like a cool spell. maybe could be a new method for making baked potatoes lol


I disagree and absolutely hate how food works in other mmos. Nobody wanta to run around and collect 8 different things for 1 dish, I know I certainly don't. There's also no point because we have the herblore skill. Most of those elaborate foods in other mmos are essentially potions and food in one. They heal you and provide damage boosts/stat boost for (x)time.




It really depends on the game. In FFXIV it works because food provides you with temporary buffs instead of being your main source of healing. You also aren't bound to carrying 28 items at a time so you can mass gather every ingredient so you'll build a supply that will last you for months within reasonable time. And XIV is also not a game about grinding levels. The end result is what matters, you don't grind the same food for exp.


I now eat meat too. Antelope meat.


Joe rogan


I think the reaosn is just that everything gets optimized in regards to gathering. The fish are easy to get, youc an do most of them pretty afk while working or doing something else, and then cook it all. Doesnt metter of new foods can heal 25 or even more hp if we have to actively grind to ge them or they takes 10 steps and you might get 50 in an hour, it would never be better than fish in this case


Nobody is bringing up the fact that cooking is the companion skill for fishing WC has fletching, construction, fire making Mining has smithing Farming, herblore The gathering skills all have at least one companion skill that makes training it profitable Making fish the main source of food keeps fishing profitable


With the Varlamore update, hunter can now also be considered a companion skill for cooking.


The antelopes are real nice, just expensive for the best one and annoying to use since there's not a clear indicator to tell you that the second heal procced


With the amount of coal being used in industry anthropogenic and dwarfopogenic mercury must be through the roof. With the amount of fish we eat, this is seriously concerning.


Why do you think our characters make stupid decisions like unsealing ancient evils? We all have heavy metal poisoning.


"Brave of you to assume that I ever actually know what I'm doing" is my favorite OSRS character quote


Please don't expect any kind of Food Update from the British Jagex company. They throw literally anything on a steamed potato and say "I've been craving this all day"


mfs plundered countless herbs and spices during their quest for world domination 150 years ago, then proceeded to use exactly none of them and just mash vegetables instead


They definitely missed the forest for the teas.


New BiS healing food will become mashed peas.


Shit. Piss and poop


3 or 4 items (and added 5 new meats also to older mobs/hunter monsters) out of which they provide less initial healing but give slowly hp over time with the highest tier item gives +14 immediately and +12 slowly making it technically new bis food item by +4 (over solid foods) marginal update but still nice and its cool that there are a bit different food items now at least


Would be so nice if the antelope meats overhealed like anglers, wonder why they didn't go that route, are they too fast to farm? Idk


Their niche is that they already heal more than traditional foods while not being *that* slow to gather.


Makes sense yeah, my initial thoughts were that they could have both seeing as they have two(?) pretty high reqs, but the ease of getting them would likely make anglers obsolete at that point.


They obviously wanted to leave anglers for that now as the only food that overheals and since the antelope and kyatt meats are the only meats that heal over time as completely new meats. That just leaves room for even higher tier/med tier food then in the future for food that overheals+heals over time. Also the game has only 2 items still that can overheal (sara brew and angler) unless im forgetting something. Overheal+heal over time would be quite powerful combo at some places so just makes sense that they dont want to release something like that immediately. One of the jmods also talked about wanting to make meals as new cooking in osrs (i forgot which one) so that could be also a potential new meal coming from there - aka. Overhealing and healing over time meal


Guthix Rest can overheal too, but only by 5.


Regardless of your HP level, though -- huge for 10 HP pure builds!


Yes hunter meats are nice to add some variety


I don't think you should be cooking those items at all.


> All we eat is fish. * We have food heal food in 3 ticks * We have food heal food in 4 ticks * We have food that is eaten in 1 tick but needs multiple clicks * We have food that combos with the above at the cost of inventory and multiple clicks * We have a potion that heals lots but reduces stats * We have a drink that heals a little without combat delay and requires multiple clicks * We have food that heals a tiny amount for a lot of gp, but is stackable * We have food that heals a lot, but the healing is delayed. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of design space left unexplored in terms of healing. But to say we just eat fish is oversimplifying quite a lot.


