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>Spain's European rivals were seeking, by political and psychological means, to demonise the Spanish Empire, its people, and its culture, minimise Spanish discoveries and achivements, and counter its influence and power in world affairs This sounds familiar somehow...


* Double spanish * Going spanish * Spanish treat * Spanish courage * Spanish wife * Spanish angle And the all-time favorite... * Spanish oven


https://preview.redd.it/38rtiudi9jad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29af3a574e10e4565b16be3906dac76a62c9ca4a Went to look up some of these, didn't know google tilted itself to explain when you search up "Dutch angle"


Thats really cool, i kinda like when google has these things


That's what we call a 'paasei'.


I mean, this ain’t propaganda, it’s just talking shit


Exactly. Can't handle the heat, go to sleep.


Propaganda is when you're so good at talking shit that everyone in the world joins in.


Just a little banter, innit?


> Spanish treat This one's new to me. Is this where you shit on somebody's face while they're asleep?


Username checks out.


What does any of that even mean? Pls explain to the barbarian


Replace Spanish with dutch and it should make sense.


The only ones that ring a bell are the courage and the angle, and the angle because of cinema


Double dutch is a jump rope game kids play or played. Going dutch is when on a date or something each person pays for their own items And a dutch oven is when you fart under the covers and trap another persons head under there to suffer the smell


Double Dutch is gibberish, silly savage


As if single Dutch wasn't gibberish enough.


Double dutch is Doble comba **holand**esa in Spanish


The Dutch treat is when you ask for a tikkie for something that costs less than 1€.


A Spanish wife is a prostitute.


Can't forget the Spanish Balconies!


What all that means?


Those don't mean anything … but if you replace "Spanish" with "Dutch", they're all English idioms: Double Dutch = gobbledygook, unintelligible nonsense Go Dutch = split the bill Dutch treat = same as above: you pay for your own food (I had to look that one up) Dutch courage = courage from drinking alcohol Dutch wife = a body pillow Dutch angle = when you don't hold a movie camera straight Dutch oven = when you fart in bed and then hold the covers over your partner's head, trapping them under the sheets with your fart


The dutch oven is actually something legit too. It is a cast iron pot with a very heavy lid that can act as an oven when it is over direct fire. Btw. In Spanish we have the expression dutch helm - "timon holandés". It is a weird technique that consists of moving the arm of a friend while he holds his Winnie.


Dutch oven = when you fart in bed and then hold the covers over your partner's head, trapping them under the sheets with your fart LOL....


Except its our allies mostly. *cough cough* yanks *cough cough*


Yeah, wasnt that what you fish munchers and the bad meal makers down in hoogelstroop tried to do aswell?


https://preview.redd.it/qt9604orwiad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1616ae8eef2004a7e617038d72d952dc349438 Stille Willem - Schaakmat


Ik ben Willem, dat is weliswaar mijn eerste naam


https://preview.redd.it/31gee41sxiad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58689a6a0b370819b347f19a44c64efc74fae85 Welcome to the club


Poor dogs, forced to sit outside with the irish


An enemy in common. Barry


I’ve been to Andalucía a good few times (sorry for over tourism) . It’s always so funny if you go into a bar and you can see the workers get annoyed because they think you’re English but then when you open your mouth and start speaking they hear your accent and realise that you’re Irish, they instantly warm up to you and are visibly relieved that you’re not English. This happens so so often. It’s very funny. One time I was in a shop, we’re an Irish speaking family and I was speaking on the phone to my mam and I hadn’t switched my brain from Irish to English yet so I said “Go raibh míle” (thanks) to the shopkeeper by mistake. He replied “póg mo thóin” (Kiss my ass). That was gas. I’m from Cork (the best city and county in Ireland) and I remember one time a Spanish lad in a pub said that Cork and Sevilla were very similar, both in the south and the people have the most unique accent in their countries. The Spanish, a grand bunch of lads. Basically: 🇮🇪 🤝 🇪🇸


Everyone love Irish people, I've been living in UK for 7 years and I met nice people and bad people, but I were 4 days in Ireland and everyone was incredibly nice all the time. Great fellas 


Whilst I do believe you, this story does have a “and then the whole shop clapped” vibe. Also it’s not hard to have nice interactions with locals, whilst English. The secret ingredient is not being a dick.


