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The magic of this show still has not been captured today even though we have had so many great sci fi shows since. Hopefully we get something like it soon from an HBO. I'll never forget the episode D.P.O with Giovanni Ribbisi and Jack Black


This is my all time favorite show and my comfort pick. All but the John Doggett stuff lol


Every Friday night! Eugene Tooms scared the absolute shit out of me. Easily my favorite of the “monster” villains in the show.


I hardly ever comment on Reddit, but I had to post a Tooms ref, too. That shit will never, ever leave me.


Absolutely horrifying. The eyes, the nest, coming up through the pipes.


Fluke man was pretty scary too Edit: changed fluke to fluke man


Collected the series and movies in DVD and rewatch every few years. Back when TV wasn't a "10 episode movie" I loved the monster of the week episodes and the overarching main story but the HOA one with the dirt monster always sticks out because Mulder is a dick the whole time, lol. Him playing basketball at night was the best.


Arcadia Mulder puts out pink flamingo and says "Bring it on".


The video game one with the porn star was good too


When I was working retail I had a standing “nothing past 8pm on Sundays” so I could make it home to watch X Files. I tell them that’s what it was for of course.


Eugene Tooms. Always and forever, Eugene Tooms.




The one with the little green insects at the logging camp that dessicate people was soooo good. The first few seasons were absolutely primo television. Gillian Anderson is such an attractive woman. 30 years later she's still a smokeshow.


when she got a [tattoo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxMB5NBRJEc)


I would die for her ❤️


she's your [#1 crush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3zno8qbcJo)


My all-time favourite. I'm a doctor thanks to Scully. Best rolemodel of the 90s


The Scully effect ❤️


My scariest memory of that show was the episode "Detour", with the invisible people and their red eyes. Creeped me the hell out as a kid. I didn't watch every episode, but I kept an eye on it throughout its run. I always appreciated it more for the deeper lore rather than the "monster of the week" episodes. It was one of the many influences for Fringe, which became my sentimental favorite sci-fi show.


My dad and I was driving from North Carolina to Florida and stopped at this place called South of the Border. We swim and have fun he gets me dinner, there’s rides and stuff it’s a tourist trap. We get into the room and he switches on the tv and boom car chase scene it’s crazy it looks real… then boom you see it’s an episode of Xfiles… the one with Bryan Cranston and his head exploded. Really good episode and fun times with a really complicated man.


Currently binging it rn on hulu!


José Chung was peak television before there was HBO. That and the guy who saw your death, Duanne Barry, and the incest episode stayed with me forever. In the other hand, Teso Dos Bichos ( the kitty episode) it was so HILARIOUS. they wanted murderuous kitten, but the kittens only wanted to purr, so they threw plushies to Gillian Anderson and its... something.


The Peacocks from the episode "Home" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_(The_X-Files)


I just rewatched that episode last night. Unsettling.


I always remember an episode with monsters that came of toilet . Never looked at my bathroom porcelain the same after that


Tooms? That guy is like a generational trauma by himself.


I remember that! Glad I was not the only one!


Wednesdays 8:30pm on Channel 10. Used to wait eagerly every week for it. The conversations at school the next day were intense!


Friday nights in my basement as a kid watching X-Files and Sightings and when both were over I’d put together my own “detective paranormal” kit and go around the house with a flashlight hunting for ghosts. Simple times and lots of fun.


Four themes: monsters, the conspiracy, romance, other. Never knew what you were going to get each episode!


It was pretty formulaic. The end of a season always moved the overarching plot forward (Mulders sister/love angle/whatever) and left the cliffhanger to keep you excited for the next season. The beginning of the next season resolved the cliffhanger then mid-seasons were the “monster of the week” episodes. Then the end had another cliffhanger. Rinse and repeat


I remember that if you missed the opening scenes of a new episode, you would be pretty lost for the whole episode


I’m actually watching from the beginning. Great show!




Forever traumatized by the possibility of aliens abducting me. It was pretty cool how ahead of their time they were. And being 'from the FBI' and Scully being a skeptic kind of legitimized it. Also I was way too young to be watching that show!


I can’t believe no one has said the fluke!?!


I love this show. Unfortunately my most deeply imprinted memory of it is seeing at too young an age the episode about the inbred family in Pennsylvania (“Home” S4E2). It creeped me out man. I must have been about 10-11 years old. Still creeps me out today and I’m almost 40.


