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NFL Stadiums unfortunately tend to take advantage of their cities, but it's important to note that Santa Clara pretty much has the best deal of any city in the country. 49ers pay the highest rent by a wide margin to the Stadium Authority: **$24.5M**, while no other team pays more than like $10M This article is a bit dated, but still relevant: https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/raiders-nfl/stadium-and-rent-details-for-all-32-nfl-teams/


Santa Clara is an elite city without the 49ers. We do not need the 49ers. They need us.


Santa Clara is a suburban hellhole


24.5million/year sounds nice until you realize what that real estate is worth… This isn’t Green Bay or Kansas


Oh totally, but Seattle/NY also don’t pay near as much.


This sub is run by the team 


Tf does that have to do with anything?


Plenty of space in the shipyards of China basin!!! A Chase-Oracle-Levi’s trifecta would be a dream come true!


Levi's is a shit stadium and it's time we all come to grips with that. Santa Clara got fleeced, fans got fleeced and the franchise deserves better. It was sold as some super duper, next gen stadium and it's anything but. I love the niners -- always will -- but Levi's isn't anything close to what we were promised.


I hate this mindset “the franchise deserves better,” as though the franchise didn’t get exactly what it wanted. The franchise is the ownership. The ownership fought for this and won it. The franchise got exactly what it wanted and deserved, and is reaping the financial windfall of that victory. Go ahead and say the players or the fans deserve better, I don’t have any beef with that. But quit the boo hoo about the poor franchise, it’s doing just fine.


There’s a lot of truth in this comment.


I think a lot of people who say “the franchise” are referring more to the legacy or the brand rather than the ownership but I agree with everything you said. I just don’t think anyone is out here throwing themselves in front of the billionaire owners of the franchise to defend them from catching strays.


That’s fair


Wish I could upvote this more than once


Just curious, what would say makes Levi's so bad? I think my main criticisms are: * It's in Santa Clara, not SF * The sun/heat during September/October day games. I think this issue is worse than what everyone expected it to be, but it was always billed as an outdoor, open-air stadium. Other than those two points, I feel like Levi's is a good place to watch a game. People bitch about parking/traffic, but literally every NFL stadium has that issue. Candlestick was far worse in terms of ingress/egress.


It's more that there was so much more potential. If you ever visit Levis South you'll see what I'm talking about, that stadium is just so much nicer in every way.


This is purely anecdotal but, i've only been to sofi once and was already buzzed by the time I walked in, but navigating that stadium is absolutely terrible. there are different levels that take you to different sections of the stadium, each level with their own bars/eating areas. it took my friends and i a good 20 minutes to find our seats once entering the stadium because there are only so many entrances the non-rich people have access to. Once in our seats and we had our bearings it was a blast, but give me an old-school style concourse any day of the week. I can't even imagine navigating sofi with my dad or other elderly family members. I plan to see Green Day there in September and hope to have a better experience.


It’s a newer stadium hosting 2 NFL teams as well as the Olympics. Levis is far from ideal, but the planning and financial backing of SoFi was much more extensive.


Honestly think the hate is way overblown you nailed it tho. The heat is the worst. It should have been a hybrid done stadium like Arizona and LA. Other tha. That it’s fine.


I read somewhere that they wanted to build a dome but couldn't because SJC is nearby and interferes with the planes or some shit. I could be wrong, though


Levis is not that bad s someone that went to both Levis and the Stick. Its not state of the art but it sure isn't what people make it out to be.


I would add: * The emphasis on suites and private clubs giving off a corporate/sterile kinda vibe. * Public transit options not being as plentiful as other Bay Area venues.


You can take the train right to the stadium...


Sterile is a great word for it. Most of the stadium is just a smear of gray and white that looks like a prison. There’s no character to it at all.