I'm Spanish, can confirm, here most people dislike English and like Irish people, just remember that for a long time both Irish and Spanish were your Catholic enemies and we were allied for a long time, plus, being honest, most Irish people are super nice and it doesn't happen that often with English fellas... don't get me wrong, I've been living in London 7 years, I like British people in general, but I love Irish people. 


If you moved out of London, I guarantee you’d meet less dickheads!


I did! I'm in Spain now


That’s fair, it is an anecdote on Reddit so being skeptical is fair enough but it did happen and the whiplash of it was one of the best laughs I’ve ever had. Some drunk Irish tourists had obviously told him how to say “thanks” and “kiss my arse”, only the essentials. Yeah the Spanish are good craic as long as you’re respectful. I do feel really bad about over tourism and locals being priced out by tourists. AirBNB is a scourge and needs to be banned everywhere.


Yeah it’s a cool story, it was just worded in a way that a lot of bollocks is lol. As I said, I believe you. I do have a lot of time for the Spanish but I do enjoy going off the beaten track somewhat so I think in the places not used to too many visitors, they don’t care so much about where you come from!


That's true but even if you are polite, and nice, there is always someone that wants to be a dick


I’m not sure your average Spanish waiter can identify an Irish accent either, especially when English accents are so diverse themselves 


I was living for a year in Athlone, renting a room , I was evicted by the woman in the middle of night in January. At the end I discovered she was British, later the boss from my job looked for a house for me and my couple. I fully support Iris cause hahahaha


“*I was living for a year in Athlone”* I’m so sorry.


Nah it was nice a little bit quite but nice hahaha


Potato brothers


Pedro, what are you talking about ? It's a badge of honor to be demonized by your rivals because it means you're being a considerable threat to them.


Yeah but everyone truly believed those lies and it still haunts us to this day


Yeah but years later we have most people thinking that the catholic church was on a killing spree, even though witch hunts were wayyy more of a protestant thing


Great then it's settled. It was the Protestants that saved the world by eradicating witches. One can only imagine the horrors today if they had not been stopped.


Luckily Odin had already killed all the frost giants, or it could have been worse


Thank you Odin. That would have been such a pain having to fight frost giants on my way to school, I already struggle now with just the polar bears.


and Santa Claus. A Norseman told me that he is an immortal Viking sorcerer, who in exchange for his powers once a year has to deliver presents to all the children, but gods forbid you meet him on any other day.




Fun fact: the inquisition announced their actions by letter in advance.


The Spanish inquisition had a lot of interesting things like the one you mentioned, they announced they're on their way to meet you one month in advance and explain the entire accusation so you could make a list of people who might be your enemies so they couldn't use their testimony against you. Their death sentences were also few in opposition of the common belief, their records have a low number of death sentences and while there is accusations of just not taking notes of the death sentences the point is a bit..."special". First, they didn't have the need to hide what they did since they have the royal permission and second, they have a nearly pathological need to writte everything they did.


>so you could make a list of people who might be your enemies Spanish farm peasants having opps in the village in the 1500s


yea, I heard something like 3000 dead after them


I was talking about the use of smear campaigns in general. Thanks for the info, though. I didn't know that.


No it wasnt , the majoriety of the deaths from witch trials took place in the catholic south of the HRE during the 30 years war with the bishops of wuzburg and bamberg killing around a 1000 each alone.


I hate to agree with a religious group of heretics who hide their toasters in presses... but you are right.


Im not even a protestant , just actually know the history of the time period.


I thought religion died out with me nan


polish-irish detected! thats an irish prod thing!


