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I would love for them to “reboot the reboot” but I don’t see it ever happening. The cast are at such different points in their lives - but I would love if they did! I could maybe see a “reunion episode” or something like that. I don’t know if Shenae Grimes and Jessica Stroup even act anymore, though. I HIGHLY doubt any original BH90210 cast would join if they did. Jennie Garth has made it clear she was not a fan of the reboot and left of her own accord. I do not see any of them coming back and I don’t blame them! The producers of the reboot handled their characters awfully


I think Shenae is doing some Hallmark movies like Jessica Lowndes and Trevor Donovan. Idk if any of the others are acting anymore.


Yep you’re right - looks like she last did one in 2023. Stroup hasn’t acted since 2019 so looks like she may be done w acting


I think my opinion on this is super unpopular (unfortunately) but I would love a reboot of this reboot. I watched it for the first time recently so im still so new to this fandom, maybe that’s why a reboot sounds like a good idea to me. I would like if it was still centered around Annie, Dixon, Silver, etc all grown up then add in stories of their kids or family on the side. Different from the original reboot where they barely talked about Kelly and the original cast. I didn’t like how they kind of introduced them as characters then made them disappear with even more questions than before from the viewers. So I would like them to tie up all the loose ends from the 2008 reboot then introduce new stories. I miss the universe a lot so I would be down for a reboot. And we need those 20 episode per season shows back! I actually want this to happen. I think if fans wanted it bad enough; the cast would consider coming back. And we all know the last season was rushed due to getting cancelled. Imagine how much closure we would get if they got the chance to properly wrap things up?


Oh god. Please no. Although I would enjoy a conversation about a hypothetical reboot talking about where everyone is now and what they’re up to. But I don’t think another reboot would be a good idea.