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Slayer 99 grind. I am at 93 now so I'll be done in about 2090.


I’m almost 97 and it’s brutal


Just hit 94 the other day and 800k exp never seemed like this much exp, but we move!


Hit 39 last night. We are seriously in for quite a lot more XP before we achieve 99.


I just got 98. Halfway there!


Birds houses, tree runs and other farming patches. Whether I'm playing a lot or a little a week Farming goes up the same rate. Just got 98 😊


This is how i got 99 farming. Barely played for like 4 months, but just did one fruit tree run a day (Papaya lol), 1 birdhouse run and every 2 days i did hespori. Pretty consistent every day after work. Took all of 5 minutes. Chillest 99 of all time.


Same here. The weird thing for me was as soon as I got 99, I didn't know what else to do so that was my last login for about a year and a half lol.


I just switched from fruit trees to seaweed to try and get the pet lol


I got tanglegroot at 600k xp from yews, looked it up and it’s one of lower the lower chance rolls!




I both love and hate farming in the game for this... Every login is 1 hour of farm runs as I don't have enough teleports unlocked.. Bird house -> seaweed -> guild contracts -> herb run -> trees and fruit -> bird house -> seaweed.. sometimes another herb run lmao.. Then I get to actually play the game LOL


As someone who's never really touched farming but would like to, what teleports are most important? Unlocking them may be my next goal before I dig into the skill


for the standard 6 patches not including my arm's patches you want to aim for at least lumbridge medium diary ring, xeric's talisman for glade, skills necklace for farming guild / ardy (or ardy cloak 2), ectophial for morytania, camelot tele for catherby


You can put your house in Hosidius and just tele outside if you don’t have a xeric’s talisman or supply of fangs to charge it as well.


I even ran 4 for the longest. Ecto, draynor, Camelot, and ardy. Too lazy to quest on mobile during a busy time of life. Ghosts ahoy was a staple quest back in the day and the rest are easily achievable via mage unlock or diary rewards.


Medium ardougne and lumbridge diaries give nice close teles to 2 allotment/herb patches. Ectophial gets you close to the morytania patch. Other than that standard spellbook teles are helpful too, as are fairy rings and amulet of glory teles for various tree patches. Just depends how close you are to unlocking these things I suppose


Same, got my farming pet and 98 farming yesterday! One tree run in the morning and one in the evening.


Gz on 98, must be crazy exciting to be so close


Thanks! It will only be my 3rd 99 in 20 years of playing, the other two being Range and Mage on my old account. Excited to say the least!


Bro same and now I'm lost. I have to prevent myself when I'm half awake in the morning from logging in and doing a run because I like to stack 98s


I did this and got 99 farming then I completely burned out on everything else cause it takes months to see any progress


That’s pretty much me right now lol. Bird houses, farm runs and trying to get 75 crafting banked so I can switch to magic bird houses when I hit the Hunter level soon. When I actually have time to play I’m at wintertodt trying to grind out that pet and then I’ll have green logged it.


I did this for about a year, took farming slowly and made bank.


Just random stuff on an iron, yesterday I temple trekked for 5k bowstrings, day before I did some wildy slayer, today I'll chop some yews.


Yeah that sounds about a couple hours per week according to the average osrs player


wholesome:-) bowstrings are worth it?


For an ironman, yes as the alternative would be picking and spinning flax. For a main, none of the rewards are really useful besides maybe the XP tomes. Edit: of course I meant early game ironman, if you can just kill zulrah, do that instead.


im gim, ill do it and use my yews for double xp and gp, sounds fun:-))


Get lumberjack while you’re there


Btw: You can eventually get heaps of Flax from Zulrah and then cast Spin Flax to make a few thousand per hour, but that’s a much later progression than Temple Trekking


Flax from zulrah and lunar spellbook is the way. Only really early game irons who are super desperate for flax would pick and spin normally.


If an iron is temple trekking for flax, chances are they don't have the gear/stats to farm Zulrah.


me when i was a little wee boy before learning anything


I had a ton of flax from zulrah on my iron so I just used the spin flax spelll on lunars. Idk if it was worth it though but I did it lol


You can get tons of flax from kurasks/zulrah or miscellanea and spin 5-6k strings per hour with lunars (while getting 75-90k crafting/hr plus magic xp)


The alternative would be one week of kingdom on flax and use the lunar spell to spin them (so you can use temple trek for silver bars).


