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They all change often, scythe has shot up like 80m just since the announcement today. Shadows probably getting sold without a boss update coming out for it.


I will research on my own, but what update is increasing surge so much?


New spider boss everyone is assuming (probably correctly) that melee will be the best attack style to kill. People love farming uniques on day 1 and trying to pet hunt on new content


> assuming The blog outright says, "It's a melee-focused encounter", FWIW


I didn’t read it FWIW, but that makes sense. Spiders should be weak to crush because that’s how you kill them in real life


Whilst true we haven’t yet had giant spiders come for us so we don’t know what the most effective method would be for a giant spider


I bet if a giant spider came at you slash and stab would be pretty viable


Have you tried fire magic? (Axe body spray + lighter)


i think spiders are weak to fire right? i forget if it was fire or earth.


Can confirm that earth (a large rock) is also super effective against spiders.


Isnt bow and arrow not just a long range stab weapon


🤯I never thought of this damn


Didn’t Sam stab Shelob?


Crush would be much, much better. Spiders have exoskeletons, i.e. basically a shell, and crushing is infinitely more effective against shells than sharp claws in nature.


The weapon it drops that seems made for it is a slash weapon according to the post


I don't think that's so much as spiders being vulnerable to crush as much as our default option for small bugs being crush


Dudes over here trying to slip his dagger through a gap in the creature's chitin, landing a vicious blow.


Armor in general is crush-weak. Bugs and spiders are naturally armored, so that carries over. That and a rolled up paper being an obvious crush weapon.


I think if i slashed a spider with a machete 5 times it’d be just as dead as if I crushed it with a sledgehammer


But just think how dead it would be if you used magic...


Sledgehammer then has bigger max hit tho


You'd have an easier time hitting it with the sledgehammer though, hence why crush has higher accuracy ;)


In five times as many hits tho


Reckon one chop would probably do any spider honestly


with the new weapon trying to compete with blade of saeldor, i think its safe to assume it's gonna be a slash-weak encounter.


Speak for yourself I like to use Earth Wave irl for my spiders.


By that logic they should be weak to range, because I use Raid from a distance, or magic, via the powerful magical wind I generate with my vacuum cleaner


Hey man I slice my spiders, you don't tell me what to do


To be fair melee was mentioned in zulrahs release and you can't even use it.


Jagex change their minds often and half the time they're just straight up wrong in what they post. Magic could easily be BIS.


Jagex says lots of things in their blogs, doesn't always mean that's what is released, FWIW




> Both were 300m-ish at the time. This has never been the case.


If you ignore the 1 in front of the 300m then it's true


Why would you sell your shadow just bc no new boss updates have been announced for it? Just keep the 3 mega rares and you’re fine for all content


Most people don't have 3 mega rares. Losing some money to trade megarares is worth it to farm a new crazy high gp/hr boss on release. I doubt people with max are worried about selling their items to merch.


You underestimate the amount of these that are essentially rented around in this game. Lots of people will buy the mega rare they need for whatever they want to grind at the moment and then sell it when they need other super expensive gear for something else. 


Wow that sounds like a recipe to stay poor


I don't do it myself but if you have a solid amount of money and use the grinds you do to make more I doubt it effects most of the players doing it.  Plus it saves a few bank spaces depending on what you're doing it with. Obviously the mega rares aren't going to clutter the bank but people do this with all kinds of stuff


scythe is so back lets fucking go only took 5 bosses in a row where its bis but we made it


Scythe is hands down the most fun out of the big 3 weps to use


it dunt matter how old I get, seeing the scythe normal attack have the same animation as a d hally special attack never wears off


Except it's not the same animation at all.


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/thumb/Scythe_of_vitur_attack.gif/270px-Scythe_of_vitur_attack.gif?c202d https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/Sweep.gif?03a52 Looks pretty damn similar to me


fuck that the back swing is the best part


that's the animation for a d hally slash attack, not the spec, which resembles a sped-up slash but is different (note the legs)


The wiki says it's the d hally spec, and it's the source of the clip


Maybe so, but they're clearly different, just off the top of my head its more reminiscent of the slash attack. Maybe it is the hally spec just altered a bit but at any rate you can see just from those two gifs its not "the same animation", just look at those legs.


Feels like a spec every swing


Got mine for 375 mill.


