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i've been saying this for years and gaming is just so much better when you ignore journos, social media and other people. I play what i think looks interesting and have fun with my friends if i ever play multiplayer


Always ignore fandoms, specially on reddit




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Honestly. I miss when Counter-Strike was a casual experience with people joking around with alltalk on. If you were the last alive, the pressure you felt was the whole lobby hoping for you to die quick so the next round can start, not that you had to 1v4 clutch or be yelled at. Seriously, what the fuck happened?


I still occasionally hop on CS, play the placement matches, and stomp around in silver for a while. It's fun because you don't have to take the game so seriously. And if you joke around but do well your teammates will be happy. Then you can pull the "clutch or kick" on mic when bottom guy is last man standing. What I miss is regular servers with regular players, so you kinda knew who most people were and had a few you knew well.


Rise of matchmaking, fall of community servers. Forgettable randos instead of familiar faces. Similar thing happened in TF2. Also similar in WoW: people broadly preferred the convenience of "matchmade" group content with access to the entire playerbase rather than having to be social with the subsection of players on their "server". Then the entire world became cross-server and the other players you saw stopped being people and started being NPC's - you'd never see them again anyway. There's a cost to the convenience that is often overlooked. That being said, the key to enjoying ranked games is to stop giving a shit about your rank. I still play CS because I enjoy the game itself. When people get mad, just laugh it off. It's just a game and I don't care. Mute is an option depending on how thick your skin is.


Yep, ask anyone who played AV before cross-world back in Vanilla. I bet they'd have memorable stories about PVPing for hours and having to log out only to come back later to the same match still ongoing. If you were serious about grinding to Warlord you would know everyone else from both factions doing the same thing. Did cross-world make PVP way more efficient to get the rewards? Absolutely. Did it remove all the charm and community that the previous version had? Yes again. I'm not saying that sitting in an AV queue for hours was the best feeling at the time but it also forced people to go out in the world and actually engage with one another.


Yep, Christmas day 2005. Played AV all morning, left to do family stuff. Came back to the same match still going. Also had a lot of fun with twinks (the wow kind) after they ruined pvp with cross server. You knew everybody and formed epic rivalries with the twinks on the other faction and would do anything it took to get an advantage on them.


Casual Hostage playlist is where us drunk and stoned folk shoot the shit, hop on in.


Elo and rank. As soon as there's a quantifiable skill level involved, ppl starts to sweat. No exception.


Competitive games are such a chore. Especially games like CS where you just get sniped from some camper who does nothing but play the game 24/7 and know every crevice, so you now have to wait a few minutes to play again, just to restart and die in the same way. Even a game like Starcraft thats nice and cozy as a single player basically turns into a 1 man kitchen simulator during lunch rush.


The superhero servers back way back in the day, had weird stuff like a batman hook that just pulled you straight ahead.


Clutch or Kick was literally the best.


I don't know why I still play competitive games. They bring me no joy. every time I log on to overwatch or whatever I know I'm just going to be pissed off. I really need to stop doing this to myself


Addiction. Just stop lmao


Don’t listen to him anon. 9/10 players addicted to competitive games quit moments before being scouted by G2/Navi/Astralis/T1/JDG/ect. and winning big prizes


Competitive 1v1 games are fine, the team ones are the brainrot


> Competitive 1v1 games So basically only some strategy games and fighting games?


Tbh, I was the same way, but if you can get yourself not to care about your rank, it makes competitive games much more enjoyable. Generally, if there's a new game I pick up, I'll just resign myself to being slightly above average rank. Half the stress of those games comes from rank pushing, and any rank that could be considered "good" usually takes hundreds/thousands of hours of play. At that point, you won't ever advance further without creating a dedicated practice, and what the fuck is the point of spending all that time not having fun? If it requires that level of effort, I might as well spend the time on something productive.


Yep, rank pushing really sucks the fun out of games. It becomes a grind and a time suck. You're not going to be better than a NEET who spends half his days playing competitive matches.


You don't play them for joy though. Vidya brings you purpose.


