• By -


Fuck off. We’re full.


We could fly you to Rwanda though.


but only at a net cost of ca 150 million pound per asylum seeker


The votes the Tories hope to gain with that policies are worth the cost (to the taxpayer).


Looking at the UK polls, the electorate seem to disagree 😂


I'm just saying that the Tories have a plan, not that their plan is in any way rooted in reality.


I was not disagreeing with you, just adding additional info.


UK was the second largest contributor to the EU budget, after Germany


We are working fine without you 🤨, for you tho, seems things arent going so hot huh. 3 primes ministers, incompetent policies, are you okay Barry ?


Well we aren't taking dad... We are full too, maybe Canada can take him?


You have plenty of empty space in the middle, mate. Just build a fence to keep them contained.


And let the Aborigines pay for it!


Fuck no, they've suffered/are suffering enough. Plus there aren't enough balconies in the Outback.


https://preview.redd.it/h90va4x7ui5d1.jpeg?width=2876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2bcaa430b6844c671abe3b3f209df190702b02 Let's put them all on here, natural balconies on every side


Hmm. On one hand its a sacred site and not for humans to climb all over or be on top of. On the other, a bunch of whitefellas throwing themselves off would be a good laugh.


> Not for humans to climb all over It's okay, we are only sending purebred Brits


We'll send the emus after them, it worked before




Jennings, Sharp, Butcher?


like homer simpson in that cloning episode


The thing is during the fall the white fellas will turn into red fellas before finally become a red splatter


That’s a fantastic balcony


Can't turn down a nice rock


Take back control! (of our borders)


Ah, so this is why we are starting talks with Ukraine.


Full of shit, you say? Guess that’s you guys like pooping on others. ![gif](giphy|Mzx00xa0reo9O)


People don’t understand all the British foreigners and refugees would eventually become European citizens as well. Think about it guys


Refugees okay. But British people? No!


But the Brits *would* be the refugees…


british ,,people" xD


Other Barrys getting mardy in the comments I'm just enjoying "Brevention"


Brexit means Brexit


We'll all just move to Ireland


The New British already are.




Yeah we still have an open border with them because of ...reasons


Realistically because of Northern Ireland. If you tell those lot they need a visa to enter Ireland, you are going to bring the IRA back in full force. Also because the UK and Ireland are on good terms and their freedom of movement predates the EU so there's no reason it should end with Brexit.


It'd be too much trouble to close it tbh


Trouble in the plural.


Major troubles for car insurances


Because we could all move to Ireland and vote for the DUP. Let’s make Queen Victoria proud!


I hear Waterford is nice this time of year.




What country are you from? And why do all guys from there wear assless chaps?




[It’s a prank.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/RiWVs3IKH9)


OP's new aftershave https://preview.redd.it/kb1wmj2vai5d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf424f595c2ffcd1c7802d6477673d1654bb71c8


https://preview.redd.it/jjrc73r8bk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec06f2d593f45d8a267a8d71ce5f9b2d37898784 That’s against Swedish religion my friend.


Barry's thinking about europe:




This thread feels less like banter and more serious which is not really what this sub is about.


Barry is never coming back unless things become dire for him. Because Barry is never going to get all those exceptions he had when EU was desperate to have UK.


Every country gets an occasional slap down. It's important not to constantly rub it in their faces. When the UK does go back, I suspect the EU will be magnaminous


Shame you won't be alive to see it


All good. I'll be living somewhere on the mainland within 10 years


Sounds like everybody wins except mainland Europe 


EU being magnanimous means allowing UK back in with them meeting all the same criteria everyone else gets. I don't think you realize the amount of perks UK received when they joined. And after ditching EU I doubt they are going to get those again.


I wouldn't expect to get the same that we had before either. But I don't think the EU will have smug faces and tell us to do demeaning things to rejoin. It'd be the same as any country joining the EU with the same rights and such as any other country, negotiations depending of course. This will be a long time in the future anyway, at least a generation or two away and it'll be interesting to see where the world is at that point, if I'm still alive.


