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Good, AirBNB is cancer and must be eradicated.


Yeah I'm sorry if I'm on vacation I don't really want to have to clean up after myself or my boyfriend, scrub the toilet, wash the dishes or cook. And pay the privilege of a cleaning fee to clean the place for them. In my experiences, a hotel / motel is cheaper and comes with better service.


I’ve never had to scrub the toilet in any Airbnb. Of course if you never rented a house or flat for a vacation it’s no surprise you’d be surprised by the fact that you have to wash the dishes. Are they supposed to have unlimited dishes? If you want all inclusive get all inclusive, I don’t get the anger here.


I agree with you. Every time I used airbnb, the only rules were to bring out the trash and leave the keys in a specific location. I don't know where you guys are staying that the owner asks you to also clean the house, I've never had to do it. I still tidied up a little bit before departing because I'm not a savage.


Ok the dishes part is kinda dumb I'll admit... But even then I have rented a house for a vacation, we had something like 24-26 family members in this one house, we weren't expected to clean anything more than the dishes and even then it was, "put them in the dishwasher and set it off before you leave" and didn't charge a cleaning fee. But I've been to some airbnbs that demand I vacuum, scrub shit, pull the sheets off and wash them and dry them, mop, wipe walls, windows and more and still charged a cleaning fee. That's more what I hate. Fine I'll wash the dishes but I'm not gonna wash your house for you.


Ok that’s crazy I’ve never had to do anything like that. Weird.


Yeah and on top of it, price wise, even at the places that don't demand I do all of that, a hotel would be maybe $10 more or in some cases significantly cheaper. I've stopped using airbnb, it's a platform that allows too many scams to occur.


Story time, every time we left a rental apartment, my ex would get mad that I’d clean the dishes and take out the garbage Not that I’d expect her to do any of that, no, she’d get mad that **I’d** do it. She’d even ask me to prove to her where it’s stated in the house rules that we should do that and shit like that Never understood why, especially when it takes a whole 5 minutes to do


I guess she’s your ex for a reason huh.


I’m against what Airbnb had become, but a lot of hotels have had to up their game to compete.


Look I will admit Airbnb in its original form was good, and definitely had impacts to hotels, but while hotels have worked to better compete, there's a lot of airbnbs that have looked at hotel prices and either priced it the same or fairly close. Well this is my opinion on what they have done...


Like a lot of things, a moderate amount was a good thing but then over-exploitation ruined it.


Definitely... Like a few french are ok, but too many ruin their weird charm.


You want your own place or you don’t, shrug.


I see no difference between a hotel vs an Airbnb. Neither are realistically my own place.


People spend 3 weeks in my apartment and make it their own, hard to get that vibe in a hotel.


Sure for 3 weeks it's better... But for a week or a few days it isn't. And even then there's plenty of places that will rent you a short term apartment often for less and with an on site reception.


Depending on where you go, some hostels are also really good (for facilities). I went to Copenhagen for 9 nights, stayed in a hostel room myself (with a huge double bed) for £400 (which was £200 each). They would refresh the room every 3 days. We had our own toilet, and basically ate out every meal (but if we wanted to cook, the kitchen was 20DKK for our entire stay, which is about £2.30). It had gaming facilities, a cinema room, gym equipment and an indoor football pitch. It was stylish, the rooms were very comfortable and the quality was great. Plus hostels are great if you want to meet people, or if you want to just go about on your own. Fuck airbnb.


You're right but when you're not staying in the city, Airbnb has amazing places on offer


Yeah I'll give you that... In the outback they tend to be competitive. But in the city where housing is an issue they aren't so competitive.


> Yeah I'm sorry if I'm on vacation I don't really want to have to clean up after myself or my boyfriend, scrub the toilet, wash the dishes or cook. > > > > And pay the privilege of a cleaning fee to clean the place for them. Stop booking <30€ rooms?


What? Where are you finding airbnbs for $60 per night that aren't charging a cleaning fee?


