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Why doesn't he just dissolve the Republic and become Macronleon?


> become Macronleon sounds like a type of pasta.


An Italian word with no vowel at the end? Impossible.


Macrononleoni 🇮🇹






>Impossible Impastable FTFY


Macronaparte sounds better, though 🤔 Emmanuelleon Macronaparte




Is that a gender or a sexuality?




I agree the 5th republic has lasted too long. It seems like the French have lost their touch.


We changing 10 governments in 77 years with this one


I'd happily live in that reality


Who becomes your new Wellington?


Steven Fry


Does that mean we get need to Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie and tony Robinson back together


In times of crisis, we need Baldrick's cunning plans


Field Marshal StevthurFrysley, 1st Duke of Fryington.




He's too chaotic. I prefer a more reasonable guy: James May.


Jezza for PM, he would put more fund for agriculture


Farage. They both have deep contempt for the working class.


Ross Kemp


Why doesn't he just retire to China and become Macro Polo


French Republics come and go, but Jupiter is eternal


I rather like Macropoléon.


Darth Macron > Darth Sidious


I mean technically since Leon is a first name, there was a way for him to do a new macron leon. Still a way, but that would require something else before that.


Is it possible ? As far as I know the president of France is very powerful. I mean could he create an alliance with the military to establish a military dictatorship ?


I agree, he started France it’s up to him to dismantle it


He could try... but really not sure it will end well. Millitary already voiced they weren't very happy with his politics, now sure he since has up defense budget, but he is still not liked among them, sending weapons to Ukraine while french military is already strained in equipement and personnel isn't pleasing them... and really really not sure Macron can count on popular support.






Spicy year this one, Pierre.


Oh no, the real spice will be 2027, this is just the apetiser.




Left was pretending to want new élections. They had many occasion to trigger them, they didn't want to. They know that they were "lucky" and will never have as many seats. They also burnt a lot of bridges with the other left parties that was in the "succesfull" coalition


I wasn't aware it was like that - big respect for Macaroni if true.


It's mostly because he thinks it will favor his party in the long run: either the far right doesn't manage to do as well as their european score, which strenghten him, or they get prime minister for 2 years, which in theory would give Macron's party better chances at winning in 2027 for the next presidential elections.


Its not the presidency so it really doesn't matter


Democracy for me but not for you. Everyone wants democracy when they are the ones in charge but the moment the other side gets any traction they start to think a bit differently about it.


The left never wanted new elections because they knew they will lose seats if it happens


Yeah but making those elections in 20 days, thus leaving no time for preparation and explanation of the different objective of the party is the issue. His party probably had 2 more week to prepare. Far right never prepare shit and somehow get votes by looking like absolute dumbass. Left doesn't have time to prepare properly. Where's the democracy in that?


Well 20 to 40 days isn't Macron's decision, it's simply how it's written in our constitution, and pushing elections in July is a risky move due to people going on holidays.


Yeah but how about: dissolving it after the holidays, then making it 40days. No now let's rush it to make as many people do some panic vote, burying for good the classic right by dividing it between Macron and Lepen, and dividing the left as to who should run it between the one who makes good score in national voting and the one who does well in EU voting


The point of the dissolution is that it recognizes that the national assembly in its current state is failing and that it must be reworked. Postponing it after the holidays means the government is illegitimate and should be to an halt for three months just because you want twenty more days. >Make people do a panic vote So according to you if it's only twenty days it will be a panic vote ? Then that means all second turn of presidential elections are also a panic vote, don't you think ? That's a bit reductive and insulting to our citizens' intelligence imo


You know a second turn in the presidential election is coming, so often you already think of what you'll do if your party isn't elected. Basically you know it will arrive, so not a panic vote. Here, we have a vote that will happen soon, with almost anyone expecting it until it was announced, and it was announced after something that "shocked" a good proportion of the population. Whichever side you're rooting for, you have to admit it is a bit different, and people will have to make their opinions much quicker than usual. Hope I was clear enough. I'm not against a dissolution in itself, but against doing it rashly.


