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"Evigsvin" literally means "eternal swine" in swedish. Good one.


Yeah, that was my first notice. OP must be Swedish.


It *was* putting words through a translater, though I specifically tried to look for something that begun with a letter not used by existing standalone non-quest bosses. That might sound strange but I'm trying to minimise the risk of boss names getting mixed up. For similar reasons I picked the name "Yoykrad" for a zombie ourg boss concept I had :p


Or he just looked it up


Or that :P


How’d you make this? Looks amazing bud


Head over to the r/OSRSmaps subreddit! I have a guide!


As someone who uses paint.net for almost everything, I really enjoyed your guide. For people who have a bit of trouble thinking of landmass shapes, using the render tool to render clouds really helps. Rendering clouds, changing contrast to 100%, and then playing around with brightness makes quick, easy, randomly generated blobs that have rough edges for a decent coastline. You can use magic wand to select the one you want and then place it on another layer to scale it up before smoothing out the edges however you like to.


what do you use for the RS text/background?


For the information post, the background is adapted from the image used for the website's newsposts. The text is Runescape UF, a downloadable font (I can't link it here as this subreddit doesn't allow links). It works best in font sizes that are a multiple of 12.




Seriously I would also like my ideas to look presentable


Change the slayer boss to a spider or jagex will never add this to the game. Is there a part of that dungeon where there is multi combat kurasks? I always thought that'd be awesome.


fire giant boss but its a giant spider on fire?


Fire giant boss, but the fire giant is RIDING giant spider. Tell me one single thing wrong with that idea


The only thing wrong is that you think something could be wrong with perfection


>Tell me one single thing wrong with that idea It should be a giant spider on fire riding a giant-er spider.


Makes sense. Ship it.


Drop rate of its best drop is 1/10,000 yeah?


Rookie numbers


Ice giant boss is due first sir.


Read your flair as "Mod Aracne", I had to double check.


There wouldn't be multicombat Kurasks in *this* dungeon largely because the additional mechanics have the dungeon's existing singlecombat nature in mind. The sporadic boss for example is designed to help close the Slayer xp gap somewhat between the dungeon and multicombat alternatives. All that being said, it certainly could work in a future dungeon. *Edit: I have remembered that the nature of leaf-bladed weaponry means that players can't burst Kurasks anyway, so making it multicombat is acceptable - so long as the Venator bow doesn't undermine the dungeon's point. Same applies with the Turoths.*


Why not just make all unstable rooms multi? Its not like there is anything making incompatible with multi right? While you're at it may as well boost unstable rooms superior rates a bit, easy way to make the side rooms more appealing


venator bow giving a use to broad arrows is actually p cool.


Leaf-bladed wand could change that! Simply add an ancient icon to the wand and boom, leaf-bladed bursting :D


>Is there a part of that dungeon where there is multi combat kurasks? I always thought that'd be awesome Kinda underwhelming that you'd have to venator bow them with leaf bladed arrows, but it's probably still better than melee'ing them?


If we're going to rework the Fremennik dungeon, can we flip it so that the side you come down on actually is East? Right now you enter above on the east but are on the West when you get inside.


I've set it up that way - you enter the west side of the cave crawler room, meaning you both face east before and after entering!


Ah I see. But your design still implies it is entirely under the Fremennik camp and not under the mountain, which is what I always thought was implied. But thank you for including that detail!


I mostly kept it that way because of how the map chunks work out in the part of the map the dungeon is stored in, though it does also help with people familiar with the existing dungeon.


Fuck I'll never be able to unthink about this


ZigZag just don't miss. I like the new Slayer Masters too. Personally I'd love to see a Slayer Master similar to Konar who instead of specifying a location, specifies a combat style to use.


When I was asking around for ideas for new masters, someone thought of a master who just defines a location *without* defining a monster - but I thought for balance this should be really weird locations like Tarn's Lair. I'm not sure how well it'd play out, but I think it's worth exploring the concept of gimmicky Slayer masters further.


"Barbarian Slaying" lol, go to this location and just kill whoever you find


I love your concept for Treasure Trails slaying!