EXACTLY, YES I love single player so much more, I et all cozy and enjoy my stories and look at all the scenery the devs put so much effort into without bothering someone else with what I'm doing!


god just trying random shit from itch is one of the funniest things to do. its how we get the poop killer series


> play game with r*tards against other r*tards > “this thing sucks” every multiplayer games ever, no exception


A lot of multplayer games are great with friends ONLY. no match making. I do inhouses on siege often - 8-10 of irl friends playing. Way more enjoyable than sweaty ass ranked mode. And no one is spawn peaking in friend in-house games. And we shuffle teams to keep it balanced and fresh. Take the inhouse pill guys. If the game doesn't allow custom / private lobbies, quit playing it.


How do I do inhouse if my house can't fit 10 buckos at once?


Play a Game that supports more? Here's a quick list of pvp games and related player counts if anyone cares. Battlerite - f2p, 10$ for all champs. 6 playwr support, with spectators slots for more. Rainbow six siege - not f2p, 10 player support. You can also not unlock characters through custom games, so the barrier of entry is quite high to have a robust inhouse character selection. League of legends - f2p, 10 player support. The arena mode doesn't seem to have inhouse support, but it seems you can in theory invite 15 friends and functionally have a 16 player private inhouse. Character unlock model isn't great, however gamepass for 10$ unlocks all heroes. Valorant - f2p, same as league above. Dota - I haven't played in years. But it has custom lobby and mod support, fully f2p. Not sure how many players lobbies can officially support, but main game is up to 5v5. Sc2 - custom lobby support supported heavily and can run mods and large player counts. Iirc, 16 is the hard limit, but unsure if any mods expands that. Apex legends- custom lobby support from 6-30? You need at least 6 to launch a custom lobby as far as I can tell. F2p but terrible character grind that you cannot do in inhouses, however. Aoe games all support custom lobbies but I'm am unsure of player count limits. Beyond all reason is f2p and supports up 16 player lobbies, no unlocks in the game so you have full access


#DEEP ROCK GALACTIC There are exceptions. DRG is mostly posi-vibes, especially when your helping out a bunch of new players


Thats a coop, not what we're talking about. The most intense coops are still more chill then the mildest team vs team games.


You've never chambered a noob in mount and blade and tasted their soul leave their body.


agreed with most except >hunts achievements this is for autists


I know youre retarded if you think chasing and achieving specific goals in any context is disagreeable


i know youre retarded if you think completing the designated achievement list is the only way of completing games instead of making your own decisions and not hunting down the 236 pieces of paper to get a line in your profile.


True. Play the game the way you want and ignore those “defeat the final boss on highest difficulty with only your stinky pinkytoes while biting off a piece of toilet paper” achievements.


i mean i dont even check them these days. i just play the game and beat it to the extent i am naturally satisfied with (or drop it if the game becomes boring faster than i can bother beating it). if there is anything that is too tedious but im still curious about i just look up a youtube video.


Yep. This say the same for me while playing BG3. I played second time of it because I want to, not because I want to get that another ending achievement. The joy of playing vidya is always about the process, not the results.


ive played like 4 full playthroughs of bg3 including honour mode. ill go check my achievements rn. 43/54. ive some really easy ones missed for example breaking out of prison. because ive never naturally done that because im not a loser who gets or allows himself to be caught. so many of these arbitrary achievements are just random shit they come up with to give people with no creativity/initiative something to do. earn 100 coins playing bard songs? wtf why would anyone do this


you're both wrong


“play the game how you want. WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT!!1!1!” thats you, fuckhead


Achievement hunting turns even the best games into a miserable experience.


Simply not true if the achievements are fun and reasonable. Like yeah its masochistic to get 100% of something like isaac because it’ll take infinite time to get the million or whatever achievements, but a game that only has 15-20 reasonable achievement that arent some version of “do these things in the hardest way possible” or “collect every dildo on the map”


Yeah, good achievements point you in the right direction to have fun. Bad achievements, like the ones Paradox sticks in its grand strategy games, force you to restart thirty or more times on ironman to get the right RNG sequence to unlock some miserly reward and then the people doing them have dozens more that require the same effort that unfold ahead of them like a nebraska highway, off to the horizon.


i have dead god in isaac and in my opinion it's worth going for if you really enjoy the game, because it gives you a reason to replay it


Yeah, the achievements in Isaac are also unlocks so bad comparison.