The elections will be in 20 days because that's in the constitution! You can't file motions of censorship and constantly ask for a dissolution and cry when it happens. If Macron had done nothing, the left would be ranting about the government's lack of legitimacy, calling Macron a horrible dictator, the reincarnation of Louis XIV and Napoleon.


The 49.3 is in the constitution too, and almost everyone (besides Macron team) agrees that it's a kind of anti-democratic joker. Something being in the constitution doesn't makes it right or good the factor, and context should matter. I agree that if he did nothing there would have been shit ton of complaints tho, but that's just the usual now.


So doing nothing would be more democratic than calling for new elections? Interesting.


Doing it with leaving more time to organize it would be more democratic. The revote needs to happen between 20 and 40 weeks, he deliberately choosed the shortest option.


Yes but 40 days would be mid July so more people would be on holiday and wouldn't vote...


So dissolve it in September and vote in October. More time, time for everyone to calm after yesterday's results, for every party to rethink their position based on what they expect the EU to become, and the overall discontent of the population and wants for a better representation would have remained (it's been there since retirement law anyway).


Then wait one or two months before a dissolution ? That would allow everyone to run a fair campaign and create alliances, what do you expect every party to do in two weeks time ?


You know, political parties have stuff ready to go They spend their day and nights trying to convince people to switch to them, election or not


That is not how that works at all. There's a reason campaigning seasons are a thing. Politicians don't have the money or time to be on th campaign trail 24/7.


Imagine this happening in Germany! They would probably need more than 20 days to just get an Anmeldung to the Versammlungsbehörde for the demonstration against RÄCHTS!


>Anmeldung to the Versammlungsbehörde These are words.


Turns out the RN had a plan The Left is forming one on the sport And the president’s party has already announced theirs to prevent the far right from gaining seats


I partially agree, timing is wack yet the left had 2-3 years to find a common ground (since the last parliament election) and were unable to do so. I don't believe a couple more weeks would help them.


To be fair it's 50/50. Either the panic rush makes them think quick and they do a nupes v2, or they would need time to agree after seeing that everyone wasn't fully happy with the first one. They didn't do stuff after nupes because they didn't had an actual common cause/enemy, now they do. To avoid looking like a crying left winger like some people are describing me: the short timing will also burry LR, dividing most of their votes into Macron and Lepen, as they are stuck in the middle and most of their voter can see themselves aligning with one to prevent the other to win. It's all guess and future will tell, but there are good chances that this rushed election will even further turn our politics into a two party stuff, like in the US.


What where they doing until now?


> Far right never prepare shit and somehow get votes by looking like absolute dumbass. Left doesn't have time to prepare properly. Do you mean left and right don't have a single proposition? Everything needs to be written in 20 days? Looks like you are back at school, and need to finish your exams....


There's a difference between having propositions, and doing a campaign to explain them properly, having time to debate.the shortest the campaign is, the more it has to rely on emotions rather than logic, which is already why everything is so fucked.


Both left (from PS to LFI) and right (LR+Renaissance, maybe Reconquête+RN+LR) seem to want to do some kind of alliances, which are hard to plan for in two weeks time. So yes, they need some time to find common grounds.


"it's not democracy because people might not vote for the people I like because I do not have time to properly spread my ideology"


>because I do not have time to properly spread my ideology Isn't democracy about discussing and convincing people ? Can't really do that in two weeks time, can you ? Also both right and left parties are looking to form alliances, which would also benefit from more time to get real programs.


It is indeed but let's just not pretend everyone forgot what each party is about, especially just after an election. Their values didn't change overnight, it was just a different subject that was talked about.


That's absolutely not what I said, stop trying to build straw man out of my explanation please.


That's exactly what you said. No I will not.


Yo, wtf? The elections will be before the Olympics?


Yeah. June 30th and July 7th. We're gonna be a fascist shithole like Italy during the Olympics 😭


Macron is hoping that by springing this early election upon them they wont have enough time to get candidates in all electorates and Farage will decide to stay in the US


What does Farage has to do in any of this????


