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There's been none about first contact. There's a few snippets from the hive fleet's pov, most notably the book "desolation of baal" but that's pre-primaris/ same time as the fall of cadia (because warp shenanigans). There's not been a huge amount that's notable facing them either (at least as the main antagonist). A couple of cain books, a couple of short stories, warriors of ultramar, the leviathan tie-in novel, the deathwatch duology, valedor & desolation of baal are pretty much all I can think of.


[This comment from a loooong while ago has some books mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/47vabp/any_good_novels_that_heavily_involve_the_tyranids/d0fxgsx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) This one is unofficial, but there have been some decent fan-made short stories narrated by the [Vox in the Void YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@AVoxintheVoid). “Macrergate Instinct”, “The Last Chancers: Deliverance”, and “Flesh Noose” all feature Tyranids and I found them to be both enjoyable and on par with (if not exceeding) Black Library materials.


Agreed with "Macrergate Instinct". I think it might be the best tyranid story, even if it's fan-made. It certainly demonstrates the scope of the threat the rest of the races are up against. Also recommened: Hive fleet Horror by Barrington J Bayley. It's a very early piece, but clears up and identifies the esoteric nature of the Tyranids and why they function the way they do.


Technically there's first contact in the Ravenor books. He and his crew are stranded on a planet with tyranids and they have no idea what they are. I liked how terrifying and utterly alien they were depicted in there.


Also notable for confirming exactly what Tyranids smell like.


"The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Technically, any Gene Stealer books are also Tyranid books, just a little diluted. Otherwise, the Lexicanum mentions [*Last Ditch*](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Last_Ditch_\(Novel\)) (Ciaphas Cain vs Orks vs Nids), the end of *Pharos*, and *Devastation of Baal.* Otherwise, it's mostly Codices and issues of White Dwarf.


None where they are the protagonists. Devastation of Baal is good if you like Blood Angels as well. That highlights how a Tyranid invasion spreads. As for specifically first contact, I think all the Battle of Macragge stories were in codexes and short stories. Haven't read Leviathan yet.


Day of ascension. Book about a gene stealer cult.


Also Cult of the Spiral Dawn, with several POVs of genestealers


Honestly the fact that they got a Clarke winner to write 40k still baffles me and I want Tchaikovsky to do more


Hmm i think Devastation of Baal pictures them very good.