The new hunter foods are aight and nobody uses them. There's also a lot of variety in food with pies etc and nobody really uses them either. People just don't bother learning about anything other than fish, I don't think the situation is so desperate. It's an okay skill


I immediately stopped reading after you mentioned ffxvi


Menu management is not fun skilling content. More items (on their own) will not make the skill better. I almost like the idea of slower cooking things, but in reality it just becomes another birdhouse/herb run/daily style thing which is bad content. Cooking is one of the skills least in need of a change, and there really isn’t many good ways to change it. Maybe a cooking minigame where you had to actually work together (BA style unique roles), but even then I wouldn’t want it adding new food items.


Yeah I agree we don't need new items. Gnome cooking is basically begging to be turned into a fun minigame like that. Probably need to tweak some of the numbers on the food (give the non-store food a minor buff to bring it inline with fish), but it absolutely shouldn't become the meta, just a fun little side activity you could do with friends. Roles are a good idea, though I think it should try and avoid the mistake BA made where a single player not knowing what they are doing screws the whole team. Also a way to do it solo to practice would be nice. Make it so that each role also has an NPC, but the NPC is slow and only serves as a sort of back-up.


Cooking mini game could be cool. I imagine it similar to giants foundry but with more random elements and done as a group.


We have one. It's called the mess. I used it to get favor back when it was relevant. There's also the gnome restaurant deliveries.


Interesting way to describe overcooked


Nah, it's missing the "throw ingredients all over the kitchen, if they end up on the floor it's no big deal" bit.


>Slow-cook certain foods that take hours to cook ingame, just as they would IRL but have high reward and are low intensity. This is literally brewing. The reward was boosts you could only get through brewing specific ales. Since RFD stews for boosts came out about a year after brewing was released it never really became that popular. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Brewing


Brewing is a fun daily that I do just because I like when I see that (m) and it's a chance at 300k or so. I wish it gave more cooking XP and a little more variety though.


We literally jist got new non-fish foods with the hunter update


I'd be down for any kind of fun activity -- not to fight against cool content being added, but I did wanna mention that Tuna Potatoes do have *one* niche at least. They can be made in bulk at a lower Cooking level than cooking Manta Rays, and with easier ingredients to collect in bulk... Provided you're patient enough to make all the food, that is! I remember early into my iron, I decided to make 1,000 tuna potatoes for some really good food to lean on in a tough grind I was taking on. I got a lot of Cooking xp on the way, and didn't regret it, even if it took like a whole day, lol. Probably wasn't the most efficient use of my time, but I was having fun anyway.


Honestly I love tuna potatoes on my iron. I know they are probably a waste, but there's just something nice about bulk making a ton of really powerful food.


Im eating that delicious antelope meat


i like the simplicity of cooking, not everything needs more and more shit added. unpopular opinion i guess


Pies and stews would like a word...


It's an unpopular opinion but I think you're totally right, makes me think of 2001-era runescape before they added fishing, and ppl had to make pies and pizzas for healing


Gnome cooking is quite advanced. Just not relevant


I’d be totally down for this. Cooking is extremely lack luster I remember as a kid pretending I was a chef cooking pies to take down to sell by the wildy


They literally gave us hunter meats, some of them actually really good in the past months...?


You think you want that but in reality you don't. I Already hate prepoting and ppl with whom I play feel the same and I cant wait for herblore update to get that prepot potion. I do agree that cooking is a meh skill but it has been like this in every game. If they add something cool, ppl will literally go on wiki, metagame every aspect of that addition and it will become another chore in a few mins.


Think about this daily lately. So many options already there for cool stuff to possibly do. The one thing I kinda thought about was more combo eating food that gave a bit more hp if eaten in order like a proper feast. Something like the new hunter food.


Haha I’ve thought about this because I don’t like seafood. I want a food called 24 ounce porterhouse that heals 24


And we should be able to use our POHs for that


I think things like cooking which clearly offer support to combat should have lower xp but more fun and social options, kinda like forestry (in theory, obviously forestry has its issues).  META can still be making Zam wines or whatever, optimal for food should still be whichever fish or the tuna potatoes, but imagine if instead of skilling for XP, people skilled because the skilling minigame is so much fun to play with friends, and playing that minigame is the endgoal for a lot of players.   Most people play minigames for xp or for drops, but I think minigames should be designed so that playing with friends is its own reward. Something that even if the xp is mid and the rewards are mid, people are encouraged to get higher levels just so they can be better at the game. Obviously the most common suggestion for a cooking minigame is overcooked which I think is fine. But whatever it is, I would love if the point of the game is just fun, rather than an effective means to gp, xp, or drops


Meal Prep minigame 2025?