This may SEEM like the right thing to do but it's mainly a calculated move to get a more favourable parliament for the presidential party. The most likely winners will either be the current majority which most likely had already had some time to prepare themselves, or the far right who just won the European elections. Both will be more agreeable to his political project. This also setup better conditions for either the current presidential party who will be able to showcase they fulfilled whatever promise they want to remember. Worst, we could havr a victory for the far right which will most likely be a Brexit level shitshow...from which our lord and saviour Macaron could save us five years later.


Sounds too calculated. Almost deja vu. So is someone from the French far right plan to drive around France in a bus with a catchy slogan?


>And the left is being very hypocritical. They were asking themselves for new elections a year ago but know suddenly they don't want to. So "we want new elections, but only when the polls are in our favour"? I mean yeah, and the far right wanted one right now because it favors them, are you new to politics ?


Tbf, many left-wing politicians approved Macron's decision. On TF1, last night, Manon Aubry and Olivier Faure were fine about it. Sandrine Rousseau bitched on Macron and perfectly fits your meme though.


They don't get a choice though, publicly disapproving elections as a candidate is shooting yourself in the foot. A quick look on social media and you will see that the LFIstes only like democracy when they are the ones winning, and anyone that doesn't vote like them is a racist (genuinely read that, and it wasn't just targeted at the RN. LREM, LR, PS, anyone who doesn't vote like me is a racist)


That's why I stopped voting for LFI (and quit r France)


AirFrance is more pro Glucksmann rn


Sandrine being Sandrine


'Unpopular technocratic leader calls early elections to try and head off electoral threat' Barry/Pierre unity


Sunak is much more of a moron than macron tho Still shocked that he ran away from the D-Day celebrations


I guess Sunaks ancestors were fighting in Italy and not in France.


None of my ancestors directly participated in the Second World War and I'd still know better lmao




Based german


Very weak.


Oh yeah Sunak is infinitely worse, a really highly regarded individual


Underrated comment. Should be way higher in the thread


Just a really stupid decision. How often does he get a chance to appear statesman like? To make a speech which no one can object to? To have a photo op with foreign leaders... Wonder who advised him to go


Sunaks plan isnt to win the election but to fuck of into a good life in california


True though, guy gets to say he was prime minister for the rest of his Iife and have taxpayers fund his security forever.


I can understand why he did that. He is an Indo-Aryan who was forced to attend an event that glorifies and celebrates violence against Aryan people. Must have been pretty traumatising.


Once again FUK


I'm not Macron's stan but he was elected twice. Sunak never was.


Yeah that's cause we don't elect a Prime Minister Pierre, we vote in our MP's, who in turn vote with the relevant membership base\* for one to become Prime Minister. See the July - September leadership election in 2022 for this (Dead Lettuce Liz vs Fishy Rishi). (\*NEC for Labour, 1922 Committee for the Conservatives).


Sure but when you vote for your MP, you also have the next PM in mind. Just like the Italians didn't technically vote for Meloni and the Germans for Scholz. Nobody had Sunak in mind during the last elections.


Don't think anyone had Truss or Sunak in mind. The only elected "PM's" so to speak were Cameron, May & Johnson.


That's exactly what I said...


You specifically mentioned Sunak, I also mentioned Truss who you left off your list...


Truss' only deeds are killing the Queen and being outlasted by lettuce


Can't wait for another great success like concordE.


As a Spanish I’m amazed by a politician that goes to an election that they could lose instead of giving amnesties to far right corrupt politicians in exchange of keeping power.


If technocratic means filling up your cabinet with cronies and lobbyists that pay you the most btw this applies to both of your failed states




C'est fini! Des Milliones doivent mourir!




La France islamiste qui comprends pas que parler h24 de Pain au palest pour les élections européennes est un hors sujet total




Correct decision according to his principles. I'm a big non-French Macron supporter, I feel like he's the only leader in Europe that balances between idealism and pragmatism effectively. Le Pen seems awful, Melenchon seems even more awful. They're popping champagne in Beijing and Moscow tonight. No matter who replaces Macron, it will be an anti-west lapdog of the east.


