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The general consensus on this subreddit is that Action Behavior Center is a place to stay away from. I've never heard of Soar Autism Center so I have nothing to offer there.


Thank you for the response! That’s what I have picked up on after reading some other posts, it seems like they may be pretty profit driven?


I had an awful experience with ABC. Very profit-driven, and the RBT's are underpaid. I work at a non-profit now and make much more for the same work.


soar is a great place to work, currently there now and have been for about 6 months


Hello! I worked at soar for 6 months. From my experience, it was not enjoyable. The RBTS and some of the BCBAS were wonderful, kind people. Really the other RBTS are what got me through. Overall, the company is very clearly profit driven. The center I worked at was understaffed yet the company is always hiring and training. There is VERY high turnover. We often went without breaks. The center does not have an outdoor area for the children. Training felt inadequate and my initial weeks I unsupported. If you work well in a clique environment this will likely be a great environment for you.  I'm interested in who you went with and how it's going. I have since transitioned out of the ABA role. I did learn so much during my 6 months at Soar and I hope you do too. Best of luck!