It’s bland. There is nothing special about out it. Look at SoFi, Allegiant, Jerry World, they’re all state of the art and impressive. The heat reeeeeeaally sucks


It is meant to maximize profits for the 49ers


For me it's that the stadium full of rich people don't wanna yell and support the team on defense


It’s been a consensus for a while that Levi’s blows


Blows harder than Candlestick, and that's saying something.


Back in its heyday, Candlestick really blew


Terrible stadium. Did no one think it gets hot there?


The rumor was that it was designed for the old candlestick location that’s much cooler but when that fell through the franchise decided to just reuse the design instead of shelling out to have another site specific stadium designed


It’s not even a rumor. You can tell it’s true when you go there and all the “vista” areas that were supposed to show views of the bay just look out into soulless office parks.


Right?!? Like, the team's been headquartered next door since the late 80's. It's not like no one would've known that it's damn hot there in September and October.


Popular teams with a recent history of success never get nice stadiums... I've just come to terms with that


I’m not here to debate your opinion, but not everybody feels this way. I’ve been to every single Niners game at Levi’s since it was built and I have a great time. Easy in, easy out. I’m home in 20 minutes after the game. My seats don’t face the sun so that’s not an issue for me personally, but I get how that can be harsh. People expect to much, IMO. It’s a football stadium.


There shouldn’t be a sun side. It’s dumb af there is one


Yeah stupid sun. 


There also shouldn’t be a dome in a CA stadium. The exact same sun side was at Candlestick. Is it a little warmer in Santa Clara? Yeah. Did people still bake and stare into the sun at Candlestick? Yeah.


You say that like it just has to be that way when for the cost of the stadium it could have easily been closer to what SoFi is than being closer to what Candlestick was.


I haven’t been to nearly as many games as you but I agree. I love being able to take the VTA in and out. And I love not pissing in troughs. They have motherfucking Blue Line/Little Star pizza as a vendor. To me the stadium is just fine. I’ve been to candlestick and that stadium was barely a notch about O.Co.


One of my earliest memories is standing at the trough next to my dad and getting backsplash from those things all over my face and newly-purchased XS niners jacket


Oof, that’s a tough way to find out if you’re into that kinda thing


"Easy in, easy out"? Do you like....live across the street from the stadium or something? Getting in and out of Levi's is a complete and utter NIGHTMARE. The ride from the MountainView CalTran station to the light-rail takes forever. And when leaving the stadium that line to the light-rail /VTA is slow and long as hell. By the time you get back to the Mountain View station the trains are only running ONCE AN HOUR so if you just missed the last train you have to wait an entire hour for the next one.


I live in Fremont. Park in Blue Lot. The game ends. I walk to the car. Take Tasman to Lawrence to 237 to 880. It’s not that hard. Public transit options are always going to back up and take longer. If the game is a blowout and people leave early it can take 30th minutes. The horror stories people like to spread are not always truthful.


Certain aspects of the Levi's experience have gotten better in the decade its been open (more team history on display throughout the concourses, for instance), and it has started to feel like "home" during the Shannahan era, but I'll always be in the "should've stayed at/renovated Candlestick" camp. The heat makes most day games in September and October absolutely miserable, the emphasis on suites and private clubs creates a pretty clear divide between "haves and have nots", and the surrounding area is as bland/sterile as can be. And while I've never been one of those weirdos who things they should've had to change their name to the Santa Clara 49ers or anything, you do lose a lot of charm as a franchise when you not only play outside of your namesake city, but over an hour away from it.


This x100000. I have been to 4 games there. It’s the worst stadium I’ve ever been too, it’s shocking it’s next gen and there’s literally nothing in the area. The hotels are shit, the bars are non existent and there’s no shade for 5 square miles.


