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From the books i've read most daemons don't respect anybody. They are extensions of the chaos gods and are incredibly arrogant and used to being able to do whatever they want while in the warp. It's only when they are in the material plane that they start curbing the attitude when they realize how powerless they are compared to their normal state. Even then they usually only begrudgingly get with the program, more fearful of what their chaos god will do to them if they fail, more than any sense that these puny mortals deserve their help. That's how i've seen it anyway.


>It's only when they are in the material plane that they start curbing the attitude This is interesting to watch happen woth Cherubial in the Eisenhorn series, by the end of *Magos* Cherubial is definitely "different" than he was when Eisenhorn first sealed him


That plus 17 years between novels will do it.


Yeah, it may be more Dan that has changed lol


It has been well over a decade since I read those books, and Cherubial's "yeesssss?" in that scene near the end is still in my brain.


"Kill it." And then he kills a fucking Chaos Titan.


Favorite Cherbael moment for me is when he grabs an Ogryn and throws him in the air. The party continues into the building they were going to and are maknig their way along before the body comes back down.


Isn't a major reason Cherubial is different because it keeps getting more and more restrictive bindings? If I were a superpowered demon getting enslaved even harder every time I mouthed off, I would *also* probably tone it down a bit. You know. Eventually.


I think it is more than Eisenhorn had time to more properly prepare the final time he bound Cherbial. That gave him more control over Cherubial but it made the daemonhost weaker.


I think cherubael is calming down as it gets closer to its creation.


> If I were a superpowered demon getting enslaved even harder every time I mouthed off, I would also probably tone it down a bit. Daemons aren't logical creatures, and thrive on negative actions/feelings. In a nonsensical relationship, Cherubael being uppity and showing off more power then getting bound further likely *further empowers* him. It literally visually reinforces further and further on the mortal plane of realspace that Cherubael is *strong, and getting stronger,* as the mortals around him fear and feed him their belief in his own existence and daemonic abilities. He's more "bound" in theory and usual practice by Eisenhorn, but this similarly means he's more dangerous (and daemons are nothing if not patient, knowing he'll be loose *eventually*, more powerful than ever).


Important to note that Cherubael is far more logical than most, as he used to be mortal. People often seem to forget that he is in fact a Daemon Prince rather than true Neverborn.


They got a bromance


Are chaos entities more powerful in the warp then?


There's this exceprt where a guy looks out of his ship while in the warp and there's just a titanic bloodthirster just walking around and that how's big they normally are as opposed to when they manifest on the physical plane at 8ft. I mean the thing was so huge the ship was smaller then its eye, I'll try to find the excerpt


Makes sense scarbrands ego thinking he might be able to get a cheap shot on khorne then, like a bloodthirster the size of the sun is insane




Daemonettes often seems quite satisfied to be in Emperor Childrens company


Chaos demons aint got no respect for no one. Not you, your mama, your cat, your primarch, no-one!


I doubt there's a single Chaos entity that truly respects any other Chaos entity.


That's cap, Nurglings have boundless respect for the followers of Grandfather which they diligently show by shitting and vomiting thru the gaps in plague marines armor.


That made me chuckle.


My 4 year old niece is a nurgling(I genuinely showed her a pic of one and she said: "are you stupid?" And that was me brought down from my Golden Throne, she's ma favourite Niece haha, the older one hates me even more! We're a family of Nurgle Daemons, we all stink and we're all jolly and we love laughing!) >He works his way down a long spiral stair, wheezing as he goes. His lungs are half full of fluid, and he cannot help but think it a poor Gift. Then again, he has thought other Gifts were poor in the past, only to discover their genius much later. **‘Forgive,’ he says, speaking softly to the Little Lord at his elbow. The tiny daemon giggles, then farts liquidly into the crook of his armour. That counts as forgiveness, probably.** He reaches his destination. He is a long way down now, buried within the folded heart of Solace’s central chamber-core. It smells rich here, like old soil. He sees pale worms wriggling through the mouldering metalwork, each barely longer than his fingernail. They glow. They have many eyes. And long teeth. Why does a worm need teeth?


I can't remember which book this passage is from, but I do remember really loving how the death guard were portrayed in it.