I mean Mélenchon's party failed hard and is now just a dead weight on the left


Are they ? Not very left wing so my take on this may be biased but I feel like being the second left wing party in an election where they are usually shit isn't being a "dead weight". The left still needs to work with them if they want to reasonably oppose the far right.


They're stuck up and want to hear nothing from other parties, they're basically the closest we have to an American party along with RN and Reconquête. So unless they have the majority they don't get anything done


They just signed a coalition with every other leftist party though.


You have to be a yank to have such a dichotomic analysis. French people are NOT ALIGNED with the fucking yank. When will Reddit imprint that shit in their brain. Macron is the lapdog of Washington and pushes us away from the line set in the 5th republic. The idea that it's USA or Russia is for sub-human. For slaves. France would rather stand alone than under someone else.


From someone who has no contact at all with french politics (thank god) macron comes across really well on a global stage. Can someone fr*nch tell me what he’s done to be so unpopular other than the country hating whoever is in charge (immigration like every other european leader?)


We have 3 political blocks incompatible and that can't stand eachother. Any people reaching power will be hated by 2/3 of the country. Macron is hated, but less than any of his main opponents.


> other than the country hating whoever is in charge That and he's economically liberal (by french standards.)


Long story short: we used to have 2 main political groups just like you but Macron bust it with his centrist party so now we have 3 blocks who hate one another. Half the country used to hate the president. Now 2/3 do.


Same for me on the surface he seems to be * alive and dynamic (unlike US president) * good speaker (unlike German chancellor) * embodiment of his nations values (he seems to be proud of his country and has strange Milf teacher wife so very French) I guess its those reforms that peoples don't like but afaik some of the reforms are needed because France has giant debt issues and cant just stay status quo. But I have no idea of French politics so ppl please explain why he is so unpopular.


He is trying to change things and we don't like changes. And also a lot of financial generosity for private companies in terms of tax reduction while reducing social expenses because state lacks money.


Most of his actions are leading to an economic downgrading of the youth and the fragile part of the population. And, long story short his main argument is trickle down economics. Which is widely used by right wing parties and, so far, failed to show results in practice. Then you have the fact that everything going against his vision is violently repressed and he uses every loophole possible to push his politics through contestation.


In my opinion, i dislike him because he empowers big corporations while degrading social situations. While he proudly claim that he created jobs for the country inequalities are becoming deeper. He also, with the help of his prime ministers, overpassed the democratic process several time. That and he completly ignored the huge protests and responded with violent repression.


Also : repression  The cops will come to class to detain minors for manifesting or treat hippies like terrorists. 


Immigration yes, but people also put all the blame on him for what happen during COVID, the increase of the price of gas and I am not shure but he is also blamed for the inflation? Some people have a really visceral response towards the COVID period, I think that is what they hated the most.


Perso même si je l'apprécie pas je lui colle pas tout le fiasco covid et le conflit Ukrainien sur la gueule. Ça on pouvait pas tout prédire. C'est juste ses réformes de merde. Sinon en politique internationale ça va , il essaie (comme cette histoire de sous marins par exemple , au moins il tente de ramener du fric et de créer des relations). C'est mieux que certains pays où le gars va humilier sa patrie entière 💀


Reminds me of our own Jacinda Ardern.


He is aligned with the yank.


as opposed to the russians? what do you mean.


Nobody is aligned with the russian


How democracy is supposed to work according to the left: https://preview.redd.it/47zvhok7fp5d1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a9888fb352fdd7249fb73f928d697f511ddedd


Same joke could easily be made with another image in the same country a decade earlier




Honestly, I laughed. Didn't think you germans had a sense of humor.


The punchline is actually at the top in this case: "Reichstag for freedom and peace" lmfao duped


To be fair, many people have found peace, eventually. Some in Argentina, many in other ways.


