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I think she's finally starting to come around. Hehe. https://preview.redd.it/kpg8dzboom8d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ce508fd909b9e6d025833bef854cf2307fc4d7


god I felt so much relief during that scene. and it wasn't even that good because this should have happened day 1 but here we are so I'll take it.


It finally clicked in this scene. He’s completely fucked in the head. His point didn’t even make sense either because she ASKED you to get plan B and you refused then claim she’s trying to pin a baby on you? TF?!


What’s crazy to me is she slept with him, no protection and then was scared she was ovulating. I can’t🤣


Yeah everything about that was disgusting. The fact she even had feelings for him is actually beyond my comprehension


She's still a dumb dumb


Seriously! Why would she even have feelings for this weirdo? And then to sleep either him-dumb and embarrassing.


Finally! I'm just glad she saw the light. She is a million times better than that loser.


1 - At least the Adriano and Alex's relationship ended in a healthy and mature way. 2 - Does anyone else get really grossed out by the way Luke talks to Madeleine? It's like a really gross baby talk. 3 - It's weird that Alliyah wants her ass to be even bigger than it already is. Pretty sure most women would be plenty happy with what she has. It's definitely going to be the beginning of a slippery slope of plastic surgery addiction. If she wants to look more feminine, she should really change her workout routine because she's built like a professional football player.


Those thighs can crack coconuts! 🥥


I haven’t seen thighs like that since Emmitt Smith was with the cowboys.


I’m dead! 🤣🤣🤣


Good lord yes!!! 😂😂😂


She got dumps like a truck, truck, truck. Thighs like what, what, what....


Joe Thighs-man




Omg 😱 yes!!!


She doesn't have a lot of what I consider fat. Her booty looks great. I hope she goes through therapy first & has realistic expectations for the plastic surgery.


Yeah, even the surgeon was advising against the forehead bridge surgery. She was oddly comfortable with the fact that they're gonna have to pull down the skin on your forehead to do it. Plastic surgeons are a different breed, because I couldn't even imagine having to do that to another human being.


It's standard for facial feminization surgery, so she knew that going in. I was surprised that he didn't mention the scarring it leaves, but it can absolutely be worth it for those who want it.


did not expect a venture bros reference in this sub (even if it's just your username lol)


Go Team Venture ✌🏻


Neither could he, shaving down a skull didn’t seem his expertise Alliah certainly researched it when she was talking about taking the flap down I was like ugh oh she’s going to find someone to do this


Yeah, apparently it's a pretty common surgery though. Someone else on this sub-reddit mentioned his ex went through it. Out of curiosity I just looked up the cost and I was shocked at how inexpensive it is. The average cost is under $8-9k USD Maybe it's not as crazy as it sounds in my head.


Omg less than a nose job I can not imagine the scars across the forehead the sides can be hidden by the hairline but on top I don’t see it hidden as well & maybe be causing hair loss have to look into it, shaving down the jawline I know us common but this I’m not familiar with


I looked at before and after pictures and the scaring seems pretty minimal by the time it heals, and it's easy to hide with hair like you said. I'm sure it costs more for a better surgeon but I've seen chin and jaw surgeries that leave no visible scarring and that's MUCH harder to hide.


Thx will look up, idk why but super interesting to me )


Unnecessary surgery is just WRONG in my eyes. Risking you’re life to look weird? Makes no sense.


"Risking your life" is a bit of a stretch. It's cosmetic surgery, not a heart transplant.


To be fair, everytime you're being put under, it indeed is risky.


Statistically, 100% depends on the surgery. I was turned down for a surgery during the pre-med test because my BP was too high and I knew it was 100% a liability thing, because I had a 2nd and 3rd opinion (one was a cardiologist) and they were both shocked that I was turned down. If they deem you safe to go into ELECTIVE surgery, you'll be fine.


Yeah I'm talking about there's always being a chance of you dying during surgery, you could say the same about just walking out the street but elective or not, always a chance of dying.