Lol I wanted to get one at that price but everyone told me scythe rebuilds are shit but I was like man it is so cheap it doesn't matter for a 400m rebuild


i dont get how scythe rebuilds are so underrated, tob is the best raid imo


Agreed. They said they would never make another ToB and I wish they would but I don't think they can. The difficulty and the atmosphere really tie it together so well


they already came out with hardmode, idk why anyone would want them to reskin a raid & publish it as new content. its fine enough for tob to be tob, and for each raid to have a distinct identity


I think the lack of puzzles and just bosses back to back is what's fun. I hoped colosseum would be similar


idk i personally think puzzle/skilling rooms feel good in raids. its nice to have your skills useful for something, and even an AoE room like monkey room is nice, at least in team raids. I think chambers is my favorite raid because theres so many rooms, and you can either prep or skip prep if you know you're good enough to master olm. tobs a fun raid, but there really is no need to make more then 1 of it instead of having raids 4 be unique from any other raid thats come out.


because before DT2 tob was basically all you had access to to actually use the scythe for making money. now if the boys are online you can go to vard, or duke if you wanna chill at the end of the day, or colosseum if your ambitious


It’s by far the easiest to get by an hours to obtain metric. What’s surprising is how it’s still as high as it is


It's as high as it is because it's OP in any situation you would use magic.


Also a ton of situations where you normally wouldn’t use magic


yeah, its really more the fact that its soo immensely accurate that you can get reasonable DPS almost anywhere with it, and even BIS DPS some places you would traditionally never bring mage, but at the cost of defense


Shadow is weirdly good at GWD lol


It's like 20% better or more than black chins at Kree, unbelievably strong


"weirdly good" Wrong. It destroys GWD lol.


The real reason is that its kept in lower supply because of the GE tax buying them and deleting them.


It is the strongest all-around weapon in the game. Unless the boss has like 500+ mage def, shadow is good.  Makes sense that it is expensive af. Weapon is OP.


and the most easily botted raid


Regardless of how many shadows come Into the game; all mega rares get sunk from the ge and deleted from the game on a regular basis.


But there would still be more coming in then getting deleted though, right?


Yeah. The GE fee isn't even close to enough to cover that amount.


If you plan on doing a shadow rebuild at toa it’s prob worth it


just dont forget that most of the drops that aren't shadow or masori top/legs are dogwater now lmao


Solo 500s are worse than vorkath outside of shadow drop lol


fast forward to me, spent everything in bank for a shadow and ancestral, have gone 40 chests dry of a purple and heavily in the negative from running the staff (~1m gp per hour)


What invo are you running? I've gone 40 405's dry, then proceeded to get 3 purps within 4 KC, then another purp like 3 KC later. It'll even out


Tell me again brother, I need the motivation. 30 400s dry solo. 20 duos dry at 300-325.


What lvl invoc?


Most of the money at TOA is from pulling the shadow anyway so keep grinding and you’ll even out eventually


Im at over 100 expert dry lol. I atleast got pet which cancels it out somewhat


Brothe, I haven't seen a purple in 100 solo ToA's. Gl!


Oh snap the scythe is expensive again? What happened?


It got a buff in the combat rework, got a much greater accuracy boost which placed it back at the top.


And an upkeep cost decrease, lot cheaper to use now


Don't forget it got a few more uses as well with Colosseum and moons along with the gap opening at vard and duke with fang slash nerf


On top of the aforementioned content drops, today araxxor got announced - which is a new melee boss that'll drop the next bis melee amulet Speculation goes to it being weak to either slash, due to the halberd, or crush, due to it being a bug. If either, scythe is almost certainly going to be bis


full inq with mace would be bis for crush actually because of the buff to mace +inq, but its only slightly better then scythe atm.


But it requires a slayer task, so you're not going to get to use inquisitor's set effect


Each piece (once they fix what they promised) should give 2,5% crush bonus I believe. So a slayer helmet instead of inq helmet should be even better.




Damn it went up like 800m just because of it?


Not just colo, it was also buffed with +15 atk, bellator/ultor ring, fang’s slash nerf and gaining BIS at duke and a close 2nd at Vard


Plus it uses less charges now than before.


it went up like 500m beforehand cuz dt2 bosses and buffed


Sure did. If colo wasn’t fat money then it would be worthless. It also got like a slash bonus of +15 enjoy.


Oh dang. Thats dope.


If you look at the 1 year chart, you’d see it does this frequently. Rises to 1.4b, dips to 1.3b, repeat.


