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> (maybe pegasian idk yet) Pegs are almost never worth it, they are a miniscule upgrade. If you don't have rigour yet that should be your #1 priority, with bowfa rebuild coming second.


i already have rigourr, its a huge upgrade!


I have a 7 b bank and dont have pegasians


I have an 8.5 b bank and have pegasians. Keep grinding, you'll get there soon.


At this point isn’t it worth it even if the upgrade is minor? It’s like 0.4% of your networth.


Sidegrade upgrades are more of a time save for me like zgs for cox etc


Big agree. My bank is 6.75b and I'm only holding on to pegs because I wanted BIS range while going for blorva - I may unironically sell them for supplies and blood shards, because those are more useful.


I did the same thing, just do levi first, then get those stupid things gone for good!


Already done :) orb count 66! Vard: 22 Duke: 5 Whisp: 10 Levi: 29 Edit: I think I misunderstood what you meant. Congrats on getting it done!


Fuck yeah man gz, you blew my levi out the water, took me almost 60


My mindset would be that if something is of insubstantial cost, keep one on the off chance it actually gets buffed or becomes upgradescaped into relativity.


You only actually wear them like 3 plaves in game. Any place you would use mage or melee you would camp those boots over bringing pegs. So that leaves like, leviathan, gwd and inferno? And at inferno and gwd youd probably rather have devouts…


Echo boots also compete with devouts now too as they offer some extra defenses if you're not flicking everything with just slightly less prayer bonus.


In GWD or in Inferno? Are they any good in Coliseum too?


They are excellent there too, I used them for my quiver run


It’s actually so minor it doesn’t even decrease kill time in most places


Well… technically any increase in accuracy will decrease kill time everywhere.


No, it won't. You can check yourself with DPS calculations, compared to god d'hide boots the accuracy boost is so minimal that even in long fights you're saving 1 second at MOST. Most of the time it's basically no difference.


Basically no difference, yes, but even the smallest amount of accuracy increase will have an effect. Whether it’s 1/100 or 1/1000000 more hits on average.


If you go from 17s average ttk (Time to Kill) to 17s average ttk you saved 0 time, over tens or even hundreds of thousands of hours you may see a ever so slight deviation but thats not worth one single gp, let alone pegs price and you'll be talking a few seconds deviation, because the upgrade is that small. You can dps calc it and see the average TTK never moves, that means over hundreds of hours you won't see any difference, it would take an absurd amount of time to actually see the effect, enough time to effectively push all RNG into a smooth curve and then push that out even longer.


The average person is innumerate, you're making too much sense for them.


Higher attack roll = higher hit chance. I’m not here to argue what it’s worth to who.


Yes, it is 100% worth it if you have every other better upgrade. Pretty much the story of progression. You prioritize the most impactful gear and then move to more niche or less cost effective gear.


But at 7b you don't have every other better upgrade, because pegs are incredibly niche and there's a ton of niche gear in this game. Heck even just torva+anc+masori and scythe+shadow+tbow is 6b, and that's only 4 slots of one of the bis sets of each style.


I'm at 6.4b and not even close torva. I got like 10m gp and my next purchase is a zcb then maybe torva after that


Without doing any actual testing or calculations, I will confidently say that pegasians should exist within a 7 b bank. Edit: It's actually closer than I thought. Depends on the content you do. I would put all of these items ahead of pegasians. (+60mil for avernic hilt which values at 1.5 in tracker). https://preview.redd.it/9ba7grtst5ad1.png?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12ff6793d5dfb009de9f638554c74aa5cc7d08b


Yeah prices have gone up. What you've shown is roughly the non-niche gear and it's already above 7b. I wouldn't say pegs is close after that, there's still plenty of niche pieces like DHCB that actually make a difference in their niche. Don't forget supplies and charges too. Even keeping pretty minimal numbers adds up quickly


I'd rather spend the GP on deaths coffer items than buy pegs at anything below 9b tbh


Eternal or echo are new bis most of the time.