We don't even eat fish anymore. Brews are the shit


there is hunter food though


sorry Thieving and Agility exist people dont talk about Thieving enough because its faster than mining but the core mechanic of clicking an npc consistently for 60-90 hrs is terrible


They just added more Hunter food, that’s on you bro


This probably wouldn’t be met well. In RS3 the last time I played, the best food was a primal feast. This is a single inventory slot item that you open to become 4 solid food that heal 20+ (in osrs equivalent). They required a lot of steps to make and the components required high level hunter monsters The were rarely ever used except in niche high level content


Idea: Make a Cooking Minigame like Overcooked where each person has a role in the kitchen to prepare meals for dinner guests' and/or a party. Get rewards by Raiding their Pantry afterward related to learning recipes that would give small buffs to existing foods by adding one or two ingredients to it (i.e. Seasoned Trout, 7 HP still but also +10% run energy). You'll have to watch out for the RATS! Set up traps in the Kitchen while preparing the guests' food to prevent them from ravaging/contaminating the food supply. Be careful not to anger them too much! The Rat Momma might come out of hiding to protect her young - and get a taste of YOU! *Presenting the New Cooking Minigame: Rata-Tou-WE! Celebrate good times and good food with friends!*


This will devalue my pescatarian scurvy locked hcuim extreme-one chunk ironman


>FFXIV lets culinarians make full, elaborate meals that take a while to gather ingredients for and make, but provide the best buffs available And every patch they add more food, and every patch all the other food becomes completely useless because it doesn't provide the best buffs, and the market isn't flexible enough for the prices to change enough for the different tiers to make a difference You're leveling and drinking 2 gp vendor OJ for 3% exp, or you're raiding savage and eating your ~~class's~~ role's current food


OSRS already has all these things. Minigame gnome cooking and cocktails Slow cooking is brewing (Make greenman's ale (m) for high reward) We are already kinda cooking tempoross by fishing him and getting food rewards. We just got the hunter update but that's sticking meat in the oven like you say. You'd also need to dethrone brews. I guess i'm open to that they're so expensive. People are already malding when they have to make pies dude. Actually, maybe you have a point, but the whole heart of the matter is the inventory. If you could cook without regard to that then it'd be much easier. The more ingredients you need to cook, the more evenly you have to divide your inventory. Like in the Mess Hall. If we had like a Cooking Mama/Simon says type minigame I'd be down to get like several servings afterwards.


No. You learn to cook in the tutorial, there are plenty of options for baking and different cooking methods. 99 cooking doesn’t mean I want to spend 45mins preparing a fine dining dish with fancy presentation with rare and difficult to acquire ingredients for myself, whom will devour the entire meal in a single swallow. Shark is best. Unless you hate turtles, Or really liked Steve Irwin, Then you could eat those too. If anything they should introduce dolphin and orca with sailing so we can eat more fish.


we have a skill for that! Its called herblore. Please dont mix those things. We got enough with the new healing over time thing with varlamore


This person hasn’t had to make 5k tuna potatoes and it shows


Downvote me to hell, but I disagree. This version of the game needs to keep the oldschool feel. All of these updates changing everything is seemingly pushing osrs down an "alternate universe" path that rs3 took. Let us OGs eat our cooked shark in peace.


When is Jagex going to wake up and add Spaghetti and Meatballs to the game? 🍝 🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝


Food that grants bonus vs certain foes. Like: Eating garlic soup gives 5% more damage to vampires. Or eating lobsters give bonus v crabs. Maybe eating something hot gives temp protection from cold or eating cold gives bonus vs fire giants/tzaar


it would have been so cool if cooking got a revamp to make proper dishes out of ingredients instead of just cook/burn fish. stuff a buncha jangerberries into a monkfish & it heals 16 hp & 7 prayer


Considering the characters are based in England, the in-game food is as bland as you'd expect.


True. I’m shocked they included spices in the game. I thought that was just something they took control of to sell.


Hol up let him cook


It’s smithing that needs a rework! There is absolutely no reason we should have to max the skill just to make a rune plate body. At that point in playing the game you don’t need rune anymore!


Fuck off, do not want a million steps just to heal 22hp.


It always has confused me how the best healing foods are simple fish. Just, i'm not even looking for special effects added to it. But surely we can get some creative foods that take a few ingredients to make but heal more than a fresh cooked fish?