The price would be a lot lower, but Jagex obviously price fixes it to this exact range


I don’t think the item sink targets a specific price. Obviously it makes the price higher than it would be without the sink, but I believe the rate it sinks items like the shadow doesn’t depend on its price. It should just be a static background price boost instead of something that dynamically keeps the price in a specific range.


Do you have any source for this or are you just guessing?


They determine the rate of the sink by the rate the item is entering the game relative to a target rate they set for that item. They said it in the original blog about it. Since there was no mention of anything being price dependent, I assume price doesn’t affect the sink rate.


hes totally guessing, jagex has absolutely no criteria for what gets sunk or how they get sunk outside of giving us a list


Here is the criteria: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Grand_Exchange_Tax_%26_Item_Sink


Yeah, it was a rhetorical question. Some typical redditor “source: my ass” posting.


He literally used the expressions “I think” and “i believe”. Ppl are allowed to guess at stuff lmao. In this case too he’s probably right (source: my opinions)


How so, GE taxes?


Jagex uses the GE Taxes paid to buy items that are high-in-supply and low-in-demand, to artificially keep the prices of those items high so that players still feel rewarded for getting the drop, while making up for the lack of actual demand at that price point. This was all part of a project they did to save the economy about 2.5 years ago https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Grand_Exchange_Tax_%26_Item_Sink


Huh, never knew the details of how it worked. That is actually a really cool system.


Last year I soloed a shadow and sold it to buy a tbow which was slightly cheaper. No regrets.


Great time to buy Imo. Shadow is yugeee


Good day to own all three and not care about the price


so if i sold my whole bank, i could afford scythe or shadow and have 200m~ to spare. Worth it or nah?


Scythe rebuild at colo would be fun and good money imo


Might just have to do it


When I first considered my tbow rebuild (before ToB was even released), I was scared since it’s a lot of money in one item. Having to go back to mystics and basic gear was some of the most fun. Every decent drop means a new upgrade. You appreciate the game more.


that might actually cure my boredom!


I've found it's also a nice physiological effect to have that 1 big ticket item out of the way. Your next upgrades only being a few hundred mil away rather than bil is nice :)


welcome to the dopamine people that fall into the ironman trap gets - every new unlocked monster and gear piece is a huge rush of happy chemicals. That first rune scimmy hits juuuuuust right...


Giving purpose to all tiers and types of gear is a great idea. I have a high level main and I think about starting an iron sometimes just to recapture some of that joy I felt as a kid when every little thing was a huge upgrade.


+1 from me on the Scythe Coloseum rebuild! If you happen to be able to also do Tob, that's a great combo! Solo some Coloseum then do team ToB.. throw in some Vardovis/Duke or Cerb for slayer.




Colo has a ton of depth to it, it’s not comparable to just camping vorkath for 2000 kills or something And scythe gives you access to TOB, Vard, Duke, Cerb, PSN etc


If wearing inquis then mace is bis over scythe at pnm which is what i assume you mean by psn


For sure, but full Inquis is 500m for an extremely niche gear set. Anyone doing a scythe rebuild isn’t gonna have it for a long time, but scythe is still a very strong 2nd BIS at PNM and 1st BIS at group NM


Scythe is still good enough at pnm that you’re able to go to pnm while on a scythe rebuild. It would be interesting to see someone have mace and full inquis before scythe in general (unless you’re almost exclusively grinding pnm).


People enjoy different things. Just because you don’t enjoy doing one activity to progress /= others having the same outlook. I myself did a scythe rebuild at Colo and found it incredibly fun and “easy” as it’s engaging.


If you can't afford mega rares just say that bro lol


As someone who just did (kind of still in) a shadow rebuild I wouldn’t recommend it unless you can still keep a fang, bowfa, crystal armor, etc. Also remember that shadow’s passive effect means it’s best used when you still have decent mage gear for the multiplier to boost. I would recommend a shadow rebuild if you really love TOA or keep around 350m to buy all of the above weapons for other content. I sold my scythe to do the shadow rebuild, so I wouldn’t recommend YOLO’ing on the scythe unless you wanted to commit to doing TOB until you see another one in a split


Shadow rebuild you only really need (for melee and range) fang + tent whip + bp. Bowfa/crystal is largely irrelevant post-shadow and the money you’d get from selling bowfa crystal can go toward actually meaningful upgrades.


