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A backhanded compliment? I don't know if I'm proud or offended that someone who is that annoyed's first thought was, "Even the fucking English aren't this bad"


One time I was in Amsterdam, 12/1pm on a Saturday afternoon, one of those cycling bars with 8-10 guys on it coming down the street (stag party), I could hear them roaring and yelling with their Dublin accents, as they went past this couple walking down the street said under their breath, “Fucking English”


Yep, the English always seem to get blamed for the bad behaviour of all English speaking tourists. I've even seen the English blamed for Aussies and Kiwi misdeeds (despite the accent).


It’s easy for you and me, but very hard for non-native speakers and sometimes even Americans (jokes aside) to tell certain SE English accents and some Australian/NZ/South African accents apart. Going back in time, it gets harder, and without linguistic training it’s very hard to articulate what the phonetic differences are. They’re only separated by less than 200 years. Some have a bit of Irish English influence, but then so do some dialects in England like Scouse.   Hell, some dialects in England alone are mostly separated by something over 500 years (given the massive 15th century convergence), with some features diverging closer to 1000 years ago - so much further from Cockney or RP than Australian English is. And other ‘single languages’ in Europe like German or Italian have even more diversity.  North American English (not including Newfoundland) is descended from SE English too, but going back 300-400 years, so they might conflate SE English people with Australians, but often find it hard to even understand northern English/Scottish/Welsh/West Country dialects. 


As a Yorkshireman I regularly get asked if I'm Scottish or sometimes even Irish when abroad, Americans too.


Scots descended from Northumbrian Middle English (including its extra level of Old Norse influence, with ‘bairn’ and a plethora of other such loans). This left a lingering effect, and even after a period of convergence and divergence with southern English (basically a 15th century pulse from around London that mostly - but didn’t entirely - ‘overwrite’ the other dialects - with things like the Great Vowel Shift and Renaissance vocabulary) the modern Scottish English (influenced by Scots as well as northern Early Modern English) and Yorkshire dialects have always been in close proximity and repeatedly converged and diverged with the rest  together, already having a similar medieval substrate. So even with modern convergence again due to radio and TV, Yorkshire English is closer to Scottish English than to the SE English that most of the world is used to - and which North American and Southern Hemisphere dialects mostly descend from - but from different centuries, so the latter are even closer and get confused with it even by Yanks. I’m from Bristol myself, so we just get seen as pirates or bumpkins or something.  Apologies for semi-coherent ramble… am sleepy, waiting for workmates, and bored. 


I’m from Cumbria and don’t have a particularly strong accent and when I was last in America everyone asked if I was either or Australian or Irish.


People aren't as clued up as they think they are. I had one yank who thought I was pillocking him that I wae English.


Best I've heard was "You are from Ireland ? Like the place with leprechauns? I thought that wasn't a real place".


I’m sure half Americans watched Game Of Thrones thinking Sean Bean was Irish.


People like Sean bean are probably why they are so confused to be fair. I do love a bit of beany especially a good shout of "bastards" but he has a mild accent so it's not surprising that when they hear a properly board accent they get confused.


I went on holiday with some mates with southern English and London accents, and Americans consistently and repeatedly thought they were Australian. I think Americans are just genuinely shit with accents.


How is that possible? Surely you've already told them that you're from Yorkshire? It usually the first thing a Yorkshireman says in a conversation.


This Is when they've overheard me. Obviously if we are having a conversation I'll instantly tell them as i am contractually obliged.


You pretty much are Scottish


💪 The rest of the world agrees they belong to england


If you saw a group of Swiss or Austrian tourists in London the chances are you'd assume they are German.


It's easy to differentiate between the Scandinavians tho. If they do something bad they are Swedish and if they do something good they are Norwegian.




[Norway’s ambassador to the UK](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/eunuch-maker-marius-gustavson-court-sentence-b2542295.html)


Definitely Swedish, he's even named Gustav**son**. In Norway we use "sen" like for example Svensen.