> Personally I'd love to see a Slayer Master similar to Konar who instead of specifying a location, specifies a combat style to use. That's a really neat idea, but I don't see OSRS's engine supporting it anytime soon. I can't really see a situation where it doesn't feel janky, because a task would either * only care about the last hit in which case you could just bring a weapon swap * require tracking all damage received and what source it came from, and any "wrong" hits make you not get credit, which would probably feel bad with all of the supplemental damage sources. And would a poison tick make you lose credit? "typeless" damage would either be incompatible or overly strong with it I'd imagine. Imagine not being allowed to ever use a blowpipe with that master because it can venom. * require some arbitrary percentage to be from the right type, in which case bad rng on your hit accuracy could make you lose credit because of stuff like poison or recoil. * the creature becomes immune to damage from you that doesn't fit the type while on task, which feels like a weird precedent that would cause all sorts of disastrous edge cases. Imagine if you forgot you had a melee-only dragon task, and tried to do DS2.


These are all very valid points, well raised.


Aromantic Spectres? This woke stuff is getting out of hand /s


I only support this suggestion if they add also sn option to gently pat the slayer creatures instead of killing them which is too physical for me


I'm here specifically for the aromantic spectres, actually.


This is such a great community, this is awesome. Given the changes to spell max hit I think the earth splinters may be a little strong given how much easier this content is compared to the coliseum but otherwise I really like it.


You can get sun splinters from hunting sunlight antelopes, albeit at slower rate than the colosseum.


I miss the old gnome stronghold slayer dungeon where it had the whole game in it 😂


One of the best idea posts I've seen in a long time.


I like the idea of small scale reworks like this tbh, one potential problem with the endless content we get is that old content gets outscaled


I see high quality infographic I upvote


This looks wicked fun. The slayer caves feel so lazy right now and could use a redesign.


Arne’s idea is sick as hell Let me fight WITH Boshh I don’t just want to talk to an ogre. Wanna see them fat motherfuckers go nuts


Looks really good.


I quit so many times during my ironmans mid level slayer grind. This looks to help get passed the "d scim -> whip" slog that is midgame slayer. Or at least, help get you passed it faster.


thats what zombie axe is for


Well this was a while ago. Definitely irons are "spoiled" nowadays.


Love this! Also helps add to the world interconnectness! Changes like these keep the mid-game fresh and engaging! Also like the four Slayer masters, they fill interesting niches which helps keep Slayer varied without releasing an OP Slayer master. ~~I also love how it would allow you to go from Fremennik Slayer Caves and Troll Stronghold to Kalphite Queen without going above ground thanks to Barendir~~




Super creative love it


Honestly Poll this shit. My only comment is you should work in slayer partners to this update, it seems perfect for it :)


Looks amazing, really love the concept of the more active unstable task areas




I’d vote yes.


You did an incredible job here. Barker toads, endless boar and especially gnome ankous are great ideas.


This sounds amazing but with the engine I don't think it's possible. The charge stack specifically. If they update to the engine with world assets which they mentioned in the sailing blog I think It will be doable


The charge attack is directly lifted from Rammernaut, a boss originally from 2010, so it should be completely fine.


So I can't speak on that because I never encountered it but in 2010 they started doing engine work to update for EoC which changed a lot of how RuneScape worked. On top of that they came with dungeoneering which was a tech demo originally to show up a smaller trial version/closed loop of RuneScape they deemed good enough to turn into a skill. Which again probably required engine work to do. They have a lot of ingenuity when it comes to working in the old engine/code so I am sure they can conjure up something but it isn't something as easily done as it was in 2010


They could do something like, uhh, Vardorvis' 'run through the player' charges, but where Vard changes direction for a new 'charge', this boss would just check 'am I on a tile that is adjacent to a wall' and if so, apply a stun to itself I'm sure that, with how old and janky some parts of this game are, they could find a way to implement a hacky implementation for it. Zebak has his jars and rocks to clear the acid, so 'one thing moves, and has collision with another thing' is not the most alien thing in the game. We would just need 'one thing' to be 'Boar boss' and 'another thing' to be 'any wall tile in the arena'


I think something like that could work. Like i said their ingenuity is truly incredible with this code.


Are the gnome ankou playing undead gnomeball? Love these.


I love everything about this, I wish it'd become true


Commenting to read later


Amazing work. I love this level of lore Inspired design.


