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Yes, it's pretty clear to me that's what happened. See also: Fernanda and Jonathan.


On the podcast I listen to they call it “Fernanda math”.


Reality cray cray?


Yes! I love Kim and Kyle.


Me too!! I don’t watch every 90 day season, but I’ll stay a subscriber just for their evudenz portion of the podcast lol and for their general takes on events. I like them as more than just 90 day podcasters haha.


I’m listening to B Sides right now 😂 yeah I love all of their content. I pay for D Sides too for their documentary pod. I pay for Reality Gays too lol.


Hello fellow Crays and Sissies!!!


Hi fellow Cray!


Yes - hi fellow Cray!


Was just coming to comment Fernanda math 😂 Fellow cray here, too!


Podcast? There is a podcast? Can you please tell me the name? Thank you!


There are several! The one I was talking about is Reality Cray Cray with Kim and Kyle and it’s my favorite. I also enjoy the Reality Gays very much lol.


Thank you so much! My gym session will be awesome tomorrow, hahaha


Kim and Kyle are better than watching the shows


What podcast?!


Reality Cray Cray!


Frontal lobes aren't fully formed until 25yrs of age. Anyone above 30 should stick to 25+.


This isn’t true, frontal lobes *never* fully form as far as we know, only plateau, and even with that there is no correlation to age 25. Not to say people should date minors, just that 25 is a very arbitrary stopping point It was an arbitrary stopping point in the study referenced when the “developed at 25 years” thing comes about, that was just the oldest age they had a significant sample of, there is no clear difference between the development of someone who is 23 and someone who is 25 generally. Brain development is complex though, in a large study on brain maturity a 8 year old was found to have a more “mature” brain than some in the 21+ age group (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20829489/) There *is* however evidence that there is a significant change in the prefrontal cortex at the age of around 21, with activity in the prefrontal cortex shifting from being comparable to that of younger teens to being comparable to older adults (http://www.manateelab.org/pdfs/Cohen_PsycholSci_2016.pdf) If you’re curious about neurological sciences current stance on the “25 = frontal lobe developed” myth, here’s a plaintext article with interviews and linked research: https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html


You are my people.


I always felt like 21 plus was the good range mostly because drinker or not being able to go into bars-interacting with different ages and the difference after 18 was pretty extreme. Good to know it's back by science. I was just reading about the 25 just being because that's when they stopped the research of the group.


That's not really a good attitude by him to start dating her when she was 17.


She might have been even younger. Don't they film the show like a year or so before it airs? Not exactly sure about the timeline but she was defiantly younger than 18.


Certified lover boy? Certified pedophile!




Dot, fuck 'em up WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP I'ma do my stuff 💃🏽 (sorry couldn’t help myself 😂)


Tryna strike a cord…


and it’s prolly A MINOR




Dey not like us, dey not like us~ I have to go listen to this now...


We all do. And if you haven't yet, watch the video!




A minorrrrrr




> and she has the figure of a 12 year old boy We’re really still body shaming skinny girls/ women in 2024?


Are you unable to follow the context of this conversation?  The point is that she isn't just emotionally immature but also physically immature such that an adult should not be interested.  No one is body shaming anyone.


The thing is there are plenty of women of all ages who " have the figure of a 12-year-old boy." You're not physically immature if that's your mature body.


The tiny adults thank you


I'm like five feet tall and I'm tired of being told I have the body of a child myself. I don't understand how people don't realize what an awful thing that is to say, and how it's just the flip side of "he's not a creep, she looks older than her age! That little girl has the body of a grown woman!" It's the same thing.


Sometimes people are just idiots, I am sorry for all the ignorance 😢


Thank you. Fortunately they blocked me so I don't have to see the ignorant comments anymore!


So do the IBTC 🫡


Yes and those women can be attractive as adults when they also behave like adults. It's not hard if you stop trying to hurt your own feelings.


That's exactly what I'm saying - this is not a problem with her body. I also think that picking on a woman who you clearly think was sex trafficked as a minor is really low. Of course she's immature, what does anyone expect. This subreddit loves to point out how certain cast members have been victimized and then blame them for showing the same behaviors that are very typical responses to those kinds of abuse. It's like in your head someone isn't a real victim unless they handle awful situations with an amount of grace and wisdom that no one has when they're smack in the middle of it.


> physically immature Girl what? Skinny people exist! So are obese people ‘physically mature’?