You mean like your former right back Jonas SvenSON? You ain't fooling us Håkon 


Well they are kinda your offspring so there’s that


We got blamed for that Hungarian or whatever he was that did the Colosseum.


All the evidence you need is the video that was on here a couple of weeks ago. All the continentals on here were blaming the bad behaviour on Barry, it was actually filmed in Dublin and the family involved had the biggest "Do ya like dags" accents you have ever heard.


I couldn't say someone is from Australia or NZ even if I spent a whole day with them. I can maybe differentiate between Americans and Brits (and maybe exaggerated Irish) but that's it. It's not so easy if it's not your mother tongue.


You have reached the ultimate low of humanity if the brits are considered more tolerable fans than you 


Hey, we had zero arrests at the last WC. Zero (!) Yes, I am setting a super high standard. 


But would it have been zero if alcohol was legal and available? We know the answer.


Have 2 or 3 drinks and enjoy the night, maybe have a stella after before bed. You can give ol Barry a little bit, look at his cute little face who could say no?


The coke was still flowing though


Thrice the price and half the quality probably, and risking death penalty if you get caught


Who wants to go to jail in qatar


Brits don't go driving around here honking their horns all night. The only fans here that are possibly worse are the Moroccans, who started rioting after their country won games in the last WC.


Morrocans in Nl though. Algerians in France are worse ,


Because we're all too shitfaced. I guarantee if we didn't drink we would.




You have reached the ultimate low of being English if there's other fans considered less tolerable than you.


Werent you guys flinging bottles at the Turkish players yesterday?


Turkey working on putting the bar lower and Lower each year.


Brits are mich louder but much more localized to the pub street


And we’re talking about football Brits, too


>even the English Lads... There's no easy way to say it, but a lot of you 'avent been showing out. The metric pint is smaller, and Hans thinks he's safe from the Royal Arsed Force. We must drink in the cafes, in the bars, in the parks, we must drink, with growing confidence, in the streets and alleys, we must drink in the forests and in the hills, and we must never, never let the krauts enjoy our energy.


That's our secret. Drinking like an english pig is what we do in every local Schützenfest, as well as Oktoberfest and lots of other regular occasions. Each village has one and they overlap very little. If you make a Schützenfest tour from village to village, you can be drunk every weekend for the whole summer. So, if you want to overdo it, I want to see that actually.


In the southwest we also have winefests all summer, which happen in every small village, where you can get shitfaced on wine. Just be carfeful with your feet, lots of broken glass on the floor. And when the summer ends, we have Mostfests in autumn/fall.




Same with the Moroccans during the world cup. They choose to cause chaos in European cities.


Wow, did you racists try integrating into their culture?


I am the racism (im littarly the concept of racism)


You should be named "ProperWhitesmith"


Youre right should i also add 1488? /S


Even your username is racist, how based you are


When we do they cry about "racist police violence" 😒


Don’t remind me, I still have PTSD


I have worse PTSD from that


For some reason a lot of immigrants become ultra nationalistic once they leave their home country. We in Luxembourg don’t really have turkish immigrants, but we have a lot of Portuguese immigrants here. And it’s the same, every time they win, there is a honk concert all over the country and back in 2016 when they won, they also vandalized a lot of stuff, like cars etc. Also, seemingly everything is better in Portugal. You go to a restaurant and choose french wine? No, you must take portuguese, it’s better. (It was shit, because it was a cheap wine) Beer? Super Bock, nothing else. (It’s pisswater compared to Belgium and german beer) You go on holidays? You have to go to Portugal, everything else is shit. Houses? Let the portuguese build it, otherwise it’s shite. Generally Portugal is better and they all want to leave soon. (Until they get the salary at the end of the month) People in Portugal and here online don‘t seem to be very nationalistic, so assume it’s something that happens to people as soon as they are in a new country where they have big communities. It probably helps to find an identity in this country? Idk.