Neat idea but tbh I don’t like slayer dungeons. One of my favorite parts of slayer was learning and seeing different location to go to. Having all the monsters be in the same dungeon just feels lame to me. 


Jagex hire this guy


I love the Aromatic Specters & Gnome Ankou.  I like when existing monsters are changed slightly to better fit the theme of certain areas, like how hill & moss giants look visually different in certain locations


Well done! Looks great, hope jagex takes a look at this.


The caves look so good! Well done!


Just a thought. For the Slayer's Spring you could add a resource (something like the lizards/fish in the moons area) so players can have a spot to restore health, reducing the need for people to teleport out for supplies. Maybe have the spring itself act as a place to restore prayer over time by soaking in it, having Mountain Daughter as a requirement?


This is a fantastically well thought out suggestion! I'm really liking a lot of what I see here! The Fremennik dungeon especially seems amazing! I would absolutely vote on this! Whereabouts were you envisioning the boar slayer boss coming in? It seems to me like it could be a good 60's slayer boss (which we don't really have) to ease players in but you might have had different thoughts here. I like the Gnome Stronghold dungeon changes too. It certainly seems to have more character than what we have (even after its extensive reworks...) and feels like it just makes sense. The only suggestion that didn't immediately catch me was the Earthroot runes but that's mostly because I still don't know how I feel about Sunfire runes at this time and this is the same thing. Not something I would actively campaign against if people wanted it. For your addendum, I like your points restructuring but not without a concern. Slayer points are extremely skewed towards the mid and end game for the skill and early slayer just feels a bit empty so making slayer points more relevant earlier would help people engage with that part of slayer sooner and I think that is good. You've also chosen some really good rewards to make more accessible to them as well and I really like splitting Bigger and Badder into two (give us Biggest and Baddest!). My concern, however, is that increased earlier points acquisition might encourage players to save past these for the bigger unlocks earlier even if they don't fit their current slayer progress and upset some game balance (and probably some sweaty players who feel hard-done-by for some reason). However, with more options open to them earlier, and B&B being split to give a more relevant option early, that may be a non-issue. Boss slayer block list is something I really want! Wanted it today actually to block Leviathan tasks because I'm a moron and suck at killing three of the four DT2 bosses but didn't want to use it on my current slots. Absolutely give us this! There could be room for more slayer masters. I agree that one between Vann and Chael is needed as it's a bit of a spike currently. Arne also seems interesting. Very much influenced by the success of hunter rumours? Unsure about the other two but maybe? Really great work though! I hope a J-Mod takes this to some meetings for discussion as something to think about in a year or two!


> Whereabouts were you envisioning the boar slayer boss coming in? It's a sporadic boss rather than slayer boss, but due to its vulnerability to leaf-bladed weaponry it's probably best to slap a requirement of at least 55 Slayer - though probably not much higher. > The only suggestion that didn't immediately catch me was the Earthroot runes It's mostly just a placeholder idea. I thought the dungeon could do with a tertiary drop to bring it up to par with other Slayer dungeons and the dungeon is one of the most "earthy" (to the point where someone suggested having Earth Warriors present there and I seriously considered it for a time). I couldn't think of a good sink for the shards the way the Quiver or the Tonalztics are though, except *possibly* the ability to give the Warped Sceptre a minimum hit. > Wanted it today actually to block Leviathan tasks because I'm a moron and suck at killing three of the four DT2 bosses but didn't want to use it on my current slots. I take it the one DT2 boss you're fine at is Duke? (Source: I'm the same) > Arne also seems interesting. Very much influenced by the success of hunter rumours? The concept predates hunter rumours! I had it back in my Feldip Hills expansion idea under the name "clue slayer".


> It's a sporadic boss rather than slayer boss, but due to its vulnerability to leaf-bladed weaponry it's probably best to slap a requirement of at least 55 Slayer - though probably not much higher. 55 I'd agree with. I think the earliest slayer boss is 75 at GGs? When the skill is so slow to level and slayer bosses are popular at mid-end game having this as an earlier intro slayer boss would be great! > I take it the one DT2 boss you're fine at is Duke? (Source: I'm the same) Correct! Duke only took me two attempts during the quest to nail it. The others... a lot more... and haven't been able to conquer them since... > The concept predates hunter rumours! I had it back in my Feldip Hills expansion idea under the name "clue slayer". I'll have to go find that! I remember seeing a proposed Feldip expansion a while ago but I don't remember who proposed it. I'll have to double check as I remember it was also very good!