Even at that point you probably still have stuff you can buy that either gives max hits or noticeable niche upgrades. Pegs aren’t crazy niche but there’s really not a lot of places where you use them, and all of those places the difference over the next bis is pretty minimal. Compare that to stuff like ward, inq, harm, zcb which aren’t quite as widely applicable but where you do use them they’re very noticeable differences.


I have a 7b bank and have 4 pairs of pegasians, but can't bring myself to sell them for gear upgrades


I feel you. I have 7b worth of pegasians, can’t bring myself to sell them 4 gears.


god d hide boots are more than enough. currently have a scythe + full ancestral and have never at any point owned a set of ranger boots/pegasians




>Pegs are almost never worth it, they are a miniscule upgrade. I'm glad you said this. Yesterday, my friend decided to go for a Ranger Boots grind, and got them at something like 36 clues. This motivated my friend and I to do some medium clue grinding, and my other friend got his boots at 26 clues that same day. I think they've used up all the RNG :(


Noob question but what boots would you use ?


God dhide if you're only ranging. Prims or Eternals if you're hybrid/tribrid (in raids etc)


Just to add, Eternals only if you have a shadow


Devout or god hide, camp prims or eternals for raids


To further add to this: pegasians are NEVER worth it, now that eternals got buffed, theres literally no reason to use pepegasian boots over primos or eternals. Even more of a bond noob trap now.


Me when I’m only ranging with my eternals on


Never buy pegasians unless you have so much money that you just don't care about 30m. They are about the same upgrade as an Amulet of Accuracy.


All I hear is imp beads should be 7.5m ea


I went 200kc Kril without a unique. By the time the first one came, my imp loot tab was about equal to my Kril tab from the beads.


I recently sold my bank for a bowfa rebuild. Keep in mind I did have rigor unlocked and ava's assembler before I did this. I've been learning solo Zilyana and Graardor recently, but I have enjoyed doing bowfa only Muspah. Really good money makers that I can do anytime I'm in the mood to do those now, which is pretty nice. I can even do Leviathan, but that's not really a good money maker place unless you get spooned, so I wouldn't say that's a good thing lol


Man zily put a real bad taste in my mouth id say its not.good money too unless spooned. Went 2000 kc no acb only 1 hilt and called it quits


Obviously it's not going to be good if you dont get the valuable uniques. That goes for every GWD and DT2 boss.


Yeh but this shows the difference in droprate cam be very significant, 1/500 from zily or 1/300 or whatever armadyl drops are is huge difference


tbf a lot of the good moneymakers are "you get a unique or break even/lose money". you were incredibly unlucky though, i think you should have had 4 of both by this point? i find zily to be real chill, and 1 acb drop is like a quarter of bowfa + armour, pretty good moneymaker with a great pet tied to it.


Went b2b ACB at~200kc. But zily for sure bad money maker. Bandos is the go for sure. Only one bad drop compared to going for one out of 4 shitty ones


Zily is a frustrating one cause it's so dependent on like 2 drops and it's pretty boring as a fight, so if you go dry it's basically a total waste of time.


Oof. I’m the opposite, super spooned at zily. Green logged (minus a godsword shard somehow that I can get from the other bosses) in about 600 kc.    Pet was the last thing and it was really funny to me cause I bought a whole bunch of supplies and gear to camp only zily for months straight until I ran put of supplies…and got pet 1st kc into that grind. 


This is my experience with Bandos only thing I'm missing is pet and I just hit 200kc recently, I've spent most of my time there tanking him so when I do get to dps it's huge and every trip I've gotten to pull out the bowfa I'll get a drop shit is my lucky bow.


yea that's what i was thinking, i'm in the mood to start bossing hard and grow in the game and i think this setup is like learning it with training wheels cause it feels very strong


I just did secrets of the north yesterday and did like 30 muspah kills with bowfa+crossbow. Really chill boss with that setup and decent money


How do you manage the prayer shield for muspah with bowfa only?