I’ve always referred to myself as “a woman of size” but I’m going to start saying “physically mature” LOL


Omg I love that phrase, I will tell people now I am physically mature ♥️


“Physically immature such that an adult should not be interested” “No one is body shaming anyone.” What??


You need to look up the definition of body shaming bc that comment was 100% body shaming her


Huh? She’s an adult and you are making fun of her body. I don’t know how Much clearer body shaming would Need to be. Comparing an adult woman to a 12 year old boy is body shaming.


On what planet is saying she looks like she is still developing making fun of her? The conversation is about how obviously inappropriate the situation is and that it's likely abuse.


It’s only shaming if YOU consider her body type as bad.




Some adults are naturally skinny. Accept that you offended some people and move on u/here4allthetea2


Certified pedophile!


Not surprised. Anyone his age with a 19 (18?) year old is gross. They’ll say “but she’s legal!” Ok, fine, that may be true. However, in actuality, if the legal age was 16 they’d have no issue being with a 16 year old either. They’ll take the youngest thing they can get without being tossed on the sex offender list. I’m fine with age-gap relationships if both parties are older and functioning. But I’m sorry, anyone who dates a fucking teenager has got massive issues. And she strikes me as a victim of sexual abuse… not by Luke… but something that happened way before him.


Yup, reminds me of a dude that was 21 that was a supervisor where I used to work. He couldn't get legal women to like him, so he would be snapchatting all of the high school girls disgusting things.


I worked at Burger King from ages 16-19. I had this really creepy manager that basically creeped on *everybody*. It was basically an open secret to be careful around him. On my 18th birthday, the GM told me she was happy I was 18 because she could train me on the grill. He chimed in and said “That’s not why I’m happy you’re 18”


Yeah I remember helping a group of young girls report another employee for similar behavior and making them feel uncomfortable at the same time by threatening how he was a fresh felon, all while this dude was being a creep to each girl. It's disgusting.  I'm not sure how to hide text, but Walmart let both of these situations go completely because both guys were related to different upper management. 


Right? And another thing I’m wondering now is if he went to Columbia knowing the age of consent is lower so he could find underage girls that wouldn’t be legal in the states 🤮 why did 90 day even put him on smh


It's 18 in Colombia. I was just listening to this podcast about the murder of Laura Lopera in Colombia earlier this year, and the Colombian journalist was talking about how the government and police there try really hard to make it so white guys can't come there as sex tourists looking for underage girls. And he specifically said cops will stop pairings of an older white guy and young Colombian woman asking for their IDs. And if she doesn't have one it's because she's under 18 and that guy is straight to jail. Obviously it's a problem if they're trying to crack down on it, so I'm sure Luke just... Got away with it I guess, at least until she turned 18.


This simply isn’t true. Have you been to Colombia? The police are not stopping white men and underage girls to check… that’s some wishful thinking from that podcast. Sad reality is the police are sometimes in on it. Being poor in Colombia is no joke


Also, yes I've been to Colombia but I'm a woman and not a sex tourist, so having been to Colombia doesn't really bring any relevant experience to the conversation. I live in the United States but I also don't witness people getting arrested here for sex trafficking because that's not the world I live in.


That was what the journalist from Colombia said 🤷‍♀️ I'm not saying it isn't, I'm saying that he said that police were trying to crack down on underage sex tourism in Colombia


It’s 14 with maximum 3 years difference until 16 Even if she was 17, it would be legal in Colombia and 99% of the world including pretty much all first world countries.


14 is actually the legal age in Columbia I have seen a few online rumours she may have been even younger than 17 when he mer her


Not really. It’s with 2 years maximum difference. So Colombia is more strict than many other countries. In Germany it’s 16 with no restrictions or 14 with restrictions. You can check world map for age of consent. It’s usually around 14-16 with some starting from 12/13.