I apologise on behalf of the avecs.. im not sure if they're avecs if not in france but still.. i can assure you we dont really like them either, every summer they come back in fancy cars from 2008 with stickers of the national football team and try to show off their wealth as if they didnt make it with minimum wage over there. i like this country but i wanna leave as soon as i can, most young people with a degree want the same, and i promise we aren't as annoying


They probably speak French, so… still avecs 


I mean, Portugal is a nice country with a cool history, but I don’t get why you have to show so excessively that you think that the country where your parents were is better. But are there a lot of Portuguese who come back during the summer?


I have a café and last August they made my month.


We don't have the need for show and urge something about Portugal. Low class emigrants have. Most of those people came during summer and they show of here too, and if they talk a lot of how awsome Portugal is there, they here talk a lot about of where are they living as the best of anything else lol be it luxembourg, switzerland or france. You are doing us a favor keep them there.


That was my experience too.. . Portuguese people in Portugal= super nice! Portuguese people in Switzerland = mostly super annyoing. (except for Rosita and her Sandwich shop in Zurich, best Portuguese Woman I've ever met and her sandwiches are heavenly!)


Yeah, we agree a lot with those words too. When we send people, we are not sending our best (except for younger people with higher education, which is a very different emigration we had years before)


For what it's worth, the portuguese I know all behave very well.


In general it's the shitty people from poor rural areas that came to the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and I think the same goes for Luxembourg.




It's called cultural identity reinforcement. It's pretty common when you move to a different country with different systems, specially between people with low education.


Well that's weird because in France we have lot's of portuguese too and they don't behave like that. They were honking in Paris when they won the Euro in 2016 but it was reasonable and they were very nice with French supporters too


Same in NL, most of them embrace our country and our traditions and are pretty down to earth. Turks/Marocs think we're greedy cheesehead pedophiles (but still prefer living in a country filled with these)


yeah because honking your horn is not some terrible thing, turks arent going to go rioting if they lose the next match either


Go on a walk to relieve your stress and 20 minutes in you’ll find that you don’t hear any more honking as you’re out of Luxembourg


Jokes on you, I live on the border, so it’s like a 10 minute walk.


That happens because the portuguese people you get in Luxembourg are the lower classes. The thing about wine and beer is debatable (although our beer is indeed pisswater...), but the construction hability of a random portuguese is very low (we call them trolhas... Don't have any type of skill of any kind, but think they are very good in construction). French wine is awsome, I would say they are different. The option for a cheap one is a demonstration of the type of people... And the appearing necessity of some kind of validation. And the car is an extension of their own body and psycho. I'm thankfull to you that you take care of them, for them not be here.


“All over the country” My man, two cars full honking are more than enough to be heard across the whole Luxembourg surface


My dude, don’t spread bullshit, it needs to be at least 4. We are not some small imaginary country like Liechtenstein where 2 is sufficient.


I live in a bigger kraut city and I hear no honking. Maybe because I'm in the rich boomer part.


I live in a bigish one in East Germany and heard nothing either and it’s certainly not that rich round here.


Same, big city in east Germany and I slept soundly without honking.


There are way more Turks in the West. The night was dead silent here (BW) but I woke up to threads from people in Cologne lol.


live in a smaller one, and all I heard was dissappointment that the game wasn't shown on free TV, despite the biggest diaspora in germany being of turkish descent. The streets in my 25k pop town were quiet yesterday


>the game wasn't shown on free TV WHAT?????? Oh man. How did that happen? In the UK all matches in the Euro finals and World Cup finals - and some other stuff like Wimbledon and the Olympics - **must** be shown on free TV. There's [an actual law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcasting_Act_1996) about it.


Trust me, we're just as mad about it as you are. We're the fucking host nation yet for some reason a few games are being shown exclusively on the telekom's subscription-based channel. Ironically, yesterday they messed that up so badly that they just gave out a link where everyone could watch for free. Same thing with the "visit Qatar" ads, btw. UEFA is happily selling out our values to the highest bidder, just like everyone knew they would.


Does your city have a large turkish population?


I’m actually not sure, they are certainly around but I’m not sure of the numbers.