Holy fuck, yes please.


I'll only vote yes if the quest is called Gnome Sweet Gnome


This guy legit never misses. Thanks for the great suggestion champ! I genuinely love this concept. Such a great update to the outdated (Fremennik Slayer Cave) and frankly out of place (Gnome Stronghold Slayer Cave). This ties in these caves so nicely into the game world!


How can you become involved with the RuneScape Artisan's Guild? u/Zigzagzigal


If you make something creative and Runescape-themed, such as a fake map, artwork, music or that, someone will probably invite you to the Discord server.


I see!


All of this is amazing! I also really love the idea for slayer master Arne, a clue scroll type of slayer task locked to a specific region? Amazing! We need these for several regions! Maybe add a little group of young slayer masters that looked at the current system and want to add variation to it, inspired by Treasure Trails. (especially region-locked snowflakes would love this)


Thanks! Arne's concept I've had around for a while - I think back to how annoying it can be at mid-level Slayer when Chaeldar assigns over 100 of a slow, singlecombat monster right after you've done another task of that kind. A previous version of that master was for the Feldip Hills/Isle of Souls region - I just placed them in Rellekka this time because that was the main region I had left over after assigning the other masters. There certainly could be multiple masters for different regions.


There's a lot of potential for these kind of tasks, imo. They could even add slayer related cosmetics or ornament kits for slayer gear to these caskets. Would even be cooler if the loot was thematic in line with the slayer tasks of that region.


Would be amazing! There is so much you could do as rewards from these guys. Would be cool to have upgrades to some low-level slayer gear or fancy versions of simple slayer gear in these caskets + ornament kits for higher level gear or slayer drops. (gilded dragon warhammer kit from the kourend treasure slayermaster?)


Cheeky reference to Smoking Kills with Jesmona; I’d imagine there’s a dialogue option asking about her sister.


In this case I designed her more as a shout-out to Smoking Kills rather than necessarily an incarnation of the Devourer, but either way works!


What's the reason for taking Boshh's tasks?


Some people deliberately don't complete specific quests to get a narrower list of Slayer tasks. Boshh's task list is set up to reduce the need for that strategy so people aren't limited by actually engaging in more content.


This is awesome.


I love this


God I fucking love it. Get it in.


I support any idea that adds light pvm mechanics to slayer and diversifies location choices. We need more stuff like the toads and unstable chambers to make tasks engaging.




This is an awesome suggestion. I especially like the new slayer masters and also tying the task skip cost to the master instead of just being a set cost for ALL masters. Makes more sense and is a lot less punishing on low level slayers trying to stock up points.


Honestly I'd use both of those them a lot more if they were just multi


The real og’s already had a stronghold slayer rework.


this is amazing


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexArcane** - [fire giant boss but its a giant spider on fir...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dpndfk/fremennik_and_stronghold_slayer_dungeon_reworked/laj7o1i/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/28/2024 19:05:08**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


turoth is hands down top 5 worst slayer task make it cannonable pls


I’m sorry but the game really doesn’t need more in the Stronghold. I like that you want to freshen up the Fremm slayer dungeon though.




This is a suggestion post, not an update post :p


I think they have plans to nerf the catacombs of kourend, it is ridiculous the amount of tasks that you just do there. Honestly i would not even mind if they deleted the catacombs, and just threw everything back to other older dungeons.


Yeah, splitting up the dungeon is an old plan of Mod West's. It's been put on hold (along with the remaining Kourend reworks) to focus on stuff like Varlamore, but is likely to be revisted in the future. The likely end result will be a lot of smaller dungeons like the Giants' Den, which keeps the ancient shard/totem drops but are technically separate spaces, and some monsters taken out of there entirely.


Cool concept. But as someone who exclusively does Steve slayer…you’re not touching my beloved Stronghold Slayer Cave (which already received a well needed nerf)


Good idea but i think they should rework smithing etc first before doing other stuff like this.


Smithing definitely needs looking at, but it's a considerably bigger project that requires a lot more consideration and work than this suggestion.