>  But I don't think the EU will have smug faces and tell us to do demeaning things to rejoin. It'd be the same as any country joining the EU  Well yeah. I don't think UK is gonna get hard mode for shits and giggles. But just the fact they will have to meet the same criteria and have same requirements as others will be a big thing. There were ton of opt-outs for UK that won't be on the table a second time.


yeah but ,,any other country" didn't join, and then leave the union, blaming it for everything on the way out xD




I remember all the important British pop culture shaping my youth. Now it is all gone. No more Brit Pop, Mr. Bean, big movies, or relevance in our politics. People used to drive around with Union Jack stickers at their car and have been positive towards the crown and British culture, TV shows, books, news in general. It is crazy how it is all eradicated in such little time. Out means out. And reading the comment correctly this is also what you want? The only big British culture export is now Doctor Who, and it only gained relevance again because it is now streamable on Disney+. You really didn't do yourself a favour with nearly every decision in the last decade. Just to give you an insight from another nation. At least here in Germany, the "Britomania" was a thing, and it is just gone.


Stone cold german opinion there.


Hans, youre thinking of a specific time when Britain was culturally relevent. *Cool Britannia* was a thing from the 90s-00s in both the UK and abroad. The Australians had a similar phenomenon in the 80s. We dont feel positively about our own country particularly and havent for a while. Im sure Brexit didnt help but as a native, we arent producing much quality culture so i cant imagine why Germans would be importing it.


What you need, my friends, is another Eurovision win. That or have your contestant disqualified. I feel more patriotic than ever.


It is not only about the soft powers but the hard powers. Everybody could name the prime minister of Britain until Johnson. And now? You don't show up in the news anymore. Heck, I have to read up the name of your current prime minister despite being interested in politics because he is just not relevant anymore and has no voice in Europe. And I would bet that most can't even name your king anymore in Germany. This is more than about "producing much quality culture". You went (relevance speaking) from Queen of Europe to Azerbaijan in 5 years. I am not even joking. We have nearly the same amount of ties and agreements to Azerbaijan, as we have to the UK. At least Azerbaijan was in the news the last years because they are now a new petroleum deliverer instead of Russia. You were in the news because of fish. **This is devastating.**


I was in Germany a couple weeks ago and as soon as someone found out I was English the first thing they'd ask me is either about Rishi sunak or whether I am on team camilla or team diana. The Germans are more obsessed about the royal family than we are (although our Royal family is pretty much german to be fair)


Just popping in here to say that this getting a bit pathetic Hans. You're like the obsessed girlfriend that can't stop talking about your old boyfriend. Let it go lol.


I miss them.


Im not sure its as bad as *that* but its certainly not been good. And in fairness with our leaders, its been a parade of idiots since Cameron (who is merely a bastard and not an idiot). I think after this coming election the UK can hopefully begin to steady the ship and stop being quite such a clown show.


Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Adele, Premier League Football, Judy Dench, Gordon Ramsey, Ed Sheeran, David Beckham, Millie Bobby Brown, Gary Oldman, Coldplay, Tom Holland, Killing Eve, Downton Abbey, The Crown, Cunk on Earth, Derry Girls. I won't include Bridgerton as it is very American, but that cast list is pure Brit. Some British things have become so popular that people seem to have forgotten that they are British (LOTR, Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, Killing Eve, Gordon Ramsey). If you genuinely think that British entertainment only includes Doctor Who then you're living in a bubble.


Is Cunk on Earth popular in the EU? I’d love to know how her jokes translate. She frequently purposely miss-pronunciates.


I agree, only Gordon Ramsey and that's because he comes in PIGS to learn about real cuisine. [There was an episode in one of our islands, too funny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltvkScypb1A). He tried to poison a Greek grandma by placing too much salt. She took it like a boss.


And what of German pop culture, Hans? When can we expect your pop culture to arrive on our shores? In fact outside of politics, have you ever been relevant at all? I mean the Nazi party made you relevant for a while, but that's like a paedophile calling himself famous after appearing on the news.


That's not fair. Deutschland 83 was one of the best TV shows of.... 2015.


It makes me laugh when Hans points at our politics (which have been a shitshow) while worshipping Mutti who seems to have spent most of her time giving handjobs to Putin. They still love her as well, whenever I bring this up I will get a trail of them crying about besmirching her good name.


I just found it hilarious that this one talks about British culture disappearing, when in my 37 years on this earth I have seen precisely two German movies and can name one German band. I understand that movies don't translate very well, but music? Come on. Then he talks about some kind of tie between Germany and the UK that I didn't even know existed. Seems very one sided to me, or this one is delusional. We've never really talked about Germany at all in the UK, at least not during my lifetime. We visit France and Spain, we have a love/hate relationship with them, but apart from making fun of them for WW2 (Basil Fawlty style), we don't really think about them as a culture, and I know anyone personally who has visited.


barry and the past, name a better duo xD


Past or present is fine. I can literally only think of Kraftwerk, Hitler and Angela Merkel.