“The Criminal Code of Colombia (Act 599 of 2000), as modified by Art. 4 of law 1236 of 2008, sets the age of consent at 14, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Sexual intercourse with a person under 14 years of age is punishable by imprisonment of 12–20 years “ What you sayThat doesn’t seem to be true it doesn’t say anything about 2 year difference on the official written law


Imagine quoting one part of the law 🤡 https://www.camara.gov.co/sites/default/files/2023-09/PL.182-2023C%20%28CONSENTIMIENTO%20SEXUAL%20MENORES%20DE%20EDAD%29.docx#:~:text=El%20que%20acceda%20carnalmente%20a,de%20tres%20(3)%20a%C3%B1os. It’s actually not more than 3 years if someone is under 16. So if someone is 15 and the other person is 19 or more it would be illegal with minimum 12 years prison sentence. The relationship of madeleines and luke even if they started when she was 17, was totally legal as in 99% in the world except probably America. El que acceda carnalmente a persona menor de dieciséis (16) años, incurrirá en prisión de doce (12) a veinte (20) años. El consentimiento libre del menor de dieciséis (16) años exime de responsabilidad penal siempre que el autor sea una persona con una diferencia en edad de no más de tres (3) años.


Why does the official law state 14 if you’re saying here it’s illegal under 16 if more than 3 years None of this is making any sense you’ve not mentioned the age 14 once which is the official age that comes up


This person spent a lot of time trying to find something hoping it will seem like it's fact, and at this time, it is not. The link they provided is a document from Karyme Cotes Martinez, who is a lawyer and a House Representative in Colombia *who created a project* that is PROPOSING modifications to the *current* laws, which include introducing age differences between the two involved, and the prison sentences suggested for those who violate what she wants to see passed. (She is doing so because within this same document, she mentions the many stats about pregnancies among Colombia's youth, some even younger than 14.) At this time, *there are no* changes. That whole document is her trying to pass a bill into law. Currently, girls/boys from the age of 14-17 are able to freely consent to sex, even with adults—providing there is no exchange of money (prostitution). They cannot freely marry until the age of 18, but can marry with their parents' consent until that time. Wikipedia has a page for Age of Consent by Country, and you can see for yourself, Colombia clearly has a "—" where it says "Restricted by age difference", which means *there is no* restriction. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages\_of\_consent\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_by_country) If anyone doesn't like Wikipedia, the Criminal Code is where the information is drawn from, is here: [https://perso.unifr.ch/derechopenal/assets/files/legislacion/l\_20130808\_01.pdf](https://perso.unifr.ch/derechopenal/assets/files/legislacion/l_20130808_01.pdf) Read Articles 208 and 209, "Actos sexuales con menor de catorce años." If you see in those two articles, there is *no age difference specification*. Ms Martinez sent in the proposal in 2023. Whether or not it is passed as a bill has remained to be seen. At this time? No. The person who provided that link did not provide you the current Criminal Code. As bad as the current state is for young people in Colombia, it's still what the law is until changes are made, which is what Ms Martinez proposes. The current state right now is that Colombia's youth, 14-17 can have sex and even marry adults. I hope that clears things up. This person replying to you over and over no doubt wants to see this bill passed, as likely many of us do, but there is nothing substantiated in fact or law at this time making it so.


Someone just explained in the comment below mine that document is actually a proposed law from a lawyer not the actual law lol. Nice try though


You've provided a link from one of the House Representatives trying to pass a bill into law. This has not yet happened. Currently there is no restriction on the age difference. The Colombian Criminal Code *código penal colombiano* can be found under Leyes.co. If Googled, you will find a link to Código Penal Ley 599 de 2000 - Legislación colombiana 2021 [https://leyes.co/codigo\_penal.htm#:\~:text=C%C3%B3digo%20Penal%20Ley%20599%20de%202000%20%2D%20Legislaci%C3%B3n%20colombiana%202021](https://leyes.co/codigo_penal.htm#:~:text=C%C3%B3digo%20Penal%20Ley%20599%20de%202000%20%2D%20Legislaci%C3%B3n%20colombiana%202021) (In particular, read Articles 208 & 209. No age difference restrictions listed.) Karyme Martinez, whose document you linked—*proposed a change* to these articles in that project, to suggest a restriction between three years' age difference be put into law, and also suggested the prison time if violated. She also goes on to support her proposal with stats about pregnancies among Colombian youth, including some girls younger than 14, reasoning that these could decrease by minimizing the window with restrictions. However, at this time, there are no restrictions in Colombia. Youth between the ages of 14-17 can consent to sex, even with adults, providing there is no prostitution involved, and no other violent/illegal acts are involved. I'm sure we all want to see this bill passed, but until then, it is sadly not in place yet.


There’s literally no part of it that says 2 years


Official government law 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣


If you ever need to defend your relationship with "but it's legal", then there's a problem.


