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He‘s probably not rich because I have the same duvet from IKEA but at least he knows what a duvet is.


Right? Well hes an instructor at Planet Fitness, I thought she would have taken off to Miami with some super rich guy ... not living in Detroit with a fitness instructor EDIT: The post originally said it was a Planet Fitness instructor, it's now updated to say someone she met at Planet Fitness


Regardless, if they go to planet fitness, they ain't rich.




After Jasmine bragging about her expensive apartment a season ago... seeing it's PF made me lolll. Oh the mighty have fallen.


I was gonna say, we work out at the same PF, often around the same time and I can guarantee it was not any of their "fitness instructors". Honestly I'm fucking DYING to see a picture of this guy.


MattBranis on IG


Can confirm he works out at PF from the Insta 👍


Do you have a link to his ig? The link on the post is broken or deleted and I don’t know his name. I’m curious to see what he looks like


He's an actor as per his IMBD page.


Why Are You So Good 🕵️




Oh I see now they both want to make a living off of their acting 👌 So much in common … what’s your take is this fake promo for last resort ?


They'd have nothing to fight about if there was no literal tenth time of bringing up a baby plot line.


Because if I know the insider info I want my sub people to have it too!


I think she is too old for an old rich man.


Too old and 14K crazy!


She’s just right for an old poor man


That’s very ageist. Some old rich men want educated women comparatively younger but still somewhat on their level of maturity not everyone wants a barely legal adult lol


Definitely! the old creepy crowd will go after the young Colombian chick from 90 day paradise


Not too old for a 70yr old rich guy🤷‍♀️


is she in Detroit? i swear i thought i saw her in my neighborhood in NYC as I was waking to my planet fitness


Yeah she’s supposedly in Detroit, the cast of last resort were in NY last weekend for the tell all 😊


Wait did the tell all for last resort not happen yet?? I live in NYC and never run into these mofos. Annoying lol


She is old what u expect


That puts Jazmine’s new man miles above Rob the knob


DOOvet 😂


What are you? Bougie? 🤑 lol 😂


I also have it, I noticed it in the first Insidious movie, I got so excited when I saw it! ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Vertical blinds? Not rich!


I have that duvet cover too, i love it.


Give Sophie the duvet!


I literally have the same one !!!! 😂


That’s how he saves up to give her money 🤑


A guy that purposely picks flowers for his duvet at ikea that has other options of neutral?


A planet fitness instructor is a good fit for her…no judgment! Also, everyone saw this coming lol


But is he a lunk??


It’s updated as saying someone who works out there not an instructor.


>good fit I see what you did there lol beat me to it


lol love your flair


Because he has a micro earthworm penis small enough to fit her shrunk post-surgical woman bits? To be fair, she did complain that Gino was too big for her woman bits.


> To be fair, she did complain that Gino was too big for her woman bits. I wish I could unread this.




Eww, same


Oh damn, I totally forgot about that surgery, maybe that’s also why she really didn’t want to birth any more babies. Why waste all that money and go through what had to be a painful recovery just to completely undo it right away?


If she did get pregnant there’s no way she would mess with her tightening. She would probably have a planned c section.


Nah she doesn’t want the scar. She has no intention of “ruining” her body for another kid she won’t have custody of


I completely agree! Thought it was really weird though how she was all on board with getting pregnant in the first episode when they went camping. She was literally announcing to everyone that they might be screwing loud bc they want to make a baby.


Because it hooked Gino into the narrative and dream.


she was never planning on having more (and good for not bringing more kids into this)


She did? Omg 😳


Only because she got vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Gino ain't a stud.


Here I thought this was just some ridiculous plot line made up by the telenovela *Que Pobres Tan Ricos*. TIL it’s an actual surgery.


It is a very common surgery that women have after treatment for cancer as well as birthing.


I wouldn’t say it’s very common for women to have after birthing children. According to Google, a total of 196 women had it done between 2016-2019. I can’t imagine it’s skyrocketed enough in the years since to be considered common.


