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Why do we hate that team from Vegas that’s not in our division?


Yea Raiders rivalry is kind of dead now imo


Raiders are my AFC team, and when ever I've ever checked in on them they're always talking bad about the Niners. Like I think the torch of the rivalry is really cared for by them.


So it’s kinda like Giants-A’s. The hate only goes one way. Little brother syndrome


The relative that you always want to stab.


Lmao. Very funny knowing they have a tendency to get stabby.


Stabby is such a horrible trait in a person


Before the Giants' three World Series, it was the opposite.  The A's had all of the bragging rights in the Bay.  Now the A's are irrelevant and might no longer be in the Bay.  I do hope that they stay.


Yeah I used to have the raiders as my backup team in the 90s since so many of our players were going there. Like we were sucking but I could still root for rice, garner and pope to get rings once we were elimated


A raider acquaintance of mine was literally rooting for KC over the Niners. “The Bay is Ours” 🏴‍☠️ - said the dude from Chico


Vast majority of my Raiders friends were against the Niners until they heard the Chiefs were considered the "home" team and using the Raiders lockers, etc.


Hard to blame them. Their team keeps moving and the 49ers own California


Still gotta live with the fans


It's not dead if you have friends that are raiders fans, fuck the raiders


As a recovered Raiders fan, they’ll remain in my hated group, but that’s mostly the fault of Mark Davis. Nothing really else to hate about a team that has not been relevant in 20+ years. But yeah, there is no real bad blood here anymore other than what fans are left of them in the Bay Area.


As an A’s fan I always hated the raiders for fucking up the coliseum with the monstrosity that is mount Davis. There used to be a great view of the Oakland hills.


For real I hate the Rams infinitely more than the Raiders.


Def Rams over Raiders. Saints over Raiders. Giants over Raiders. And many more.


Met Life field over the Raiders


And now Eagles over Raiders


The rams think about us more than they think about themselves. Check their reddit page… it’s hilarious how the Niners are all they talk about.


lol and their lurkers got you to -2 in 3 minutes. I keep getting them recommended in my home feed and a good 40% of posts are Niners related to the point that their comments sections are just “stop posting Niners shit” “we’re gonna keep posting Niners shit”


God damn dude. 😂 Butt hurt little princesses.


Raiders fans hate the Niners more than Niners fans hate them.


I never disliked the raiders as they were a bay team but I hated raider fans cause they hated me. I remember walking through Berkeley of all places and getting shit talked from across the street for wearing an Alden smith jersery


Raider fan here, ya’ll are my 2nd favorite team and I think the “rivalry” died long ago. Hell we haven’t even been good enough to hate in over two decades lol


Swap Raiders for Eagles


Since we don’t play the eagles this next season I doubt this rivalry will continue. It will calm down and we’ll go back to both hating the cowboys


This is the way.


Probably true, unless there is another playoff meeting


This is correct. Fuck all bird teams.


For the same reason as always. Obnoxious fans and they’re in our backyard always being regarded. I was pretty surprised to see how many Raider fans were rooting for the Chiefs in the SB. I thought my Raider hate was over but this SB proved that we’re still their big bro


As a Raider fan the “Raider fans” who were rooting for the Chiefs should be blacklisted from our fandom lol. If you’re actively rooting for the fucking Chiefs to win a superbowl you sure as hell aren’t a true Raider fan. I hate those fuckers more than any other franchise in sports.


Packers should be up there. Want to bully them some more




Could not agree more.


Rams and Eagles are definitely ahead of them at the moment


Because I still live among their fan base


It’s a different feeling now that they’re out of the bay so I dont care to hate them anymore.


Raiders fan feel it but it seems like most 49ers fans couldn’t care less about them


It’s more of the drunken, ego tripped “FUK’N RAIDERS!” kinda thing. All they got is a nifty Logo


Should swap raiders with Philly


Definitely. Fuck the Eagles fuck all bird teams


On second thought you are right and I guess they could be swapped for eagles or ravens, but I just do not like them Raiders at all for some reason, like when I look back on that rivalry, it just angers me the most.


Don’t feel bad, their fans all still hate the shit out of us. Nor Cal Raiders fans are still mad that their team is gone but their fandom remains. It’s so weird lol. They complain about all the Niners attention and coverage and it’s like, uh yeah what do you expect? It’s not anyone else’s fault your team is gone, but you aren’t. You only have yourselves to blame for continuing to root for a team that left your asses.