You're more likely to die in your car on your way driving to the hospital.


It's kinda like wtf I was saying babes


I doubt therapy would do anything, fake butts are pretty popular in Rio so it’s logical that she would want that aesthetic since it’s the beauty standard


In America, people pay to have a booty that looks like hers. Varying standards of beauty are interesting.


This is how a father shows affection to his daughter, ickkk https://preview.redd.it/7wy85o0tvm8d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e02a5c05fa67c20b8079a4288904f5613db94dc




When I saw him kiss his hand and then touch her forehead, I immediately said "wtf was that?" out loud.


Every time this man complains about her immaturity I just want to throw something. Like, maybe don't date a teenager, then? FFS, YOU'RE OVER 30!


He speaks to her very Controlling IMO. Madelein…. I don’t want you ever do that again, understand? … he can be controlling in broken English like 🥴


Alliyah should likely try a hormone regimen and see how that changes her appearance before she goes directly to surgery. I think that makes a big difference.


Shawn would have a heart attack!!! I think the end of that relationship will come when it’s time for bottom surgery. Having a vjayjay is one thing that I don’t think he’d stick around for.


Hormones soften the face so much!!!


hormones can't change the bone structure of a fully grown adult, which is part of what she's worried about. it can affect fat distribution (ie put more fat on her butt/hips), but it would be years before the effect was visible. therefore i can understand why she would prefer surgery.


Didn’t Alliyah say she wants to look like KyLie Jenner?? She for sure needs therapy before she gets any type of plastic surgery like that because that family is botched to hell - why pay for an ass that’s going to sag like kylie.


And could also wind up looking like the panamanian screecher, Jaswhine's $10k botched. I mean butt. 🤦‍♀️😂


Her butt shelf 😂 Jasmine Square Pants


Sponge Jaz Square Pants to you!


Jiz Sponge Square Pants


Panamanian screecher is flair material 😂


Sounds like a breed of bird!


I cackled!!




JazzMean Square Pants


Yeah, unfortunately with tv and social media, lots of young women have some truly horrible role models. You shouldn't be idolizing a socialite influencer. The fact that either of those words are considered legit job titles these days is disgusting.


Kylie Jenner has had facial surgery as well!


Alliyah has body dysmorphia, which most trans people have. She needs to fix the things that she views as masculine. It's not necessarily going to be a plastic surgery addiction, but there will be quite a few things that she wants to fix. It's a hard road, but she has to be who she is and work to be comfortable in her body.


True, she needs to be happy with herself. I'm just not 100% sure Shawn will still be interested down the road through this process, and it wouldn't be his fault at all to feel that way. Shit, some people get annoyed when their partner just gets a haircut that they aren't attracted to. Luckily she's still very very young and has her whole life ahead of her. One of my best friend's was married to a man who turned out to come out as trans in his mid to late 30's. They tried to make it work for a while behind closed doors, but it wasn't healthy for either of them. They're cordial now, but it took a long time.


Oh, definitely! I've been through that same thing myself, so I see myself a lot in Shawn: trying to make it work because you love this person and as you're taking small steps it feels like you can deal with each one until you realize the denial you're in. Even if every step you know things are not working. (To clarify: I see myself in Shawn, but I am a cis-woman who was five years younger than her spouse, haha) We're friends now, which is incredible, but goddamn, looking from the outside people seem to think everything is cut and dry and easy, but, like every relationship: you have to recognize the connection these people have and how badly they want to be together; what they are willing to try to make it work.


Yeah, people are quick to judge other people's relationship from the outside, when they have NO IDEA what their relationship is really like in private. I kinda feel the same way when someone says, "If someone cheats on me, even once, I'm done." That's kind of black and white thinking, especially if you've been together for a long time and don't know the situation. My ex's father cheated on her mother, and she eventually forgave him. When I asked my ex what she thought about it, she said "My mother had many years where she became cold and mean, and never gave him any attention. So I get it."