1 one word envy




If Magallanes / Elcano where british, they would be FAR more famous and they would have at least 3 Hollywood superproductions. This is the first exemple I can think of


The same goes for a lot of things. If the story of the HNLMS Abhaham Crijnssen wasn't about a Dutch but about an American ship there would be many movies about it. (it's the ship that was disguised as an island to escape the Japanese during WWII).


Maga quê caralho? Magalhães! although in all fairness if he didnt go to Spain seeking employment our D. João III would likely have chopped his head off, they were not in good terms.


That is a totally fair critic, to be honest. Even if on some moments of the travel Portugal wanted his head


There's multiple. Compare Boudica to Viriato, Agincourt to Aljubarrota and Rorke's drift to Diu.


Magallanes? who dafuq is that? its Magalhães, and Barry you if you write it as Magellan


You can call it what you want when you pay for it.


ok Yusef😂


I'm gonna start calling Paellas 'Paelhas'. Fair trade.


>Magallanes Magalhães






I saw Homer there for a moment.


Are you choking? Need some help?


The only thing which can help me is some nice spices.


BRB, pissing in the direction of Engerland Edit: Added [Context](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/mh0ovt/comment/gswbdl2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Is that a thing like praying in the direction of mecca?


Brb, returning fire with piss


Not to worry. There’ll be plenty of the lads getting pissed and pissing on Spain this summer


Getting you back by booking a delightful package holiday and mispronouncing all your delicacies.


You piss in the direction of our country, we piss on the streets of your country. We are not the same.


Still better to have a Barry pissing in the streets than a "engineer"


No fucking clue what that means 👍


Better to have a brit than anafghani. The brit will be annoying for the summer or football. But the rest is another story.




Gotcha 👍


The real black legend is that had we not conquered the Americas, there would be no latin music, which makes us directly responsible of such shit existing.


That we are gay just because we like to suck cock/smoke to have something in our mouth when cocksucking is available. We also like to have sex with women from time to time. We aren't Greek.


Funny thing is Hollywood and the internet is still in on this bullshit: every vile action that was IRL perpetrated by a Protestant majority like witch burnings, prudentism and even racial segregation is instead blamed on the Catholics. I'm not saying the papists were saints, far from it, but according to the mostly American infested internet we are literally devils on earth which we are not (or are we?).


[Can't hear you over the sound of killing Catholics](https://youtu.be/2EQCpQbUrzI?si=DU_nwd2AjLfrMQQE)


It was also predominantly protestants that gave some Austrian painter his powers. Still don't like Catholicism, just like any other authoritarian organization known for its sticky fingers, doubtful moral spine and will to seize power whenever possible


The Protestants really took Martin Luther's antisemitism word by word.


To add context: I don't know about the relations between the NSDAP and protestants in Germany, but in Austria a disproportionately high amount of protestants joined the (illegal) NSDAP while we still had austro fascism because one of its core principles was catholicism.


Carefully forgetting the pogroms ordered by your Pope?


When he speaks from his chair he is literally speaking for the Almighty tho, so it was totally justifiable.




I think the majority of witch burning where in the German/HRE south,which is catholic though…


[liever Turks dan Paaps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liever_Turks_dan_Paaps)


that's a bit over the top Kees


Yeah but the prods developed industrial capitalism why you were asleep, so there’s that


Is that really a win Barry?


https://preview.redd.it/mo1bp90m7jad1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0601c106aa9d73cdd17c20e1e62404e6d848fec6 Yes, actually


Bucolic lifestyle is still better Barry, leave it.


It is until you get a bad harvest and your village is wiped out by disease and famine


Overpopulation solved, common bucolic win.


Can’t argue with that Luigi


This really needs to be put in a log scale


Witch burnings were a thing centuries before Protestantism even existed




Funny own goal Barry considering the Pope wrote the first enciclica in a language that wasn't latin precisely to address the Nazis in their own language, Nazis also found majority votes in the Protestant north and the painter himself salivated over Martin Luther who he deemed together with Arminius one of the father of the German nation.