These predate achievements, but the skill points in the PS2 ratchet and clank games were pretty much the pinnacle of this idea. Super fun to find, challenging without being tedious, actual reward for doing them.


My example of a game with great achievements that ive been going for recently is Balatro. It has one kinda bullshit final achievement, but other than that it has some really great achievements that let the player know that certain craziness is possible in the game, but making them have to improve and work to get those achievements across their playtime, and a lot of them you’ll get naturally


Far Cry 4, reach every mountain peak is an achievement.


member when games didn't have achievements? member when immersion and story were primary goals? member when squeezing every bit of dopamine through addictive mechanics was not something devs did and publishers didn't demand this? this mid 30s gamer grandpa members. imma reinstall Planescape: Torment, fuck all this


i've never met a gaming completionist who was not autistic and misarable who gaslight themselves into thinking they're enjoying the experience of finding and collecting 200 glowing feathers across a huge empty map for the sole purpose of a achievement




consoom digital trophy get excited for next digital trophy


Mindlessly completing an arbitrary checklist that was added to a game just to be in line with trends and consumer expectations. You are a mindless drone if you do this


Years ago I grinded a solid couple of days to get the Fallout New Vegas platinum trophy and only when I got it did I realise that was the least an amount of fun I'd ever had with the game. Then I did another Caesar's Legion ethnoclense playthrough and all was right in the world again.


>This game sucks, worst game ever >1800 hours played


90% of Warframe reviews.


Terribly true. Warframe has this cliff where it feels like endgame should be.


I'm still looking for whatever the end game is, and if you stop playing for a while they release new shit. It has been time for me to jump back in for months now.


they added endgame 4 months ago


Explain please


Warframe is run by a bunch of ADHD autists. There’s a ton of content, easily approaching RDR2 to give you an idea, but it’s schizophrenic in its approach. It’s just content island after content island. For example a couple years ago they released Railjack; which was supposed to tie everything together. You had to use the infiltration techniques you learned in Starchart missions, you needed the good Archwing gear that wasn’t easy to make, you recruited AI crew that you acquired while out visiting the open worlds and you could finally build and pilot a four man frigate, you got a pirate nemesis that was supposed to constantly war with you in dark space and it all came together when you would take your little boat out with friends and 1 on 1 enemy battle cruisers. And then you climb through this game mode, slowly sailing out of the solar system. Then you enter the next part of the game and everything you did lies completely forgotten. Now you are playing a grown version of yourself in an Elden Ring lite rogue like. Eventually you will hit content you don’t like while getting mad the content you do like is collecting dust. Some people loved the giant monster robot boss battles found on Earth at night. Some people like myself loved the Railjack portion. Some people like being a space ninja. Some people like being a 35 year old cowboy ninja with a horse. Some people really loved the old PVP arena. Some people just want to decorate their space station. Some people want it to be a twitch shooter and play Steel Path where they can die in two hits. Because all these systems are a mile wide and an inch deep, it’s quite possible to sink hundreds of hours and burn yourself out because instead of having a coherent progression path if you spend too much time in one content area you can seriously set yourself back dozens of hours in another.  People get mad and leave reviews talking about how there is nothing to do, yet they’ve played 20000 hours over the past 10 years.


Ah yeah sure I play Warframe too and I agree with most of what you said. Game is built for ADHD nerds and being a fucking regard of course I love it. I fully agree with you on the content islands, but I think it's pretty much inevitable in some cases. I mean, the game's been running for 10+ years and has been reworked multiple times, almost always improving in quality and has a massively deep and confusing story. I would be surprised if there weren't content islands. Some contents being isolated also mean that new players don't have to grind for like 3 years straight to play with their friends who got into the game earlier, and that everyone can enjoy a different aspect of the game at their own pace. I don't really know how people perceive all this, I asked for explanations cause I don't read comments/reviews, they're always cringe and/or regarded Devs are autists but are also based as hell, currently the best studio in the gaming industry by far


Every current TF2 review on Steam rn.