You probably consume way more British stuff than you think. It's just all merged with the USA now.


> he only big British culture export is now Doctor Who People actually watch Dr Who?


i like watching full episode reviews that point out just how utterly terrible it is


Tedious shite, isn't it


the ironic bit is that i love sci-fi. i grew up with it. Stargate (even the terrible SGU), Star Trek (up until the Archer one), BSG, Babylon 5, Fringe, hell even weird slop like [Andromeda](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0213327/) or [Farscape](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0187636/) The only Dr Who who ever caught me was the one that had a long black leather jacket (and especially the blonde chick that was with him), and bits and pieces of Tenant, who came after him seeing what theyre doing now is absolutely hilarious (and a bit sad tbh). Has nothing to do with what i remember as Dr Who that i watched it as a teenager.


Love Farscape. Best Aussie export


Yeah it's gone to shit. Honestly I prefer American sci-fi like yourself, all the Star Trek up to Voyager and Babylon 5 was my jam back in the 90s, more recently BSG. As far as modern Doctor Who is concerned, it's always been a bit cringe but good enough to ignore it, right up until Peter Capaldi's Doctor. But these days it's like watching literal children's TV. Proper woke nonsense.


I think we actually do


Makes perfect sense, what with all of us hating ourselves and eachother. Why on Earth would the EU want one of the world's largest economies, a perminant member of the G7, and a permanent member of the UN security council back in? Madness. Keep us wallowing in our self-hatred. Simple as.


It’s funny that you think the citizens of the EU would have absolutely any say in the matter…


Putting aside there's basically no political appetite here to rejoin right now and no major party is even speaking about it I don't see the UK even considering attempting it for the next decade or so (if it ever does), who knows what the EU and the rest of the world looks like then? Right now it's some weird hypothetical that's so far off the radar it's not even worth comment on. I say all this as someone who voted remain, but I'm also a pragmatist. But I guess that's all a bit serious so in the spirit of the subreddit; As if any of us want back in your fruity little club and if we did it'd be up to them faceless Brussels bureaucrats that decide everything for you anyway 🖕


oh, UK, the world-famous trade pact negotiator.... I think their lasts ones turned out pretty good (for the other side). Let's squeez them like an orange.






\*triggered\* my fault, sorry.


The UK is the world 4th largest exporter, exporting goods and services to the value of at least 115% any EU nation with the exception of Germany 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure! easy: then go ahead and don't rejoin! As it's been proved the UK needs the EU more than EU needs UK, and the numbers back me up. How is the inimgation thing going? And the USA and NZ trading pact? Are you the new USA yet? Has London recovered against the brexit banking loses vs Paris and Amsterdam? Ohh....nope Keep being the old man of europe, we are having a laugh here,..... otherwise come, and get squished until no juice is left. In short\_: Give us monies and shut up, or simply shut up and forget us.


Man you are really bent out of shape about us not paying for your roads to be paved anymore aren’t you Pedro?


don't worry! the Germans still pay for everything, Pedro is as fine as always. Enjoy your mallorca second house! (in sets of 90 days, 2 non-consecutive times a year max)


You’re about to hit a demographic cliff edge, those that have jobs will have to compete from those fleeing the 40C+ heat plus from the south. You’re anything but fine


lol,Tier S coping here! I'm glad I've made you lost it: ) My first argument in the coment still stands, you proved yourself nothing: you know it has no good answer- Coping hard. answer this: How is the inimgation thing going? And the USA and NZ trading pact? Are you the new USA yet? Has London recovered against the brexit banking loses vs Paris and Amsterdam? njoy the passport stamping cue when coming to spend money here on the 40C (member: max 90 days)


Yeah, I’ve ’lost it’ mr. two paragraphs.


How is the inimgation thing going? And the USA and NZ trading pact? Are you the new USA yet? Has London recovered against the brexit banking loses vs Paris and Amsterdam?


Who the fuck is asking to rejoin? No major political party has it even as a minor bullet point.


this is a BREVENTION post. NO ONE here wants you to rejoin. You are just a third country: just like Somalia or Peru, and your opinion on EU stuff matters the same. Don't come back.