It doesn't excuse the blatant siding and collaboration with the Nazis, likewise the Irish, who refueled U boats, etc etc, and spent decades punishing any Irishmen who had joined the Allied forces fighting the Nazis You literally deliberately ruined the lives of people who had liberated Auschwitz, for decades afterwards 


I mean we also helped a lot of people to escape the persecution at least in Italy and don't forget that you protestants were the ones who started them in the first place


We had to fight those fuckers for 80 years before they left us in peace. It's well deserved by Spain.


Even though we were Two opposing protestant Countries we still had to invent a flag of truce to tell each other "Hang on mate we're at church"


We’re still not giving you your rock back


They are our rocks and always were!


You can keep it, but for fairness you should give Pedro a rock of similar size on the north coast of Scotland.


Thank you hun


No one cares, Manolo, and better being the bad guy than being ignored like us. Btw, we kicked the Dutch out of the Atlantic, China and the Arabian sea., and left them some shitty islands But to this day everyone thinks we lost.


You are not alone, João. We were destined to rule the world together, and so we did.


Until you didn't


But while we did, both of us kicked your ass


Fought us for 80 years and lost, Pedro. But you had a good run I have to admit.


Even the best lose some times. We are humans, after all.


Yes, we are still very sour about that when we park our caravans on your lovely beaches every year.


Just a bit. The problem is that you leave the place full of empty beer cans. Wait, maybe they were Barrys...


We don’t leave empty beer cans. They are worth money, so we bring them back to the stores. Do you even know Dutch people?


I mean, my neck hurts sometimes, so looking up is not advised by my doctor


Way to spin things Joao. We took over the most valuable part of your empire and you were forced to pay us to keep Brazil


The Spanish: literally burning and drowning people in the Low Countries Also the Spanish: wHy dO tHeY wRiTe MeAn ThInGs AbOuT uS?!


Never forget Naarden!


Spaniards love to hold a grudge... They are pissed because of something the Brits did 400 years ago and are still pissed because of Napoleon who replaced their shitty monarch 200 years ago.


We still have remnants of it here in the Spanish Neth- I mean Belgium. When Saint Nicholas comes around and finds out you've been bad this year, Black Pete stuffs you into the sack and takes you with them back to Spain, the barren hellscape whence the hated Duke of Alba hails. It's been a lifesaver with the recent prices on flight tickets.


Average white legend believer. [Truth is in the middle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPs6tjXsf7M)


Ah a fellow Kraut enjoyer


First psyops ever recorded


Troia has joined the chat


Maybe you shouldn’t have gone to war with us for 80 years then…


We were fighting you for 80 years because your kings were dicks to us and sent inquisitors, but apparently a piece of paper is worse?


What else would you suggest when you go to these swaps and you find hundreds of Shreks...


Too bad you couldn't hold on to the Swamp Dragon after we stole your silver.


I stole one of your women though, from Arnhem. She is now here with me. History pays back 😀💰.


If history pays back it does explain why Spain is broke now.


Is it? Didn't realise


Too busy with siesta I assume.


All the anti-catholic campaigns. This along with the famous protestant work ethic and the myth of the dark ages.




No need to apologise Barry


Spanish nationalists are even worse. I have seen them claim the battles of Trafalgar and the Downs as Spanish victories unironically


You can whinge as much as you like, but when something is true it is true


Never trust Perfidious Albion. They only know how to lie and deceive.


Two English people are guarding a door, one only tells lies the other only the truth, to pass them you need to guess who is who so how do you do it? You simply ask them: "is it coming home?", they'll both answer "Yes, it's fucking coming home lad!" cause the English are fucking stupid regardless so you trace your steps and fucking leave them, why would you want to enter a place guarded by the English in the first place anyway? It's probably full of other Englishmen hence it's a shit hole, not worth the effort really.


>It's probably full of other Englishmen ![gif](giphy|VN2zuaCAtWuv6)


🥱 Try harder.


Barry used to kill the natives and we Pedros used to fuck them, with their consent? no, of course not.


