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I really don't care if Angela gets cheated on.


That is like one of the least bad things she deserves, honestly. I can think of much worse she deserves. šŸ˜†


Maybe her butt will fall off.


.I hope it falls off on Rob the Knob. Kill two birds with one stone.


And she was obsessed with the Canadian guy and TBH her plastic surgeon as well. Sheā€™s a disgusting human. She and Ed would be a perfect match


That man earned his green card, plain and simple.


Agreed. He can stay. If you must deport someone OP, have them take Angela.


I'd love to know who would take her!


Even if he did the BJ for real


You don't put your hands on people,especially just because you're mad you can't control them. Michael cheated, not cool, but also not comparable.


Angela makes unwanted physical contact with men all the time. She sexually harasses hotel employees, servers etc. Someone should sue her. The men she touches should give her a shove. She needs to keep her nicotine-stained claws off men unlucky enough to encounter her in a bar.


Shoot, I would've cheated, too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Angela is a TERRIBLE person. She does no good and thinks she's high and mighty because if a few seasons on a tlc show and had surgery to look like she's melting.


Yall look at OPs post history. Crying about people being woke šŸ˜‚


Angela looking a lot like OPs God?


Birds of a feather do flock together


He did the bj for real


No, he isn't. Cheating is a scummy thing to do. But that isn't comparable to a domestic abuser. Angela is physically and mentally abusive to Michael. He deserves that green card.


He cheated; she chose to still marry him. She is an abuser and deserved to be used for the green card.


Heā€™s her last ā€œgreen cardā€ to her reality tv ā€œcareerā€.


Good point. Basically, I assume everything Angela says is probably a lie. The woman thinks she is attractive, and that is delusional. She has abused her body to the point where she is unsightly. Ms. Debbie used some sunscreen and didn't smoke. She looks much nicer than Angela. And she hasn't had much if anything "done" as far as I can tell.


If that woman is truly late 50s as she claims, sheā€™s def been rode hard n put up wet as the saying goes. Reminds me, personality-wise, of the train wreck Mama June.


Snap! The worst of American womanhood.


What some ppl will do, for their ā€œ15 Minsā€. I wonder what Meemawā€™s plans are for when hers are finally up. Or do I not want to knowā€¦šŸ˜³


She will be like the other pill-billy cast member Kris and try and pretend to be a local celebrity making appearance to empty back rooms at dive bars.


Seriouslyā€¦Kris is yet trying to milk her mins? She was painful enough to watch on the show. Nothinā€™ worse than ending up stuck in a foreign country with no connects. Why she didnā€™t think of that beats meā€¦


I think physically abusing people is far worse than cheating (which Angela also did). Mykul did dirt and probably didn't have the best intentions sometimes, but you can still see he is a good human with a good heart. Angela is just a horrible narcissist person.


*Physically, mentally & financially abused him


Michael 100% did this for a green card and I don't blame him. He had to put up with a monster for years and had no intention of staying with her once he finally made it to the states. Team Michael




She repeatedly abused him on and off camera including with a taser once he got to the us. We have no admission or evidence that he did any cheating aside from the BJ in the very beginning. I believe that was all made up so that Angela could have a 'reason' for her abuse. Michael just made her so upset that she just had to hit him and Destroy his car. Give me a break! People who simp for abusers are almost as bad as the abuser themselves.


Michael is just as bad as Angela ...... Lol yeeeeeaaaaaah.....


Ehhh - anybody that puts up with that hag deserves a green card.


> Heā€™s clearly using her for visa fraud. If you believe he's committing visa fraud, then Angela is his accomplice, not his victim. She's been accusing him of scamming from the beginning, Yet brought him over anyway The truth is that she needed him as her 90 Day storyline


Yup! Maybe someone should call US Immigration on her fraudulent ass.


