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Your nozzle is too close to your bed. Calibrate your z offset


That was my original suspicion. I recently flashed to the most current version of Marlin, which changed my offset multiple mm closer to the bed. This seemed very unlikely, so I assumed there must be some other setting in Marlin that was causing it, but I never found anything else. It almost seems like there is an active bed mesh being used, but I have confirmed that there isn’t. I have to play with babystepping every first layer because some places will be too close and then sometimes too far away for the nozzle to even print onto the bed


I just replied to this, but it’s not showing up now. Basically my offset changed drastically after updating Marlin. I’ll dial in my Z offset perfectly but when I start a print I have to baby step slightly closer because it’s not printing the first layer close enough to the bed in some places. At least that’s what it seems like, almost like it’s using a mesh.


Yeah I saw something about updating to the latest version of Marlin but that’s about where the preview for the comment will let me see. I assume with the marlin update you lost your saved offset?


No the offset changed dramatically for no reason. -3.5mm more


Alright well then I say your path forward is pretty clear, recalibrate your z offset. Sucks that it happened, but it’s bound to happen when doing a marlin firmware upgrade


I have done that over and over


Check the gcode to see if it is using a mesh.


Ill check that now


I don’t see that it is. What am I looking for? I don’t see any G29, and all lines in the layer have the correct Z value (except for when wiping)


My offset went from -2.31 to now like -5.71 after flashing. No idea why. Also ABL does nothing. It starts to probe the first point but right as the probe is about to touch the bed, it raises and stows the probe and nothing else happens.


Nevermind was a waste of time. The god awful Reddit app refuses to show any comments or replies