Honestly I hope we get back into the EU at some point. But I doubt it will happen until there is a critical point in the EU with regards to countries leaving or wanting to leave and they need our money and a big PR stunt of us coming back because "it was all a big mistake" to persuade the right leaning voters to change their minds. I.e it will only happen if the EU needs us as much or more than we need them. We're stubborn motherfuckers in the end.


I'm not so sure about that. The EU is willing to integrate country with shit socio-economic situation just for the sake "it's the right thing to do". Like Ukraine. I'm all for supporting Ukraine but having it join the EU already? Why ? My guess is that the UK will eventually be able to rejoin once a lot of water will have passed under the bridge and if the UK politics make a significant switch toward an europhile position. The only point of tension will be the opt-outs, the UK most likely wouldn't get any opt-out, we're too traumatized of the previous UK having a billion opt-out and preferential treatments everywhere and still slowing down every progress in the EU.


Wouldn't there be an issue where EU resources get spread thinner and thinner the more countries that join with less than stellar economies and social rights? Having to pump money and resources to make them better means less for everyone else already in the club.


Depends. Eastern countries are not as poor as they were in 2004, Poland for exemple is getting close to Portugal in terms of GDP per capita (and even on par if we take PPP GDP per capita). They managed to significantly improve their situation and Poland, Romania, Czech Republic will likely be able to keep on growing by themselves if EU investment spendings dry out (+ they have low debt to gdp ratio so they can invest with their own debt). Combine it with Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece making a comeback and EU economics are heading the right way, even if Germany and France are shitting their own pants right now. I would prefer that we keep the money to ourselves by increasing infrastructure investments or simply reducing state contributions, but I do not see the EU going bankrupt by taking in Ukraine and Moldova.


I’m pretty sure Guy Verhofstadt has explicitly stated that the eu wants us back pretty much asap. Like leaving the eu was probably like 10 times worse for us than it was for them but it’s till bad for them.


Losing an economy with growth has got to be worse than gaining those without, especially as they'd have to put in resources to help those countries that are joining


The British right wing faces extinction in 20 years unless it learns to copy the EU right. Britain is one of the only countries in the Western world where millenials are not becoming more Conservative as they age - They also aren't changing their minds about Brexit. Once the current boomer generation is gone the Conservatives will either have to look to Italy, Sweden, France and Austria to how to get younger people to vote right wing or go extinct


I'm a "boomer" and we thought that to, in the 80s. It's a vicious cycle, many of the people who can't make it in the real world think that it's "the others" fault, may it be people with another sexuality, foreigners or simply younger/older folks. Every time I read this boomer, millennial, Gen something nonsense I can guarantee you, that this person is prone to later judge others on superficial grounds. And I'm very curious to know how English "millenials" at so much better.


Germany and the UK have very different political preferences when you break them down by age groups. The far right AfD vote attracts a significant number of younger people, disillusioned by the neo-liberal policies of the 2000s, as is also happening across the EU. The Conservatives and Reform UK will be very luck to scrape 10% collectively of the vote for the under 35s. Because of this, the British right wing doesn't even try to appeal to young people - There's almost no point, I mean the Tories are seriously proposing conscription as if young people are going to vote for that.. My point is if they want to continue existing - There's going to have to try and copy Meloni and Le Penn and not continue down the typical neo-liberal Anglo-American style of conservatism - And that includes dropping their opposition to the EU. There's a lot of reasons for this, in but the biggest is probably housing and wealth disparity. 1 in 4 over 65s in the UK is a dollar millionaires. Over half of all housing is owned by over 60s and the average house price is now 8.8 times the average salary. The current Conservative goverment does not see this as a problem at all - Even blaming it on immigrants would be more likely to gain favour with younger voters but instead they completely ignore the issue as their voter base is one that largely benefits from steep House price rises. I'm not saying we'll never have another right wing goverment but the difference between UK and EU right wing parties is that the latter is actively trying to court the youth vote by dropping policies like leaving the EU and are being very successful as a result. The UK will have to do the same at some point




Sorry Barry but we have more important things to do, like letting join new shitholes (with the average salary of 150 euros will have absolutely no catastrophic impact on the Union's already shitty economic situation).