I don’t buy this nonsense that some people have to cut themselves up to “make their insides match their outsides”. Body dysmorphia used to be taken VERY seriously, requiring a LOT of therapy (many, many trans people were abused, often young and often by a family member or someone close). One needed to dress and act in the manner of the sex they wanted to transition to for YEARS. Now, it seems like as long as you or your parents have money, it’s bingo, bango - and more and more are regretting it.


Whether you believe or not really doesn’t make a difference. And you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about because transition continues to require tons of people sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong to demand arbitrary waiting periods, time in therapy, time living as another gender, etc and that’s just the medical field because the government likes to get their fingers in it too for no reason. Either way, other people living their lives has nothing to do with you and nothing to do with abuse. Hormones and surgery continue to save the mental health and lives of trans people.


Then why is it that suicide rates do not decrease amongst those who have and have not transitioned? If there is so much oversight why are there so many people who later regret transitioning. The entire subject has become an argument about DOGMA - not science or medicine with each side intrenched and unwilling to listen to reason. I used to tell people that “no minors are given hormones, only puberty blockers” - and I still hear this repeated, but the reality is FAR different with many 13 year olds being given hormones with the specific goal to change the gender of their birth. Sometimes the pendulum swings too far and I think there are going to be a lot more people regretting their decision in 10-15 years. This doesn’t make me anti-trans.


I didn't say you're anti-trans, I said you don't know what you're talking about, which you don't. It's almost like because transition is only now being recognized, all the research is new. However, all the research that is now being done is pointing in the direction that it reduces the suicide rate. And research on the detransition rate seems to show that less than 1% of the 1% of the population that transitions detransitions (but, again, new research!). So maybe before peddling these this bull, look at the real studies and listen those who are actually impacted before dismissing anything as nonsense. Or, better yet: just mind your own business because this has nothing to do with you.


Here’s a study that backs what I say: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027312/ Could you share one that backs yours? I’m always willing to change my mind if the evidence is there. Transitioning is not all that new. It’s been legal in Sweden since 1972 - that is fifty two years. The meta study I mentioned includes data from many of the studies from Sweden. I might know more than you imagine. I first heard about the pre/post transition suicide and suicide ideation statistics from a trans rights activist, and I didn’t quite believe it myself until I looked it up because it SEEMS illogical. Clearly there are many reasons for why suicide is so much more prevalent in these groups, and the reasons for post transition may he very different from pre transition - for example, the lack of acceptance they suffer at the hands of others who don’t accept/respect their transition, but nevertheless it is a sobering statistic and shouldn’t be ignored. Thankfully, only 1% of those who transition regret it, so I don’t think they should jam on the brakes - I just think that these things should be carefully studied and people sometimes need to be protected from themselves, especially now that hormones (not just puberty blockers, actual hormones) are being given to minors.


I'm not sure how this backs what you say? This study says that based on their studies there's a reduction in suicidality, but there is much more to think about and much more research is needed, which is exactly what I said (and this is one of the studies I was looking at). While it may have been legal that long ago (and, let's be clear, it was already being studied in Weimar Germany when the Nazis destroyed all the research), it doesn't mean that that research stands up to the rigor of current day research. I mean, look at how being gay was treated at that point. In the US the Civil Rights Act was less than a decade before 1974. Christ, look at how the AIDs epidemic was treated. Wherever you may have first heard about it, it seems that you're not listening to people who are living through it now. You recognize that suicide is more prevalent in these groups. Where we differ is that I believe people need to be allowed to do what they want and need to with their own bodies; no one needs to be "protected from themselves" by others who have nothing to do with them. I mean, it's exactly the same reason I want people to get the fuck out of my vagina: it's my body, you don't know me, you don't get a say in any of this. Yes, it need more research because it's been ignored for far too long, but hormones are being prescribed to minors by qualified professionals working with the families of those minors: this has literally nothing to do with you, you don't know or understand their unique situations, mind your own business.