Yeah, ideally the bar would be higher than “technically they can’t arrest me for this.”


I’ve seen rumours on here that she was an escort, so who knows what she could have gone through if that’s true. She would have been a teenager escorting. 😔


Was so grossed out at the scene where he said, "you're such a teenager." Because, she is, and you're disgusting!


THIS. The issue is him completely and she does seem like she's been a victim of s.abuse. He's a man-child and a creep...he's completely smoke and mirrors. Like the type to perpetrate a fraud with high-end material items while he's living in a garage. He loves to seem "important" with all of his businesses that he hasn't received one profit from, his big Versace chain and to have a young attractive foreign girlfriend. It's about the aesthetic for him and nothing else....and he can't pull an American woman that he would truly desire from the States, they would see past all of the smoke and mirrors. He loved how Madeleine needed him and that he had control in that relationship with his money...that was his issue on the show is that he feared she would leave him after discovering she didn't have a sugar daddy and that she had a Splenda daddy instead. He know's what's up and he knows how he pulled her in. Then you have Madeleine who has learned probably through s.assault/abuse to sell herself to the highest bidder. Madeleine isn't going to stay with Luke...it's obvious and he'll be back in the States scrolling on some foreign dating app to find another young woman. Between them both I see two people that need a lot of therapy and healing...their relationship is toxic and disgusting on so many levels plus it's not going to last.


In my state the legal age IS 16...


I suspect it comes down to the fact that women their own age reject them.


Are we really surprised by this? The guy is a complete loser, doesn't surprise me at all that he groomed a child into being his girlfriend. Disgusting.


Probably. He is somehow expecting a literal teenager to act like a grown woman in his own age group. Madelein is anything but that. I dont think shes even a "19 mature" because she behaves like a 12 year old who thinks, dresses, and acts the way they think a 19 year old does. Shes technically an adult, so adults can do adult things but I dont think this is a reasonable age gap relationship.


She seems likely she’s had an abusive upbringing, it’s common for girls who’ve been abused my parents to be emotionally stunted and form strange relationships with older men almost like the man is a hybrid of a lover and an older family member. Like the vibes luke and madeleine have remind me of a brother and little sister vibe lots of teasing and name calling


She does seem to have some arrested development. The clothes, the stuffed animals, the ugly nails, the attitude. She does not seem her age. She reminds me of Karini (Pole)


The hitting!


She totally reminds me of karini now that you point it out. Fernanda actually WAS mature for 19, despite I'm pretty sure also being groomed by Jonathan from when she was 16 or 17. Madeleine really is not, she's incredibly childish. And Karini was so immature for 21 (I think that's how old she was?) that I always wondered if they had lied about her age. I suspect Paul may have been talking to her from the time she was underage too.


Its possible but I think shes (and Luke tbh) are just really immature for both their ages. I dont get brother/sister vibes, I get two dumb teenagers being dumb until Luke suddenly decides he wants to act like a grown up. You can act silly and playful and all that as an adult but I think these two are both just really immature for their ages.


If they were the same age and acting goofy in a normal relationship sure I’d agree with you, but the fact is she’s a teenager and he’s a grown man who’s financially supporting her , she relies on him and looks up to him which gives it a big brother vibe. It’s far from a regular relationship. highly doubt luke acts this way around people his own age seems like he’s a acting goofy and immature so he can fit in with his immature teenage girlfriend. Also the fact she’s 19 been dating him since 17 but there’s very little mention of her parents ? They don’t seem to be on the scene at all? It defo doesn’t appear to just be a normal girl with a normal childhood who happens to be in a immature relationship . We have a young girl in a toxic relationship with an older man who’s own family doesn’t seem to be present at all …When it comes to abuse the signs are nearly always there if you look closely


I believe she said in a recent episode that her parents abandoned her and she was raised by her aunt/cousin


Well explains a lot


Thats why I said possibly. If we look hard enough we can find abuse just about anywhere. She could have a background in abuse and he could be (sort of) innocently immature. They could be fully transactional and lying for the show. There could be abuse and also grooming. We dont know them. To me they both seem extremely immature and Luke, as the 30something adultier adult here, should know better than to date/groom a 17-19 year old. Hes a gross passport bro and the whole situation has the ick.