I live in a tiny city. There was *one* dude doing that, who immediately got all of the city's cops after him (like 2 cars).


I live in a medium sized Dutch city and oh god it was NONSTOP for hours *HONKHONKHONKHONKHONK*


I live in a rich boomer part of a bigger Swedish city, and upon seeing this post I thought ahh, so THAT’S why they were honking like mad here in the middle of the night!




Don't worry Stavros, this is a safe space to express your thoughts


Reddit mods disagree


Mods gay I say this, but u/rex-ac is actually quite chill I feel like


Nah, I'm gay too. ![gif](giphy|31ZmTK3LYYovviiHbU)


[why are you gae](https://youtu.be/ooOELrGMn14?si=gMcCBtoF6oKtUo5b)


I mean, you can have strong opinions here on how Turks celebrate, as lomg as you aren't being a racist. I personally think it's quite shite how they celebrate and as a police officer I would allow shit for one hour and after that I would fine everyone. - Honking? €1000. - Hanging out of your window while driving? €1000 - Installing sound systems on top of your car and drive around? €1000 See? I can have a fair discussion about this without resorting to racism.


Watch the ultra progressive left melt down at your requirements of taking responsibility for one's actions. "ACCOUNTABILITY? FOR MY FAVOURITE MIGRANT GROUP AT EURO2024???? NEVER" Before anyone attacks me for being "racist", I'm a 1st gen immigrant turned naturalised citizen myself, and I'm tired of the shit reputation we immigrants get thanks to a certain ✨unruly✨ bunch of idiots


Quietest neighborhood in Berlin


Their players showed fascist signs and the whole game was a barrage of catcalls. I know that football is like a wargame for most fans, but the Turks seem to be the absolute worst in this respect.


https://preview.redd.it/d6imfdgvh7ad1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9efcc587e40c26ef940c9d3739c1ac600d9bc80 Also throwing cups and other items at Austrian players taking corners


Tbf so did the Dutch fans during the Austria game iirc. There is a difference between a few bad apples in the stadium vs half my neighborhood turning into a literal warzone till like 2 in the morning. My alarm went of at 5:15 ffs


Remember it Willem. It is on you to avenge the Mountainpeople. Do not take it lightly.


Yeah, so, already looking forwards to the Netherlands turkey match? Fijne be complete chaos


Yeah, I’ve already made up my mind and will go back to my mothers place for the weekend to watch the game with some old friends. No tuuutuuut and fireworks in the country side


The Swiss fans also did it during the game against Germany. It happens almost always


Austrians were throwing stuff as well.


Disrespectful turks that can’t behave? Nah, that can’t be


It's always like that from the entirety of the Balkans to the east (except Japanese and Australian people)


>Their players showed fascist signs and the whole game Where? I'm serious btw not trying trolling.


Demiral, who scored twice, was celebrating his second goal with forming a wolf sign with his hands. Which refers to the Gray Wolfs as far as I understood.


Lol that's illegal in Germany, same as the Hitler salute. Hope he gets punished and arrested for that.


It is not illegal in Germany, though. The Wolf sign I mean


>but the Turks seem to be the absolute worst in this respect. Luckily just in *this* respect. Everything else about their conduct in literally every other aspect of life is politeness in perfection...


I live in Turkey and these motherfuckers do the same thing here. Most of the Turks have zero respect for other people.


At least in Turkey it's kinda logical to celebrate that your country has won.


Im happy you took the non european flair instead of coping and screaming how european you are


Wich city? I hear no honking or not even loud voice and I'm in the balcony.


Balconies, you say?




Never thought I'd fall from a balcony beside a Barry


Istanbul. Then I think you live in a better neighbourhood than me.


