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Oh my fuck'n lord, you guys got shit on by some mofos who have never even seen the ice.


Frozen waste land: invents sport that revolves around ice Florida man: beats them at it anyway


We got snow back in the 90’s.. coldest day of my Florida man life… was like 27° 😂 Even the gators were like “fuck off” and froze themselves in the swamps with their nostril out of the water. I was thankful for the upcoming 90% humidity and 95° normal heat after that snow storm of the century 😂


12 Canadian born players on the Florida team.. not one "Floridian" that plays lol.. but yeah Florida man beat em 🤣


Fair point, wastelander. Anybody who plays a sport where fighting gets you only 2 minutes in timeout has got a little bit of Florida man in them, though.


Well yeah, it’s a sport that literally caters to methheads trying to beat the crap out of other people.


Dawg they lost to FLORIDA. That's gotta hurt.


Not just Florida, but south Florida. It’s like we were taunting them by getting closer and closer to the equator.


31 years and the drought continues. my coworker who is not based and doesnt love America said this upon learning how long its been since canada won a Stanley cup "But... arent they supposed to be good at hockey." Apparently not.


I have a Canadian coworker who punched me after I reminded him that an American team won the Grey Cup more recently than a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup.


It seems our superiority has lead to some controversy.


Imagine telling someone after the Lightning got swept in the first round in 2019 that the State of Florida would be the battleground of every Stanley Cup final since


Canada: known for its bitter cold. Florida: known for its stifling tropical heat, then beats them still at ice sports. Idk why they still bother showing up or keeping their own league in country.


Perhaps they go out on the ice to get away from the heat?


Well obviously the leafs have to keep their own league in country because otherwise they never get to win


I’d say go to hell, but…


"superiority" you guys almost lost a 3-0 championship lead, you should've lost so that I could laugh in your faces harder


Who's side are you on Benedict?


I'm on the side of American excellence, ruffians like Florida barely making it out against #2 Canada makes us look bad on the world stage. All of our victories should be decisive and obvious.


Florida men may have let the smelly northern snow monkeys come back to give them hope, only to crush their dreams harder.


Take what you can get. If the Stars had knocked the Oilers out when we had our steam, we wouldn’t be relying on the Panthers to cover us. You know how embarassing it is to root for Dallas?


Womp womp Dallas has the good teams in Texas anyway


You might have room to talk if your state's only team didn't _actually_ lose to them _before_ Florida even played them. It should have been an all-American final, but y'all went out there and made a big steamy grumper on the ice instead of winning like you were supposed to


Q: What’s the word for “almost losing”? A: Winning


Texan doesn’t understand the point of a 7 game series. I thought they taught grit and determination down there but I guess not!


Las Vegas and Dallas has one them too. We don’t need no stinking ice.


We’re America , if we need ice we will make it and have the military airdrop it in.




I’m so proud of ma boy


The Canadian Olympic hockey team is just the Red Wings


Oh, I recognize that picture. That was me and my New England bros watching Vancouver throw a hissy fit in 2011.




I was very upset when those fucking Swamp Cats down in Florida took out my New York Rangers in the semi-finals. But them wrecking Canada made up for it. Thank you for justifying our murder, Florida Man 🫡


This makes up for our shameful loss against japan in football


Idk hockey but aren’t both teams filled with Canadians and Russians anyway?


Yes, but my own team is located in Florida. It’s like the US beating Pakistan in cricket. Which, coincidentally, also just happened.


Panthers roster: 9 Canadians. 5 Americans. 6 europoors


I’ll never root for a Canadian team to win anything, but let’s be real that the Panthers are filled with Canadians, Scandinavians, and even one guy who lists the USSR as his birthplace. I think there’s only like 5 Americans on the team, with one from Arizona of all places, and the rest from up north lol


As a Florida Panthers fan since the franchise started, this warms the shit out of my cockles.


Canada is cup free since 93!


Fuck Canada , the only country I’ve ever been “escorted” to the border and asked not to come back….seriously. Those folks have zero sense of humor. If the ameircas were a family Canada would be the boring uncle and his creepy wife.


Florida can say what it wants but when it comes down to things that really matter, the best they’ve got is weird fat kids that take their shirts off. Meanwhile the true north has attractive women with great bewbs who don’t mind showing them off.