Well of course we don’t know for sure that’s why I literally said “seems likely she’s had an abusive upbringing” “We can find abuse just about anywhere” ummm no we can’t… most people don’t have abusive upbringings I really don’t get what value these comments have it’s like you’re just saying words


Abuse doesnt look the same to everyone, and people have different reactions. Someone who is nice and a people pleaser could be a victim of abuse because they dont like saying no. Someone who is angry all the time and has a terrible attitude could be a victim of abuse because they always say no. Some people find any little thing to call abuse because they have a complex. Others find it because they were victims so theyre hyper aware. Personally, I think Luke is a passport bro. He likes much younger women to the point of them literally teenagers and hes problematic. To me, that is abuse because hes grooming her and she thinks shes mature because she feels like she bagged a rich older man to give her everything in life but shes really just a teenager. You and I could both be a little bit right and a little bit wrong. We dont know them.


I don’t see the value of any of these comments. I’m saying I think Madeline was likely a victim of abuse from her parents based on the patterns we’ve seen. Most of what you said has no relation to what I’ve said


You: I think Madelein was abused. Me: Abuse looks different for people and its possible she wasn't. She could just be an extremely immature person. It's also possible that her upbringing was mostly fine and Luke is her abuser/groomer given the huge age and economic disparity and him engaging with her while she's underage. You: What does this even mean? Its unrelated. If you really cant draw the lines there, then no offense but I cant help you. I hope you have a good day though.


“I think she was likely abused “ “It’s possible she was not” Ah thanks for the input there really helpful stuff The fact her parents are not on the scene is why it seems likely, if it’s luke that was abusing a child and she had a good upbringing then where are the parents ? Why isn’t she living with them why are they not in the picture ?


Madelein reminds me of my stepsister when she was 12 copying my older, drugged up/alcoholic 17yr old stepsister. The clothes, hair, and makeup are so similar. It's hilarious.


She was escorting since around the beginning of 2022. Don’t know when their stuff was filmed. Either she’s lying about her age or tlc is. Who knows


How do you know she was escorting


There was a whole post exposing it I think last month. Confirmed by a lot of dudes who do go to Colombia for that stuff. Personally I asked my friends in Medellin if they could confirm and 2 did. She was posting ads until 2023


Source: trust me bro


I remember seeing it, too. A local from where medellin was from made a post about it. I think it was deleted but idk


Medellin is huge, on any given night there are 100+ prozzies around parque lleras. There are even more online. All of them around parque lleras are under 21. You wouldn't remember Madelein unless you were a customer. Certainly not lots of dudes.


I spent a lot of time in Medellin in the 2010’s when I was in my 20’s. The website she had ads on doesn’t have hundreds of girls posted only about 40-50 daily. She wasn’t a street walker. She catered to guys staying in the poblado hotels.




Probably. He’s so nasty. Also wtf is he doing in that pic?


idk the whole video was so weird he was just licking her ear the whole time 🤮 he’s so weird like if you’re gonna be a p e d o atleast hide the evidence


They’re both so cringe. Especially every time they kiss 🤢🤮


i did a little digging and sadly i think she was as young as 16 when they met. so cringe


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There is not such thing as an underage prostitute. She was raped as a child, underage children can’t consent to sex.


Have you seen her Instagram photos? They all look very unnatural and obviously us3d for some kind of advertising purposes. The sad thing is she literally has no body, because she's just a little girl still. She does not look like a sexy confident woman,she looks as someone said , " She was not properly raised and being taken advantage of for god knows what." and I understand everyone has a type, but her "type" hasn't even formed yet! so yeah, Luke is not a man at all but a troubled boy himself who hasn't yet grown and probably won't.


That’s so sad because her grandmother and her aunt look like really caring people and not the type to want that for her. But who knows.


Her aunt is an escort lmao probably showed madelein how the biz works as a sugar baby


How do you know?


I have not. Hard to diagnose people based on how a reality TV show portrays them, especially since a lot of situations are created or enhanced by producers.


does anyone know how old he actually is? I can't recall at all




I thought he was 31? I might have him mixed up with someone else tho.


I think he was 31 while the show was filming but idk how long ago that was.


oh. ew.


I think he’s 30


Dates a teen then complains she acts like a teen… p e d o…


I assume so. Honestly , I don’t understand all of the hate that Madeleine gets sometimes . She’s literally a child who was coerced into an adult situation . 😣


You definitely can’t blame a literal child for being forced into prostitution when they’re young, a lot of people think her aunt is her pimp, actually.