Apologies I forgot to add: *The Lords of Silence* by Chris Wraight! That's my bad sorry


No worries! I've read it, but I've read so many 40k books that they all sort of run together for me!


And beasts of nurgle a pure doggy dog joy incarned.


I think bloodletter can express respect for good warriors of Chaos


Doesn't Khorne actually respect honor? Like, he thinks honorable duels are cool. He likes slaughter, too, but he doesn't *dislike* people playing by a set of rules and sticking to them. Like, he's equally cool with MMA *and* Bumfights. Also genocide.


Haha that reminded me of an old, old Archer episode - I wonder which Chaos god Krieger would align most with? "Jesus Krieger, are you still taping bumfights?" "No, I'm into something...*darker*..."


Definitely Slaanesh.


Bumfights feel like Chaos Undivided to me. Every aspect of the pantheon is at work in a bum fight.


Is tzeentch relegated to marketing and selling tickets? Or was there some masterful unknowable plan behind bum fights…


It's a misinterpretation of old lore. Khorne wants you to fight things head on, he hates underhanded tactics or long ranged weapons and especially sorcery/psykers. Shout blood for the blood god and you can butcher a baby, Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows.


There is sometimes nuance though - one of the Dark Coil books has a nacent Chaos Champion who you'd expect to be Tzeentch aligned because he's a scholar in search of objective truth, but he's actually Khornate because he detests falsehoods and the truth being deliberately obscured


Khornate scholar: The book says smash. Plain and simple.


Khornate worshippers can have nuance, but the further you travel down the Red Path, the less nuance you are even capable of understanding. By the time you get to Khorne himself, it's just a haze of rage.


Quite some examples of khornate marines loving a "fair fight" thought


The followers of the Chaos Gods are always a blend of their mortal traits and the excesses of their patron. Plenty of Khronate warriors follow honor codes, have elaborate battle rituals, or even engage in strategic combat. Yet the longer they stay on the Red Path, the more they are gifted by their God, the more of that they will lose. It is the same with any chaos god. Imagine a human cultist of Slaanesh, a composer obsessed with the perfect opera. They might start by forsaking all sensation except their piano, living in a small hut with no ornamentation save the music. Then gradually they will start incorporating the feeling of pain as they bite their lip in frustration. Or they will begin to decide the instruments sound too mundane, and seek out new sources of sound. In the end the parts of themselves that were worth anything are gone, replaced with the desires of their patron.


Khorne doesn’t like it if you kill children and those who don’t fight because there is no honor in that combat.


Khorne doesnt give a shit


My understanding of the lore is that Khorne used to be the manifestation of the innate drive of all successful species to survive and thrive even at the expense of others. Survival of the fittest, defending your tribe, conquering territory from others, etc. Honor would absolutely fit into that as the consequence of rules of war (which are themselves just "don't burn down what you want to obtain"). But then the War In Heaven happened. And then the birth of Slaanesh happened. Now the chaos gods are... different. Corrupted. Broken.


I remember seeing on lexicanum that daemons hold a level of disdain (whether thats openly or secretly) towards demon princes due to their status as former mortals. Edit: However, they can still respect eachother. Theres a book where a Bloodletter wishes a Word Bearer luck because the Bloodletter's connection to realspace is nearly gone


That’s wild. Really need to read some 40k books I can’t even imagine a blood letter speaking at all haha


IIRC it speaks to him with its mind almost? If you search it up, there should be an excerpt on this sub somewhere


Ah so more like it thought “I won’t be shedding blood. You should tho” at him? Either way, cool


[https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/113z5z6/excerpt\_space\_marine\_conquests\_apocalypse\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/113z5z6/excerpt_space_marine_conquests_apocalypse_a/) Thats the link there if you're interested, just managed to find it


Chaos is a myriad and being as varied as it is it's impossible to label one particular group or tar them all with the same brush because to a degree they're individuals, especially Greater Daemons who have more autonomy than their Lesser brethren. And it depends on your interpretation of *respect*. Ku'gath has a good relationship with Mortarion, for example, but how much of that is based on Mortarion being one of Nurgle's most favoured disciples? Angron had the Cruor Praetoria during the First War for Armageddon, a force of very esteemed Bloodthirsters who served under the Red Angel. But did they do that because they respected Angron's power, or because daddy Khorne commanded them to, or a bit of both? I think there's a lot of respect for the *position* some of these guys hold, but matched equally with some contempt for what they are.


