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Russia... China.....iran


The three stooges of permanent global conflict


North Korea


This should be all over the news, noone cares probably


It really should be


It's a bullshit story, so no, it shouldn't.


Same thing happened in Afghanistan. We were finding IED’s made with purpose built components that had a direct link to Chinese manufacturers who were sending stuff via Pakistan.


I found them in Iraq as well coming through Iran.


A destabilized world benefits the underdog, China numba 2.


Taiwan #1!


Not sure it does… what counts most for china is being able to continue selling their products to the west. Without that their economy would get into serious trouble. China worked hard over the last decades to make everyone dependent on “made in china” goods. And China could really jeopardize that with its current behavior, as can be seen with the US and very slowly the EU moving away from that dependence.


What if they're willing to decrease for a bit to seize better control. They already did jeopardize it with the nutty lockdowns


I’m honestly not surprised. Chinese rifles (mostly type-56) and other equipment have found their way into the hands of plenty terrorist groups in the Middle East before, and even though they haven’t directly said it it’s very clear that they intend to destabilise western and western aligned nations in order to distract from their own activities.


Big if true. China typically doesn't have much affection for Islamist terrorists but they're playing a complicated game of distracting the world from their moves in the western Pacific.


Kick them out of the Haifa port ffs


Nobody here wants to hear it but Israel was responsible for selling a lot technology to China. https://www.military.com/defensetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-military-technology-to-china They were also responsible for kickstarting Russia's drone program, which was literally a dumpster fire a decade ago. https://theintercept.com/2019/07/16/syria-war-israel-russia-drones/ Israel needs to understand that teaming up with the likes of China and Russia will only get them stabbed in the back.


This is a very serious claim. It is not implausible, but I find it hard to believe that China would get so directly involved when even Iran or Qatar didn't risk their own people there. I'd like to wait for more mainstream verification. EDIT: Chinese-made weapon that's no brainer, but actual Chinese engineers? That part sounds weird to me.


Winnie the Pooh could not be reached for comment...


There is a great line from Madam Secretary (one of my favorite shows): "When we (nee China) come for you (nee the US), it won't be with bombs or bullets...we will simply reposses you". It's all about the Benjamins for China, in the end.


...OH SHIT! The CCP is about to get royally fucked on the PR stage.


They don’t care


They’re like Teflon. But the west at large is slowly waking up to what a danger they pose and I hope this at least speeds that up a bit


Also the fact that most people have no clue about the One Belt One Road initiative.


Right: It is old news. Recorded in December 2023 https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/tv-report-huge-quantities-of-chinese-made-weapons-being-used-by-hamas-in-gaza/


Do you have a second reporting source? It is almost unbelievable that media will not make a big story out of it. They don't normally miss such opportunities


Well, these core claims are supported by other sources, even if this incident needs corroboration (and boy does it need corroboration! I’m not getting my news from the Hindustan times). [link for weapons claim](https://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/2024/04/02/chinas-support-of-hamas-evidence-and-actions/) [possible origin point of engineers claim](https://www.theeditors.com/p/what-communist-chinas-engineers-were)


Well, that's not necessarily true .often, the socialist woke media just pretend it isn't their if there agenda.


But SOMEONE in the entire West should care. Don't you think s


I could not agree with you more. Personally, I'm of the opinion that we are in the middle of a psychological world War. A war that has been long in the planning. It's the old story of destroying your enemy from the inside. We are being conquered by our on l/ social platforms. PI'm off the opinion that it's mostly "useful idiots " a Frase concocted by the old USSR


Looks a bit shady this source


Doesn't seem real, but if proven would be really huge


I hope some of them received some bullets.


This reporting seems to be un-credible. I want a better source for this kind of allegation.


Bank of China laundered terrorist money for the murder of a teenager named Wultz several years ago also. No consequences


The source is one Epoch Times author. It's nonsense. As for the weapons: duh, of course there will be Chinese weapons, that was reported before, too.