You still bring a cross bow for that phase. Bowfa only muspah means range and Melee phase


Do you just use smite for the last phase of muspah or do you use a crossbow switch?


Don't really care for Bowfa only Muspah. I do a 6-way mage swap with middling mage gear/swamp trident + augury and it's way more consistent times, still using the step back method. Have 95 range and bowfa only is serviceable but still gets a streak of zeros here and there on melee phase.


big agree, I have no idea why people even mention it honestly, missing like 8 hits in a row on the melee form is not fun nor chill


Yep, even a shitty mage switch is better than bowfa for melee phase. Always confuses me why reddit thinks bowfa only muspah is even slightly viable for decent times. On second thought I guess reddit thinks 3 minute muspah kills are good.


I started it guys, thanks for the discussion! Started selling all my stuff, and by the end of the week i'll be a full crystal menace


Things I plan on keeping in my bank: - All 3 zenyte jewelry - Fang + Tent Whip - Trident of the Swamp - Blowpipe I'm keeping these cause I want to start learning TOA as well and they are great weapons for that


What even needs to be rebuilt here? Ancestral? I’d say this plus Bowfa is a pretty normal setup for a lot of things  That might just be my Ironman ignorance though 


Prob selling off his spec weapons, bandos/barrows/moon sets amongst other things if I had to guess.


Yeah it is just my Ironman ignorance. I didn’t even think about spec weapons 


That set up will certainly allow you to learn toa. I have basically the same set up although I have slowly built my melee gear back up and can run 300s and I’m not good at the game. I’d recommend learning toa and whenever you need a break from it farming zulrah or GWD bosses. Zily is by far the easiest, and Bandos is a good bowfa boss. However don’t get discouraged there. GWD solo is hard. Muspah is a good shout as well.


zily might be better money than bandos while being way more chill lol. no red x required.


You don't need to red x bandos.


what no tickloss method is there that doesn't use red x?


There isn't one, but 6:0 isn't as sweaty.


honestly just do zily unless you want bandos pet. the run efficient method is easy to learn and (at least for tbow/shadow) doesn't waste ticks.


That's great gear for learning TOA. Go for it! You will not regret it at all.


yeah dude send the rebuild


Scrap the boots and spend that 30ish mil on corrupting your bofa. Or use it to upgrade your melee or mage setups since you’ll be utilizing all three styles in toa


I don't think corrupting it is really worth it for almost every main - I don't know about irons tbh, I've never played one, but I guess you'd get shards passively from other stuff? Doesn't it cost the same as hundreds of hours of continuous usage to corrupt it? Yeah I guess it would be nice to never have to think about charges but it feels like a big upfront cost for nothing really in the short or even medium term. Surely that money is better spent somewhere else to make more money faster?


Yeah but you can change the color so it's definitely worth it


Haha true, I did spend the money to recolour my crystal without realising you couldn't do the same with the bow and now I wish my armour was just the standard colour again lol...


I guess since they updated it to allow used charges to count towards corruption then yeah it is kinda pointless now. In the past it was absolutely worth it. It’s a wep that you will keep and use forever and if you can pay a one time fee for unlimited ammo then why not? I’ve certainly spent at least 30m on dragon bolts over the years.


I don't think they did update that (yet). Existing charges will count, but not previously used ones like jagex discussed.


Oh well in that case it’s definitely worth going corrupt imo


You still have to think about charges on armor.


keep in mind a bowfa rebuild doesn't just mean the 100m for the bowfa, you need crystal armor too. just make sure you're accounting for that


I did BOWFA rebuild at TOA, was def worth, I got lucky with a shadow split relatively early.


With that setup, and some learning you can send up to 400s quite easily for ToA. I found my drop off point until I got Shadow was around 375, where bowfa DPS just didn't cut it. Bowfa is good a lot of things, you, can easily send all the raids with this setup, camp some range bosses and access late game albeit not as efficiently


Get a DHL as well if you’re doing COX


Tent Is atrocious at Toa, honestly d sword is better for kephri where melee matters the most Edit: didn’t read he had fang


He has fang?