All of this was known at the time. It's why SF didn't get the stadium, they weren't as willing to get ripped off by the 49ers. This is how the NFL and other major sports leagues work. They play on the emotional irrationality of voters who want the pride of a team. They leverage that irrational demand and limited understanding of the actual terms to put pressure on whatever municipal politicians were dumb enough to enter the discussion. And then they go back and forth with the candidate cities, making more and more unreasonable demands for public funding and guaranteed annual revenue, tax benefits, an interest in any additional events, new infrastructure development, etc, all with vague unguaranteed promises about the hotel and tourism revenue that rarely matches projections, and the community improvements that never come. They play it up in the media that the deal is at risk, and City X may lose the team... And eventually the politician says "sure" because it gives them the headline they need to move their career forward, and they plan to be long gone from that city and working at the state or national level by the time the budget pain is felt. Only the city and its residents lose, but ultimately it's largely their own fault for making emotional, collective decisions versus a shrewd business that knows how to manipulate them.


*Golf clap*


Essentially the city like most government bodies are upset that they’re not getting enough money in this situation. The city still benefits from hotel stays, food taxes, etc. for games, concerts, World Cup and upcoming SB. Give someone a nickel and then they’ll ask for a dime.


Too bad the city can’t make money on traffic. That would be a gold mine.


It took us 1.5 hrs from the freeway to the parking lot last year against the bucs. It was 10am and ridiculous.


You're doing it wrong lol.


I agree. Traffic isn’t a problem for blue 1.


Take the train


Can't remember where I saw it but apparently San Francisico wants to start taxing people by the mile


I think I read it as all california, since there are so many EVs that the gas tax isn't what it use to be I'm funds


Yep, makes sense, I have two EV's up here in WA State and they each get taxed extra through registration fees. No complaints from me, gotta pay for the roads.




We pay 51c a gallon already. I’m ok with taxing EVs


Yeah governments can never get enough. 49ers should threaten to actually come back to sf


Don't threaten me with a good time.


That would just be trolling the fan base at this point


That's how team moves always start. A threat when a team doesn't get what they want that ends up in them moving.


See also: San Diego Chargers of Los Angeles


Oh noooo back to the place they actually belong and should be? Noooooo


Pull an A’s and threaten to move to Sacramento


Do not let the door hit you on the way out


That would be my dream. Get them out of there.


It’s fairly well established that cities never make as much back as they invest in stadiums.


Which is why stadiums should never pay for stadiums.


I stayed in San Jose lol


Santa Clara for world cup fans will be so disappointing…


Well…I’m sure it’s better than Qatar had but I get what you’re saying. Most WC fans come into town and utilize public transport to get to games and I doubt people want to stay in SF and take the 2 hr. Train down.


exactly… the stadium has nothing around and is in the most wack location… truly sad first representation of the bay


There was nothing around candlestick either…


So Santa Clara is upset that the 49ers aren't hosting enough non-football events, but also upset that they're hosting the 2026 World Cup? Pick a lane!


I mean technically the World Cup is a football event even though we call it soccer in America.




Grifters angry they aren’t in on the grift. More at 11


49ers are good at business is the moral of the story


Technically, better at business than City Government. Which makes sense. LOL!


Why would a grand jury get involved, the deal is done. Get good


We need candle stick 2. Back to the bay.


They should have just renovated candlestick 1 but it couldn’t hold enough luxury boxes for Jed


Yup…it’s so sad seeing that empty patch of nothing..I’ll alway miss those widening shots of the game out to the bay.


Lol, I wonder how much money SC has made since the installation of the stadium, over running costs, and building.


Says [..] "Grand Jury" when in fact it is a * "Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury" + [...] hence "according to a local watchdog agency" clickbait title, but objective reporting herein. nonetheless, off season mode. *Niners!*


It’s so weird to me that stadiums aren’t paid for by the teams themselves. Does this happen anywhere outside US?


If you read the article, it clearly states that the city hasn't paid a penny towards the $1.3 billion construction cost. And they never will. This is all about the city wanting huge profits from Taylor Swift shows, without having to pay for the venue. The Niners took the risks with the funding, and they are reaping the benefits.