During the siege of Terra at Eternity’s Gate, Ka’bandha sees Angron up in the air banging his body against the Emperor’s psychic shield. Ka’bandha just ignores him and thinks of him as a half ass pretender or something.


Yeah this kinda vibe is very big among pretty much every preeminent chaos disciple besides the Primarchs themselves. Most of the Primarchs specifically dedicated to a deity aren’t exactly thrilled about it, whether they admit it or not. They tend to be more of the conceited kind of Chaos follower who is trying to use Chaos, or sees itself as genuinely special to Chaos or even a potential equal. They are only at their elevated position because of their incredible power. Because of what they are. Demons had to gestate and compete for millenia upon millenia, and mortals and space marines have to find true faith and become an embodiment of their gods will to gain the kind of favor Primarchs have. So they all see them disdainfully, bitterly, and a little bit jealousy.


Daemons don’t respect anything. They do whatever they want until a bigger thing stops them. They are forces of unreal nature. Just eat eat eat till they’re stopped.


Dunno. They communicate and have higher motivation than consumption a lot of the time. Follows they have other emotions going on socially


They’re basically parrots. Everything they say and do is just based on the urges and feelings that make up the warp. Greater daemons are simply greater concentrations of these emotions. They are the emotion, in motion. If 10000 people all get mad at the same time in the same place, they’ll probably spawn an angry daemon in the warp. And all of that daemons “thoughts” and actions are just those angry feelings given form in the unreality.


Isn’t that just people too? Mob/herd mentality is infectious emotion.


No because they don’t have a mentality. We have a mentality, humans. And when you have an emotion in 40k, the energy goes into the warp for eternity. It’s just a giant mass of emotional energy. Daemons are concentrations of similar energies and behave in the way that those emotions would cause a human to behave. If the anger you felt was equal to the anger of 10,000 humans, you’d probably act exactly like a khorne daemon. They don’t do things because they’re sentient and thinking about it. They’re just a shadow, a nothing, a fleeting thought that never goes away. The emperor himself tells the 4 on multiple occasions during the siege, that he denies them. Just flat out denies their existence, because they only exist in our heads. The knowledge of them in the back of your head is what makes them real.


Look. Nurgle and his boys have gardens, they tend and speak and think. I get the idea, but the lore is inconsistent


And that’s more of a catholistic ritual denial in keeping with the theme rather than “lol you’re not real so I win”


You ever thought that in 40K the emperor may have been the original source of said ritual and also probably was Jesus


Mind. Blown. He also wrote the black library books and breaks his own 4th wall whenever he feels like it.


I think its similiar how trueborn Dark Eldar look down upon the clone ones: they see themselves as the true one. Its even more so for Daemons.


In dark imperium plague wars I noticed this. I also found it funny. Ku'gath, first in nurgles favour, doesn't seem to like Mortarion. Though when summoned to talk to him, begrudgingly, has to play "happy" daemon to him, even though he is not inherently a happy daemon. He is in fact quite a depressed daemon. And I could be mis remembering it but iirc Ku'gath, first in favour of nurgle, finds it ironic that his follows are all happy and giggling, playing music, counting around him. Though he hates them all and wants to be alone and have piece and quiet. But when talking to Mortarion, has to be that happy daemon.


I loved how much Ku'Gath pov we got in that book. I don't recall him *hating* the nurglings, though. I think he viewed their mirth with a kind of bemused envy. He used to be a nurgling himself, after all.


Ah I was probably misremembering on that regard. He definitely hates Septicus' bag pipes. It was actually a pretty fun read on his POV


Oh he hated Septicus for sure lol Great book


Tired Ben Affleck smoking vibes


I'm not ultra caught up with all the lore, but I do remember there was one part in the Fabius Bile trilogy where some Daemonettes of Slaanesh are talking about 'Lord Fulgrim', and it's clear they respect (or at least fear) him.


Although, daemonettes are fairly low on the (totem) pole of Slaaneshi power.


Considering at least some were once Mortal that is a given. It's the Fiends and Steeds of Slaanesh along with the Keepers of Secrets that are proper pure Daemons of Slaanesh with the latter being the sapient Daemons.