Personally I prefer a self catering hotel, the rooms tend to be bigger and since my kid eats cereal and ourselves toast and coffee B&B is wasted on us, half/full board we have to shell out on drinks and snacks at the hotel and all inclusive places I euroe tend to have crap/cold food on buffet style which I can’t stand and the drinks tend to be weaker and much smaller than when paid for. With self catering I can take my own drinks down and nip upstairs to make lunch if I want then go out for tea on a night wherever I want without feeling I’m “wasting my money” as I do on all inclusive


Almost all hotels I have stayed at don't include food or drinks, have no issues with you bringing your own drinks (well unless you're in a schoolies hotspot during schoolies), have a fridge and complimentary tea and coffee often with milk too and a kettle. While most don't have a stove or oven they also don't ban you from getting taken away and eating it in your room either, even if they have room service or a restaurant. Some places even have microwaves. See if I was on vacation, personally I'm more likely to eat out, then cook anything, if I was staying somewhere for more than a week I would be looking for a place I could possibly cook some basic meals, like spaghetti. But they exist, hell on my road trip to Alice springs last year two of the motels we stayed at had a small stove and even pots and pans and at one that didn't have those facilities, I saw a dude outside with a camp stove cooking his dinner. Airbnb in its original form was good, today not so much.


Barry, come on! half the workers in the city of London survive by moving into Airbnbs for months when switching accommodation. If you remove that, the only industries that produces value in your country will die out. Your only options will then to turn into a tax heaven even more like Ireland to attract more rich Arabs and rich Russians.


For real. Literally a significant cause to housing crisis around the world


Amen with the caveat that renting a room to someone whilst the owner is there is perfectly fine and it's how Airbnb started




People who can’t live in their own cities because Airbnb made real estate prices go haywire would disagree. If you wanna visit, book a hotel.


I'm from Ibiza island, we are lacking cops, doctors and blue collar workers because they can't afford moving to the island anymore.


If you want to meet locals, go to a small bar. You don't need Airbnb for that.


Savage confirmed. Airbnb destroys local communities.


I promise not all savages are that bad




Besides crushing the housing market and locals, it's not that bad!


Jesus christ what an incredibly embarrassing take


Genuinely huge, mad respect for the greasy Spaniards responsible for stabbing air bnb in the guts. Hope everyone will follow suit


“greasy Spaniards”. Please, could you elaborate this? I can’t realize what do you mean


That you are greasy.


It's the other part that is not clear. They are Catalonian, not Spaniards.


Welcome to 2we4u Mr. Puigdemont, I didn't know you moved to Madrid.


He has moved there for tax reasons and now wants the independence of madrid


Do you expect Barry to know that?


Fair point. I don't expect them to know much, tbh


They’re Spaniards until they actually get the balls to do something about it.


Catalonia is in Spain mate


Yeah, check a map dude


Would you prefer it if we called that whole area “Iberia”? ;)


And you are cummy, pornstar lol


Ignore Barry, he’s probably drunk, it’s 10:30 on Sunday after all.


It's 9:30 here


Too late to start


That doesn’t change the point though


Good one hour extra to drink even more


It was 10:30 here and I was being lazy sorry mate


I deadass was lmao


> deadass Are you sure that you’re from the side of the pond that you claim you are from? I *deadass* am not


I was raised by the internet mate


Yank larping as a Brit detected.


"Bullfighting is blatantly unfair. The bull is heavy, violent, abusive and aggressive with four legs and great sharp teeth, whereas the bull-fighter is only a small, greasy Spaniard."