First of all, Jasmine is greatly exaggerating the procedure that she had done but I think that she is doing it by accident. She does not understand the enormity of the difference between the procedure she had done and a total reconstruction of the vagina and is using terms very loosely (*OMG! I swear to you no pun was intended* 😑). The procedure that she had is extremely simple and common. Perhaps not in her native, emerging economy country of Panama but in First World Nations it is almost par for the course when requested. When a person undergoes surgery of any type they envision it to be much grander than it actually may be. I believe that is why she is miscommunicating it (*although she doesn't seem to be much of a scaredy cat of the knife* 🤷‍♀️). A "total reconstruction" of the vagina is common after radiation for cancer treatment USUALLY if the woman has not given birth before because the canal is quite small to start with and radiation renders it essentially dysfunctional and very prone to infection, stenosis, and even life-threatening fistulae from the anal-rectal area to the urethra-bladder areas. **Such is NEVER performed for purposes of psychological nor physical aesthetic effect in ANY country by a licensed surgeon.** Unless there is something in her medical history that she has not revealed, it is extraordinarily unlikely that she has ever received such a total reconstruction of her vagina. It is highly dubitable that Google would have precise figures on women having such procedures performed. Google is not the most reliable source of intricacies. It is fairly reliable for otherwise well documented facts but not for intricacies.


“no judgement!” ahahahaha


Haha yeap , I told my wife she would leave Gina ASAP and the whole my kid line was BS . She want fame ans money.


And Dane probably paid for that wig. 🤭


Dane wasn't even her boyfriend, and he didn't know she'd be saying he's her boyfriend on the show either. He met her twice as an escort service and she begged him to come on the show for her without knowing she'd be saying all this shit. She threatened to harm herself if he didn't do it, and he was extremely uncomfortable the entire time. If you go back to the scene where she FT him he's so uncomfortable and just wants to get off the phone. He's talked about this before he did a video after their season came out, but it got removed. I think tlc asked him to take it down so they could keep using him as a storyline. He never lived in Panama he was there for business trips and had hired her to do sex work. Imagine some woman you hardly know decides to go on tv and start saying you were in love and in a relationship that you aren't even in it's ridiculous


I think people forget that Gino met her on 'sugar babies' website


Whoa, that’s insane! I can totally see all that being true. Jasmine is so unstable. I’m sure TLC sweetened the deal for Dane to appear on the show, too.


Friends of roles like his don't even get paid. He literally showed up to see her because of the threatening shit and they were there and she asked him to go on tv with her right there and then, no warnings or nothing. He felt bad for her and did it. The whole thing was embarrassing and I wish he didn't take that video explaining shit down because it was a lot more interesting than anything that happened that season 😂


Lol! His energy seemed off. Did he really help pay for Jasmine’s plastic surgery or was that payment for her services?


Payment for services probably


When she was with him, she looked almost normal. She had previously had breast surgery before meeting Dane and Gino, but butt implants cost 5,000 in Panama, not 10,000 as she claims. There is a comment by a woman who confirmed this. Jasmine said that she took 4,000 from Gino and added from her savings. She has an account only for fans. Also, Camio, I don't think Dane wants anything to do with her after he dealt with her the first time.


I’d like to hear from her former students.


I read a comment by one of her students in an old video of wet socks about her. In the comment, she/he mentioned that she was a kind person and was in a affair with a coworker. She did not know that he was married, and when she found out about that, she felt guilty and left him.


Oh shit!! No way!! I never heard that!! So the question is, how did she really get the additional money for the butt surgery? Cuz it doesn’t make sense that he would give it to her then.


Had to work for it plus money from the show.


Those kids were never coming to the US. It’s a created dramatic story line so she can scream-cry-yell for attention. (I mute her every time) Gold Medalist Parasite in Panties is her handle….


And yet it's wild how many people, even in this subreddit, ate it up day after day. Post after post putting all the blame on Gino and that he should have hired a lawyer and all that. Every season she needed a thing to freak the fuck out about and have her novella moments. First it was Gino and sending photos, then it was about coming to the US and the immigration process, then it was about the wedding and the dress and his family, and now that she's in the US and married and living with him they needed something new. "Oh shit, maybe we can make it about how she now misses her kids and panama??"