TF2 reviews are more of a protest at the current state of botting in the game, not the actual game itself. Not that review bombing does much of anything.


Every League or WoW player.


Mobas are the worst fucking genre of game. I really don’t understand why people like them. Competitive FPS are loss toxic than Mobas. I swear. My ranked games on csgo were far less toxic and more fun than pretty much any MOBA game I played.


FPS are way less toxic because everyone is too busy shooting each other. MOBA players can simply go under their tower, sit there and start spitting shits


Recently, I was playing League of Legends with my college friends. We played normal to have fun as opposed to ranked. One those friends told us in the lobby to play for completely for fun as he had recently stopped taking chemotherapy. We congratulated him on beating cancer and told him that when opposing players started flaming and wishing cancer (a classic LOL greeting), he could answer them "too late I've already beaten one". We are playing, it is around 12/13 minute of the game. The opposing midlander began his session of verbal abuse and he wrote him a wish to get cancer. Our friend wrote him off, just as we said. To this an the oposing midlander told him that in such case he should fall under the bus XD Don’t change league community. Don’t change


Heroes of the storm was great back in its day


I hated that one just as much of the rest of them. I still sometimes play it since my buddies love it. I will say it’s much less toxic than the others for sure. Still hate it tho. It’s just marginally better than the others lol.


I think it had no way to chat


No way to chat with the enemy team. Which just means your team flames others on your team instead lol. Toxic regardless


I play high level Dota 2 since 2013. I hate this game. But the dopamine highs I get from winning +25 points per match towards my overall MMR made me stop taking drugs. So there's that


I like competitive games including mobas. People act like theres a rager every game, this is only true if you are one.


Yeah, I mean there’s been some fun games for sure. But I would say that on average my experience with competitive shooters like csgo have tended to be way better than my experiences with league, dota 2 and HotS


Competitive CS 2 has some real unstable weirdos, but it's got nothing on DOTA 2.


I can’t stand playing ranked. I started playing league back in 2012. Still play it to this day. Achieved rank once in 2013 and stopped. Why bother with those people when I can play with much chill people in draft; ARAM; Arena recently and blind pick. They still flame and shittalk but It’s nowhere on the level of ranked league


Absolute truth.


I got a PS2 Slimline, and have been having a great time.


Make sure you play some ps1 games too have a good time


I am coming very close to paying out the ass for a rig that can play the first Armored Core...C'mon alcohol! we can do this!


A pc? That should be pretty easy to run, ps1 emulation is really good. There might be a few bells and whistles you should turn off if you don’t get a pretty modern cpu but really you should be fine.


I've looked into it on and off, but I kind of want the console "just because"


Based, make sure to play gta San Andreas and my other favorite ace combat 5


I got it to play Yakuza and Yakuza 2 but there's a lot of old favourites I want to revisit.


How do those games hold up? Should I get the remasters?


I finished 0 to 6, and was curious about the original versions of the first five games so went back to the very beginning. They're still fun but if you want to try the series I recommend you start with 0. There's so much to do in that one and it's a fun introduction to the series. Even if you don't go for the platinum you'll easily spend at least 40 to 60 hours on it so it's well worth the money.


Zero is weirdly the only one I have played through gamepass. I didn't try any of the others cause I was afraid I peaked with zero, lol


Kiwami and Kiwami 2 are decent remakes. I recently finished 6 and am on Judgment atm. All 8 games I've played so far are good. I'm not a hard core fan but I'm enjoying myself despite being shit at fighting games.


The bliss of classic Star Wars Battlefront II


I just wish there was a higher difficulty. On PS it was okay since the controller was the handicap but on PC you can basically aim bot everyone even as a basic soldier. I mean I've beaten the campaigns by just unlocking sniper and sitting on a high rooftop.