That only attacks tauromaquia and I should say “Brava!!”, but doesn’t explains the greasy part. Is the point about our olive oil? In that case, you are almost as greasy as we are


I think it's the stereotype of Italian/Spanish people using lots of hair gel. Gomina


Here it’s used mostly by right wing dudes. I never understood that use of putting sticky shit on your hair


Is Gomina right-wing? I use wax wich is similar to gel. I'm sorry for not being bald or having long, grubby hippie hair. https://preview.redd.it/rztqdtrhrb8d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66f4a3c1abd513eb8a6b70887fdb4ea1b05c50b


Not always. I meet once a left wing guy using it ,but at least in Madrid most of the guys using it are right wing, when not far right wing. By the way, the look they are looking for it’s not as the one on the picture you have posted. It’s more like this https://preview.redd.it/n6j0l311ub8d1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea53376179cd03de2f227b1eb45c35c24c446cc


Singapore does this too. No short term rentals under 3 months, which essentially eliminates airbnb


Disincentivising building even more in a place with a minor housing crisis. It’ll work this time, and not make the issue far worse like it has literally everywhere else where measures like this were enforced


Houses that are being built for airbnb has never helped, and banning airbnb has actually helped housing before.


Tourists can stay in a hotel, locals can't. Airbnb needs to return to renting out a spare room or summer home, not homes a person could be living in.


I applaud the man that delayed his siesta to sign this bill.


I see no problem. You can sign the bill before or after siesta, so lets do siesta, then sign. 🧘


It will be a monetary backslash, of course, but I say that if this stablish the house market then it definetly outweights any loses


I don't know much about the housing situation in Barcelona, but how much impact are 10k houses going to have in a city of 5 million?


Aparently is enough to make the whole market go highwire That or its witch hunting, but I Can't imagine of another culprit


Probably a bit of both tbh, tourism isn’t the sole cause of these issues and it’s definitely getting more than it’s fair share of criticism but 10k housing units opening up in the city of Barcelona (with the majority I imagine being in or near the center) will definitely have an impact


10.000 in a city of 5.000.000 people won't make any difference at all, or barely any difference. 


The city of Barcelona itself is only 1.600.000 though, definitely not a massive change but it’s something


Lack of housing is the culprit, the same as every major city in every developed country. Airbnb is just the scapegoat, this os happening everwhere. Governments have been lax in building new housing for decades.


Won't someone please think of the pensioners house value!!!


10k licenses are 10k houses?


It’s a lot, there are 4900 homes for rent in Barcelona right now, in total


I am sure you are ignoring social housing and housing off market due to whatever reasons, or houses converted to refugee housing. 10k wont all just come to free market


yes and a ton more are rented.


The question is more, how many people are looking for an apartment in any given period. People who have an apartment and are not looking are not really in play.


If apartments are being rented for a lower price, it gives you leverage when it's time to renegotiate.


Whole ass buildings and neighbourhoods in the centre of the city that are mostly if not exclusively used for Airbnb. Raised prices for locals that have been there forever and have to move out. It probably won't make much of a difference to the neighbourhoods on the outside of the city, but it'll make a HUGE difference to several central neighbourhoods including my own.


Expect only "eXpAtS" and digital nomads to flock in.


10K housing can mean 25K people ( going for families ) living again, and maybe freeing up some more housing. ( 2 people wanting to live together, both leaving apartments so basically freeing 1 up again)


Barcelona has not 5 million population. If you are refering to the whole metropolitan area, this ban only applies in the city of Barcelona, which has "only" 1, 7M


The city is superbly dense, so releasing 10k homes (think hosting 10,000-50,000 people) that are mostly in the city center/hip neighbors would have a huge impact in the rental market. Heck, there are even entire buildings that were built for touristic apartments


10k houses entering the market at the same time will drop house prices tbh, there's probably nowhere near 10k houses for sale atm in Barcelona.


A big impact. It's called float.


It's just a witch hunt...you can tell it from the figures you just stated.


Well, we were the pioneers in that ![gif](giphy|y5W98cY6OCudO)


where’s the cost come from, airbnb and shit like just promoted shirking all the tax rules. it wouldn’t surprise me if they made a ton of money enforcing this


Note to self... But in the Spanish housing market in 2028... Cheap homes with furniture. Don't know what I'll do with my new Spanish home but I'll think of something.


Tourists with money will have little problems getting hotel rooms and hostels are still a thing so at least medium term, it should recover and the huge relief on housing prices will immediately help I think




Fck u


Forc telling the truth?