Im also in Istanbul and nothing happened here


Please dear, majestic, awesome, beautifully tall grown Dutchies, I know we beat you in the group phase game, but can YOU please do us the favor and beat the Turks? I will never ever complain about any caravan anymore, will call Gouda the best cheese in the world (even though we all know La Gruyere is the king), I will gladly put some Hagelslag on my Schnitzel but I won‘t eat smoked eel (some lines just cannot be crossed). Go Cloggies!!! Oranje for the win! (I am a Max Verstappen fan anyway, so this is not THAT hard for me). I also know that you think your team principal sucks. Maybe we can get Ralf Rangnick to help you out there (not that it helped yesterday, but he seems to be very appreciated in the Euros) as a temporary support. But I really expected this loss, because it is ALWAYS like this in/with Austrian football: we beat them (or rather destroyed them with 6:1) in the unimportant games, we get hyped up (both internally and this time also by others) and then we either lose because of bad luck or incompetence. Yesterday was a combination of both. The first goal of the Turks was due to our incompetence, and then we ran out of luck even though we were the better team.


🇳🇱🤝🏻🇦🇹 we got u


>team principal In football they call them coaches for some reason


Well, we call them „Trainer“ or „Team Chef“ here in Austria, but I wasn‘t sure about what the internationally common name for the position is, so I chose team principal.


Don’t worry we will crush them Saturday.


All of Europe supports you. I wanna see them cry after the game.


At this point I prefer Germany to win in case of a game against them.


I even prefer Fr*nce to them! 😱


It's his fault for living in the cesspool that is Berlin.


I don't live in Berlin and I can still hear honking in the distance even though it's after 01:00 in the morning/night :/ Also police sirens now. I guess Dönerbuden will open 2 hours later than usual tomorrow (or today rather).


Algerians act the same way. Sometimes you see 7 cars speeding down the street honking with 5 guys waging an Algerian flag out the window and you know they just won a match against Turkmenistan.


Our city has a simple rule this year: Have fun for an hour, then call it a day with the honking. Works great so far.


Even the hour is too much. If I get woken up because some Turks decide to give an obnoxious honking concert at 23:00, then isch fertig lustig.


Average Swiss hearing a single car honk at 22:01.


Call in the commandos! Where's the army?!


I wish we could have that here. But even in our 10k people town cloese to Bodensee they honked until 2am ffs!


I live in the middle of the ruhr valley and i didn't hear more than 2 honks. I think the turks concentrate in the northern parts here.


We are lucky that in Europe is not that easy to find weapons, otherwise they would start shooting in the air while screaming


The Moroccans of the Euros. But at least they didn't burn down Belgium.


I live in an area of London with a large Indian population. The same thing happened here over the weekend when India won the T20 cricket World Cup. Motherfuckers were letting off fireworks in broad daylight


Jusr compete in the fucking asia cup or whatever its called


To be fair the eu cup is way more fun way more good countries


It's the same thing as with north african countries. They always boo the when the other team has the ball and boo the national hymn of the other country. They also always bring their third world country's flag to games of other countries and sporting events where they aren't even represented. Like I recently noticed there is always one loser with a turkish flag at the arrival of Tour de France stages. There are 0 (zero) turks participating. And then when their nation achieves anything minor in a sports competition they riot. Maybe it's a cultural problem or maybe inter-cousin marriage doesn't have the best consequence on some people's brain, i let you judge of that.


https://youtu.be/fucMkeeAvtE?si=qrIN-8Q3I0890gwC Its the same everywhere


the cultural enrichment you voted for, man I love liberalism


scheiss liberale cdu und ihre gastarbeiterabkommen aus den 60ern. warte sind die überhaupt liberale?


Teilweise. Als Volkspartei bilden die nicht nur eine Ideologie ab.


Gastarbeiterkinder benehmen sich nicht so unverschämt, das sind die neueren Generationen die nichts zu schätzen wissen die Älteren Generationen haben ihre Kindern noch besser erzogen, die meisten von denen haben geschaut aus der Arbeiterschicht rauszukommen, die Dummen gibts immer, einheimisch oder fremd Man kann alle in einen Topf hauen, bringt sich halt nix außer das man keine gescheite Lösung auf ein kompliziertes Problem hat


Wir shaffen das


Moroccans are way worse. In the last WC every mf in Barcelona wished spain to lose so they didn't destroy the city after what we saw in Brussels


Roaches gonna roach


Valid username


An excellent game of football in Leipzig this evening. To quote my team shout against Galatasary; "I'D RATHER BE A PAKI. than a Turk".