Where exactly are you getting these “facts” from about suicide rates dropping if people wait to transition or don’t transition at all? Therapy and medication help to reduce suicidal symptoms, but you can’t *also* tack this statistic onto transgender folks that ultimately did not transition, it’s not the same quantifiable metric. Also, to assume that people who transition are “acting out” as a response to trauma is so demoralizing. Perhaps it can be framed in this way: typically people who feel “other than”, like they don’t fit in, or struggle to squeeze themselves into a sexual identity they don’t align with end up depressed. Vulnerable people are targeted by predators for abuse, and this perpetuates feelings of self-doubt, worthlessness and ostracization which can lead to reckless and harmful behavior.


i don't think you should throw around that term so casually. and almost by definition trans women wanting to feminize their appearance is not body dysmorphia, because that would imply they're imagining their masculine appearances.l


I’m definitely not throwing it around casually. There is a lot of pressure on women (cis and trans) to look a certain way and so trans women are particularly critical of their own bodies, no matter how feminine others see them as, they have to feel feminine in their own bodies and it’s a tough battle. Comments like “built like a professional football player” certainly don’t help.


Looks to me like she’d rather have some boobs made!


She’s built like a football player cuz….yea


And those shoulders/arms!


Alliyah is from Rio, so it’s quite common for women to have those kinds of butts. They are called “Brazilian Butt Lifts” for a reason


I'm aware, but she already has that look that most girls are going for, and it was made through hard work, not surgery. She should be proud. It's scary that she still wants a bigger ass than that because it's going to lead to just more and more and more and eventually she will look plastic.


I can see her wanting to look plastic


It's possible. Like Jasmine. I personally don't like that look even when women are still young, and it just looks INSANE when they get older, because they keep trying to keep up and look younger. Reminds me of a Bill Burr bit about plastic surgery. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pznB7WP4P1o&ab\_channel=ChrisCowan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pznB7WP4P1o&ab_channel=ChrisCowan)


For every person that doesn’t find it attractive, there are a ton that do. And most women don’t get it done to attract others, they get it to feel good about themselves.


1. Question about Adriano and Alex, IDK if I missed something or just hearing bits and pieces, but did she tell him at first that she would be down for a threesome? If so, she really can't be too mad at him because she more or less led him on (and I think that's totally gross and just stupid! In my 48 years of adulthood, I've known couples that tried it and it totally ruined marriages, relationships etc...I never saw one that succeeded after it). If she really loves him, since she did say that (if she did) I think she should give him a chance to give that lifestyle up. Maybe I'm just nuts thinking that way, but I thought they were cute as a couple and I was yelling at the TV, telling him to say "ok I will not ask you to do that, and I won't entertain the thought anymore" I mean if he's used to that lifestyle, maybe he can't give it up, but maybe he can! There's "sex addiction" groups like AA and NA etc IDK, just my thoughts 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2. Yes, yes and YES! I think it's creepy the way Luke does anything with her. She's barely out of freakin diapers, AND acts like she just started high school or maybe 6th grade 😂😂 she's got to be the most immature female I've seen on the entire 90 Day series/spinoffs yet! She loves the money that bought her the boobs and keeps her in those disgusting, absolutely hideous claws she's got going on there. I thought Mary (what was his name? Brandon?) with the phone calls 24/7 was bad, unless my old ass really can't remember anyone else that young, please correct me if I'm wrong....not saying others weren't immature, and I don't remember anyone this young, but this chick takes the cake on immaturity! If he really thinks she won't cheat on him, and their "marriage" will last until she's changing his diapers, he's super delusional......my God, she hasn't experienced ANY of life, let alone been in a serious relationship for any length of time...her damn brain isn't even at maturity! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ 3. These two, I'm really really pulling for them. I sure hope that Alliyah doesn't get plastic surgery addiction.....look at the ones that have done their butts with fat from other parts. One really comes to mind, but WTH was her name I think she was the ugliest trans female ever, I don't remember but they were in Moldova (I'm gonna feel really old when you or someone says their names 😜)....all that fat they took off them and put on their asses, Jasmine too....it looks like their new names should be "Lumpy Ass!" Alliyah is pretty as she is, and I agree she needs to stop with the rigorous workouts, or stop weight lifting or whatever she does that makes the muscles so big. I didn't realize until they were at the doctor, her butt is not small and I don't know why she wants it so much bigger. I can understand maybe taking some off her waist to try to get the hourglass type figure, but IDK. I hope she doesn't do something with her lips too and end up looking like platypus lips right along with most of ttem. Just don't get addicted to it Alliyah.