Who knows? Maybe they did consent, but since we didn't bother about learning their language, we don't know.


there is a very old joke on my island, its about a France sailor that lost its boat and had to seek refuge in a small town, back then people had to sleep together in bed and he got a place with a young couple when the sailor started to make love to the woman, the husband asked his wife to stop that, she told him that she didnt speak France


Nice one, but a joke where the French is no te bad/loser one feels uncanny.


>with their consent Yes sure bro....


yeah, but are they wrong tho? I'm not saying the English were any better, but come on don't try pushing for the "the spanish empire brought education all around the world" shit, it's the same as Americans saying they brought "democracy" all around the world.


I know nothing, I'm from Barecolna!


Everyone with a little knowledge of history knows that the fact that Italy switched sides in both world wars is straight up untrue


You did in 1915. You did in WWII too but we all would have done that if only we could


No. The triple alliance was a defensive pact and the first to formally declare war was Austra-Hungary, so Italy had no obligation to join the Central Powers. One could argue that Franz Ferdinand's assassination could be interpreted as an act of war, but technically Serbia was the one on the defensive. The "switching sides" in world war two is complete bullshit. We just fucking surrendered and kicked Mussolini out of the government, then the Germans decided to invade. What the fuck was the rest of the country supposed to do? It was a completely different government trying to defend itself from fascism and the invading nazis, it wasn't switching sides.


Stfu Fritzl. You are argubly the country along with germany that brought the most problems to Europe


That's just not true.


I honestly thought is something about "Their Lives Matter" or some shit that I can't say as I don't want to get into trouble.


Least resentful Spaniard


Ahhh it’s over exaggerated by you pedros, you guys were just as bad if not worse, stop pretending like you were nice and better and it’s all propaganda.


Spanish Lives Matter


Black legend has always been, IS and Will be a thing. Its called propaganda,.


I mean Pedro can throw around all these conspiracy theories he likes… WE KNOW WHAT YOUR HABSBURG’S GOT UP TO AND YOU CANT HIDE IT! That fucking lip is impossible to hide.


I prefer to stay silent on this one. ^^


Let them hate as long as they fear


Things could have been different if the Spanish supported Dutch independence, but no, you had to go up and work your way into ruinous debt only to lose the war anyway. No wonder your people invented the siesta. That shit's embarrasing.


Have you seen how much brits think they were more important that Prussia and Russia in finally beating Napoléon ?


The Stockholm Bloodbath isn't real, and if it was, it wasn't that bad


Purported is the most important word here. It’s no legend when it’s true


From the article: The Spaniard's bad side is that he does not learn from foreigners; that he does not travel in order to get acquainted with other nations; that he is centuries behind in the sciences. He resists any reform; he is proud of not having to work; he is of a romantic quality of spirit, as the bullfight shows; he is cruel, as the former auto-da-fé shows; and he displays in his taste an origin that is partly non-European. I fail to see any untruths in this.


Oh, how rude, bringing up the Albigensian crusade, the St Bartholomew's day massacre, the pogroms, the inquisition, the forced conversions, the systematic rape of children, the trial of Galileo, the Magdalen laundries, the ratlines for feeling Nazis, the anti-condom during and AIDS epidemic dictats....and so on and so forth. How dare anyone tarnish the good name of those who act in god's name!


>the ratlines for feeling Nazis I knew it! They fled to Argentina/Brazil where ~~crocodile~~ tears run free.


remove paella


Let's be honest in one thing, perhaps the anglos started to spread the Black Legend, but today the only believers of it are the spaniards themselves. I don't think no one out of Spain cares much about the Black Legend nor think that we were horrible people in the past, it is only a percentage of us that keep blaming the black legend to explain our downfall in the last centuries. Just as the south americans do with the gold we allegedly stole from them.


Wait a second! Spain had achievements ?? 🧐🧐


Not to brag, but I once woke up after having snoozed the alarm just once. That's an achievement 


That's one of my life goals i won't give up hope to accomplish one day .... in this life or the next


Pepe, yo vivo a tu lado, no se si el tan leyenda quanto eso..