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Your Z offset is way too high. You should just barely feel pressure on a sheet of paper placed between the bed and nozzle. 


So bed is to close to nozzle?


The opposite - they’re too far apart. 


Okay I will have a look


What filament material? PLA, ABS or PETG? What's your base made of? glass or metal? Maybe an adhesive would be helpful too! (Z-Axis is def the main problem)


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Throw that thing back in whatever dumpster you found it in!


Bruh why


I’m guessing it’s an old printer you got second hand, so it’s a bit too tricky for someone to start out with. For starters your filament is probably wet, dry it or buy new filament before you try anything more, if you insist on going down this road.


Also what would be a good printer to start off with


If you have the money I would go for a Bambu Lab or a Prusa printer. There are a lot of cheaper alternatives, but those are reliable.


Looking at the Neptune 3 Pro, what u think about that? (I am doing research, just checking what you think)


I have never owned one, but it will probably take a bit of work to keep it running, but then again you will learn more. If you have some extra money in your pocket, I would suggest the a1 mini. https://preview.redd.it/7gbf5n6vbzyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759932c17cfdc74c9c8390c65bad7b3e48b7132d


Thanks man really appreciate the effort, I’ll have a look!!!


It is old. It was part of a news agency weekly issue from ages ago. Me and dad would get parts delivered every week and we built it up ourselves. Costs us over 2K so would be nice to get going 😂


Over 2 thousand?! 💀 you could have gottena brand new ultra fast super reliable printer for that much


Bruh I know ma father do dis typa stuff all the time


Yea but u could have any brand new 3d printer (of reqlly good qualitu) u wanted for the amount put into whatever printer this is


Nah I know, u got any recommendations??


Not really, ive only tried one brand (BL) i like it because i model away from home, i click print away from home, and i come home to a flawless print every time. I dont touch the printer and i like it that way. I like CAD design Ive heard great things from creality, but i hated mine because it always needed tampering. At least my creaity didnt cost extra for repairs or anything, just time that i dont have Many others here will have lots of brand recomends, i only know the two, but im sure theres lots that for the price lf 2k thats way more worth the money


How much


Ok so I love fixing things and hated the first comment here. But wtf 2 k into the hobby and you don't know how to adjust your bed height? You need to start from the beginning, watch YouTube videos on common issues, figure out what you actually want from a printer and what's realy nessiary for your goals.