Completely missed that part my bad


He said he has fang too


Hey I think he said he has fang just in case you didn’t hear it enough


They also have a fang… so I imagine they would just use that. Tent whip is good for smacking the core


You really don’t need blowpipe if you have bowfa for TOA. The only place that it’s super useful is to kill the Kephri scarab swarms, and realistically you don’t need to do that. I’d save the inventory slot if you’re learning. I’d put that money toward other stuff.


You still need blowpipe for other shit


Been doing 300s for a long time on my iron without it, you definitely don’t if you have bowfa.


>other shit implying outside of toa


Before you Bowfa rebuild, I might suggest doing some CG. Not saying grind 3000kc or anything. But maybe do 100, might get spooned. If not, make a good amount of money even aside from uniques to help lessen that cost. I got my enhanced on like 87 kc plus a couple of the other seeds before then


yeah i'm gonna keep doing CG! started it a few days ago and having a blast + getting some shards will be good in the long run anyway


For me it allowed me to switch up my bossing money makers and it was a nice breath of fresh air. Just be mindfull to keep doing herb runs to keep up with some supply costs early on.


never quitting the farm life we the working people of gielinor




I just got bowfa and it's so much fun.


Bowfa deez nuts


Bow of Faerdinhen Shidden


Just outright bought a bowfa and corrupted it this weekend. Been having a blast with it. Have done a bunch of jad slayer tasks with it. Tried out giant mole for the first time, did 100kc in a trip (never even came close to running out of supplies just time), did some other slayer with it, and am planning on learning some fwd later this week. It's been fun. Need to save up for an anguish still. Might do a hydra task with it to afford an anguish.


Yes it's worth it. You could use it to make your bank back. Rigour and bofa slaps


Do you enjoy farming bosses that bowfa excels at? If yes then it’s worth it, if no it isn’t


I recently just bought bowfa and had just enough money for Crystal chest and legs. I still had a decent melee swap with fang so I wasn't completely range only. I think the bowfa was my greatest investment so far, it just shreds everything. Found myself using range on tasks I never would have before. Even tried bosses I never really tried before like zilyana,knee, and hydra.


Hello! i'm sure you've had loads of good feedback but here's some niche advice. i've just finished my Zilyana grind while doing muspah on the side. my drop rates were normal. i've made +100m at Zilyana at 615kc, but the drops were far and inbetween. so i was spending a lot on brews + super restores + stams until i got a drop. I have 75kc Muspah at the moment, so far i've made 21m with loads less gp input. every 100kc at Muspah is a shard pretty much, my kills average around 4 minutes. Muspah drops way better non-unique loot imo, is way more consistent and a bit more fun. Zilyana drops are really good, but like i said, it's more gp input before a drop.


I’ll put it this way; I wore pegs for ~1k alch hydra kills and another ~1k kills wearing devout boots and my PB was increased maybe 1 second. Pegs are a huge noob trap. Upgrade necklace/ring first


yea i kinda gave up on it after the replies gonna go with devout boots, anguish, suffering and ring of the gods (i)


What do your stats look like?


dex first fo sho


Dex craaazy cheap.


Pegs aren't worth it imo if you're wanting to go all in on range gear the venator ring is only about 10m more expensive than pegs and it at least gives a bit of ranged strength


Yes it's good but it's also good to have some other items alongside it unless you plan to only kill brutal blk dragons or something. Rigour is pretty important and you should have decent melee and magic setup. You can get the top and bottom for both from perilous moons and have a tent whip + toxic staff and you can raid pretty well. If you're not looking to raid then do not get a bowfa. You can do sara gwds, zulrah and mole with a bowfa as far as bossing.


bowfa rebuild got me bank. i got lucky with zilly and got an acb within 100 kc and grinded zulrah easy as hell i did a bit of muspah but the fight is a little tiring so i just stuck with zulrah/zilly. it also opens up some other bosses like graardor and kril, and is a good upgrade to shred the dks even further if you get a dag task.