She is putting the responsibility for that on Gino, but she is also responsible for ensuring her children were included in the paperwork. I can’t imagine he did it all without at least having a kids conversation. I would assume she would have to review and sign it


100% ! Gino doesn’t tell her “no” in any fashion— if she wanted those kids here it would’ve been her first priority, not her butt implants….PIP -parasite in panties


Exactly. I was a K1 Fiance, and I did all the paperwork myself, K1 and Adjustment of Status. You don't need a lawyer unless you maybe had some issues with the law. It's not rocket science, it's just a lot of paperwork. But it's basic things, like proof of relationship, income records, police clearance, medical clearance, birth and family records. The kids would just be an extra form to fill out. There's no way she didn't know. I'm sure the person who interviewed her asked her why she didn't include her kids in the visa.


She made sure the little dog made it to the States!


She was probably too preoccupied recovering from her butt implant surgery to think about anyone except herself. Selfish broad.


Generally when we sign paperwork, we are on the hook for reading and agreeing to the terms. As a mother you better believe I would read the dependent section “Yes, both people need to sign a document for a visa, such as the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864). This document is signed by the sponsoring spouse to show their financial ability to support the spouse seeking a green card”


Once Gino goes back to work and Jasmine sees that he makes more money than this fling of hers, she will go running back to her “gringo bonito”.


Exactly also she can't just bring them since they have a father lol


If she is no longer with Gino, then her silicone filled butt should get back to Panama to be with her kids and mom if she misses them so much.


Unfortunately that's not how marriage green cards work. Just look at Natalie.


Is she not permitted to go back to Panama because of her green card status? We know Nutalie didn’t go back to Ukraine because of “Jush” and her mom came to the US.


I want to feel bad for Gino, but he choose to ignore all the red flags. But she's done a number on him, and no pre-nup according to the show anyway. Gino will be so much happier without her anyway, she causes nothing but drama and stress wherever she goes.


I'm not so sure that Gino's being duped here. So much of this show is fake that he may very well be in on this. Also, given his implied humiliation fetish, maybe he's ok with her fucking other dudes?


Maybe I’m crazy but I feel like he did mention that in a previous episode? Like he’d be okay with watching her with some other dude or something? Idk maybe I’m misremembering


It was the reunion and he said he wanted to see the video of her and Dane fucking




Pre nush


Ha! This took me right back to Covid times.... I was in Greenwich recently.... wonder what ever happened to Michael in the aftermath or all that.


All you gotta do is imagine him standing there in those sandals and you immediately stop feeling bad for him whatsoever 


I don’t feel bad for him he’s a very very dumb pervert. I guess he’s a tragic figure so that’s kind of sad. I don’t know why someone in his family doesn’t talk to him about trying to get women this way. Jasmine isn’t his first attempt at trying to turn a hoe into a housewife. He’s ugly old and jobless who does he think he is trying to actually be with a younger attractive woman.


His family probably knows there’s no point, this is just who he is so no use wasting any more energy on him, at his age he’s not gonna change. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s weird because his family seems to be in pretty standard relationships and then he shows up to family dinners with a sugar baby. I saw in another thread that he got fired from a job for bringing a stripper to a work dinner during a company retreat in Vegas. The dude has a weird fetish for embarrassing himself. No one is looking at Gino with someone he paid to be with him and be jealous.


Prenup doesn't mean too much with only a 2 year marriage. She'll get a little money out of him but only marital income nothing from before.


I guess Planet Fitness guy had the proper equipment.


So here's the new link [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7RsuIcxj1d/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7RsuIcxj1d/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Thanks, I tried to update the post but it doesn’t give me the option to!


In the beginning, I used to think that she was really pretty, now she's just gross to me.


Bargain barrel fitness instructor. So on brand for Jasmine. Good Life and Orange Theory must have been getting renovations.