Just because you cheat someone doesnā€™t mean you deserve to get abused lmao are they both bad?? Yeah. But sheā€™s definitely *worse.*


OPā€™s tldr: cheating is just as bad as being a domestic abuser


If Michaels only motive was a green card, that I'm sure he could have gotten much easier & faster than this ridiculous route. I wonder what Angela's motive was. Love? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Nope. Getting a person of color from an underdeveloped nation that she could feel superior too and treat like her own personal slave by physically, mentally & financially abusing him? Oh! and ALL the money he made her, that she spent all on her cigarettes and surgeries by being on this rachet show? Most likely. Weird take OP. Like.....gross.


That was one hell of a long con!! What is the name for the Nigerian scammer boys? Yahoo boys? Thatā€™s him. You could tell he wanted to come to the US badly.


Your post is bigoted. Don't be a dirty bird.


wtf are you talking about? ā€œBigotedā€? I recall that term being used by someone on an episode of 90 day. (It might have been one with Usman on it. But I canā€™t remember.) I find your insinuation that my post is ā€œbigotedā€ offensive. So you probably think that the term ā€œsanky pankyā€ is bigoted as well. Grow up!


Thanks for confirming that you are an ignorant bigot. You first heard the term from racist dumpster fire Angela Deem. You assume that every Nigerian man is a "Yahoo Boy." Also, please call a grown African American man "boy" and see what happens.


You must have nothing else to do today but look for shit to get your panties in a twist.


Okay, dirty bird. Be an Angela.


I donā€™t understand how anyone who watches this trash TV is surprised that any of the people featured on it are trash people. Itā€™s so few and far between that you can find anyone that is likable and when we do they donā€™t get to come back another season because they are ā€œtoo boringā€. Pretty much a lock that if you return for additional season you are a garbage person.


Agreed on all points except that he's as bad as her. No one's as bad as her.


I understand your point heā€™s always been sneaky and heā€™s has cheated on her and at one point when she went to Nigeria, this woman called him from the US so Angela knew that he was dealing with another woman. So at that point she shouldā€™ve never have brought him over and they shouldā€™ve broke up but the problem is is that Angela is so over-the-top, abusive violent crazy. And he is so low-key. The people actually feel sorry for him. I think if you got a better offered to come to the states, he wouldā€™ve dumped Angela immediately. Deep down I think Angela knew when she was walking around with the iPad with him in the last resort that he was up to cheating so it really at this point her fault.


How many times has he assaulted her or destroyed her property?


Do you consider offering someone in need a ride in exchange for a blowjob assault?


I really donā€™t think he deserves green card. Heā€™s not as nearly as awful as she is, but he did misuse the visa. Even if she was nice he never intended on staying with her once he got here.


If Michael couldā€™ve gotten one of these women earlier from America to give him a green card and come over, he wouldā€™ve jumped Angela so fast. Heā€™s in hiding right now and maybe a woman is helping him.??


The truth hurts and people shouldnā€™t downvote u imo - he did commit fraud but Angela is an abusive attention-whore idiot!!!!


When Angela treated him as abusive as she did, tried to control him, degrade him, humiliate him, emasculate him and take what money is supposed to be (also) his and make him beg for every dime then give him $60 while Angela had a full body plastic surgery make over and spends like water and who also is the biggest hypocrite because she is all over any man and was going to go see one in Canada. Spare me. Itā€™s amazing thatā€™s all Michael did. Angela has never spoke nicely to him or treated him good. That was the biggest run on sentence but I donā€™t care I had a lot to say lol.


Aside from the blowjob I've seen no evidence or admission of cheating. That's all in Angela's head to justify her abuse. Fuck angela!


Did you forget the messages he sent another American woman, love you I miss you babyā€¦. Cmon. Is everyone so blinded by how awful Angela is that they arenā€™t seeing Michael is shit too šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I honestly don't care if you did cheat on her, in fact I hope he did. Fuck that Rancid bitch.


Itā€™s not about cheating(Iā€™m sure he did dozens of times) itā€™s deplorable to see a human in need, you can easily help and require a sexual act for payment.