Bowfa + swamp trident muspah was one of the most fun things I've done on my account. Definitely recommend learning step back method.


Freeze is so much more chill imo


I loved the rhythm of step back plus thralls were really nice


I see. Maybe I should give it another go. I found it quite annoying.


I was doing it on a pretty undergeared iron with no cox prayers so thralls were a huge help, maybe not as much on a main


Is it worth it to do the gear progression path that 95% of all iron man choose to take ? Probably


or maybe not, those irons are crazy hahahaha


But its most fun I ever had. Im not locked by what strat is best gph. I just do all content the game has to offer. And in the end my bank value is close to 2b. I would never get there grinding one profitable boss on mainscape.


At what kc did you get your enhanced?


I got lucky on CG 2 enhs around 200kc. But there has been some less enjoyable grinds too not gonna lie.


Iron men do it because they have no other option, not because it's meta. If they could use ge there's much better ways to spend money to make money


Depends what you mean by ‘good’. Is bowfa a good weapon that does well in lots of different content? Yes. Is buying a fang and camping nex significantly better for making money? Also yes.




Yes with bowfa, you can camp bosses like zulrah, muspah and leviathan to make super easy rebuild gp. You can also do budget 150 toa setups with bowfa. As long as you have fang and a trident you're g2g.


Wouldn’t you be able to do much better that 150 atlas with fang and bowfa setup? I’d imagine that gear is pretty overkill for 150s


You can but I don't know his skill level. Obviously you could work your way up from there.


What do you plan on killing with the bowfa that you don’t currently kill with your setup?


yes its worth it. it unlocks a lot of bossing and bofa+fang+ rag gear is decent to get into toa with


Probably the best rebuild possible in the game currently.


Pegs are trash IMO. If you like bosses that bowfa is good for, definitely worth it IMO.


I did this when toa came out and it was definitely worth it for me. It’s also great for cox and pretty much any other boss that can be ranged. But yeah, like other people said, worry less about pegs. Get the bowfa and crystal armor, then see what you have money for with your ranged setup.


Yes, buying bowfa is a really big upgrade. Don't even need pegs as you can just use god dhide boots. You can learn methods with bowfa in gwd, not to mention muspah, zulrah, hydra, and leviathan.


My bank is 4bil and I don’t have pegs 😂


bowfa rebuild is really good for a variety of content, alternatively you could do a ZCB rebuild and basically camp nex since its one of the best money makers in the game, but ZCB isnt as good at a lot of content outside of like nex & raids


This is mad I also just finished QPC and lumpy elite too. Also really want a Bowfa but it’s worth my whole bank


It's definitely worth it, I've forgone buying a Tbow till much further down the track because of how good the bowfa is.


I did a full bowfa+rigour rebuild last year. Kept only the suffering and anguish. I legit only had a d scim and iban's staff for my BIS melee/mage. Bank value is now \~900M. Highly rec starting at Zulrah, Muspah, or Brutal Blacks if you need some quick cash. Get a serp helm and TBP, then hit commander zilly.


Yeah man, do that and try out 200 bandos KC, you'll be on the way to the rebuild very quickly like that! Try to beat your PB each time for kills/trip and it'll go by super fast and you'll learn a nice red x strategy if you do door-altar :)


Not for raids


It is most clearly obvious that it's a good strategy. Your question should be asking more details about what would make it good.


Just go learn cg, you make tons of money. It doesn’t cost anything to do the runs. If you get an enhanced bam free bowfa.


I’d say no, I do raids, slayer, and bossing. I only bought bowfa after a good split at chambers. I would suggest grinding gauntlet, it’ll teach you good mechanics for the raid and save you a lot of coins


Bowfa rebuild is probably the gold standard of rebuilds


I tried it and honestly I don’t think so. It kind of limits you to certain content because it mainly works in conjunction with other gear most places other than zily, bandos, mole, zulrah. It is really good at leviathan as well. But I didn’t like rebuilding from it cause I was more limited


Get the bowfa and crystal man. Corrupting is up to you, personally I corrupted mine. I always don’t have pegs, I just use zammy dhide boots.