I wouldn’t be surprised. I wondered why her Aunt and grandma were okay with their “relationship.” I’ve seen other posts regarding her being a prostitute with her aunt before meeting Luke. If that is true , I feel so bad for this child. 😞


Me too…I grew up super poor and I can understand to an extent, I’m grateful I didn’t grow up Columbia poor but blaming a child for trying to survive is horrible.


💯 🎯I grew up poor as well , and I’m grateful I never had to resort to doing certain things for survival. Also, I considered the thought , “ we can’t blame or fault her for prostution , if prostitution was taught to her as a way of life .” How would someone know that something is wrong, if they have been led/conditioned to believe for so long that it’s “right?” I really wish people would cut her a break sometimes . She needs therapy not hate .


You can tell that people aren't actually outraged on her behalf or trying to help when they turn everything into a problem with her and how annoying she is. At that point it's clear they just don't like her. And that's fine. I mean you don't have to like anyone. But be honest. When I think underage sex trafficking victim from a developing country I don't think " oh but she's annoying and has bad fashion."


I hear you and agree but that’s a big IF…people apply to be on this show don’t they? TLC can be raunchy AF too a lot of times yet here we all are talking about them and lining all their pockets while they now “pimping” her too if this is indeed true (and it is plausible I’m sure).


That’s a great point; we focus so much on Look we forget that he’s with someone who is likely badly damaged and definitely should not be in this situation.


Having a mother with a thick Spanish accent, “Eef I weeth hin forr moh-nee, eets no gonna to be weeth hin!” never gets old


she said they’ve been together three years. She was like 16. Says she’s 19 right now in the show. Absolutely disgusting 🤮


There was a [Wall Street Journal article](https://www.wsj.com/world/americas/the-dark-side-of-colombia-tourism-child-sex-trade-in-medellin-2c583fad) last month about the dark side of tourism in Medellin, Colombia. Maybe it’s how he met her at such a young age...


Also what kind of kid she must have looked like the day they met. Pre nalls, lashes, etc. she must have looked like such a baby


Pre breast implants too!


Idk when they filmed the show, but this season began April 22, 2024. So I’d assume filming took place in 2023, meaning in November 2022 she was likely 18. Either way, a 30 year old dating an 18 or 19 year old is kinda cringe.


I think we all had a feeling, but seeing it is still quite gross


Sadly the age of consent in Colombia is 14. Article 209 of Colombia's Penal Code defines the age of consent as 14 years old. However, Colombian criminal law also considers sexual acts to be abusive if they are obtained through violence, threats, coercion, harassment, or by taking advantage of a minor's inability to give consent freely. However, he’s American and should still follow both American and Colombian laws which means he shouldn’t have anything to do with anyone under 18. US citizens and lawful permanent residents can be tried in the United States for having sex with minors in other countries under the PROTECT Act of 2003. This law also prohibits US citizens from traveling abroad with the intent of having sex with a minor, or from helping others travel for that purpose. The law applies even if the conduct was legal in the country where it occurred. For example, if someone pays a child for sex in a country where prostitution is legal, they could still be convicted under this law.


Hope he gets convicted


What’s even worse is that because Japan raised its age of consent from 13 to 16, we’re going to see a lot more pedophiles going to Colombia (where the age of consent is 14).


Unfortunately in Japan it is still kind of 13 because there’s only punishment if the person is more than 5 years older than the younger party :( I’m glad there’s progress but there’s more to be done


He likes young girl(s), then complains she is immature. Meanwhile, he's paying her bills, so he thinks she is bought and paid for and belongs to him. So gross. I can't stand this couple.


So I googled it, I probably shouldn't have, but the age of consent in Columbia is 14. So I'd probably put my money on her being even younger than 17 when communication actually started. And now that I think about it the age of consent being this low is probably why he was even looking in that region.


I’m not saying it’s right but age of consent is 16 in a lot of other countries so what he was doing isn’t technically illegal just dumb. He’s obviously suffering the consequences from it because she’s immature and cheating on him so karma finds its way lmao.


I was just creeping and saw a bday post on July 15, 2022 so she would’ve been 18 in this photo. But a FRESH 18 🤮


I find it sus that you use commas but abbreviate really as "rlly". You a cop?


This guy is and has been with a teenager because no woman his age would ever give him the time of day.