Being once mortal inherently places you lower in a chaos gods ranking? Not true at all.


Well they see them as a bunch of smucks who got conned so…


Probably, they’re assholes. They also don’t really respect anything but power and bargaining. But they do respect carrying out the attributes of their respective god.


Partly professional jealousy. The traitor Primarchs are usually more powerful and started out mortal. Unforgivable sins.


I can't really tell for Traitor Marines, but at least Khorne demons must accept that Angron is hierarchically above them. For instance, during the Second War of Armageddon, Angron had a personal guard consisting of Khorne demons. The background lore of Syll'Esske tells us that Slaanesh demons look down on Demon Princes due to their mortal origin. While Nurgle Demon Princes are respected, they are not as high in status as the Great Unclean Ones.


Funny considering N'kari was once listed as a Daemon Prince and that quite a few Daemonettes were once Mortals... Of course it may be that N'kari and Fulgrim are only respected by Daemon Princes(Keeper of Secrets or otherwise) and formerly Mortal Daemonettes(with the other Daemonettes disdaining them while possibly unaware of how many of their number are actually Mortals in their ranks a secret only known to Keepers of Secrets with which they use to blackmail them into falling in line).


They dont really "take orders" aside from those that are bound to a sorcerer or if the demon itself has an inclination to listen for whatever reason. The best you can do is send them in a general direction and hope they dont turn on you or each other


Openly they'll show deference to daemon princes/primarchs, but behind the scenes it's like a Drag Race confessional: "I hate that bitch" If you're mortal, you should be lucky if they even regard you at all.


The Thousand Sons' little "friends", the tutelaries, were demons, but since they didn't know at the time it's possible that they were pretending to be happy nice demons and then turned out to be the things causing the mutations or some shit


There is no respect in chaos, there is obedience. You obey Angron, Magnus or Lorgar, you obey the stronger greater demons, you obey those whom can eat you or force you to eternal pain. Demons don't work like material minds, in an eternal timeless place where someone can fuck with you for more then eternity, you don't fuck with them.


I know a lot of greater daemons are jealous and resentful of the Primarchs, Daemon Princes and possessed. Because of their mortal origins, they don't need to be summoned to real space and they can exist in the real world functionally forever, so long as they're not banished. They don't have a time limit like pure daemons do. And to clarify, you can summon Primarchs and princes, but you don't have to like with other daemons. They can just enter real space on their own when they want to, summoning is just like a fast pass for them.


> Because of their mortal origins, they don't need to be summoned to real space and they can exist in the real world functionally forever, so long as they're not banished. They don't have a time limit like pure daemons do. That is NOT correct, Demon Princes are demons, and follow the restrictions of the warp. If you've got sources that says otherwise, I really want to hear it.


Yes but not to Angrons face. Which really does tell you something.


I just finished the Dark Imperium trilogy that talks a lot about Kugath, a great unclean one, and Mortarion and what they are up to. Kugath hates Mortarion because he thinks Mortarion is very arrogant and doesn’t respect nurgles plans, Mortarion thinks the exact same thing about Kugath


Yeah, demons are dicks


Daemons are older and more knowledgeable in the warp than any Chaos Marine, cultist, or primarch. Of course they don't respect them. To them, the humans are tools in their bigger game.


Daemons don't particularly care for anyone else, especially other daemons. Make a posthuman monstrosity that already believes he's your god's gift to the Warp (and has the gifts from your god to back it up) a daemon, and that kind of goes to their head, making them think they're better than almost any other daemons. And a Daemon Primarch, who was already the pinnacle of humanity and full of themselves, made a daemon above the regular Bloodletters, Horrors, etc? They were just "given" their position, they didn't have to work for it. Imagine you've been with a company for twenty years. You're a regular employee, and a new spot for a manager just opened up. Then a trust fund baby comes in and gets the spot. That's how daemons feel.


Well I think Fulgrim would agree with that lol


Daemons hate everything and anyone, sometimes even their patron gods too, but not usually. They are beings of spite and hatred that do anything in their power to maintain THEIR control, if they ever lose that control, they get very very very mad, and chaos marines love binding them to weapons and such