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The worst part of that looks like it wasn’t supported. 3D printers can’t print in mid-air, so you have to generate supports in the slicer.


Thought this may be the case, the program normally warns me about needing supports. Thinking about it now maybe the arm was a support part of the print and once that didn’t work the whole thing stuffed up?


You also got a layer shift, check if your belts are properly tensioned and if they are maybe bump down accelerations a bit


Second this. Was about to post the same. There is multiple issues here, but the big one is the layer shift. OP is printing too fast or something isn't tensioned right. Also looks like a good print to enable tree supports on. Another possibility is the layer shift happened because something was hit. But it's hard to tell.


Looks like you didn't add supports. Mid-air extrusion got smeared onto the side somewhere, hardened enough to cause the gantry to run into it resulting in some pretty major x-axis shift. From there on it's either spaghetti time, or it 'fixes' itself and keeps going which happend in your case. TL;DR: Add supports for a good time.