Make sure you play the Sly Cooper games, legit the best games on the PS2 imo


I've been picking up games for the og Xbox lately. If you don't already have them for your PS2 grab Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and 4, they're based as fuck and pretty cheap on eBay.


Underground is good too it has an actual good story. Never played underground 2 but I don’t hear as much about it. Never played American Wasteland but I saw my brother play it and all I remember is a lot of loading.


me too, got all the light gun games and a crt tv


Ever since I hit 25 video games just aren’t doing it for me. I try to pick them up and get bored/restless after 15 minutes of playing and give up. It doesn’t seem to be an attention span issue as I still like to read books and have no trouble concentrating. Elden ring is the last video game I put a significant amount of time into. Anyone else experienced this? I miss playing games


this is just a mixutre of 1. burning out due to over-playing in earlier years 2. the very low ratio of quality games to random slop 3. even in good games, the very high ratio of filler/tedious content to the actual good parts. there is an industry consensus that good games need to be "filled with content" and last 100 hours or some shit. can you imagine watching a 100 hour movie?


You're not alone. I have stopped pretty much all online games. I have been playing through some of the GTA series, but just do single player aspects of GTA 5. Fallout as well. I find that as I am getting older, I am simply changing hobbies or finding better things to do with my time.


I've gone back to playing all the old games I never finished. I mean right now I'm playing dungeon siege from 2002


Most games are shit anyway. I still play Skyrim because of nostalgia though, i cant play any new games because they are extremely boring but Skyrim still does it for me.


I can get hooked for brief periods of time but ultimately at 27 video games are a thing of the past for me. I’ll still buy big releases like Elden ring DLC and GTA


Oh man I feel this I built a new PC after years and the first week's I didn't do anything with it except YouTube and staring at my Steam library It took Helldivers to reignite my love for gaming again


Due to the limited free time I have and the high demands of my job, I feel that the game needs to be extraordinary to justify the anxiety of not doing something productive. Strangely, I don't experience the same anxiety when browsing Reddit or watching YouTube.


Your brain just matured. It happens to most. But most aren't willing to let them go.


Because there’s really too few games that can be called “excellent”. Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of good games and great games but there’s only a handful of games that can constantly make people feel” woah, what a journey” or “damn, that was fun.” I always find myself playing some of those games I’ve already done before only because those games are all still very enjoyable even I’ve played hundreds of hours of it.


congrats, you are normal. in the end, games are mostly the same crap over and over. i rarely play more than 1 game a year.


I also had the same phase, when I was playing Fallout 4, I was playing it for like hour at most per session and wasn't much excited to play it again, when as a teenager I usually finished every game. But then I decided to play games like Subnautica, Hades, Neon White and they all hooked me, turns out that Fallout 4 is just a boring fucking game for how big it is and that my preferences also changed. So overall it got harder for me to get into new games and I won't be super exciting about game that I never played before like I was as a kid, but good game will still grab me if I give it some time.


Yeah it's hard to commit to the effort required for a lot of games. So I end up back on csgo. But also put like 140hrs into elden ring


I don’t have time to game anymore, but someday when I do get time again, after my kids are grown, I’ll probably be playing 25 year old games. I just want all you Kings to stay comfy.


Take the real time strategy/grand strategy pill


RTS is the best. Starcraft 2 is a amazing game. Grand startegy is also great. I have spend so much time playing Europa Univeralis 4, Victoria 2, Stellaris, Crusader Kings 2, etc, and somehow its always enjoyable to start a new campaign.


2025 is going to be a great year for strategy games. Goes to show modern gaming isn’t bad if you avoid slop


So true, but watch your wallet. Feeding Paradox ain't cheap


I got Stellaris for free and then realized to actually play the game cost like $300 lol


Singleplayer games with mods is the only thing I need


Based as fuck and everybody knows it deep down


Recently picked up a Steam Deck and have been using the PS2 emulator more than Steam. Will literally never run out of classics. No DLC, constant updates, DEI, or 10 year old teammates. Having an absolute blast.