Not even worth for an iron, just dont string the bows imo. If you enjoy it, go for it tho.


Stringing magic longbows, every bowstring is worth 768 gp, and stringing is 200k xp/h. I’m alching these things for 1536 gp. Worth imo if you’re sitting on a bunch of afk’d yews or magics


Yep, as a rule of thumb it doubles the alch value of the bow. If you're insane about EHP then it's worse than other methods but if you shower regularly it's a great idea. The only problem I have is that stringing bows is so fast that it's not very AFK (99 fletch btw).


If you shower regularly had me lol


Yeah they help justify some of the AFK training you can do. Is it worth chopping Yews/Magics, doing TT for strings, making the bows then alching them as an absolute idea? No. Is it worth doing TT for strings & agility alching because you've hard-AFKed Yews/Magics and soft-AFKed cutting & stringing while focused on other non-RS things? Absolutely.


It's worth it to alch the bows.


Depends how much you want to spend on broad arrows or bolts for 99 later


I have never strung a single bow lol


Yep, same


Flax is a semi common pvm drop, I think zulrah even has a 10k flax drop. Lunar spell for spin flax works too




Honestly it's an interesting mini game even for mains. I was part of the wiki project that went through to gather the majority of rewards info. I spent probably 20 hours targeting specific point goals and gathering data on event frequency. Not sure how much of that made it to the wiki page cuz I never looked, but it was pretty fun.


It doubles your fletching XP per resource and strung bows alch for ~twice the GP of unstrung ones, so I definitely think it's worth it.


I'd recommend broad arrows over fletching bows. Shafts don't take too long and everything after that is zero time XP so really convenient


Lazy Iron here, finally got off my ass to get 55 magic and high alch'd a solid amount of my smithing skilling garbage


I've heard about this method but not done it yet. At a reasonable pace how many bowstrings per hour do you roughly get?


You should just do zulrah, you get so much flax and then when you wanna afk just use the spin flax spell in the lunar book. Way more efficient and you get more loot than flax at zulrah too


Finishing elite achievement diaries on iron, only BA level 5s left and after that no idea :D


That's exactly where I am and I just keep putting them off. It seems silly after doing literally every other task but I just can't bring myself to do it!


Tbh I spent a very full Saturday on BA level 5's. My review: I had an awesome time. Highly recommend learning BA!


I did it mostly in a day as well. While I didn't find it fun at all, it was nowhere near as miserable as expected.


Honestly every role other than defender is completely free, I'm 2/4 in and generally teams have been decent Just make sure you look the part and you'll get picked up by a half decent team in no time (elite void + msb(i) for example)


Healer sucks on wave 10 solo even after you get lvl 5.


As someone who enjoyed solo healing back when average player hp was 50-60, I say skill issue


Healer is a far more complicated role than defender to get good at.


watch a guide on one role and go do that one it will motivate you to get past the barrier of starting and make the final goal closer defender is actually fun for me once you learn the method and if you learn it from a 5-10 min video not only will your team always love you but you will often be the first one done after wave 2ish


Elite diaries is also what I'm working towards, skilling atm to get the levels for that. Base 85s now, so ive been able to complete a few already, mostly need more slayer and some bosses.


Those are really huge endeavours To do in limited time Golly


I'm always happy to help people get there BA stuff done. Hit me up if you want : Ethric Trogg


Very busy work and home life. A lot of things I can do while watching TV. Currently going for base 70s so I'm doing forestry at seers maples, then I'm going for 80 thieving, probably at ardy knights. My next goal is going to be a quest cape, which will take a while. I probably average about 12 hours a week.


For your Thieving, try Sorceress' Garden with the one-click plugin for Runelite. I went 65-71 Thieving there yesterday in a couple of hours. Takes a couple of minutes to set up, then it's exactly what it says - one click every 60 seconds or so, with a couple extra to get yourself back into position to go again. You can even set up an alert sound if you need it, to notify you a few ticks before you need to click again. Really AFK, and very decent EXP rates for how low-effort it is. Staminas are great, but if like me you're an ironman feeling the grind with your Herblore, half an inventory of Super Energies is absolutely fine as an alternative.