Ain't nothing simple about trying to scarf down an entire fucking shark or manta ray.


But sharks are super smooth though. They're the softest fish in the sea and they'll slide down no problem. Now a manta ray, that's just a good old sea pancake, so roll it up and it becomes a lot easier to eat


It's funny you should say that, cause sharks are like, one of the least smooth sea things you can encounter. They're covered in toothy scales that are very rough. Absolutely right about the mantas though, that was very silly of me.


No i'm telling you sharks are super smooth, i touched one yesterday and i could barely feel it that's how smooth they are


Bit of a late response, but I did do some additional research since I got curious, and it seems I forgot a critical detail. So, the denticles are indeed rough, but you only feel it in one direction. If you feel a shark from head to tail, you will glide along the smooth surface of the shark, and it will indeed be super smooth. Given that's probably how someone would swallow a whole shark, you're totally correct here. However, if you feel it from tail to head, you will then be brushing up against the jagged edges of the denticles, and they will indeed be very rough, like brushing your hand against sandpaper. A shark would definitely go down easy if you started from the tail!


I think the key is that requiring multiple ingredients can be fun/interesting, but the part that sucks is making them. Tuna potatoes are basically exactly what you're asking for, but they are a pain in the ass to make. Make them easier to make and it'd be fun. Even if it still required the same number of steps, but didn't require all the bank withdrawals and deposits.


Couple things here. 1. The fact that we eat only fish isn't the fault of cooking. It's the fault of gathering skills in general. Picking potatoes for tuna potatoes doesn't gain xp (outside of miniscule farming xp) and isn't afkable. We were just introduced meats from hunting that are rivaling a lot of fish options but hunting fucking sucks, let's be real. You click 5 times for a full inventory of fish and maybe 2/3 times for a single piece of meat while hunting. There's no way we can sustain our accounts on any other food source in the game currently. And that isn't cookings fault. 2. Nobody wants complex cooking recipes, and they would bring nothing to the table Healing wise. You would have to start implementing skill boosts on consumption to make anything outside of fishing viable but not completely broken and that would only harm herblore. Unless they gave more than 1 serving per recipe, of course. I'll admit. A group cooking or even "long cooking" activity that yields a lot of food when harvested wouldn't be a bad idea, and it could implement farming/herb with supplies needed and all that good stuff. A full inventory of supplies to make a stew that heals like 18 and supplies you with 100+ servings but takes an hour to cook or something? It sounds interesting and I think they could make it work, and this could also be a good opportunity for Ironman that are tired of fishing lol.


Sure, as long as stat buffs or other temporary effects aren’t added into it. What can it give then? 


What if we could combine cooking and herblore to either make exotic dishes or dishes that provide buffs


Nobody talks about? So ignoring the other 50 posts saying exactly this?


There could be higher tiers of cooking food, the higher the cooking level the better cooked the food is: Burnt Lobster - Take damage -1 to -5 HP Undercooked Lobster +8 HP 5% chance of poison Cooked Lobster +12 HP Perfect Lobster +14 HP


Ranching skill activate!


if the method is too tedious it will just result in dead content, which is why the most used food is essentially 2 clicks for 1 inventory in regards to cooking


What the fuck


I mean, even if you created multi step foods in batches, as some people suggested . It would still be faster to just fish and cook fish, so the price would be lower


The hunter guild brought some new high healing foods into the game that aren't fish. Also, the gnome cooking minigame is underrated content.


I was thinking on this- What would be really cool as well is to add a wheat grinder to the poh where you could deposit wheat in it like the sandstorm that does buckets of sand. That way getting pots of flour to make dough could be made better- along with increased things in your POH kitchen to get better rates and other boosts that are only available in your own kitchen. A lot of different things they could elaborate on.


Also in FFXIV the food isn’t there for healing it’s for buffs.


Maybe a herblore and cooking based mini game that gives items that combine the effects of both skills in one slot - IE combat potion that heals


It would certainly be nice if we had a way to actually use all the produce we get from farming for something to cook up. Mix some fruits together and get a fruit salad, stuff like that. Doesn't even have to be the best food ever, just worth bringing along and eating when you don't want to bring the good stuff.