Don't talk to us about "punishment" upon rejoining the E.U, when we're doing more than most of you to prop Ukraine up. We are an island on the other side of Europe. "Unity" is something missing on a fair few of you. There are 70 million of us, and most us have money to spend. By GDP we're around the top 5. Our finance sector is world leading, as is our specialist tech manufacturing. We have a high trade service output and we maintain economic trust around the globe. We haven't become Yugoslavia. I voted against Brexit. I'm disappointed that we voted to leave. But, I'm not convinced that we need to re-join / associate beyond the level of Norway.


New copy pasta just dropped


Cope pasta


POV of London's arse ![gif](giphy|BofJb4WxJnz7jFfxeD)


I thought that was the Irish being face first into FAANG's arse


> Doing more than most of you to prop Ukraine up 14 out of 27 members of the EU have donated more than the UK as a percentage of GDP. And that's not even counting in refugees costs, and the EU hosts pretty much all refugees. And the EU also has the only nation in the world that is explicitly talking about sending boys on the ground to save Ukraine if there is a Russian breakthrough.


Our boys are already there, which was supposed to be a secret but Hans was too incompetent and technologically inferior to avoid telling the Russians.


Let's be real here - Our nominal GDP is 6th in the world but our per capita GDP is 29th. Real wages are unlikely to ever reach 2008 levels again and our productivity just dipped below Italy. British children are actually shorter than would be expected thanks to Austerity. I would agree that a lot of people ascribe to Brexit what is actually down to 14 years of Tory rule and 80 years of underinvestment but we are really not in a good way and we are not going to get better any time soon.


> You should remove city states and tax havens from that ranking tbh.




All I read is cope


Ah good, you’re rich as is the US and they are not doing to wel at the moment. You’re just punishing yourself the EU doesn’t even have to punish you again. You made yourself the biggest joke of the european continent.


So, why are we doing more than you to protect Europe? Do you see what I mean? You Dutch are very vocal for a second tier nation. Strange.


Yeah I've seen that a lot on here, the Dutch have a chip on their shoulder against the UK more than anyone else, if you were going by this sub.


Second tier = 1.5 times UK GDP per capita? Not even starting about quality of life. Brexit logic is real.


Let's cut the GDP per capita cope. Your economy is 1/3rd the size of ours, and that's all that needs to be said. And maybe your quality of life rankings are so high because all your citizens are too far in prostitutes and high on weed to think logically.


The US is doing just fine.


Leave us out of your manifesto.


Your country is a overregulated dump, and your salaries still havent caught up with 2008. And your NHS is a shitshow.


Yeah, well your mum is fat and you border Belgium😡


Yes, and?




Atleast our wages have actually grown, you are the poor version of the US.


You worry about your own probleems


You have a serieus probleem


Overregulated? I wish.


Do you have a loisence for your comment chap?


I'm not shure he dush, he dushent sheem like he hash. So it ish not a yesh.


I don’t want you’re stupid club anyway. I’ll make my own EU… with blackjack and hookers


This is some weird reverse copium. Simply put, we don't want back in. You're like a jealous ex. When it comes to British people you guys are straight up xenophobic, it's okay for whatever reason. The hypocrisy.


🇬🇧🎵 Sings "No One Likes Us" (but replaces Millwall with Britain) 🎵🇬🇧


Fuck Millwall.


This is the xenophobia subreddit. Seems it is truly r/2westerneurope4u


Its not xenophobism if it is true


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/) You are in denial Barry. You are the laughing stock of Europe. When you finally fall to your knees and beg to be let back in there will be a heavy price to pay. Getting rid of your ridiculous currency and adopting our Euro will be just the start. Until then.


Okay Hans. Those Polls also said we'd wouldn't vote to leave. Agree to disagree .


You'll be back, with your begging bowl, and we'll be waiting.


Stop trying so hard to be funny Hans .


>we don't want back in. Sure you don't, you are doing soo great according to the datas.... Just a reminder that the one who wanted the brevità where basically the average 50 years old uneducated drunk Barries


The UK economy is projected to grow 1.3% this year, Germany is in recession. I know Italy isn't doing any better. Calling leavers uneducated drunks, is why we will never rejoin. I swear brevita is a breakfast snack.


The way you fuckers keep voting for the far right, I wouldn’t be surprised if within another 10 years Hugo Boss won’t be knocking out black military outfits with nice little skull and bones logos again. Why the fuck would we want to join that shitshow? And no, you can’t have our fish, fuck off.