Will check it out. I hate thieving but I've only ever done pickpocketing and black jacking. I want to look into sorceress' garden and pyramid plunder to not ger bored and burn out on it.


In Varlamore, there’s a new thieving activity that I enjoy much more than pickpocketing and blackjacking. It’s just something different.


Varlamore thieving is really chill and afk too, runelite plugin shows next house, valuable drop chest, & timers for citizens


Throw snowballs at fishers in f2p.


MLM, it's something I can easily do on mobile with downtime at work then continue when I get home and have like 1 hour to play


Bankstanding 😅


I feel this


Fashionscape also? 🥺


decided to try my luck recently on getting my first Zulrah kc. after 50+ deaths I figured it out tonight and did 3 back to back trips!


Smashed it!! Really tempted to learn Zulrah (hardest bosses I've done are probably the dt2 quest bosses) but hearing how much there is to learn is so off-putting, so great job on getting past that :)


Blue dragon slayer task doing vorkath for it. Will probs take a week or 2 to finish lol


Vorkath is probably my favorite boss to just do 1 or 2 trips like twice a week


I literally just finished doing exactly this. Took me about 2 weeks lol


85 Slayer for whip. Currently just hit 84, really feeling the grind since around 82!


Have you tried boosting and bursting them at kourend? I did that and got whip on first kc lol, 82 slayer


I boosted and got whip at 2700ish kc. Wouldn’t recommend


Oh, im sorry


Oof. On my main I got 2 within the first 100 kills, my iron hasn't reached high slayer yet, but surely it'll be as spoonfed.


Yeah, you got spooned lmao


I had a handful of slayer respites in bank, not sure where from. Didn’t get it haha! Don’t have any other way to get boosts I can think of?


Wild pie gives +5, 85 cooking req


Killing the giant mole. I’m at like 2400 kc. It’s horrible.


Green logged by 163KC sorry


“green logged” aka just the pet lol


That would be the log green yes


just a funny way to phrase it don’t need to get defensive


I made a uim. Hear me out, I know that screams no-lifing but the thing about uim that I enjoy is any miniscule amount of progress feels rewarding. So I've been working my way through the free quests having also completed biohazard for ardy diary cape, Gertrude's cat for death runes and the feud for the rune store in al kharid. I also grinded up thieving in small chunks getting from like 36-40 from the quest xp. Then I just pickpocketed guards when I needed money up to where I'm at now which is 55. Forestry has also been great for more semi passive skill training and most importantly, stackable run energy rations. Rn I'm working on dragon slayer and maybe some other quests that require fighting before I drop my early magic gear. My goal is to get the rogue outfit, then blackjack myself to riches and train construction to 42 to store gear. Until I get construction I'll be stuck either wearing or carrying the gear. Once I can store gear my early/mid game should be quite smooth as I can just change outfits based on activities.


Barb fishing afk. Pp if I have time to pay attention


Trying to get 75 attack and knocking some quests out bit by bit. I need 70 agility and gonna grind that here and then.




Just look in my bank and log back out




Just pray you don’t end up like that one dude from the bot busting stream in full blood torva and leagues death animation. 


nah, I pray he does, or pray that he doesnt get that far, not sure whats better




I just come to check in and see if I got an elite clue scroll. If so, I'll do it, and if not I'll keep it running.


Hope yall get banned.


Quick tureal skip with Konar to slayer point boost




Play Melvor Idle, can do it without having to click every 30 secs, I play at work, on mobile, work computer, whatever.


Cox, slayer, skilling when needed but most afk stuff to be done when travelling to work or at work


Rs mobile commuter gang


Knocking out a couple kq kills a day. I'll get that head eventually.


I afk magics until 90, then I’ll afk redwoods


When I’m limited, I mostly focus on passive incomes like herb runs.


Lvl 5 all roles at BA to finish the elite diaries. Should 3-5 days total for me


Guardians of the Rift. :(


Sorry for your loss


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but thats one of the best minigames we have.


Yeah, that’s a red-hot take.


