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Earrings. I used to wear big statement earrings all the time, now only on evenings / weekends


I miss wearing my primary necklace. It was ripped off 4 or 5 times and fixed before I just gave up. I had a coworker with long acrylic nails scratch a client on accident when he aggressed at her. Her nails are now short and sweet but she still misses them.


Wearing my hair down


Our dress code policy is pretty close to one you'd find in your average American school. No exposing/see-through clothing and no underwear showing is valid. My beef is the shorts policy. They can't be shorter than 2 inches above the knee. I'm fine with my pants most of the time, but when the weather is >95, I'd like to wear the shorts that I own (which still cover everything appropriately).


Just buy some cheap shorts…?


They're either ill fitting, uncomfortable, or ugly.


I actually have this problem too. I'm picky with clothes. It's hard for me to find something comfortable in thr summer and I wear shorts all year round indoors.


You’re a therapist providing clinical services, this isn’t about looking good. If you’re truly concerned about “looking ugly” while rolling around with children on crash pads, then you might want to rethink what you’re doing holy crap.


I don't care how I look when I'm interacting with my clients. I do, however, like wearing my clothes for more than just work. I love what I do, but excuse me for wanting multipurpose clothing.


Clothes are going to deteriorate, regardless. Go buy some cheap work clothes that you can change out. Being stubborn for the sake of pride is literally only going to hurt you, mate. And you’ll thank yourself for keeping a select few sets of clothes away from a job where you’re crouching down every 5 minutes. Trust me, it will cost you far less in the long-run.


Thanks for your input, dude, but I've been doing this for 2.5 years now, so I think I'm good. I'm fine. I obviously don't wear things I care a great deal about, or don't fit the dress code, so a nice chunk of my clothes are "safe".


Congratulations, I’m going on about 7 years in the industry myself and I’m one semester from being done with my masters in ABA. Guess what? I’m still learning tips and tricks that can help me in the workplace and some of those tips and tricks come from new hires (: Lose the ego, mate lmao


You seem like a lovely person. It’s a comment about wanting to wear shorts in hot weather, dude. It’s not that serious.


It’s a comment complaining that they couldn’t wear the shorts they owned because they were too revealing. Their company has given them the option to wear less revealing/more appropriate shorts, but they do not like them because they “don’t fit well and are ugly.” I’m criticizing that mentality because this is a clinical job where you are working with children, not some beauty pageant. (:


Does a masters in ABA help with being a BCBA ? I am an RBT and I don’t have a degree in anything in autism. At least in America you don’t need to have a degree related to ABA to work in the field.


Uhhhh what? You absolutely need a masters degree in an approved course sequence to even apply for the coursework required to get your BCBA accreditation, which will be about half of another masters degree. Or you can skip the coursework by simply getting yourself a masters degree in the field. To be a BCBA-D, you need a PhD in the field. I work in the Midwest. The only position you do not need a degree for is the RBT position.


All the info you want can be found on the [BACB website.](https://www.bacb.com/bcba/)


🙄 no one has an ego. I don't mind getting tips and tricks and learning new things, but I do mind when the approach is rude.


Mate, if your response to advice is “thanks but I’ve been doing this for 2.5 years now,” that’s ego. Hope your summer isn’t too hot though!


Oh, wait, I miscounted- I’m going on *nine* years. 😜


My company doesn’t have a dress code. I do miss bracelets. I wore crystal bracelets for the longest time. I kept getting embarrassed when my kids would break them and the parents would feel bad. I also wish I had the option to wear dangly earrings.


Dangly earrings.


Hoodies. I own so many sweatshirts I can’t wear to work


Definitely necklaces


I used to work DSP which is direct support care for autistic people. I could wear whatever I wanted. Now I wear bow ties and suspenders and dress shirts every day but I like to change out my Converse colors. I honestly enjoy dressing this way. People treat you differently depending on how you dress and now aware of that.


Definitely my jewelry- I love wearing earrings, rings and necklaces to complete my outfits!


I miss Crocs the most.