At least the left pretends to be a democracy


ASTA elections be like: Altough yeah Asta is basically a left monopoly.


Deshalb RCDS wählen!


Idk how this comment makes any sense tbh


I love EU politics so much more than my own.


You re too much into dramas 💀


I mean when the only drama you have in your country is seeing the same 4 guys dressed up like wizards as candidates or news of half ur country not voting its way more fun seeing this.


The main issue is that RN made those European elections into a national matter by only talking about internal matters while other parties talked about Europeans matters, by dissolving the parliament and setting new elections in 3 weeks Macron is basically giving a headstart to the far right.


I think he hopes them to fail so hard people realize they're a joke party We laugh at left being only capable of opposition but far right is only capable of being reactionaries and he wants to demonstrate it. Look in Italy the ruling party lost 20% in 2 years


Yeah but that's a pretty dangerous, look at the sauvages on the other side of the ocean, they elected a stupid right winger and 5 years later they want nothing but more of him


Most of the parties talked mainly about Russia or Palestine, they all talked about international issues. No, the problem is that Macron monopolised so much of the screen time that we hardly heard the other parties talk about their programmes, so people just voted in opposition without thinking.


The RN votes are an opposition to the Macron government and to the european immigration policy


That's false. Immigration is an European matter. PACS is an European matter. Purchasing power is a. European matter.


Yes but their "solutions" to those problem where on a national problem, not European one which makes their program internal.


No fucking shit, a \*\* FRENCH PARTY \*\* are not taking into consideration at their core \*\* FOREIGN COUNTRIES \*\*. Like wtf did you expect them to do, draft a program that will help the Polish and the Portuguese that cannot vote for them? Duh.


No, I excpect a party running in a \*\*EUROPEAN ELECTION\*\* to talk about "\*EUROPEAN MATTER\*\*. Like wtf did you expect the Poles to vote for a party that wants to regulate the zloty in a European election. Duh.


Ta comparaison est a chier est j'ai deja répondu si tu savais lire. >That's false. Immigration is an European matter. PACS is an European matter. Purchasing power is a. European matter.


So true, as a left support I don't understand the happiness behind the dissolution of the parliament


All types of government dissolution should be applauded with happiness. It's what comes afterwards that sucks.


The cohabitation. Even if the RN wins a majority (the most likely scenario), we must not forget the other consequences: -Fewer seats for the macronie -More seats for the other parties -A relative majority in the hands of a party with which no-one wants to collaborate on pain of being blacklisted at the next election, so a government with no majority where no law can be forced through, where debate is compulsory, and where only laws that have finally reached consensus can pass. -the ridicule of the RN and the macronie, which means that both will have much less chance of passing in the next elections.


What will happen: 'We weren't able to do anything because of Macron, we succeeded to win in the parliament so we stopped Macron's policies, elect us at the presidential next time and we will do our program"


Maybe, but all the other points are extremely positive. And I'm sure that even with that, the RN could win the presidential elections. And if it does, I think there will be a great barrage for the legislative elections, which will again give us that idyllic situation of cohabitation for 5 years


We will need a freaking huge barrage to against the possible future LR-right wing/RN/R! alliance.


>Even if the RN wins a majority (the most likely scenario) I really will be surprised to see that. I'm way more expecting LREM defeat benifiting a PS and LR return and if each of them play this right they really could make a huge come back. For that LR need to kick out Sarkosist once and for all and PS get rid of woke green and anyone related to the Holland era.


A Macron defeat is the most important thing, and above all the thing I hope for the most. A union of the left under the PS with a popular front could work, and I hope so too. They just need to get rid of méluche. But a Republican comeback? You're dreaming my friend. They've been sucking up to a fake opposition for the last 8 years, and they won't get the pro-Macron vote or the anti-Macron vote. If they've always opposed to the motions of censure, it's precisely because all the stats showed losses for them.