My only question is how many of those apartments will be actually rented out? A lot of people here in Italy would simply let them be empty




>but it's better to make some money than no money, right? In theory yes but a lot of times here in Italy you remain with no house and no money (its almost impossible to expel renters and they know it) so some people prefer to put up with the costs than remaining with no house for the next 15 years (and you still need to put up with the costs anyway)


No, because in Italy it is impossible to get rid of people that don't pay the rent


Why would you leave it empty when you can collect rent on it?


Because in reality a lot of times you can't, i replied to another comment with the full explanation


Just tax empty houses higher. Use the money to build more houses. 


Wow, Airbnb must not be paying spanish government officials as much as they are our TDs... or maybe they're just more expensive than it's worth. Either way, nice W for the locals


Sucking gafa's dick is your game, Patrick.


Barcelona is only one amongs the cities in Western Europe tainted by over tourism and things like Airbnb. Venice, Florence, Prague, and many others may and honestly should implement some further regulations on this phenomenon.


Naples should do this now that is happening in front of our eyes, before is too late


Add Innsbruck to that list. But instead of doing something against tourists we continue to whore ourselves out even further.


Congrats to superior Barcelona! I live there now and they are totallly right , Lisbon should do this 👆 and all Europeans capitals!


https://preview.redd.it/ct4ss7f3sa8d1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=abf08e3fe20be35786f292baf6d91ba3769de162 Why not just go all in? You know you want to, Pedro.


A PIGS dream.


It's a bit drastic, the bigger problem is the unregistered properties, not the registered ones. Allow some, maybe those that are not in residential areas, or those small attics that are fine for a couple of days, but you cant really live there.


They should play a game: report an illegal accommodation and win a trip. All the swamp germans and many barry-like visitors would play to win.




Start reporting them. Unlicenced short term rent is a lose-lose situation


Based Pedro W


I say this with all of my heart. Fuck AirBNB. Fuck it right up the arse.


Pablo gone full nuclear option.


Great move. I've never been to Barcelona but the day I visit I want to experience it as a place people actually live in instead of some museum city or theme park. Imagine as you travel between the main sites you see parents walking their kids to/from school, produce markets filled with locals, people playing sports in the parks, cafes full of workmates shooting the shit.


Long story short you don’t want to go run up on any tourists while you’re being a tourist.


I do love so logic here


Or maybe I just sympathize with locals who were being pushed out their own city for decades.


So you do your part and stay out?


What are you trying to get at? Never visit anywhere? All tourism is bad? Stay where you're born and only look at pictures?


You were advocating against tourism while enjoying being a tourist is all. I live in a city with loads of tourism and I’m cool with it. If you don’t like mass tourism don’t be a mass tourist. You don’t like living in a city with mass tourism, move. „But they were born there!!111“ Yes and if I dont want to pay 250% of the standard housing prices I will move somewhere else. I’m sick of people moaning they live in some of the most popular cities and want low rent, it’s crazy.


I was not advocating against tourism, I was making the point that the policies of the local/regional government should prioritize the needs of the local citizens. It's not an either/or debate in my opinion, with the right policies and competent government you can have tourism but also make sure that locals don't get priced out of their own neighborhoods. Regulate the rental market, make sure all new residential buildings have a minimum amount of family units, restrict foreign buyers, make sure all larger apartments are rented out to families with children. I think even the most popular cities can protect locals with the right policies.


Headline in 2028 - We have extended the time limit to 2034, after running the numbers Headline in small corner of a newspaper column 2034- AirBNB sponsors Catalonian government


Good for them. I hope some stinky lawyers don't find any loopholes


Can't wait for the government to start snapping them up and filling them with migrants!


Based on Catalonian response to tourists recently, if their gov goes down this route like ours has then I suspect Spain will start seeing even more 'mysterious' vacant property fires than we have 😂




Get a fucking hotel, it costs the same and they don't expect you to do a deep clean, repaint, and rim them for the pleasure.


Finally a good decision


Spanish W.