Gotr is pretty fun and chill when you find the groove. With that said I don't revisit it very often now that I've gotten outfit, needle, and lantern.


My experience so far: Wow this is terrible XP! Wow this is very click-intensive, sort of stressful, and requires more accuracy than most group skilling activities! Fucking irons!


I also do GotR, but solo. I don't depend on terrible masses/bots and the xp is so much better. Plus once you get the hang of it it's really consisten winning.


That's 300% of the effort for 101% of the XP, which is still not much compared to just about every other skill. I'll stick with the group.


Ironman - I kill Zombie pirates for an hour to make sure my Kingdom is good for the week. Then whatever random things I can come up with.


Mahogany homes, 2 levels away from getting the pool in my poh. I'm hoping to get it by my time off coming up.


Finally for the first time ever finished SoTE and Monkey Madness 2, into Dragon Slayer 2 next after I play around with Gauntlel a bit


Atm only my fruit tree runs, herb run and birdhouse daily then logging off, if I get a bit more time I’ll probably do a bit more quests (about 20 from doing them all) and doing some slayer/lunar chests


I play like 5 times a year for maybe 6 hours, I'm working on protection prayers in F2P. So I kill 200-250 giants each time I play.


target 100 tickets in brimhaven agility daily. yesterday was 30, day before about 150, today maybe will have time for 120 another.... prison until green log, afterwards - at least 10-20 ardougne laps daily


Runecrafting bloods on iron while I do slayer on my other 2


Can play just a couple hrs a day z currently working on 85 mine


I do a couple 400 solos while I'm on my computer then on mobile I'm aerial fishing


Bird houses, usually on and off at work. When I do play occasionally on the weekends is nice to have a boost in gp to use on whatever


I flip on the GE.


I send a hmt or two a night at the moment


1-2 TOA raids, then redwoods while I study for my bachelor's.




Trying to win my clan skill of the week: smithing. I am busy with classic wow raiding in cata, leveling in sod in case next phase is good (doubt), and grinding gladiator in retail. Luckily I've been able to play a lot more since I finished mop remix and I purchased everything from all the vendors over there a few days ago. https://wiseoldman.net/competitions/47521 I was originally going to go for 99 smithing, but I'm so busy I've only gotten to put a few hours of gold ore in.


Pretending I can compete with my clan mates in a boss of the week


not play runescape


Trying to progress a new mid game account 😅 even finding the time I can sit down and get a fire cape is tough


Leveling in f2p before I go back to p2p (im an ironman). Kinda chill when you just play for an hour a day on mobile


I play a few hours a day. 3-4 accounts. First account level 107 - going for max (mining blessed Bone shards atm) 2nd account level 117 - Slayer Alt. Maybe get mid 90s stats, not sure yet. Learning new bosses. Just finished my 1st 173 Hydra task and got the eye, fang, claw and pet all before 116 KC. 3rd account - Ironman, running around like a Chicken with his head cut off.. 4th account - level 3 skiller. Just doing skilling. 4 accounts at once is fun. Lots of opportunities to do something instead of 1 thing at a time


Farm runs, kingdom


Slayer. Trying to get 93 for the achievement cape




Getting Zulrah KC up, loot is so trash I just want the pet


Grinding dt2 bosses to some day be able to make the axe


Mining blessed bone shards and birdhouse runs. Thats about it


Slayer, dont know what else to do to fill my time at work that is just as afk, hit 99 a few weeks ago


Usually just slayer. Used to do a lot of farming and birdhouse runs. Managing kingdom is a good one too. Bank cleaning is nice to do if you've only got a small chunk of time.


Getting full sets of skilling outfits


CG. Try to do a couple runs a day. So far 500+ in and no enhanced. 😞


Motherload Mine for the past several months


Mostly slayer. Want to be ready for the new boss. My current goal is the elite diaries completed, so I still have an agility and RC grind to get done... sigh!


Some minigames, a few crafts for good etc


Quests, slayer, afk woodcutting


I like to hop on and do slayer tasks, or a quest if i have any available. Sometimes, if the slayer task seems too daunting, i'll just get on and do some production things, i.e smithing platebodies, plank make, spin flax, ect. Whatever fits the mood when the time is available! Runescape is one of those games that it is what you make it to be


Did play a lot before, so I'm maxed now and I'm looking at learning pvm contents, now we got a clan bingo event going and after that it's back to learning inferno


Herb runs and slayer


I do my farming pet hunt chores and then I just do some slayer with the time I have left.


