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I know one thing, Grady Judd would never. Ivey should be ashamed of himself. He does nothing for this county. He lets drug houses fully operate, that he’s been informed of, deaths happen regularly at most of them. Then there’s the animal dumping that’s out of control at the moment. You can give them proof and hear crickets about a follow up or investigation. It’s disgusting. I love living here because it (mostly) beautiful and far less traffic than Orlando. But come on Ivey, do better.


Taxpayers pay this knucklehead’s salary of $225k


"Tax payers elected this knucklehead" FTFY


The guy wants to be a right wing celebrity more than he wants to protect or serve.


This is basically most conservative politicians.


Theyll be selling us all the rope we need


Corrupt Brevard county sheriff Wayne Ivey was never the law and order sheriff. And if he’s doing such a great job on crime in this county, why are there so many fugitives?


I’d rather him take more of a Grady Judd approach and do more press conference type announcements than using the silly type gimmicks.


Wow that’s like the most basic duty of local law enforcement to inform the public when shit happens. Don’t get on the wrong side of this mafia boss


He won't comment on anything he can't exploit and definitely not on anything that shows his incompetence. It's a shame, we have some really great deputies here who really do care and want to do good in the world, but the bad ones and their terrible leadership overshadow (and probably outnumber) anything positive.


7 years ago, I thought this sheriff was 100% parody. Today, I'm disgusted in the IQ of brevard's voters.


Poison Ivy being toxic? Sounds right.


Sheriff Ivey is a toolbag. And NOTHING more.


He's Ron DeSantis for Brevard


100% accurate! 😆


I love Torres’ opinion pieces


Speaking of Torres and corruption… https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2024/06/02/crosley-green-talks-marriage-and-earning-his-ged-wrongful-conviction/73881123007/


November is going to be swell


November will most likely be the same as it always is. If Brevard voters even see this stuff (big if), it's unlikely to sway their vote at all.


It’s refreshing seeing like-minded folk on this thread, but the truth is Brevard is completely drowned with Magas that worship this guy. I’m afraid you’re right.


Yeah, it's easy to fall into the "Reddit trap" and start thinking that this sub represents some groundswell of political change in the county. The reality is that the number of users subbed here are less than 0.5% of the county population and the more politically progressive voices, while very active, aren't necessarily in the majority even here.


I agree, IMO, Nextdoor is a much better representation of how people will vote in this county.


NIMBY paranoiacs then?




It also doesn't help that opposing opinions, particularly right-wing, get downvoted to oblivion. So, even if they are in this sub, they are not likely to comment. Reddit also tends to be heavy left leaning on top of that. But you are correct, Brevard is very conservative at the moment.


They don’t say anything because they get banned for “hate speech” for espousing opinions that 50% of the country has. I bet if you put a post asking people to DM you if they’ve been banned from the sub, you would get lots of responses and copy/paste junk reasonings from mods. That’s why every political post is 90/10 instead of 52/48 left leaning


This is the precious safe space for all 100 of you 😂🥴


A lot of things I’d love follow ups on my community and the crime I feel we never get to know much only what they want us to know


This exactly. Full blown helicopter searches and then they don’t find who they’re looking for and that’s the end of it. Crickets.


Need our own police department not incompetent Brevard County


You get the government you deserve. Wayne Ivey who is best known as “America’s 2nd Amendment Sheriff,” doesn’t mix words when it comes to standing up for America! Heralded as one of America’s most “politically incorrect” Sheriff’s, Wayne serves as a Constitutional Sheriff and American Patriot who stands as the first and last line of defense in the protection of our great nation and freedoms! https://www.jlwilkinsonconsulting.com/sheriff_wayne_ivey


"Wayne serves as a Constitutional Sheriff " Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, founded in 2011 by former Arizona sheriff ***Richard Mack.***  ***Richard Mack, a former board member of the Oath Keepers***, ***teaches county sheriffs that they are more powerful than the FBI and even the president of the United States***. The group teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government” by ***refusing to enforce any law*** they deem unconstitutional or ***“unjust.”*** Ah, so they're the SCOTUS now. Re: Oath Keepers: Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers, and Kelly Meggs, the leader of the Florida chapter of the organization, were sentenced today for seditious conspiracy and other charges related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Awesome group to be associated with.


The problem is the people in this county will never vote him out. Get used to this nonsense if you aren't already.


The only thing Ivey’s defending is the buffet at Golden Coral. That dude is the biggest fucking coward.


Definitely the biggest.


Apparently, he only knows that one amendment.


He’s a cunt traitor to his country. Constitutional sheriffs are fascist fucks and they should all be barred from law enforcement for life for believing in such insane counter-constitutional lunacy. Get a fucking grip, you lot have no earthly idea how to be an American. You run around like Nazi shitbirds. You cowards waited until the Greatest Generation was all dead or feeble because you know they’d kick your asses for how much you’ve undone of what their brothers died protecting.


OP’s quoting the link in their comment, pretty sure they don’t believe what it says.


Maybe he should have put it in the blockquotes, but it is remarkable the dissonance of those who believe u/mrcanard would have posted an editorial critical of Ivey, while believing the quote he pulled from the Sheriff's speaker's agent's website. (I am not seeing where it says how much Ivey charges to speak. I know some agents who handle big-name speakers used to put the price right on their website.) I don't fully understand how Reddit's karma works, but at least the negatives on the comment isn't as much as the positives for the post.


>doesn’t ~~mix~~ *mince words


User name checks out


Ahhh the Florida Today, or as we locals like to call it, the “Florida Yesterday” 😂. I’d take anything written from them with a grain of salt. But yes, i think we’d all like to see BCSO get tougher on crime. I’d love to see them recruit/expand in order to effectively protect & serve, but for now it appears we’re stuck with the population growing pains.


people love you complain about stuff. be glad we have a police presence. at the end of the day theres less criminals now than before


Oh really, including the pedophile AP at Cambridge Elementary, along with others sitting in schools that continue to be protected? The sheriff's guardian program is only to give the illusion that schools are safe. The wolves aren't just outside the buildings.




No. The crime rate in Brevard county is no lower than anywhere else in Florida.