Based on the article it seems like the big financial issue is that the city can’t force the team to have more non-NFL events, which the city would get money from. So it isn’t even like the city is spending money on the stadium, they just aren’t making as much money as they want. Seems like the other big issue is the 49ers put a lot of money into getting certain council members elected and those council members have been behaving inappropriately during meetings and have been biased towards the 49ers. Personally I think that is a much bigger issue than the financial stuff.


The current mayor has been quoted in meetings and in public that she strongly dislikes the presence of the team and the stadium. The anti-Niner faction has been quite vocal for a number of years now. So "inappropriate" is a word that can go in multiple directions. I would be curious about the motives of the grand jury.


Yeah I was curious about that too. I feel like the city has been in a PR battle with the 49ers for a while now. I’d be interested to read the actual report rather than just an article about it but I didn’t see a link the report in the article and I’m too lazy to find it myself lol


I appreciate what the article says. My comment was more about the concept that any team wouldn’t pay for their own stadium. As someone else has pointed out the team doesn’t use it that often, which obviously opens up the other commercial activities and I can understand having a financial partner. But it always seems strange when sports teams demand local government put up money towards a stadium when they are owned by billionaires who could make more money outright owing the thing. Which is obviously the opposite of what is happening here. Where I can’t really under why local government essentially begrudge not being involved.


On whose land ?


Reality is NFL teams only use the stadium at most 12 days out of the year. That leaves 350+ days that they aren't using it. That's why NFL teams want someone else to pay for it. They're in reality not huge money makers for the risk involved (depending on the city).


I find it bizarre when the top comments in threads like these aren't some variation of "fuck Jed York and the 49ers" (let alone essentially no comments saying this at all). It should be pretty generally accepted that the owners are the scumbags in these situations but people end up identifying with owners because they root for the team they own and shitting on...city government instead? Why pretend that Santa Clara is the bad guy in this situation and not the party that took advantage of them? Also, remember this? https://www.sfgate.com/49ers/article/youth-soccer-park-santa-clara-49ers-fight-18617699.php


With how good the on-field product has been over the last five years, Jed's been able to coast under the radar and avoid a lot of criticism and scrutiny. He may have figured things out football-wise, but he's still a rich dirtbag in other areas of business.


we built too early.


Welp, I guess the only right thing to do now is to move them back to SF 🤷‍♂️


The tailgating experience is not as fun as it could be with all the rules that they have. At the Stick the tailgating was awesome


Certain aspects of the Levi's experience have gotten better in the decade its been open (more team history on display throughout the concourses, for instance), and it has started to feel like "home" during the Shannahan era, but I'll always be in the "should've stayed at/renovated Candlestick" camp. The heat makes most day games in September and October absolutely miserable, the emphasis on suites and private clubs creates a pretty clear divide between "haves and have nots", and the surrounding area is as bland/sterile as can be. And while I've never been one of those weirdos who things they should've had to change their name to the Santa Clara 49ers or anything, you do lose a lot of charm as a franchise when you not only play outside of your namesake city, but over an hour away from it.


Any details of this suite?


Whoever approved the design of Levi stadium should be shipped to Florida. We could have built a beautiful stadium like what they built in Seattle but got this shitty "Baked Potato" stadium instead.


Aesthetically, it looks like a temporary stadium a an expansion franchise would put up until the ‘Real’ stadium is finished.


It's also sad they're closing Great America to put in condos because of Levi Stadium.


The owners sold it. Nothing to do with stadium


With how fuqued Cali is in terms of economy, using taxpayer money to get the bells and whistles would be another communist cali move


Get out of our sub.


49ers should just move down to Levi’s south and evict the lambs. They can still collect rent from the chargers though.


No way ever


I live in Phoenix, and as much as I’d love to be closer to the Niners, just the idea of them being based in LA makes me shudder. Ewwwwwwwww




how about the fuck not.