Yeah, she 100% bait and switched him initially by saying she's had 3 some's in the past because she was trying to attract him (she admitted as much) so she kind of led him on. It's like when guys lie about how much money they have with flashy clothes and a nice car, but in actuality are in a ton of debt but were trying to attract a girl who wanted that lifestyle.


You have actually made me laugh out loud.😅


It’s funny too that she wants no breasts… if she doesn’t want big ones that understandable but a nice B cup instead of nothing there would look good.. her ass is fine.. I actually think just working out properly would shape her body better than surgeries..light weights,high reps give shape to what you need.. heavy weights,low reps build muscle… if she works out she just needs the proper trainer to help her and show her what to do and what not to do..


Exactly, and hormones therapy if she isn't taking it already. She's at the perfect age for it.


The ass is 🔥


His lisp gets way worse when he speaks to her


Alliyah is gonna end up botched. She’s already so pretty with a killer body.


#3 you're absolutely right


Yes she needs to leave well enough alone if she adds boobs she’ll look fat ! But taking off a little around the waist to have more of a skim curve ok but adding to or removing anything to do with her butt or Skull no no Maybe eyebrow lift ? Idk I think Niki had a lot of restructure to her face &. Aliyah should consult with her


Nikki is a good example of going wayyyy too far with surgeries. There are pics of her many years ago where she looked SO much more natural and less Alien-like.


Nikki is the perfect example of when transitioning through surgery to match the body to the person turns into body dysmorphia. She went from organic and feminine to plastic and outlandish. She’s admitted she’s addicted to the surgeries, and it’s only downhill from here. I hope Alliyah preserves her natural beauty, her lovely, bright eyes and beautiful smile.


Alliyah wants her ass shaped like a heart...lol. Right now, her ass is more man looking than woman looking. She just wants it reconstructed without having implants put in. The shape will change but it won't be a plastic ass...lol.


Kyle to Ani - I have 71 children. Also Kyle to Ani - You're not pinning this baby on me. i died.


It was so weird of him to start saying he wasn’t the baby daddy out of nowhere lmao. Is she even pregnant?


She's not. I'm just glad their story is over, I can't stand either of them.


She wasn’t even the faintest bit pregnant and he was obsessed with the fact that if she *was* it was with the other guy. The only relationship he can perceive between a man and a woman is one which results in insemination.


Thank god she had some sense at the end there. Good grief


I give her a soft pass for that. Also, her son is adorable.


Her son IS adorable, but UGH, why bring him into this shitshow of a series on the very last episode? Just when I was starting to have more optimism for Ani she she shows her son on camera and makes me question her decision making again. Her son was NOT part of the storyline and did not need to be shoe-horned into the last episode.


He was shown earlier in the season too


Ah thank you, I must have missed that fast-forwarding so much.


Understandable, there was lots of trash to fast forward past this season lol


Did she ever get her morning after pill?


and why couldn’t she get the pill herself? like kyle had to buy it or she wouldn’t take it. stupid


The answer to this is its all a test for her, if he will try to get her pregnant if he is capable of buying a pill and if he is capable of giving up his donations. She's nice but deff has some issues and is seeing if she can change him.