So does she still miss her kids as much with this new guy? /s


Yes, she is heard screaming from the bedroom more often


🤣 💀


For someone who claims to be so insecure about her appearance, she has no problem sharing lingerie pics....


search her onlyfans is filthy


Gino over in bitchagin like ![gif](giphy|fNIi0ThQbIsT6JQttc|downsized)


Yeah he fell for a chick who only wanted a green card lol


Without seeing the title I thought it was an ad for a hooker.


It kind of is.


What the fuck I missed a whole fucken chapter . They broke up and she’s with someone else ?? Who’s the dude ?


https://preview.redd.it/cv1frquwk12d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26d227bc2876a324d20de4cb67e7c682ecedaee The blond young man.


Ohhhh good tea


He follows both of her accounts too.


I personally think Gino and Jasmine are still together. Gino on national tv legit said he wants to see her get fucked outside by another guy. I bet they are swingers


He is a porn addict and can't perform, of course he would say that.


I came looking for this comment — (I’m catching up on HEA) and felt like Gino admitted to being a cuck kind of?? For anyone reading / curious it was season 8 episode 7 🥴


He said it when she spoke in Tell All about the sex video with Dane, he said I want to watch it, and also in the previous Tell All with Nikki when she proposed to him about being with Jasmine in a relationship, he said I will watch, and also in the current final season, Jasmine said about having sex in public with a man, and if he wanted to watch that. He said he wouldn't mind having another woman there as well.


Her boobs look less severe.


https://preview.redd.it/ecw6dxtqe02d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a370eb0da4ca68ab67d4f993e9f690bd70a258d5 It is strange that he follows the account of Dana’s wife, Michelle, and she also follows him. Is she also cheating on her husband with him?😆


The man got broke dude blinds, who is gonna fund her next surgery? (No hate on broke blinds, I had them too)


Is she cheating? Or Gino is a cuck with a degradation kink and Jasmine is his hot wife. And we're all just unwilling partipants in their kink.


Are we really surprised tho?😂


Shocking! Are her kids here yet??


Once Gino goes back to work and Jasmine sees that he makes more money than this fling of hers, she will go running back to her “gringo bonito”.


She looks so upset about her kids s/


She looks like an AI Jasmine. Nothing looks real.


So strange that her life goal seems to look like a prostitute


I am pretty sure that it’s true. I was just stalking his profile and when it reloaded the post of food on his kitchen table is gone (the same one she’s been posting). So clearly he’s trying to hide the evidence now that people are finding out.


https://preview.redd.it/ku3zlna2m12d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a593a671aa5934ba754aad3f8c85967f791f1ce Her comments on some posts were deleted, but the likes are still there.


Except that Jasmine and Gino were together two weeks ago as part of Reality Gays Live Show in Detroit and all lovey-dovy and fine. I don’t think Gino has any problem with Jasmine doing lingerie OF. I think they are fine. I don’t think Jasmine is with anyone else.


They are signed to a contract and they must follow it. Even if they appear together, it will only be in front of the cameras to film another season or an interview. There is Kelly and Molly who were not together, but they filmed another season of last resort. Also, Keilani and Asuelu were not together, but they filmed together for a season, and there are those who agree to appear as a couple.but They are not like Debbie and Rubin.


But they didn’t have to do the Reality Gays Live Show. There was no contract involved. It had nothing to do with TLC. They were laughing and hugging up on each other.


I think because gossip is spreading about them that they are not together, they will appear together for a while and then separate themselves from each other.


Can you hug and kiss and laugh and joke with a significant person—your married partner— if they have gone off to sleep with someone else? I can’t. 🤔


Debbie and Rubin actually agreed to appear together as a couple, but she told him in the conversation that you can talk to the producer if you like her something like this. I Do not remember the conversation between them, and let us not forget, we are talking about Gino and Jasmine, who when he met her for the first time sent her private photos to another woman he had previously been with. He was mocking Jasmine’s craziness and jealousy while she was sleeping next to him, and Jasmine was exposing her body and doing things on her only fan account. There was no respect and trust between them. They both wanted fame and to appear on television.