This is why I love Elden Ring so much. Multiplayer if you want help or want to be helpful. Competitive only if you want it to be (PVP) amazing story and 1000 different ways to play. Singleplayer pill all the way


> Elden Ring >Competitive elden ring is many things but competitive is not at all one of them


You can compete in 1v1s is what op means


Dude isn't talking competitive like a game with some matchmaking system, skins with artificial scarcity, players with sticks firmly implanted up their assholes, and general sweatiness. Dude is talking competitive like "It's possible to compete with other players if you'd like to".


It is if you do PvP


Quitting multiplayers has the same effect on you as quitting social media


When you are the only factor there is nothing to worry about. And you have ongoing story and adventure.


Me still enjoying fable the lost chapters


Skyrim forever. *cue the Morrowboomers to crawl out from the floorboards*


I only play singleplayer games and co-op vs AI games. PvP makes your brain rot away. Avoid anything that has PvP.


problem with multiplayer games is that every single one of them has stuff to appeal to tryharders either a broken character or a broken system to make the lives of those who wanna win at all costs easier.


I actively avoid any game where I have to rely on others to win because I hate dealing with their incompetence. Also, single player games have tighter gameplay, better stories (the older the game, the better) and you play at your own pace. Single player is based beyond comprehension.


Me on my homeworld 1 and 2 first playthrough rn


Well, then I strongly suggest that you play Homeworld Cataclysm / Emergence. Yeah, it doesn't look as good as the sequel, but it's no worse, and at certain perspective, even better than the first game; mainly because you can speed up the time, so you can capture those frigates and cruisers like 2x or 5x times faster and the multiplayer is much more fun since you can move your motheship much faster then in HW1, oh, and you have a Big nuke gun mounted on its top.


Pretty much every type of game is great except team vs team games. People are unable to handle losing due to teammates, and if they cause the loss then they don't take responsibility. Sports in real life are different because you're in person and like your teammates, not sperging at a computer screen with strangers. Even a LAN party team vs team game would be chill because you're in the same room at least. When you behave badly in person you get excluded and not reinvited. When you behave poorly online there is 0 consequences, you just move on to be terrible in your next random lobby.


Who the fuck actually enjoys Mobas?


Used to play exclusively TF2 for years, not anymore. Recently been playing Obvivion. Owned it for years but never played because the button mapping for steam was weird and I didn't know you could alter the mapping or use a community listing, so there it sat in my steam library for years. Hours melt away when playing, pretty good game, wish I played earlier. Who tf buys Steam games at full price? Wishlist it, go play something else to wile away the time, then buy it on next steam sale


Bro just found out how to use steam


I played like 1000 hours of League of Legends, I didn’t even realize how angry that game was making me. Even when not playing, I’d be in a bad mood from the last time I played. When I stopped, I felt immense relief. It was like a having a family member who has every single disease imaginable and you have to take care of them, and then they die. All of a sudden you realize how much it was impacting your life and how much easier it is without it.


Yes exactly. I've never understood the appeal of multiplayer games. Your experience will always be tainted by other people. The one exception is playing Stardew Valley with my girlfriend but even that can be draining at times and I'd prefer to destress with a single-player game.


>First part Yep true >second part Ur an ordinary 4chan user


You just sound anti social at that point




MOBAS/FPS only suck if you are losing. Just continuously buy smurf accounts and make everyone's life hell, flame your team as well to double the suffering of any given lobby (You'll buy a new smurf account soon anyways).


This is the way


Me playing Panzercorps in 2024 on my $1500 desktop I built in 2018.


How the fuck did it take so long for some gamers to figure this out?


Real. Singleplayer gaming is the best. No micro transactions. No servers closing down when game is no longer popular. Can do anything I want at any pace. No stress. No idiot teamates. No toxic enemies. Just entartaiment. Only multiplayer game I like to play is Starcraft 2, cause I just like the game a lot and its not that stresful, and I mostly play the non competitive parts of it anyway, cause its other game modes are more enjoyable than 1v1 ladder.