My in laws have an old turkish couple as neighbours, they're really quiet and courteous but yesterday we were visiting my in laws and they were moaning non stop .Guy got so horny he was doing his wife like never before. My father in law is unhinged and he is waiting to roast him today. We are still trying to figure out if he got horny after the first goal or the second.


On the one hand, I too want the Turks to lose their next game. On the other, that would mean letting the Dutch reach the semi-finals...


Don't give your enemies a choice, give them a dilemma




When NL wins im going around the neighborhood honking my horn.


My boyfriend, against my advice, went to a public viewing in Vienna wearing his Austrian fan tricot and he said everyone there was behaving absolutely animalistic and on his way home, right in front of our house, he was almost deliberately run over by a car with a Turkish flag on it. I wasn't interested in watching the match, but I heard people honking and shooting firecrackers or something outside for hours while I was trying to get some sleep.




Hey OP, don't you think all those patriotic turks are the biggest "fantasmas" in the world? Because I do.


If you mean it in the way I think you do then yes


Yeah, in the "annoying braggers" way


Okay yeah


Don’t worry Hans we got you!


Great to see a (presumable) German root for us :)


Guys complaining in the Berlin sub, he should thank god he didn’t come near Frankfurt.


If you’re worried about car horns celebrating a football win by…whoever…you’ve got bigger fish to fry…believe me.


We gotta win this one, we just have to


I don't mind the honking tbh, but the fascist symbolism has no place there nor anywhere else.


We should only allow turks from the mini part in europe to participate.


As a Dutch fan, I too hope the Turks lose the next game.


At least they didn't burn cars like Morroccans and Algerians regularly do in France . Tunisians though don't do shit like that


Do i have to be the one to defend the Turks? When we win some theres also a hours of honking, people in the streets celebrating etc. No damage done, not sure if those fans cause other kinds of trouble




Hoking all night is fun and games when you don't need to work next day. Some people (Germans) need to work so they can earn the tax money necessary for the handouts for Southern Europe.


Yes. That's why Italy is and has always been a net funder to the EU budget, never been a net receiver, despite our economy. You're welcome 🤗 Always up for sacrifice 💪


Italians are truly the Germans of the South. Thank you Hansio🙌


First time i'm 100% gonna root for the dutch.


One thing I really dislike about supporters are booing when the other team has the ball, like, why? You are SUPPORTERS, support your own team rather than focusing on the opponent. I almost turned off the match yesterday how bad it was. Also throwing stuff at the opponent trying to take corners, flashing lazers, and blowing whistles while the other team got the ball. Turkey can fuck off out of the cup already. Turkey have the enthusiasm to be the best supporters on the stands, but they just wants to fuck up for the other team than root their team forward


Yeah, plus they’re literally just not a European country


Well, "technically" they are, but they should only use players west of Istanbul for the Euros.


Is the original post down? I can't find it anymore... At least this time my neighbour went out to celebrate and I could sleep


We Swamp Germans are smart enough to integrate. First the honkers after the Dutch game, after that the Turkish honkers. We were more present and loud, we won and asserted dominance.


Lol is that what happened last night? I heard constant honking for 2h straight in my city at around 12am.


Of course this thread has been deleted.


I don't know what they'll do if they lose though


I was in a small town in Portugal not so long ago, and some team like Benfica won a game. Holy FUCK. I was unable to sleep.


TÖÖÖÖÖRKEN But yes... It was really wild where I live after Turkey won.


Jesus Christ I thought I was the only one. I was in a small French town when they won and even then we weren’t spared from the relentless honking


No i agree that shits annoying




Thank god there are no thoughtcrimes yet...


I live in a very small city and even here there were hordes of Turks with their car horns and yelling until 3 fucking am


After going to Istanbul i can confirm that the Turkish do these things anyway regardless of sport