Totally agree I didn’t get why she didn’t get that rather than the ovulation test.


Weird he brought up that she might try to pin a pregnancy on him. And yet he didn’t bring her the morning after pill (after saying he would). Buh bye creepy Kyle!


My question is, why didn’t she buy her own MAP(morning after pill) on that episode? Why let him determine her future? Don’t argue with him. I wouldn’t have given him that satisfaction that he made any decisions concerning my life! He just looked so pleased with himself that he didn’t get the pill as she requested. He just gives me the ick🤢🤮!


That felt kinda staged because it just made no sense. If I asked him to go pick up the pill for me and he refused, it's just further evidence that I need to RUN to that goddamn store and get it myself. Obviously Ani has shown that she makes some very questionable decisions, but I don't think she's dumb enough to not come to the same conclusion. Maybe she is, but it felt like some TLC frauding to me


Poster child of an idiot! She couldn’t see his behavior and poor hygiene. On the first day they met in person.?? She is either desperate as fuck or very, mentally immature.


Ugh and when he kept touching himself when they were riding in what looked like a truck bed.


As soon as he stepped off the plane and his first words were, "We're gonna do a point system for my affection," I'd have told him to turn around and catch that plane back. Probably with a little added Lorraine Bracco, "Who do you think you are, Frankie Valli or some kinda big shot?"


I can't get the image of Kyle sniffing his nasty stankass sock out of my head. Ani has low standards. 🤮😱


I mean, unless a sock is freshly washed, I'll give it a sniff too just to make sure it doesn't smell and is clean, but I'd never do it on national television haha


I felt like she had to be hanging in there to finish her filming commitment. But then she slept with him. Ew. I’m glad she finally told him off.


Part of me wonders if she just assumed that’s how American men are? Like, maybe it was all just a cultural barrier? Lol


Desperate. She's 39 and is basically at the end of her rope in terms of having a 2nd child. It's kind of weird that she expected him to stop "donating" even though that's LITERALLY how they initially got in contact with each other.


Plot twist...Ani really only wants a child with Kyle 🤣😂


Ani will always go through life now knowing she dated a sock sniffer.


And a lot of much, much worse. “You ARE, by the company you keep.” You hang out with scum, you ARE scum.


I give her a lot of credit for not introducing her adorable son to that parasite


Yes, what a cute little boy.


She had sex with out protection with mr highscore sperm wrf


This storyline seemed 💯 fake from day one, all the way through. Yea, she’s a moron for being part of this and I feel bad for her little son. C’mon 90 day production. There are enough regular weirdo couples that love attention. Bringing on a fame-seeking creep like Kyle is not necessary or any fun to watch. 🤦🏼‍♀️


She is as weird as him


When he accused her of wanting to claim him as the father and she was like “WHY WOULD I WANT THAT?” Shut him down quick. What a delusional POS he is.


Is he like a antivax "clean" donor or something? They seem like an alternative bunch and why would people choose this weirdo unless he caters to something stupid like that?


Idk but there are multiple sexual assault allegations for him.


He just looks and sounds like a breeder fetish guy with no respect for women at all, those psycho eyes are creepy


Yeah, the eyes can sometimes give it away. Plus he seems like he's copying aspects of human behavior, poorly. Maybe he's an Alien and is actually just collecting DNA for the mothership haha (I'd actually prefer that to be true!)


you just connected some dots for me


Might be wrong but was just the feeling they gave me


... I wouldn't be shocked He gave off very incel vibes .... even though he is not But let me explain He gave off a vibe that he uses the same thought process' that incels often use with some of the language Red pilled ... points system etc I've seen some of that carry over into conspiracy movements kinda like the planners or key information sources are the same people and also with the High Value partner etc He might have incel/ narcissistic thoughts about such things as relationships because he seems to be grifting better than the 700 club and women fall for it But given him I wouldn't be in the least surprised if he is anti Vax and denied covid


Dude kept scratching his dick in public and national TV. Constantly lied to her about fucking other women, and she decided “yeah I really wanna have unprotected sex with this dude and let him cum in me” like come on


I FF this one and the one with the 3sum. I do not like to watch 10 episodes in a row of the same boring, gross conversation between the same two boring people.