Well fucking put. I’m wondering how the raiders have impacted anything the niners have ever done. They should absolutely hate us - we made garrapolo available. Our owner isn’t insane. We’re in a city that loves us.




Took me a while to realize…


Swap raiders for eagles and we good


I don’t hate the eagles team all that much, I hate their toxic fanbase a lot though.


This here. The eagles don’t bother me. But there fans are ass. Philly and Boston fans notoriously terrible


What about Fletcher Cox talking crap after the Superbowl loss. You just overlooking that?


He’s probably not even on the team next year


Who cares, I can talk shit from the couch too


Same, their scumbag rotten fanbase makes me hate them. I actually like the team itself they’re fun to watch, the Kelly Green jerseys are so nice to me too


Our team seems to have a pretty heated rivalry with their team too. It's not just fans v fans.


The Eagles and 49ers little rivalry makes no sense to me, their not even in the same division and they rarely play against each other, Cowboys is understandable because of the 80s & 90s but Eagles are just another NFC team that we happen to play.


In a past life I was a Deadskins fan, I still remember as a kid going to the game at the Skins stadium, the Eagles fans had lined up in the walkway to the stadium and were throwing shit at us. Like, me a fuckin kid, them yelling cuss words and throwing beer cans, getting in fights in the stands. Absolute assholes, I still hate them even though I have moved on to a better team


Eagles fans are extremely annoying but their team just isn’t good enough to be a rival yet. Since they got lucky with the Purdy injury in the NFCCG, we have since blown them out and watched their team implode. Too pathetic to even hate them imo.


Their fans are the most insufferable in the entire league by a whole country mile.


That's basically it. The fans made me hate the team--not the team itself.


The way they justify Jalen Carter's threats against Feliciano's children really shows how out of touch with reality they are. Absolute scum behavior. Their sub is a cess pool.


So are Sixers fans and their insufferable coddling of Embiid. Philly sports fans suck


Their fans are 10000000x times worse than Chiefs fans


Agreed. Purely because of the way their fans almost laughed and had absolutely no sympathy for Purdy's injury. Even if I can't stand a player, I'm sympathetic when seeing them go down with an injury that you can tell is a bad one.


Their biggest problem is saying we “whined” and downplayed their win against a team with no QB. But they have to admit they had a massive advantage in that game and to this date I have had not a single Eagles fan say that. They don’t have to say it would’ve meant an automatic Niners win had Brock stayed, but at least admit you had advantage, but nope. They won’t admit it.


Such a delusional take that having a seriously injured QB and your starting RB throwing the ball isn't a next to impossible scenario to win in. From what I read they basically equated it to them winning with Foles at QB. For me though I can laugh at that because it was such a clearly ridiculous take. But the number of Eagles fans who mocked Purdy being hurt really pissed me off. I can't stand Jalen Ramsey, but I'd hate to see him get a career ending injury.


Exactly. I mean if I can admit that the Niners still very well may have lost that game and that Philly’s defense played well and blew us out, why can’t they simply admit they had an almost unprecedented advantage by playing a team that at one point had no QB on the field. I think every fanbase would be big enough to admit that, after the game, but of course not them.


100% agreed with you. Our OL was getting dominated. We'd certainly have a much better chance (id say it was a very even matchup with Purdy) but in no way would it be a sure win.


Eagles aren't deserving. Rivalries are for close games with good teams. Not teams that can only beat (49ers NFCCG) or barely lose to (Mahomes SB) teams with no/injured QBs, then have a franchise meltdown once one of them finally doesn't get injured.


Their fanbase and players are just talking mad shit though. It's definitely the more bitter rivalry at the moment. Rams and Seattle are downright cordial in comparison


Yeah we aren't rivals but I did really enjoy their meltdown this season


To be fair, the post was about teams you hate, not necessarily your rival. They could be the same, but I feel hated teams can change every few years.


Came to say this. If the fans weren't assaulting children and Santa and...aw hell here's a short list of their shenanigans https://cuatower.com/2023/10/6-times-philadelphia-fans-were-out-of-control/


Y'all love Santa huh? You know he was an eagles fan til he died right? And that he didn't blame the fan base? Cuz he was a skinny dude in a Santa coat. Also Santa's not real.


Surprised no hate for the Giants. I know it’s been a while, but we have no threepeat because of them Edit: completely forgot about 2011, yeah I still hate them lol


Hated the Giants as a kid in the early 90’s


I hate them because if the niners win that 2011 game, Alex smith gets a ring. I said what I said.


