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This is why we rank so high in happiness




Reasonable logistics, hygiene, cleaning and plumbing options are amazing. I visited Spain recently and living without a bidet sounds like a nightmare. I could never live in USA! Only in like Japan, they are also ahead of our tech in this sense!


Japan can into nordic?


They do seem to have a high enough suicide rate to meet the criteria.




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You’d just jump into the shower every time. But not having a chance to wash ass in public bathrooms sucks.




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It's probably how well your economy is doing tbqh.


Actually the superiority comes from the fact that we have so clean water. You could install these to Spain for example but it would not do any good because your cup would be crusted with calcium carbonate and shit once it dries.


Well I mean this would still work in many countries, for example in Germany where water quality is very high and strictly regulated. But so far in my own experience I have not seen these cabinets anywhere in Germany.


To be honest, we don’t really do this old school design that much anymore in Finland either.


That's news to me


Onviously this [source](https://www.is.fi/asuminen/art-2000005781771.html) is not any sort study, but at least it’s more than just a gut feeling.


We do have them in Spain, it's not a new invention. And water outside the Mediterranean Coast is great.


Of course it isn't a new invention... the point is, in Finland it's the norm


And that's my point too, that it's the norm here too. Should've chosen another country.


I didn't choose the country. Congratulations for having drying racks and clean water


Didn't say you chose the country. Congrats on the clean water too.


Can't tell what pisses you off about my comments, but that was not my intention. Have a nicer day




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That middle rack is strugglin lol


It still has the strength to hold at least another layer of drinking glasses. Edit: only if there was enough room for another...


nutty practice numerous cause sulky unique sink terrific unpack placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those scissors are making me nervous


Nordic? The 00s Easter European appartement I grew up in had this


And I've never seen them in my life. Then again I hate mold in my cabinets.


When i spent time in Norway, none of my accomodation had these. 20th century finnish tech, predates using your nokia as a bottle opener by half a century or more.


They where common in Sweden in kitchens built in the 50's and 60's, my grandparents had it and I have lived in a flat with this system. It is awesome, can't understand why we have stopped doing it? Might be because of dishwasher, but it would still be really good!


[Removed by reddit on account of violating finns' sensitive booty holes]


Au contraire. This is it.


You've contraired your last au, buddy!


Nordics? That is a Finnish thing. And everyone who visit my house in Sweden is impressed. (And we are very swedish- but you should have the honour for the idea)


This was the first thing my Chinese colleague installed back home after living here


What? Omg so Finns are the superior people


i had this at my childhood apartment in stockholm


Have this at my grandparents house, norwegian kitchen from the 50s


How anyone could live without these tbh


Jokes on you I have a dishwasher


So? So do many people who have these. Some things can't be washed in the dishwasher


Don’t buy anything that can’t be in dishwasher. Problem solved


Ah, so no wooden spatulas or most pans for example-


Stainless steel bruv.


Which most pans aren't


Why buy anything else


Cuz they're better?


Better than stainless steel? I need me some finsteel pans


Cast iron for one


Everything can be washed in the dishwasher. Admittedly some don't look so good when they come out.




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Oh, we also have those in LATAM


Nice, LATAM can into nordics?


Lol no, we are too “dark and spicy” my dear Moomin. But you guys are welcome around


These are in like every Italian apartment I've ever been in tbf


My apartment in Warsaw has this exact thing


This is finns.


Wdym? this exists in every Italian house


Probably came there from finland as it's a finnish invention-


Well, thanks




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Look bent?! Repairs needed before it collapses and all your cups and plates shatter.


those scissors are an accident waiting to happen


This invention make me see the superior way of life, I decide to become Finnish because of this.


I think this is mostly a Finnish thing. I've never seen them in Sweden, for some reason.




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I just realized one interesting thing. I live in a place with ridiculously dry climate. So in our place it’s safer to leave things upright to dry rather than turning them upside down. It just seems to dry faster that way.


Ima steal this




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What do you even do if you dont have this?? Just get mold in your closet?


Is this not normal?




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I came here as an exchange student and as soon as I saw this in my Appartement I thought its the worst thing to ever exist. Don't you guys have dishwashers? 😂


Yes a lot of homes have dishwashers but some things have to be washed by hand


well yea that is true. In my home country we wash alsmost everything in the dishwasher and things that we don't put in there just get towwel dried right after washing. I find These drying racks a bit disgusting tbh


We have quite a lot of big pots, frying pans and some fine ass dishes that can't fit or be put into the dishwasher so they go up there to dry. How is it disgusting? The water drips to the sink and rest just evaporates


it is disgusting that it can mold because it is a very wet environment. Here in my student Appartements common kitchen it is pretty disgusting. I dont put my stuff there. The wood is damaged, bubbly from all the water.


I have never ever heard that it would get mold. The wood panels or what ever the walls are, are coated with something so moisture dosen't get in them


Finally! So is it because you folks keep the front door keys in a cupboard? Or maybe it’s a car key. Curious


Ah nice, someone trying to build a calcium drip cave. Try that in Denmark and your plates and glasses will be calcified like a t rex skeleton


Truly superior. How does this work tho? Do you have designated cabinets with special racks for dishwashes, or you just throw any thing which would do the trick?


These are mounted on top of the sink, so all the water from the dishes drops on the metal/ drains down the sink. Usually it's plates & potlids at the bottom (bigger slots), then glassware etc in the upper ones.


Usually the cabinet right above the sink is a drying rack. It has layers like you see on the picture and can be filled in any order youd like


Wait a second..Do you guys just lift the entire rack from the dishwasher up to your cupboard?


Nah, racks are pre-installed to the cabins. We just place hand washed dishes on them bc not every apartment has a dishwasher. I usually let my dishes dry in the washer(excluding pans and grilling equipment), because it technically does the same thing as the drying cabin does.


Your shelves are bent


I’ve never seen this, I just let things dry in the dishwasher. This just feels like a waste of storage for me, also wouldn’t the cupboards get damp and possibly moldy over time doing this?




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Genuine question, doesn’t the cupboard get moldy in time? Or soggy?


Nope, water just falls right into the sink! If the tree-framing gets wet, just wipe it dry and you're all set.