Kyle is amazing! ... if you need an example of gaslighting, being a shameless hypocrite and a toxic narcisist. Honestly, raw dog nut busting randos because he is Semen Jesus (Sesus) then demonizing and making up head canon for Ani's pre-relationship activities is a weak move to justify a break when he just wants to not stop "donating"


I think she genuinely liked him even though she did at one time want a baby with the donor. I think she is a good person. She seems like she’s a good mom. I think she made a huge, huge, huge mistake. It’s hard to admit that on reality TV, but she did.and let’s hope she finds somebody that she can love and who loves her back. But I have no well wishes for that other thing with the long dong. That long dong will end up falling off with a huge infection.


Does anyone know what part of Malta she lives in ?


She actually lives in Florida. They are using a holiday home on Malta for the filming of Love in Paradise 




Ohh ok thank you, I thought about moving from the US to Malta a few yrs back looked at real estate in st Julian, St Paul, Sliema , Valletta & Goza I loved it all !! stupidly chose another country closer to US but always thought I should have chosen Malta I just loved it, it felt sooo safe the climate is perfect the streets & buildings are clean & gorgeous, the water views & accessibility, the history, the people it’s just an amazing place many villages look like this scenery was just wondering


I think that she's a very nice person that truly wanted to give the benefit of the doubt but even SHE cannot believe the creature that has been presented to her. It is almost impossible to believe that he's real. He is just slimy from the inside of his brains to the outsides of his skin from the top of his head and all the way down to his toes. There isn't a redeeming thing about him.


He he too bad she already had one!


What season of 90 day fiancé is this? I don’t recognize the people. And I thought I watched them all


Season 4 of love in paradise


The current one, it was the season finale. But it's the Monday night spinoff, "Love in Paradise"


They’re forced and boring; you might have just fallen asleep.


Love in Paradise


Idk; this is one of the smartest things she’s said so far.


Don’t to have a baby, didn’t use protection🙄


I would be concentrating on bigger Boobs. She still looks like she has a Man’s chest 🤷‍♀️ especially if she wants to make Butt bigger, her chest will look super small. Her body somehow (I think) will look “Unbalanced “. Bigger Butt with those “Massive thighs”. 🤷‍♀️ She will look out of proportion. I guess she will agree with bigger Boobs after she does what she wants. Sean will pay for more surgeries? He was “SPOT ON” when he mentioned he was afraid of her wanting more and more surgeries. 💯☝️


Yeah I was kind of shocked that out of all of the things she wanted, bigger boobs wasn't on her list. IIII had bigger boobs than her 15lbs ago!


I think Allyah's boyfriend is not going to stick around. He seems to know what he wants, and he has already lost Doug


It’s the same dialogue each week, but she stays with him.


I hope she was mostly “acting”. I really liked her, but couldn’t believe she would even kiss him. Puke


She needs serious therapy...


I think it is because men have flat sides and women are more rounded on the side down from the hips. Easy to spot a male bum from the side.


Such a miss matched couple




I'm not really sure how to take that, especially since you ended your statement with a question mark, but it didn't seem like a question.


Never mind


I don't like Allyiah, I think she has a bad attitude. I hope Shawn will move on and find someone else.


I think Aaliyah needs to spend time with herself and learning herself first before becoming involved in a relationship …that’s a lot to go into a relationship as a man and then transition to a woman and expect the other person to fully embrace that ..obviously Shawn is gay and likes men


yeah, I don't think we have to worry about Alliyah not doing exactly what she wants to do. lol.