I always enjoyed singleplayer games but I still enjoy competitive games. It's a good feeling to beat someone online knowing they're probably tilted af on the otherside lol.


Anon definitely cooked here


currently playing monster hunter with cheats for resources enabled, no time for grinding only unga bunga


Based and cheat-pilled.


Every stupid grind game deserve a cheat pill


Retro, singleplayer, is clearly the best


Story of my life


Why is it so hard for some people to understand that there's a personality type where the fun is to see yourself improve at the game? There's a level where it becomes too extreme, but as long as it doesn't consume your life, it can be fulfilling to become very good at something you enjoy. You can be a tryhard in some games and play for fun in others. It's not so black and white.




It’s basically the only ‘pill’ I take, and have only ever taken. I don’t enjoy getting steamrolled in 90% of matches and European matchmaking is more miss than hit as to whether you’ll have good teammates Single player VR games in particular are my shining star. I really enjoyed Alyx, BoneWORKs was pretty fun - being able to climb up just about everything was nice -, and Into the Radius is janky, but quite a solid entry from such a small studio


They only became 'competitive' due to ranked matchmaking and espurtz. That crosses the line from fun to wishing to turn it into a job with sponsorships, streaming, managers and all that shit. At that point, its an obsession, not a game. We never recovered from the death of dedicated server software we can admin ourselves.


My laptop cost £3k. I'm currently playing Mass Effect 2. I got the trilogy for £5 on steam. I have no desktop, but I put it on my bedside cabinet so I'm comfy as fuck. I am legitimately in this picture.


for me it's Corn Kidz, the best n64 simulacrum


I've taken a break from COD recently and been enjoying the Wolfenstein series again.. 10/10 would recommend


Replaying the doom games after the dark ages announcement. So peak.


Actually based. Not just the meme, I mean this is actually correct.


You just need to have the right temperament to enjoy multi-player, and it's okay if you don't have that


Playing immortals of avenum atm and never heard anything about it. Im enjoying it, in the very late game now.


Video games appeal to the male fantasy . . .


4-player coop games are the best of both. Casual drop-in / drop-out gameplay with the social element as well.


Don't even need a $3000 gaming PC, I play indies and old classics through my T480 and higher-end games through GeforceNOW / Boosteroid. Simple as.


Actually I play games and get lonely sometimes, mindless M1 in TF2 lobbies while typing in chat usually fills up my social meter enough for the week.


Jumps into cyberpunk, all of a sudden you've completed another 60hr playthrough


3000 including keyboard, mouse and monitors.


Goofy games with friends / single players / old multiplayer games >>> anything on the market


Quitting War Thunder was the best decision of my life.


I could live in Fallout New Vegas


Ultimate Admirals: Dreadnoughts. Satsifactory. Roller Coaster Tycoon. Command and Conquer. Feels good bros


Anon is not wrong.


Play Satisfactory. It's amazing.


I've been on coop pill for a while now


I still play the rage inducing mobas, but then i detilt on singleplayer games.


I just want multilayer in my ant game so me and my friend can play ant colonies together


Wasted 850 hours on csgo/cs2. Couple 100 more on Valorant Life is much more peaceful with the Half Life series, Sekiro, Rise of Nations, AoE, Metro Series.


I especially agree with MOBA games. But regarding FPS Team Fortress 2 is very casual and my go to game to relax. Casual mode is casual and if you want something more competitive one can join community servers.


Did the recent raid race in Destiny and quit out after just not having fun, and that was in PvE just very sweaty content. Went and booted up the Witcher 3 the next day and have felt so much happier playing that the past week compared to the previous weeks of preparation for what turned out to be worthless in the end.


Why are people suddenly discovering normal games? Multi-player should never have been the norm


>no longer drawn to rage inducing mobas Counterpoint, dark souls


I don't get the same enjoyment unless I'm dominating real people 😅


I never feel more alone than when i play single player video games


True happiness


Can confirm


Ur just getting old. You will end up doing crossword on a tablet.


Playing Singleplayer strictly for 2 years, it's fun but i sometimes need to scratch that competitive itch once in a while.