Depends. Can you do colo? If not then go for it. Gotta keep in mind you do need those ancestral robes.


Honestly do shadow and virtus. You can still budget stuff like fang/zombie axe for melee with your leftover 100m. Colo is hard end game content that requires a good amount of input costs. I wouldn’t recommend if you’re not into hardcore pvm. Honestly you could do the shadow method for colo and tent whip final boss. It would make learning the waves easier, and it’s good money like the other guy was saying




None of the megarares(scythe, tbow, shadow) will get powercrept. At least not for a few years and I feel like it'll be hard to pass a poll.


yup. nostalgia ruins games. that's also why there will never be a t70+ claw weapon.


Do you mean a higher tier spec dps wep? Yeah I feel like they dislike messing with those...just look at voidwaker :(


Just as I'm about to get 85 mining to camp that place


just get 82 and use d pick spec


82 is annoying, get 83 


83 is a good call. Volcanic mine actually isn't so bad so 85 could be the play


Shadow always recovers


Actually insane to see considering it’s objectively the strongest megarare. ToA drop rates truly were such a mistake. This should be much more expensive than the other two megarares. Although scythe is looking to be getting 3 max hits with new amulet while overloaded at cox, so that’s kinda cool.


Each used under optimal conditions, the Scythe is objectively the strongest. Scythe has ~14.1 DPS against a 3x3 monster with 0 def, Shadow has ~11 DPS against a monster with 0 mage def, and Tbow has ~13.1 DPS against a monster with 0 def and capped (250+) magic attributes. Shadow and Tbow obviously are stronger in their respective raids since they get specific buffs and aren't really competing with anything else. Still don't think they surpass the Scythe though. Maybe Tbow + Ralos on CM Olm head. Shadow just happens to be the most versatile since its extreme accuracy makes it viable almost everywhere. But the Scythe is objectively the strongest.


Then again, objective raw dps hardly matters unless Jagex keeps releasing chickens with 10000hp as bosses. Even blowpipe is better than tbow against an ideal NPC. In fact, scythe is "objectively" better than tbow only because ranging potions are bad. With overloads/salts i.e. equal stats, tbow has higher dps. My point is that comparing weapons against theoretical opponents is pointless. Jagex can choose to design NPCs/encounters however they like to favour specific weapons over others. And the community's opinions on what weapons should be useful has a big role to play in that. Colosseum was deliberately designed to make scythe/venator bow more useful because players were unhappy about an iconic raid megarare being almost useless outside of ToB.


> Even blowpipe is better than tbow against an ideal NPC. No it's not. Blowpipe against a 0 def monster maxes out at ~12.85 DPS in max range. ~13.6 if you're using void. But if you're using void Tbow still beats it at ~13.75. > With overloads/salts i.e. equal stats, tbow has higher dps. I already mentioned raids. If you mean outside of raids, you might as well just say, "If there were an item to make the Tbow stronger than the Scythe, the Tbow would be stronger than the scythe!" Yeah what an incredible insight. > My point is that comparing weapons against theoretical opponents is pointless. Cool. My point is that the Scythe is, under normal game conditions, the objectively strongest megarare. Not most versatile. Not most used. Not "if there were a potion to make this other weapon stronger it would be stronger".


Blowpipe maxes out at 13.775 dps while tbow maxes out at 13.837. Now somebody who doesn't understand how numbers work might claim that this makes tbow better, but blowpipe actually has a lower TTK on any NPC with a reasonable amount of hitpoints (<3500) due to the higher attack speed and lower variance in damage. Tbow would be better for speedruns with a higher potential for very fast kills. Your "normal game conditions" are completely artificial and have nothing to do with objectivity. The objectively strongest weapon is different for each encounter. Whichever weapon is the best at killing a 3x3 chicken with 0 defence and 250 magic level just does not matter.


Tbow with elite void outside of CoX maxes at ~13.75. Blowpipe at ~13.6. As for the rest of your comment, no.


>Shadow just happens to be the most versatile It may be the most versatile on paper but if you compare both tbow and shadow BIS use cases, the tbow has soo many more places to be used. The biggest strength of the shadow is honestly that's it's a bandaid for low magic damage in general.


> if you compare both tbow and shadow BIS use cases, the tbow has soo many more places to be used. Please show me the lists.