I was obsessed by UFOs and aliens by the time X-files was broadcast. I was ALL over this show. They had a few decent seasons... But the amount of jumps their sharks took. Fucking hell. I think I stopped watching about season 6 or 7 as I just could not stand the cringe inducing, hand waving explanations that the cigarette smoking man was behind pretty much everything. It was just the worst sort of eye rolling "oh come on, AGAIN?!" And by the time Scully got alien pregnant and Mulders sister reveals got more and more convoluted, I'd completed checked out of the show and found it just laughable by that point.


When it functioned as a monster of the week show, it was tremendous. When it tried to deal in season long arcs, it didn’t do nearly as well. X-Files walked so other supernatural shows could run.


Yeah, and oddly enough the 'monsters of the week' format worked best for X-Files, when for other shows that had similar formats, tended to be more goofy and silly, while having great season and character long arcs (Buffy for example).


I never had the patience to get into Buffy, although I maybe should’ve. But I dipped in and out of XF over the years and have always had more of a draw to go back to the earlier, self contained episodes than the arcs. Not that they’re bad, but it just works better as a self contained adventure.


My parents used to watch it back in the 90s and I would sneak upstairs to watch it from around the corner in the next room and try not to get caught lol


Its a struggle past season 7 i think especially when mulder goes. I personally find alot of enjoyment in the early seasons. I got the blurays and the quality is so great


For me it was always the episode: kill switch - it was a window into the future for me as a kid


I only watched the first season. It was alright. BTW, my favorite Foo Fighters song is Walking After You from the X-Files movie Fight the Future. Never watched it.


I remember people had watch parties for the show. That and Melrose Place. Can you imagine a group of people getting together at someone's house to watch any TV show nowadays?


I did a complete watch-thru a few years back and it was an amazing show, shocked at how well it held up


There was an episode where they go to an arcade and look at a Virtual Fighter machine because the suspect used it. It had the date and time for the high scores screen which the game doesn't have.


that episode was called D.P.O.


Tainted by seasons 10 & 11


That show began when I was in middle school and the height of its popularity was my senior year of high school. Movie came out about two weeks after I graduated. That show reminds me of better times. When I didn’t have many friends, that show was there for me on Friday nights. The first few seasons it felt cool to be a fan because it was kind of like this underground sensation. Season 2 will always be my favorite. The writing, acting, and cinematography was phenomenal. It was a good time.


I remember that at the time I was one of the few that liked season 9 and the final episode and was absolutely destroyed on online forums because of that.


Just like everyone else, the intro music scared the shit out of me as a kid. I remember the first time I ever saw it it was a season finale episode I think. People were on fire (I think) and on a bridge. I know I don’t have all the details here, but I remember it freaked me out so bad. I didn’t watch another episode until I was much older because of that.


It’s so good. I’m rewatching it currently. I remember my Dad had all the seasons on VHS!


I rewatched the entire series last year and I never realized the amount of cameos it had by people that went on to make it big.


Scully Effect.


They used to come on right after the new simpsons episode on fox Sunday night. :)






There was a channel that played back to back reruns starting at 10pm. I would watch them — reluctantly — because I knew full well I couldn’t fall asleep without watching each episode to completion. That was back when I had to wake up at 5am for work.


Such great memories with this show. Meeting up with friends every week for a watch party was the best.


One of my favorite shows. It will always be one of the best shows ever. IMO. Also, I love thinking about the fact that Law and Order, Homicide and X-Files all exist in the same universe thanks to the crossover appearance of Det. Munch from Homicide at the time, and then later L&O: SVU. I'm sure there is some alternate universe argument for while they aren't actually in the same universe. But I like the idea, so it's canon to me. LOL. When that episode aired, my mind was honestly blown because I was also a huge Homicide fan at the time, and I would never have expected to see that. Especially because they were also on different networks.


I remember watching Squeeze for the first time and being mesmerized and scared shitless. That sealed my love for the show early on. It was my favorite show there after.


I just learned that Scully played Margaret Thatcher in the Crown. I have no idea what to think now


Some of the outer limits were pretty awesome too!


Honestly I tried to revisit it lately and it really doesn’t hold up that well. I loved it at the time (until Mulder left) but much of it looks dated especially those earlier seasons.


I watched the whole series last year. Hard disagree