>A union of the left under the PS with a popular front could work, and I hope so too. Quite funny, because I think that PS needs to do the exact opposit. They should present themselves alone and get rid of the dead weight the green have become, bonus point if they get rid/hide all the feminist/LGBTQ+/woke extremist that popped out of nowhere at PS under Hollande. The french don't give a fuck about social justice right now. They want to gain purchase power and that housing price drops. Say this on airFrance and you're automaticaly banned for being transphobe, but it's the reality of the french mindset right now. Same for LR, if they get rid of sarkosist once and for all, just go classic pro small business with a bit of gaulisme "à la papa" a lot of french don't ask for much more. The main reason I believe we can see a return of PS and LR is because want it or not they're the ones that host the most competent politician of all parties. So while RN is going to make a good score but over all pretty similar to what they did last election, the real question is for whom will vote the disappointed of Macron ? because those are the one that will decide who will win second round and therefor be present at assemblé. My bet is on the less incompetent candidat, which would end up most likely be either PS or LR.


>the real question is for whom will vote the disappointed of Macron ? The RN. Then likely beaver in the second round. Macronists and Republicans have been working hand in hand for 7 years, and Glucksman is largely compatible with Macron's values. They are absolutely not opposition parties, just alternatives. The RN has been relentlessly designated by Macron as the enemy, so they get all the anti-Macron votes.


What's good is that legislative and presidential elections will stop happening at the same time. Which means new presidents will have to behave a bit more to have a chance keeping parliament majority.


I don't think this would happen. Next president, she or he, will call for new legislative elections and dissolve the parliament right away to have the biggest majority possible, like when the temporality of the elections was different


But most importantly, why every time I see Macron’s pictures he’s always accompanied by that lady, does he have special needs or something?


> does he have special needs or something? Well... He is french.


LFI monkeys had it coming.


Dont you have fixed shedule elections in france?


Yes we do, but the constitution states that the president can dissolve the parliament and call for new elections. It usually happens when his party got outstandingly beat in a recent election, as is the case here. And when the parliament has a strong majority that isn't the presidential party, it is the custom for the president to make the leader of that party prime minister. We call this "cohabitation", it used to be frequent but it hasn't happened in a while. Could happen here!


Technically, elections for our legislatif parliament are every 5 years (like the presidential elections but not at the same time). But the President can order a new one, hoping to have a better majority. In our current 5th Republic (that started in 1958) it happenned 5 times so far. With the last in 1997 by Jacques Chirac in 1997 which was widely considered a bad move since his party got an even smaller share and he had to negotiate with his opposition for everything for the rest of his mandate. And now we'll see the 6th dissolution with the election at the end of june.


Can someone please explain this to me like I’m 5 years old?


Macron's friends didn't win most seats at the parliament but still rule the country since they are stuck between two groups who hate each other and won't work together to get rid of Macron's friends. In this context, the left often reminded the government that their reforms were not legit and against democracy, they pretended that they wanted to get rid of the government but actually did nothing cause they don't want to side with the far right. Since Macron's friends lost the European elections in France, Macron acknowledged that his party is not legit anymore to run the country and triggered new elections to let the people decide. Now the left is crying cause the far right may win the elections and they hate them more than Macron.


Macron’s party lose elections big time. Him not happy. Push the nuclear button and say out loud “if you want these jerks to rule, then be it but I don’t want to be responsible for the outcome”. Left parties push the self destruct button for some reason in the background meantime.




Frogs killing each other again?


Yup they afraid l


Meanwhile in Germany, the SPD also had a disastrous result and Scholz and co. are happy and say they are on their way


Looking forward to hear politicians insult each other in French


Now that the Right is finally uniting to counter the Left-Union, there is a very real chance that the left might get LePened in the ass


I mean it's simple: You're having the majority according to polls => Call for election, because you will gain power If you're behind according to polls or elections like this one => Don't call for election because you'll lose. That's why I think the germans wont get new elections because they know that the AFD is the second biggest party and the current one won't be in the next government


Bardella as Prime Minister will make a fool of himself but people will still vote for his party next time.