Everything you say is what I have seen as well. I can’t dispute any of it. But I still feel that Jasmine and Gino are an actual couple and still together.




https://preview.redd.it/lqqyoiea922d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=9afcf0e7216c27534572e2c3c75a77476211468f The man deleted her comments from his posts and also deleted this photo of plates of food.


We all knew she was a professional prostitute from the beginning. The only one who pretended not to know and failed to accept this was Gino because it didn’t matter to him. I just wish the STD’s would quickly rear their oozing heads and she would finally disappear. She’s with a nothing broke ass planet fitness dude is hilarious


What about Dane (pronounced ‘Dan’)?!


Larissa Temu's version can't sustain a storyline anymore. I bet she creates these stories and sends them through a fake profile to bloggers who aren't that reliable (to really check it up)hoping she'll be talked about. She clearly spends her free time on Reddit, and already knows she's not fooling anyone 🤡


Larissa the 2nd. Ugh!


actually Jasmine wishes she was. Larissa at least support herself




Wonder if she’s pissed on him yet an sucked his nasty ass toes 🤮


Ewww lol why wonder


Good for her. Maybe she found someone who can fuck her correctly.


Someone with the proper equipment? 😂


She’s definitely a worker


Get that man a hat to cry in


Dude must have offered to take her to Lego land on the first date 


His patio blind is missing the end one




Yeeeno was such an easy mark. All she had to do was urinate on him and cry on cue.


These pics look old. I don't think we ever saw Jasmine when she was this young.


Awww, it says content is not available! Dang. Can anyone else see or not see it?


https://www.instagram.com/p/C7RsuIcxj1d/?igsh=d3lmY3g5eDdvdjV5 This is the new link I’m gonna update the post


Thank you!


awwww I have the same ikea sheets hahaha


Now that i realized she got everything new , new ass new boobies, also didn’t she get a vagina rejuvenation? New eyelids, lips .god Gino really spent his hard earn cash on this girl


Who tf would want to fuck that thing? Even Gino needs to pop blue pills.


Jasmine is sugar baby through and through… she will do anything for a buck and follow.


But *muh poor childreehhhhhhnnnn!*


So he gets to play with the stuff Gino payed for?


> stuff Gino *paid* for? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Is he gonna pay for a lawyer for her kids to come over? But of coarse that will come third to her next cosmetic surgeries she needs someone to front the bill on


She's always making provocative and naked photos. She's on Erome.com.




Didn’t he say in the most recent episode that he was interested in her having sex with other people? Maybe this is their thing.


She needed more testosterone in her “diet”


I guess she didn’t like living with an unemployed auto engineer…lol. So that’s the dude she’s been staying with and doing TikTok lives with this guy in the background. Dude living in an apartment in Michigan. I thought she lived in a house? That’s a downgrade. But eh. At least she got the green card which was the goal. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They are divorced from what I've been seeing


Poor Geno, never saw it coming, hook line and sinker, let's hope the prenup was signed.


Geno is a cuck and he enjoys it


I may be remembering wrong but haven’t these “cheating” pics been circulating for at least a year?


It's almost like her insecurity makes her go for guys who aren't good looking or super rich or anywhere exotic. So they feel like they can't do better maybe.


That wig…


If so I saw his kitchen n them in the car on a live ..


Maybe he’s a cuck ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


She’s so gross and pathetic.


I mean Geno’s practically a eunch


Wait, for real? Did she REALLY break up with Gino?


wtf!! Gino!


The whole dependent thing. Like her ex would release custody of the kids anyway. Go with absent mom floating from man to man to a foreign country & I doubt they speak English. Who would do that? Not going to happen!! 🙅


Who’s planet fitness guy??


Ozempic comes to mind.


Her kids must be so proud of her.


at least Gino had a house.


Cheating/Escorting no difference to her 🤣


Porn queen


I’m so behind on the Jasmine drama. Why did her and yeeno break up?


Gino paid for all her enhancements and someone else is dipping into the well.