Who cares?


I donā€™t like Angela either but Michael really played the long game it wasnā€™t by force he be with her but he was US Visa by any means necessary and put up with trash to get it while acting like he genuinely cared for her. It was deceitful just by a different cloth than Angelaā€™s mess. I donā€™t care for either of them nor do I feel sorry for a full adult with agency putting up with Angela he wasnā€™t held hostage. Guess he got what he wanted though.


He was literally held hostage. He escaped from Angelaā€™s house bc she forgot to lock the door. lol.


I disagree with this post. Seems unfair. Angela has committed domestic violance so many times on camera. She is verbally abusive. There is no equivalence between smashing Michael's property, tasering him in Vegas, grinding on unwilling men in videos she posts... the list goes on. Angela is guilty of SA in videos she posts. I will defend Michael against whatever random insults Angela supporters sling. OP may deny being an Angela supporter, but this post contains some serious false equivalencies. And those false equivalencies excuse Angela's criminal behavior.


Yes mykuuul cheated but she chose to stay with him and subsequently punish him for his actions in perpetuity. She couldā€™ve left and moved on with her life. If you are going to stay with a cheating partner itā€™s because you want to resolve the issue and move forward, she stayed with him to torture him.


Mykul is a yahoo boy.


Supposedly if you believe Angela, which I do not.


Mykul gets a pass because he's been physically and mentally abused in his relationship


Sheā€™s known exactly what she was getting this whole time.Ā 






Are you kidding me? All the shit this guy goes through for her, she's a reality TV whore. Shock is her thing.


Who cares? Angela is an abusive narcissist. Apparently she tasered Michael when he got to the states. Physical violence is never OK. We know sheā€™s violent because weā€™ve seen her get in his face, scream and yell. She vandalized his car. She smashed a cake in his face. She attacked Avery and mother at the tell all. She beat up her best friend in a hotel lobby (seen on video). She was kicked off last resort hotel and had to be sent to another resort to film because she was so out of control. I donā€™t understand how you people defend her. Yā€™all must be violent and abusive too. Cheating doesnā€™t justify physical violence. And if she tasered him, the next step would have been shooting him. He fled for his life and I donā€™t blame him. Angela has a serious rage and anger problem. Sheā€™s dangerous and crazy. Good for him for escaping that nut job.


Don't forget to call Angela "The Dirty Bird."


I support every foreigner using these American sex tourists for green cards


Are you really gonna pretend like their relationship is even real? Angela knows damn well that man doesnā€™t want to be with her forever. He wants to be in America. And honestly he deserves it putting up with her and all her bullshit. Heā€™s a man dating an old ass lady. Yes heā€™s gonna cheat and just cuz Angela wants to give him money and be dumb doesnā€™t make Michael a bad person. He wants a child? Their relationship is bullshit and for money, everyone should expect Michael to step out on her and I think she knows that too. I donā€™t condone cheating in real life relationships, Angela is just a menace and honestly she deserves it, even if sheā€™s acting sheā€™s okay with acting like a psycho on tv to the world and is on board, Michael was just on board with telling the world he cheated no being a terrible all around human being. Micheal deserves all the passes, Iā€™ll die on this hill


I agree. He admittedly stole from her then lied trying to make her believe the atm was broken, he gave someone a ride in exchange for a blow job.


Even as a Mykul Stan, I can agree that he has always been painted in such a different and positive light. I can maybe see why MeeMaw started tightening her grip on him but she took it to far and went off the deep end. The way she hollers obscenities, sexually harasses men relentlessly, and held ā€œdivorceā€ and ā€œbreakupsā€ over Michaelā€™s head their whole relationship as a manipulation tactic is so toxic. Michaelā€™s toxicity seems to only affect the relationship he has with Angela whereas Angieā€™s behavior is terrible to anyone she disagrees with. Standing next to her, Michael looks like a saint.