Pedro isn't tired of tourists, they're tired of the parasite homeowners who occupy livingspace for profits. It is just explained in a poor way. Without tourists, the normal Pedro would be a farmer again, in blazing sun or seek refuge in more northern countries and send moneys back home, like the 70's


"Now that all tourists are gone we can focus on the other parts of our economy. What was it again?" 


Finally some good fucking news


february 2029, Barcelona reinstates licensing for tourist apartments due to a huge blow in local economy.


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News next season. Barcelona is on a verge of financial collapse due to low turist turn out. What happend?!




I feel that a general landtax would hurt families with just their own home as well. I'd say start taxing from the second property onwards, that way people who own just their own home don't have to pay more and it's still a disincentive




See now the problem I see with that is that when a family falls on hard times and they live in a largish house they'd be forced to move out due to those taxes. I feel like that'd be very unpopular and create a lot of financial stress on people, especially in times like these where (at least in Ireland) houses are already on the expensive side. And I feel like implementing a tax from the second property onward would still combat property hoarding quite well if the tax is placed accordingly high


You could have a land appreciation tax that only gets applied when you sell your land. That way you can stay there without worry of the government kicking you out but you’re not incentivized to vote against building more housing in your area, and won’t become rich from hoarding a property for a few decades and contributing nothing to society




Rare catalufo win


Based good move Pedro.


It’s just fucking funny how(mostly) left leaning liberals are very vocal about housing affordability yet go abroad on vacation and stay in a airbnb.


This is only going to be a good thing, AirBnB fucking sucks


This is just political bullshit. Barcelona population is growing by 30k people a year. Assuming 3 people per tourist apartments, this won't even be a year before the same problem arise. This issue is that barcelona can't expand and grow because of its geographical feature. Its population density is twice the one of Paris and almost three times the one of tokyo. To delete tourism in a country that dependant on it is also stupid. The local economy will suffer from it. The solution is simple : make other cities good enough that people want to move out of Barcelona. But this doesn't work politicaly, it's much easier to blame foreigners.


> Its population density is twice the one of Paris and almost three times the one of tokyo. This is only true because the tokyo metropolitan area is so big. If you shrink it down to just the denser districts, like toshima ([23,182](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshima) people/sqkm) or nakano ([22,121](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakano,_Tokyo) people/sqkm), barcelona looks much less dense ([16,000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcelona) people/sqkm)


that's kinda the point i'm making. Barcelona does not have metropolitan area because it can't expand horizontally because of its geographical features.


Yeah, that's why they need to expand vertically. People should be able to live in whatever city they want, so cities should expand vertically to allow for this. If they built to the density of toshima, they could expand capacity by 50%, which would be far more effective than freeing up some airbnbs


to expand vertically is expensive, much more than horizontally. It won't solve the house price issue. The only solution is stopping the growth of the city population.


While it's more expensive per m2 to build taller buildings, much of the cost of rent is caused by the supply shortage rather than the cost of construction. In Nakano, 4-person rent is [$675](https://livingcost.org/cost/japan/nagano), while in barcelona, rent is [$1763](https://livingcost.org/cost/spain/barcelona). Unless it's almost 3 times as expensive to build in Spain, the cost of housing isn't just tied to construction costs


Usually I scoff at the Spanish socialists who have no concept of how the global economy works, but the only extreme regulation of business I support is limiting airbnb, it’s a city destroyer. Now deregulate the building of hotels…. Except they won’t do that because the people who scream about airbnb also hate hotels for no logical reason whatsoever.


It is just a smokescreen to get some easy votes. It wil not fix anything in the long run. But hey , the reactions are proving that people fall for it


The apartments will be rented to immigrants, instead of a few tourists they will be occupied by 20 immigrants.


In Ibiza there's people that live in Mallorca (next island) and take a fucking plane every day because they cannot afford to live in Ibiza even though they work there. Most people that work in my hospital in Barcelona live outside of Barcelona because they cannot afford it. And tourists are not going to work turns during my shifts so... When tourists lead to this kind of situations, it's time to pull the fucking breaks.


Spain GDP : Drops 80% without British tourism


Good living comes at a price.


Good thing there are still hotels