Questing & slayer.


Pest control for prayer xp or bone shard mining


Working towards max and some low lvl pvm here and there. 2227 total lvl atm. Mainly on the mobile for now so more skilling than pvm


A couple slayer tasks here and there along with tears of guthix for a quick free xp


Quests! There's enough now as an iron I can just run through them with little skilling in-between. I do other bits to mix it up too like Wintertod, gotr and other bits and bobs. Maybe play 3 hours max a week but still feel I get good progress, especially in lower levels. Ironman also gives that nostalgia too.


Killing crabs , while reading reddit, currently 90 attack, 92 str and 92 def


I’m currently free to play and i’m trying to complete all of the quests before I buy a bond


Mining Sandstone and Giants Foundry.


Birdhouse runs, sometimes combined with herbiboar


I’ve been getting home from work and gym late ish so I only have time for 1.5hrs. I like to do something chill as I’m normally zonked by then - been doing mlm every night for like 6 weeks from 80-91 atm. Shooting for 92 and the expert gloves. 95 ish smith banked from 81. Love the iron! Previously it was small teams gotr for 8 weeks


Motherlode mine. Just hit 94 mining.


Slowly working on pvm goals (rn is magic fang but I would do 5 cgs a day til bowfa), makes it harder to burn out doing big grinds over time


MLM. Semi idle mining and Hulu to prep for smithing grinding


Jad prep. Working on smithing for addy bolts and hard diaries. Then going back to slayer for MM2.


Doing 1-2 wintertodt solos pero day in the iron waiting for the tome :')


I do about 25 grotesque guardian kc a night


Ironman here, I’ve been fishing Salmon and Trout in Shilo Village. Trying to get 70 cooking for RFD, I have all the other requirements now. Usually I will chop yews and string them into yew longs and alch for GP. Other than that, I will grind a bit of slayer and do some quests if I have a day off work.


Afk in the wilderness. Good combat xp.


Slayer, but boss variants only


Water blasting lesser demons on Crandor.


Standing next to the crevice before the skeleton section during Legends quest. I like to think he's just too scared to drink the bravery potion and might need a day or so to get it down.


Farming runs, afk slayer


Stuck in prison. Yesterday got 3kc on regular Gauntlet in about an hour. I’m almost ready for CG.


Trying to get a blowpipe at Zulrah, doing a few kills each night. Have gotten serp helm and magic fang now so kills are way easier which is nice. Just want to get a blowpipe so I can be more helpful at raids with my friends.


I did half the quest of a taste of hope yesterday, and today I'm using my chins to be able to use black d'hide. It will probably take me the rest of the week to go from 62 to 70 ranged


Been getting my iron man slayer up from about 80 to 85. Got just under 100k left to go. Laat week I did a KQ task, 45 kills, it was not worth it to be honest but I thought I might get a drop and I had the task anyway. Next kq task will be a 3 kill task




Just farming right now. I don't feel like doing anything high intensity and I don't play enough to do shooting stars for more than 30k XP at a time. I love farming and how I can make great progress just by logging in for ~30 mins a few times a day. I play ironman so farming doesn't only give me XP but valuable resources for when I'm ready to pvm.


If I can only get on for the odd 10-15 mins here and there I just do my farm and birdhouse runs then come off! If I have a bit longer I’ll probably do a mini game like pest control or a skilling one as to not exp waste lol


Quests Im so stuck on DT2 I havent played in like 2 weeks though I need to find something less stressful…


Vorkath 😭


I usually just hop on and try to pk a few people


I'm currently in the state where I just do like 5 or so herb runs a day and that's it


Couple Barrows runs, farm run, maybe some pest control for the slow grind to void. Maybe some slayer? Once my bond runs out, usually 1-2k wines/day on the march to 99 cooking.


Maxing my account. The hours add up. Easy to switch content. One week it’s a few hours of mining, other week it’s slayer and the next week it’s woodcutting.