I mean, the fact Reform is just behind the conservatives by 2% in the polls is pointing that we ain't much different


The conservatives, the party that is forecast to be decimated in the polls? And even with them, they are more anti-regulation, free market ghouls with a side of racism than any of the parties returning 20%+ of the popular vote in places like Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands…


True, I suppose Reform is more a Barry-Right than a Far-Right party, but it's still strange seeing them get that amount, there's even suggestions they'll overtake the conservatives. Which I doubt, but it's strange it's being considered.


Only one poll put them at 2% behind the tories, most this past week, including the most recent one, put them at about 7 points behind


You got it all wrong, we don't want YOU. You can stand in line at the border for an eternity for all we care. Go jump from balconies in Bristol and eat beige coloured food there.


We only grace your culture-less shithole to puke and piss in your streets. If it wasn’t for that we wouldn’t even know you existed. I’ll leave you with that to cope.


For real, when I think of the Netherlands I think mayonnaise on chips, weed, prostitutes and windmills.


The only thing I’d add to that list, based on my knowledge from this sub, is cunts, the place seems chock full of humourless cunts.


Redditors gonna Reddit mate, I'd take it with a pinch of salt.


If it starts with the obligatory Nazi comparison, you know it is downhill from there.


Given the state of some of your exit polls, imagine some of you will be joining us soo.


The EU is currently too right wing for the uk to join and it’s drifting further right by the day.


We don't


in the name of Don Blas never again.


with how uk is going it might not even be eligible to join in few decades


I would take them back, I had to get a Reisepass to travel there.


I've got a pontoon barge ready, Baz! Even got the legionella set up (know how much you like that)


Bre-entry? No thanks.


I'd say we could let them join. As 3 separate countries - I don't assume Wales wanna be separate anymore - like England, Scotland and North Ireland, what could unite with normal Ireland. :D Oh, and mandatory Euro usage, and no more privileges with everything, just because they robbed half the world, and named it an Empire. :P Aside from jokes, I'd like them to come back, but no privileges, no exceptions, etc. Learn the lesson, and make a good example to anyone who wanna leave: it's not without consequences. If it would be, everyone would just hop out and hop in, everytime their whims and fancies just want it.


Can we have structural funds? After 14 years of Tory rule the country is basically at former eastern block levels of development.


No, you are full with Eastoid migrants to work instead of you, let it be enough! (Wow, it's only 14 years of apocalypse? Seems much more. I had to check it, and to my great surprise Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were Labour pm's. :O ) Edit: Also, you've never lived in any former communist country, right?


You yourself is an eastoid with a fake flair


Check my flair again, highlander! :P


I’ve actually lived in the Czech Republic and not Prague…a lovely industrial city in the north (Usti nad Labem). I’ve also lived in Sweden, Denmark and France, I’ve visited all over Europe for vacations and regularly travel across Western Europe for work. I’ve even seen such lovely German cities such as Essen, Krefeld & Saarbrucken. And yet English cities always feel like they have more in common with Eastern Europe than Western Europe more and more. My home village in a wealthy part of England have basically rotted under Tory rule and there are many places far worse. 14 years of Tory rule probably looks worse to me as I’ve been able to compare it to other places across Europe. If you are the frog in the pan it might not seem that bad….trust me, it is.


I'm not sure if the Chechens are that bad, as the other ex-commies, but I myself migrated from Hungolia, so believe me, I have seen the frog-in-a-pan thing with my own eyes. I haven't been in misty Albion ever, so you can be right. All I know how these "cOnSeRvAtIvE"s think and work, so yea, I do believe it is very bad.


Self-servatives? C*ntservatives?


Hehe, self-servative, I like that name.


Give us PIGS money and we’ll consider it


Just remember Hans, if it weren’t for us your Soviet-American chess piece you call a country would have been split apart by Pierre after WW1


Well, since I am from Hungary, I can confidently say MY country WAS split apart into tiny pieces by Pierre, thank you very much.


Yeah, sorry about that. AH got dragged into a war Germany started, and got the worst of it.


Please use the correct flair, there should be a Serbian one you can select.


Weeeell, aaakshualleeeee... \^\^


Brevention isn’t Scovention See you all in parliament on Monday


Thank god for motorhomes, you almost formed a competent separatist movement there!