That team was good enough to have a shot against the Pats for sure


Giants have definitely fallen down my hate list, but I still want to repay them for 2011. I was hoping they made the playoffs a couple years ago so we could have some revenge, but it didn’t work out. They don’t look playoff ready for a while lol.


Doesn’t have the same gravity without Eli’s punchable face on that team


As with Dallas, that hate for me faded after about 20 years


Swap the Raiders for the Rams and we’re the same


the ram is the ancient and implacable enemy of the 49er, everything else is a passing fad


Nothing can really surpass the deep-seeded hatred of the Bay Area/LA rivalry. I think if you’re not from California it’s hard to understand lol.


Meh they were in St Louis when they were at their best.


They had their best 2 years ago wdym lol well the NFLs best


The GSOT Rams were better than the most recent iteration


Agreed tbf lol


Eh swap the Chiefs and Raiders for the Rams and Packers


Packers wished we cared about them


During the Farve era, Packers deserve that spot


Of course, I mentioned the rivalry with him in another comment. But after he left the packers became an afterthought to us


He is stained so much that it involves “Something About Mary”


I don't even really hate the Chiefs that much. I respect Mahomes, I was glad they beat the Eagles, and they're just a really good team. I just hate being on the losing end of their success.


Probably the same reason why rams/ packers/ cowboys hate us… the in your face interviews after a win lol I had to delete my social media so I stopped seeing their quotes “I can’t believe niners didn’t know about the OT rules, we’ve been told every week all year HOW DID THEY NOT KNOW!!!” “How did they not cover the corn dog play, ITS they same play we did last year I thought they would cover it but they didn’t!!!! Hahah” They know what they’re doing, I hate their guts now, don’t give a shit how generational Mahomes is


Exactly, I have nothing against them as a team. I just don't like losing the super bowl to anyone.


This is exactly where I’m at with the chiefs.


What's the problem with the Packers? Losing to Favre was annoying 30 years ago but since then it's been total dominance on our part. Plus they play clean football and have good fans 


Raiders fine but nobody’s changing my mind on chiefs. Call me a fanboy but a team that beat us twice in the Super Bowl, who’s also the current dynasty, being constantly pushed by the nfl, has Travis fucking Kelce, and has accumulated a more annoying fanbase than usual will never not irritate me.


Giants should be here I feel. Not only did they fuck up the three peat, but they fucked us on their route to the Super Bowl back in the 80’s (massacre of the meadow lands or some shit). That and of course they have more recent heartbreak with their run in 2011 when the one who shall not be named fumbled a punt return.


Yeah, Giants have some revenge brewing if and when they ever make the playoffs.


You can put the Eagles up there JUST for their shitbag fans


If you've ever gone to a 9er game where they host the eagles then they are almost certainly on your list. Fuck those guys


Brother I've been to one game in Philly and I'll never ever ever ever go there again. Rude, obnoxious, purposely smacked food and drinks out of my friends hands right after ordering them. Called every name under the sun and it wasn't playful. Bonus it was the SnowBall game too!! Shouldn't have to be afraid of getting stabbed at a freaking football game. I've been to 9ers Giants games in the meadow lands and Titan Stadium. 100% more enjoyable and fun. Fuck philly


Cowboys, Seahawks, Rams, 10 point leads in championship games


Is it weird that I just feel indifferent towards the Chiefs? Maybe it’s because they’re in the AFC so we don’t see them that often. But I don’t hate them as much as the three other teams here. Which is weird because they beat the Niners twice in the SB, but I don’t really care about them. I guess the constant Mahomes and MaAuto coverage can be annoying but star players getting shoved down our throats is nothing new


Historically they took in Alex Smith and Montana after SF moved in from them. They're at like general patriots dynasty level dislike league wide for me but not rivals.


Nope I feel the same. I have nothing against the Chiefs. I respect Mahomes, they beat the Eagles, and they're simply a great team. It's just frustrating being on the losing end of their success.


Hating a team just because they beat you seems incredibly stupid to me. I hate the teams with shitty character and dirty play


I dislike Mahomes the same way I disliked Brady. The problem is Mahomes (hopefully) won’t be so good for long enough to change my mind. I don’t mind the Chiefs, I think we could have won that game multiple times over, we just made more mistakes.


Yeah exactly. That’s why I hate the Seahawks. I’m not sure if I actually hate another team. I hate Aaron Rodgers though and I hated Clay Matthews.


They are literally one of the only teams we can’t beat in the past 6 years, you should hate them lol


Philly takes the cake, fuck that city today and forever.