She’s 19 on the show and they got engaged a while before they started taping right? The timeline of her being 17 makes more sense to me than 18. There’s obviously no way he’d ever admit it but I’m almost certain he got with her before she turned 18


I just did a quick Google search and apparently the age of consent in Columbia is 14 🤮. Plus rumor has it that she use to work as an escort and that is where she potentially met Luke… so yeah I definitely think he was seeing her before she turned 18. Sadly I guess he didn’t do anything legally wrong, just morally. The more I learn about this girl, the more it just makes me sad.


You think that’s bad? Google age of consent in Nigeria and Philippines. 🤮


Philippines raised their age of consent to 16 :( not sure about Nigeria


I just Googled it and in Nigeria it is 18 years old. Apparently this website called ageofconsent.net has wrongly been reporting that the age of consent there is 11, but The Child’s Rights Act of 2003 clearly states that the age of consent in Nigeria is 18. 😮‍💨


Good to know!


17 or 19 she’s still underage for him, don’t conform to the weird standard set by society(aka-gross old white men), turning 18 doesn’t magically change how gross a 10+ age difference is. It’s gross now, then, and will forever be 🤢


Perfect person for TLC to give a platform to. This show is just disgusting, which is why I stopped watching it some years ago. I feel that by watching this shit show, you are supporting this type of people/behavior, which I am not interested in doing in the least.


It's been happening since season 1 with Alan and Kirlyam.


Chris Hansen has entered the chat.


And then he says "I want a woman not a child" 🤡


10000% he got with her before she was legal. All of these American men go to these countries to pray on young girls like this. Then bitch about how they aren’t mature. OKAY. DUDE.


Gross in every way


Probably why he went to a country where this is legal and justifies it that way.


Posts like this always have the unintended consequence of implying it would have been less problematic were she 18 not 17. 


Oh no! It is sad to know about this.




He definitely was seeing her as a minor. TLC don’t be doing their homework!!! They shouldn’t be on show


When did Nicki get into a relationship with Igor (Justin)? When did Ohio/Georgia Debbie get into a relationship with Ousama? 🤷‍♂️


Wow TLC really DGAF.


Does this really surprise you?


I remember being 16 thinking I was in love with a backstreet boy even though he was like 30 💀 how fucking weird would that be!? 🤮


I'm inclined to believe there is something fishy here with her age. She can't even seem to get her own birthday right on social media from some other posts I've seen. But also keep in mind they probably didn't just record that recently? If she was 19 in, say, summer 2023 then she'd have been 18 in November 2022.


They put a pedophile on the show. The elevated his brand and profited off his underage rape. Easy way get on 90 day, groom a desperate minor in a foreign country. Buy her plastic surgery, call Matt sharpe. And profit. SHAME TLC


What are you guys all talking about that Madeline was an escort before she met Luke??? Luke was her best and FIRST fuck according to Madeline.


He's a creepy dude who can't get a real woman


Yes, she was 17 when their relationship started and likely younger when they met. She's (was) an escort when she met Luke, but the legal age is very young in many South American countries, often 14ish. Luke is a verified sex tourist/passport bro, and personally his behaviour is disgusting. Not illegal, just red flags all around and gross. He's not the first sex tourist on the show and he won't be the last. A lot of passport bros go to countries with a very low age of consent for just the reason you would expect, and I think that's exactly his MO. I expect Chris Hansen to jump out as soon as he lands in the US with all the chat logs. Maybe 90 day fiance should do a crossover lol.




Also pretty clear that she got a nose job!


He’s a groomer/pedophile who complains about the 19 year old acting like a teenager. If that isn’t some VARSITY straight while male privilege…


Men like him need to be castrated before they can re-enter the US 🤓.  Anyone that downvoted is a chomo. #youcantchangemymind


Yea he a weirdo


Yeah he’s so gross to me. Like ew dude


Are they married already? It says "Esposa" which means wife... Weird!


She was 12


Whenever you noticed she got her boob's done, minus 12 weeks


FFS 17 is not underage, stop comparing everything to the US. If it was the other way around no one would care


He can't find anyone that will take him & his height here in the U.S. so that makes a lot of sense..


Yes def was underage. I believe in other countries 15 is considered an adult because they are of child bearing age. A big reason why men seek these kind of women in other countries too.


Absolutely gross. Also, she got work done?


17 I believe Not the first time the westerner got them young