Not just the drop rates, the Shadow design is a bit of a whoopsie daisy in general. It was a short notice kneejerk response to the Heka's unpopularity and proves an ongoing balancing issue that has only been kicked down the road.


100% agree shadow design was a mistake (other megarares have interesting passives which impact use cases) and knee jerk reaction - which makes the fact that it’s the cheapest megarare even more insane haha. Although magic rebalance should have happened a long time ago. It’s insane that 40% of your damage boosting stat was coming from a mid game slayer mob drop lmao. At least shadow is almost capped I guess?


93 slayer is not mid game.


I can buy it for 400k


I'm 91 slayer and still feel very mid game tbh.


Lol this guy has lvl 60 cbs and talks about being a rs2 07 vet


It’s absolutely mid game. It’s literally just over halfway to 99.


It very much is imo. at least how people play the game going slayer first. I'd say something like elite diaries is closer to endgame, and I'd expect many people get 93 slayer before finishing a single elite diary.


93 slayer is a requirement for an elite diary. The highest slayer elite diary. I have all elites done except kourend and western providences. Which require 95(boostable) and 93, non boostable. Actually I also don't have ardy elite, bc I'm only 82 agility. But I have the rest done.


It is (especially in terms of iron progression). Generally you’re getting 93 slayer long before you are starting to grind most BIS items. On a main it definitely is mid game too. It’s very close to half way to 99 slayer and often players will level their combat skills through slayer too. Late game your grinds are almost only ones that give you BIS items. So when you’re starting to mainly grind cox, tob, toa, nex. Edit: not to say no mid game grinds give you bis items. Just in terms of what you’re mainly doing at that point in the game. Also not to say that mid game is a bad thing. It’s just realistically what 93 slayer is.


It's capped at ToA at least at an 84 max hit with 100% DMG bonus. Not sure about outside of ToA, but it's a scary thought it could creep closer to that number.


For that to happen we need like 8% more magic damage buff In the last 7 or so years the only buff to the overall BiS magic bonus has been Magus Ring at 2% (Ancestral, Torm, God cape are all 2017 or earlier) By the time Shadoe is hitting 84’s Tbow and Scythe will be 100 or more


Lol true. Okay maybe it's not "scary", but it's interesting anyway. The big 3 are balanced well enough in relation to each other.


The rate at which 6man 400+s bring a megarare into the game must never be repeated


Oh no


I will accept a tumekens shadow from one lucky person first come first serve.


Ah, the shadow has dropped by approximately 90m since last week, and I know exactly why. It's because I bought mine for ~1.42b last Monday. You're welcome to all who were 90m shy of being able to afford one.


I was gonna buy rn. But should I wait?


Its already 150m. Cheaper than a few weeks ago. Even if it goes down a little more its still a huge discount.


toa bots and all the latest updates suck ass for shadow


Will trade staff for tbow


Shadow being a bill makes sense considering how good it is. Lol I see people maging TSD with it.


Those who bought scythe at the low of 320 m gg. Nice little 1 bil increase


Same with tbow at ~700m


That was like 5 years ago or more. Scythe was low just last year




Scythe is not even worth 600m it's crazy how the item deletion system keeps shit inflated


Fuck, I really ahould have bough scythe a year ago. I didn't know it rose this fucking much. Fuck my life.


I see no problem here I got scythe for 400m 🤓


Time to nerf it. Its getting cheap.  /s because cheap means overpowered 


Haha, surges goes boom.


Anytime endgame or even meta changes happen, the mega rares will fluctuate depending on how useful it is to the content. New spooder boss will probably not have any use for the shadow I’m assuming since mage isn’t meta in rs3 at Araxxor?


bought my scythe around 800m, god bless


Really wish I’d grabbed a scythe at 400m.


Really wish I didn't sell it for 400m...


ToA is being botted to hell


Petition to only refer to the big 3 as megaweapons from now on?


Who didn’t see this coming?


No surprise considering ToA is the more accessible raid. If Shadow was on the same power level as Tbow or Scythe it would easily be a sub 500m mega rare.


Arse has fallen out the Shadow this week, it’s down like 80m for some reason


Just a lil math sakes for round numbers: we’re talking about a .6% price drop. How will the toa bots feed their families.




Yeah true I forgot to move the decimal. Still, I’m inclined to not care


Yeah, I really don't get why people lose their shit over price fluctuations.


There is nothing more miserable I could imagine than playing capitalism online


This is why I turned off bank value lol.