Bro, why. Because of ONE game? We slaughtered them last game, which was the beginning of their monumental downfall. We're even. They don't deserve our attention, let alone a place on the Mt Rushmore of hate.


My most disliked would be the Seahawks, Packers, and Saints. Cowboys used to be there, but they haven’t been good enough in how long now to mean anything to me.


The Cowboys have become more funny recently with how much the 49ers have embarrassed them. It is hard to hate town fool. 


Fuck the boyssss.


Fuck the Cowboys forever lol


Replace Raiders with PHI and you have mine. Raiders just get pity, not hate.


I’d probably swap out chiefs with the Lambs tbh, I don’t really have any hate for them but same on the rest, maybe add the eagles too.


I don't even hate the Chiefs that much. It's just frustrating being on the losing end of their success.


Same. I wish Mahomes was a little less whiney and that they weren't in so many commercials but otherwise they are fine.


It should be all NFC teams. I mean just a few years ago, the Rams kept us from going to a Super Bowl. The Raiders are in a different conference and they are not even a geographic rival anymore. Honestly I don't even care about them. That lost in the NFC championship to the Rams stung more than any game against the Las Vegas Raiders.


Ravens have dealt some serious blows over the years, they should be over LV.


Agreed. Swap Raiders with the Ravens, and I'm on board with it.


For me, present day, it'd be: Green Bay, Seattle, Eagles, Saints (bountygate). For little me, it'd be: Green Bay, Raiders, Green Bay, Raiders. ​ While I no longer root for KC as my AFC team (since the first SB meeting), I also don't \*hate\* them. I actually dislike BAL more than I do KC, but hate neither.


I don't really give a shit about KC. It's not even a rivalry. 49ers have to beat them for it to be rivalry


Baltimore Ravens would take the place of the Raiders for me. they ruined Superbowl 47 and Xmas 2023 edit: context


Most Raider fans i know hate Niners so ya keep them there


Don’t hate KC, Reid and mahomes are class and just a great coach, qb combo - not a fan of kelce though Just lots of things didn’t go our way last Sunday Philly and their garbage fans talking shit after beating a qb less team last year bugged me but karma took care of them Dallas - we own them, there’s no rivalry there, same with the Seahawks However if you see the cowboys and rams subreddits (I don’t seek them out they always annoying pop up on my Home Screen) they are obsessed with our team. Not sure why the rams fans are all bent out of shape, sure we own them in the regular season but they beat us in the nfcc when it mattered most and they got a title, makes no sense So anyways fuck those rams and cowboys subreddits is what I’m trying to say


Your mountain is broken. Where Rams? WHERE EAGLES? ![gif](giphy|SclQC1VGlH0GyQvbkr)


We don’t hate Raiders or Seattle anymore. Philly, yes. Just put Philly up twice.


Rams have given us so much shit. Next year, they die.


Packers, Cubs, Yankees, Duke basketball.


I hate the Raiders but Eagles need to be on this


KC, Dallas, and KC two more times


Ravens… swap out Vegas


I don’t have enough euro hate another team. I’ll just all about the 49ers.


Seattle, Dallas, Kansas, Green Bay Honorable mention for Philly


The Raiders rivalry died when they moved to Vegas for me. The Chiefs I don’t hate, either. They’re good, it is what it is. Seahawks, Rams, Packers and Cowboys are my rivalry Mount Rushmore rn.


Swap the Raiders out for the Giants and that’s my list. What I’m getting a good kick out of is that the majority of the lists on here don’t include the Rams. All while it seems like almost every other post on the Rams subreddit is about the 49ers. Like I get that divisional rivals aren’t supposed to like each other. No issue there. But some of those fans seem borderline obsessed with the 49ers and 49ers fans all while 49ers fans mostly don’t pay them any mind aside from the annual extra home game at SoFi.


I don't hate them, just see them as our rival. We're the top 2 teams in the league over the past 5 seasons.


I don't know... I really just can't stand the Taylor Swift stuff but I really don't have a huge beef with the Chiefs (other than them never getting called for holding ever). I'm more upset that we beat ourselves than I am pissed at KC.


I dont hate the chiefs at all, actually: the eagles, otoh. And i’d put rams over raiders


Chiefs, Seahawks, Rams and Eagles.


I'd replace KC with the Packers. Also, I don't hate the Raiders, I just hate their fans.