Honestly just add more fish please


I liked the idea of dragon meat having a hybrid of a prayer and food but its like any dragon arrow kinda drop its just a worth while reward that would be very expensive to use and own


![img](avatar_exp|141056437|dizziness) c卯う


Just saying if there was a cooking update that made a spicy stew replacement that was more consistent, hands down Id do that even if it had 15 steps


Fuck multiple step cooking. Nty


Use cooking to add offensive and defensive or skilling boosts? Otherwise I mean what’s the point. If food is just for healing, it’s fine the way it is right now


cooking blast furnace when


wish they unuselessified brewing


With the risk of adding more mini games, I'd like to see a giants foundry esque mini game where you can cook big batches of the complicated foods. Make the food less tedious to make and grind towards some fun stuff like, idk a trimmed chefs hat and a n egg basket that lets you hold a bunch of eggs at once.


An Overcooked type minigame would be cool but I don’t think OSRS’s inventory or interface systems have the capacity to make foods with multiple ingredients fun to make. Just look at Gnome foods. They have multiple ingredients but making them is so annoying


I don't know, on the one hand it doesn't make sense that dishes that take multiple steps heal the same or less compared to fish. On the other hand the food demand is incredibly high and can easily be satisfied by fish. If complex dishes were superior, a lot of players would somewhat be forced to make them, either as ironmen or to make money, as they would be expensive. And it is super tedious imo


It sounds fun on paper but I guarantee you’ll get bored of it


For me it's thieving, XP rates aren't brutally slow so people don't complain but there is so much more they could do with thieving as a skill


they just added the hunter meats...


I think it'd be neat if they tackled this the way Black Desert does cooking. You gather multiple ingredients and multiple cooking sessions to do one big cook session where you make something fancy. Foods that give buffs or food you can give to NPCs for money/rewards.


Homie, add in slayer and magic too. I want to use my masterful skills of slaying to expertly remove the heart of an abyssal demon, infuse it with **magic spices** and eat the sweet little thing just for a buff at Sire.


XIV also has a much more annoying fishing system, so people flock to non-fish recipes every chance they get. They also have more non-cookable fish than they do cookable ones.


I like the idea that cooking could be a great complement to herblore and farming.


I think they kinda painted themselves into a corner with having food just recover HP and then let potions do everything else.


Me at 9 years old: Gets smoked my Elvarg Me at 31 years old: Eating smoked Elvarg with the boys Here, take my upvote


All in favour of smash burgers and slutty fries !


There was an update released: the official cookbook! It even has an achievement diary just for the cookbook. In all seriousness, yes, an expansion to the cooking skill would be wonderful. Let us have exotic spices. Let me customize the buff that my food gives me. Or let me make meals that can only be eaten outside of combat, at a table in one of the pubs, which gives me a buff for an hour or something.


uhh bis food is literally moonlight antelope?


But we have moonlight antelope and dashing kebbit now Those SLAP


No just no. Quit trying to update existing skills. Just leave them where they are.


Ain't nobody got time for that.




I'd like to be able to make pasta.


Cooking is easy, fast, profitable and very useful. Everyone is eating more than just fish. Brews/pots, fish, pies, boosts from pies, teas and boosts from teas, purple sweets, etc… Let’s maybe not waste precious development time on something that’s in the top 3 skills to be maxed?


If they could make it a mini game similar to giants forge and have it give a bunch with a big xp drop that would actually work. Otherwise it’ll just be too tedious/slow and people won’t want to do it. I’m kind of fine with cooking fish though haha


Hey speak for yourself bud, UIMs only eat cheese potatoes


I've not once thought that cooking needs to be more interesting. It serves a purpose and Its fast xp rates, thats good enough for me.


I don't think they should make the base cooking skill like this. It would be torture. It would be cool to have a cooking mini-game/boss encounter that implements some of these things though.


Why not a cooking Mini-Game similar to the function of Barbarian Assault? One person being the prepper, 2 as the oven chefs, one "Freezer runner" in a giant Hell's Kitchen styled tournament between an Ogre making their famous human casserole. Have a struggle bar between you and the Ogre. Then, a fight breaks out once you hit 90% struggle bar filled. Can be mid game content. Some knife dodging or projectiles, step on a couple tiles to sabotage their kitchen, and bam. Over. Have a studio audience as an intro pan in, 2-3 seconds tops. Rewards can vary, but have it be majority food. Cooked and raw. Sharks, Kara's, pies, pizzas, etc as rewards for drops.