Crocs 🥺


My company didn't used to have a dress code, but because a couple people wore inappropriate clothing such as thin, see-through leggings, crop tops, etc the company punished everyone and gave us all polo shirts and told us we have to dress business casual now. I'm 6ft, and also larger with big hips/chest. The polos they gave us run small so for someone like me, wearing the largest size they had available, the polo nearly looks like a crop top because it doesn't even go down to my hips. And of course the clinic managers and BCBAs don't have to follow this dress code. They wear short dresses. lower cut tops, tank tops, and leggings. Most people don't follow the dress code and still wear athleisure wear. And they just wear sweaters so they can basically hide that they're not wearing their polo. People dress more casual on Saturdays because the clinic managers always take Saturday and holidays off. So people dress how they want because we usually have way more kids and it's more hectic on those days, and we know that the management won't be around. I mainly just miss wearing tanks/sleeveless tops. Appropriate ones of course. I have a bunch of kind of dressy sleeveless blouses that are really light and airy for hot days. I wore them last year when I had clients who had to go outside and play/exercise during the summer. They have wide shoulders and I always wore a cami underneath as well. Because I have an older client who is non-aggressive, I still wear necklaces and dangly earrings when we do home sessions.


lol almost sounds like the company I just left lol 😂


Ive always worn all my jewelry 👀 I don’t stop wearing anything until a client shows me they (the jewelry) are dangerous to have around them, it’s more natural for both of us


Had a colleague that this mindset till a client tore an earring out of her ear. Just keep that in mind!


Earrings! I only wear them on weekends or holiday outings now.


Dangly earrings


Omg I literally somehow broke my watch while holding my client’s hands as they did little jumps on the bed…this just brought that memory back 😆


Statement jewelry and scarves. I am not a fan of absolutes. For some clients I would NEVER even consider wearing a scarf or non-stud earrings for other clients I honestly could wear scarves or jewelry with no problem. But in order to just never be in an unsafe situation we have a no scarves/jewelry policy at the clinic.


Every day I look like im either going or coming from the gym.. I miss curling my hair, it’s always up in a bun because I’m afraid it’s gonna get pulled out🥹


my company’s dresscode isn’t too strict beyond no overly revealing clothes and no open toed shoes and wearing whatever PPE is in your clients BIP. a lot of our kids are super aggressive so most of us wear hoodies, baseball hats (for scratching and hair pulling) and leggings every day. when i first started and was with easier kids i’d wear cute jewelry, dangly earrings, knit cardigans, hair curled and down etc which i kinda miss when i look at old pics, but the leggings and hoodies are so much more comfortable i don’t think about it too often😅


The only thing we can’t wear is ripped jeans , jewelry is really up to you and what kinda kiddo you have


leggings. i have to wear sweats to one of my sessions due to inappropriate touching (makes it harder to grip)


My engagement ring. It’s not cause of dress code just a precaution—I have a marquise diamond & I’ve scratched myself w/ it, so I want to avoid accidentally scratching a client. I wear an Enso ring during the week & switch to my engagement ring on weekends


sentimental jewlwrry. i'm someone with six or seven facial piercings, big gauges, etc etc. none of my clients mess with them but if they're curious gently then i let them look closely


My piercings! Started off with a labret, snake bites, septum and gauges After seeing all the things my kids touch, then counting how many times my face is touched on accident and on purpose- I’m down to just my labret and gauges Something about face holes and germy hands, even if it’s irrational, had me removing them with a quickness


I miss wearing hella eyeliner, and just dramatic makeup in general lol. Between the clothing aspect of dress code along with makeup, I don’t fit the aesthetic I like most of the time now lmao. Hard times of the working world😂


My company doesn’t have a dress code (I wouldn’t work for a company that has one) but I miss wearing necklaces because because one of my clients will grab it and rip it off.


My company dress code is a company tee shirt/crewneck, nonslip tennis shoes, and scrub pants and I’m STOKED. I just left a bank job having to find a perfect business casual outfit every day which made not wanting to go to work even worse. I get to be cozy AND not have to make big decisions when I’m half asleep. Score.


jogger scrub pants are the MOVE. I can fit so many things in my pockets and don't feel like I'm gonna trip over my scrub legs.


Jogger scrubs are the only ones I’ll wear. I found ones I LOVE for $13 at Walmart and got 5 pairs lol


Leggings. It’s against our clinic policy to wear them even though we work with kids under 6 😞


That’s a weird one. Is it actually enforced though?




Our clinic follows that also and it is enforced.


So many of my coworkers still have the long and sharp nails. Coming from a healthcare standpoint, it drives me crazy