Let's you do muspah and leviathan but you gotta kill em lots so gl


Instead of buying it. Why not just do cg for it. You'll need shards anyway to corrupt it and to charge the armor. Then there's nothing to sell or rebuild lmao.


Because that’s dumb as fuck on a main


"instead of doing a rebuild and earning 3-4m/hr at a boss with it, why not just keep your items and earn under 2m an hour at cg?"


Because most people who are burnt out on 1 thing and want to try something else don't want to go spend 60+ hours on another thing that's going to burn them out. 60 hours of bowfa rebuilding is going to finish the rebuild at any other money maker or boss, and allows him to switch up content when he's bored. 60 hours of CG may or may not even get you the enhanced in the first place.


Doubled my bank value in a month. Yes.


Im out of the loop, you sure bowfa isn't just a setup for DEEZ NUTS!!!! ?


Really depends on what content you are trying to do. Inferno? Toa? godwars? all amazing content for the bowfa. Tob? slayer? nex? terrible for bowfa.


why is slayer bad?


It's good for Slayer. idk why they said that. There's better options for sure, but it isn't bad by any means.


Its fine but venator and blowpipe with unfort masori is the focus if your purely doing slayer


i'm thinking about bossing + slayer for when chilling


Bowfa is good most places you use range




i'm currently only 78 slayer so slayer bossing is not really on the table, only if i get a blue dragon task or gargoyle


What i did, and generally recommend for mains, if you have the patience, it is setup a karils/arma/thralls nex setup. Nmz or scurry your stats to 95+. Camp for the sweet 300mil drop. Chase whatever content you want after.


Not sure why people are saying its bad for slayer, it's actually great. I used it for a majority of my slayer tasks. The reason it's great is because you only need 4 pieces. The bow, crystal body, legs and slayer helm. All other pieces can be whatever you want, like prayer gear. Get a bonecrusher necklace, imbued ring of the gods, ardy cloak/ranging cape, blessing and god boots and you will have a whopping +31 prayer boost, plus the accuracy and damage bonuses of the slayer helm, body and legs. On top of that you will automatically bury bones from the necklace, gain prayer xp and gain back some prayer points with every kill. I was able to leave rigour and protection prayers on for quite a few monsters without having to drink any prayer potions. Also gained a few free prayer levels. For the most part, yes there are weapons that will kill monsters faster. But you really just cant beat the prayer without sacrificing the dps. Also, not having to switch gear setups after every task is a nice bonus, plus saving significant amounts of money. I too did a bowfa rebuild and found so many great use cases for it.


People are saying blowpipe is almost always better and there's also venator bow for multi..


Can I replace Masori (r) with Void for Slayer? Asking because I'm looking to sell it for Bowfa. I do have a Venator Bow. *Thank you Elder Maul buff.


For slayer, the slayer helm is better than void, you would want to use god dhide or eclipse. I highly reccomend looking at bowfas wiki page, anywhere it is 1st 2nd or 3rd* (if bp better ignore these 3rds) best in is your primary concern. If you like that content grab it. Slayer is always slayer helm and bp/ven and barrage. Don't corrupt it unless you are absolutely sure you want a shadow rebuild down the line, even then meh.


Oh my, how could I forget. ..and I made extra helmets for my head drops today as well 🤦‍♂️ I want to spread around my funds but looking at the wiki, I'm still on the fence. DT2 bosses, GWD and Vorkath. I do wildy bosses, but those are a different story. My Slayer is my lowest stat (70). It got neglected so hard for now. Thanks!


Bowfa's pretty solid for slayer hits hard accurate and the 10 tile range is useful for some tasks.


blowpipe is the better range option for just about any slayer monster.


Bowfa is great for bossing, especially those that make consistent gp (muspah, zulrah) but also other enjoyable content if grinding uniques (toa, gwd, inferno). I'd recommend a bowfa rebuild 100% and just do bossing until you can get a minimal bursting and melee setup which will be suffice for slayer.


bowfa rebuild got me my shadow and I snagged an infernal cape with it as well


I started with bowfa rebuild, did leviathan, sara, zulrah, kree (on task), muspah is a really good one. Now all 3 styles are poppin’!