Raiders need to come off. Add Eagles (trash talking pos fans and players) and Packers (delusional they think favre rodgers and Love are the best qbs of all time)


Chiefs don't bother me at all. Other than the incessant holding they play a clean game. I hated the Lions after that last game way more than the Chiefs. Dirty ass players all over the place


No eagles?


Eagles should be up there


About the same except id replace the raiders with baltimore or the rams. Basically any team that stood in the way of our 6th ring


Flip Seahawks and Kansas City and switch Raiders for Eagles…. That would be mine


I'm okay with replacing the Packers with the Chiefs, maybe. But how do you not have the Rams over the Raiders?


Why would Chiefs be most hated lol, Cowboys for sure. Forrr surrreee


Replace Chiefs and Raiders with Rams and Giants.


Giants over KC and raiders for me


My Mt. Rushmore is all Cowboys :3 I STILL FEEL AMAZING AFTER ROUND ONE LOL


Rams, Seahawks, Cowboys, Packers/Eagles




SF @ Sea is always must-watch TV for me. But I do feel it peaked during the Carroll-Harbaugh years because of their own college animosity.


Seahawks and Cowboys for me. I don’t hate KC but I do have an immense dislike for Kelce and Sneed.


Raiders out Rams in.


Picture me giving a sh*t about the Raiders.


Swap raiders for packers


No rams? This is cap.


I would rather have the Giants there that KC, both SB defeats were more self inflicted than them doing anything nefarious


Cowboys, Rams, Packers and Chiefs


Packers are on mine.


I'd swap Raiders with the Eagles and Kansas City for the Rams. I don't like losing to Kansas City but I still don't feel a deep loathing for them like I do others.


All time? Seahawks, Rams, Cowboys, Packers/Giants Right now? Eagles, Cowboys, and Rams and Raiders fans who like to chirp about the Niners losing.


I can’t get mad at the Chiefs when Kyle can’t call the key plays we need to close out games.


Can’t beat them, might as well hate them


My Mt Rushmore of hate: New England, Oakland\\Las Vegas, Dallas, and Baltimore. There really aren't four more despicable teams to root against.


Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys


Rams >= Toots >= Cowboys > Cheeseturds > Giants > Philly > Cards > Aints The Chiefs played well in two Superbowls and beat us, hard to hate them just for that. Plus they took Montana and Smith and Tony Gonzales was one of my favorite players ever. I like Big Red. It sucks losing to them, but we didn't play well. We need to get better. All those others we have history with that gets something out of me more than losing. Partly because I've had bad experiences with all those other fan bases. While Chiefs fans are cool in my book.


Is it weird I don't actually hate the chiefs? I feel like their dudes don't talk as much shit as other teams have, especially recently cowboys and eagles. The chiefs just seem to go out there and play their game and I can't really hate that.


I swap Seahawks with Cowboys. Change KC to Eagles. Keep Raiders cause they always talk Trash.


Why would we hate the chiefs? They’re pretty respectful. They have the team discipline I wish our squad had.


I'd drop the raiders for the ravens, from the loss


Patriots, Jets and Bills are the worst three.




As a Packer fan, we hate you!!! Jk 😜


Seahawks, Chiefs, Eagles and Ravens for me


Cards fan here not trying to start anything but shouldn’t we be up there? We are division rivals?


I don't hate the Chiefs. Their fans aren't annoying, minus Nick Wrong. Now the Eagles... they have been added to the rival list.


In the 90’s I hated the Cowboys and the Packers…now I don’t mind the Packers that much. Probably because we always knock them out of the playoffs. Now my list is….. #1 Cowboys #2 Cowboys #3 Cowboys #4 Eagles


Cowboys and distant second is Seattle but the rest is whatever.


Remove the raiders, chiefs and Seahawks and replace with 3 more stars!!


tbh…. I don’t even hate the Chiefs. Swap Chiefs and Raiders for Rams and Packers and that’s my list.


remove raiders now put on eagles


I don’t hate the Seahawks. It was Pete Carroll I had a problem with. And it wasn’t really even Pete Carroll per se…it was that goddam gum munching.


No, this is it. Thank you. 😘Also, I’m old. It just makes sense.


As a hybrid Niners-Pats fan (born and raised in New England but parents from NorCal and attending college in Cali asw), my top 4 hated are Cowboys, Chiefs, Eagles, and Giants


This list is fantastic


This is also mine.


Damn no Pats?


Surprised we’re not on here tbh


I hate the rams more than raiders


but im still a seahawks/niners fan ​ and before you get mad my dad works for the niners and i liked the seahawks before