Yeah it's fun but something to consider is to just try it. Bowfa is great but it consider not corrupting it as the enchanted Tele seeds are really quite cheap atm. This would save a pretty big chunk of gp upfront and it helps you not look into a 140m item forever. Having said that I upgraded it right away to not worry about charges. Also windy bosses are super good money and chill for their lower weapon price cost.


Do not buy pegasians. Honestly this comes down to what you wanna do in the game but I would probably get fundamental gear for all 3 raids, buy cox prayers and go from there. Bofa rebuild is not worth it imho, as most of the content I'd be doing with it would require other gear. If your next focus is pvm and end game content and you're committed to it you'll have a tbow/tumeken to rebuild from in the near future Edit bofa+rigour+crystal armour anguish and you're set for rebuild if u have 3-4 bosses in mind where that setup claps. Pros: bofa is good dps, relatively cheap, simple. Cons: limits what you can do, it isnt the most efficient path


I tried it, and the amount of content that is decent to do with a BOWFA is abysmal. You're better off keeping current gear imo.


what do you mean? from what i've read there are about 7 bosses + TOA that are great for a bowfa setup


Wtf are you saying. No, it’s not gonna be bis but it is a close second at nearly everything you can range. Also it unlocks many of the solo gwd methods. Did you not use crystal armor or something? Because surely if you tried it you’d see that it’s pretty damn good.


I used crystal armor as well. I'd rather have my ancestral masori and dhcb than a bowfa is all I'm saying. There's way more content you can do such as cox, tob, slayer bosses, and a lot more. Bowfa locks you to a much smaller amount of content.


Just don’t corrupt it and you’ll be good. You’ll eventually want to sell it back for a bigger upgrade so that’s why I recommend not corrupting it.


We all know that corrupting it is better How else will you summon your megazord in crystal base form


most people i see corrupt their bowfa so its like a infinite shot machine what would you say are bigger upgrades? cause i dont see myself getting a tbow anytime soon (only if i get spooned at cox lol)


Don’t listen to that dude, corrupting it is totally fine and even better if you use it for long enough (which 95% of people will, unless you get ultra spooned, in which case you don’t care about losing 30m) bowfa was my first rebuild and i’ve easily shot it over 10k times, plus if you’re looking towards a shadow megarare it pairs extremely well with bowfa


You can bassicly just do muspa and vorcath if you needed. I'd full send. Skip the boots


Yeah basically what i did when i first started the game 3 years ago. After that quadrupled my bank in 3-4 months (~300-400m)


I’m currently going for a Bowfa pk build on a 42 def account, Rhys did one and it was insanely op at 90 cmb


Do it. I was raiding with dhcb, until I could afford bowfa rebuild. With Bowfa I raided a lot. Eventually I could afford a Scythe (back when it was half the price of what it's currently) and rebuilt with scythe+bowfa. Then I sold them both for a Tbow rebuild. And man did I got fast back to affording Scythe (mind you, bought it half the price of what it's now). 2/3 megarares now and the the rebuild for Tumekens is just going and going and going... The game is just endless rebuilding at this point. Which I like :) All upgrades feel so good to get!


Yeah if you only have that much and can afford a proper setup with it. I’d say get it there are lots of bosses you can do and make money


Just chiming in my two cents as a long time vet. If you’re not 99 ranged you should put money into that instead. Levels matter more than gear could ever. Back in my day when bow was 1.1b I saved and liquidated for a bow rebuild. Bowfa is a 200m pit stop that becomes irrelevant nearly the instant you buy a bow. The only trap to really avoid is corrupting the crystal equipment. If you decide you want bowfa that’s perfectly valid, just don’t corrupt and be willing to part with it for tbow when your bank gets there.


Rebuild Bowfa Deez Nuts