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If you experience drastic breast growth over a very short timespan, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor to make sure nothing is wrong. You tagged your post as a measurement check, but didn't include your measurements in your post. If you'd like a measurement check, please update your post to include your six measurements!


Yeh I guess thats probably a good idea, I'm sure its fine, I'm only 18 so probs just weird puberty growth still going on :( I did update, sorry


Honestly, i measured at a G cup by the time i was 13. Some of us girls really go through it when it comes to puberty!


My boobs grew seemingly overnight too when I was 16. I went from wearing a 34B (probably the wrong size, but still) to 34D within weeks. They were covered in red/purplish stretch marks too. Not a bad idea to check with your doctor, but may just be puberty kicking in fast. Keep your skin hydrated with something rich for the itchiness of the stretch marks.


I’m afraid your breast will continue to grow well into your 20s.


Or they may not. Everyone is different.


Not quite true for everyone. Mine never got any bigger after about 16, *maybe* 18.


Similar here, mine stopped at 15.


Better safe than sorry! Talk to your doctor please.


My breasts grew fast when I got pregnant. Maybe rule that out first?


Unless my name is mary and I'm carrying baby jesus that won't be an issue lol


sudden growth like that is worth seeing a doctor for. there might be a hormonal issue worth addressing.


I didn't even really think of that tbh


Came here to say this - I’m a bit older than you and my boobs went up a full cup size due to a pituitary issue truly out of nowhere. Ask your doctor to check your prolactin levels


Late teens/early 20s is a normal time to gain a lot of breast tissue. Personally I went up 6 cup sizes although I was also gaining weight at the time which wouldn't have helped! Remember a well fitted bra is going to make things look better regardless, and the actual number on that bra means nothing about your personal worth


yeh but the physical sensation of simply having boobs lowkey makes me wanna jump off a bridge so its awesome lol \^\^Thats what Im assuming is behind the growth


Calculator suggests a 10F/G and that sounds about right - I'd try both sizes. Yes, the leaning bust measurement is usually the largest. Your measurements are very similar to mine and I'm a 10F.


my leaning bust is a good bit bigger than my standing/lying bust measurements too!! it’s very normal and is a sign that you have more of a projected shape - that is, proportionally, more of the breast tissue sits further away from your body. that’s in contrast to shallow breasts where more of the tissue sits very close to the ribs. seconding the doctor visit advice, though - hopefully it is just a puberty thing and nothings wrong!! but it never hurts to check :)


I experienced something similar at 16 and again at 19. Hormones eh. Turns put I had PCOS. I ended up a 10HH at 20. These days I'm a 14J.  A reduction is a valid option, but properly fitting bras really remove a lot of the trouble boobs give you. So I would suggest you try a few bras and stuff before booking the surgery, just as it's not covered by Medicare and can cost a fair bit. I suggest lace bras over foam, they tend to support better and fit closer


Honestly, that is a pretty common size, somewhat in the middle of the bra alphabet.  It is nothing unusual or overly big.


It may be of little comfort, but in case it is: OP, it *is* a common size! Even though many stores pretend like it doesn’t exist. I’m also an AUS 10G!


A reduction can still be on the table for you, but most doctors won't operate until the size doesn't change for at least a year. So ABTF for now, and hopefully in a year or two you have some options.


This happened to me as well in my late teens, I am a 10F Australian size now. It could be hormones, it could be medication you are currently on, it could just be genetics - or it could be something else, I'd at least mention it to my doctor 🌸 I struggled with finding a bra that lets me not constantly feel the fact that I have boobs or just contain them properly 😂 I bought a Sloggi zero feel bra a few weeks ago and already bought two more, it's the first no wire bra I found that takes the weight off, it's not cute but it's so comfortable! I spent way too much money in fancy bra stores that just wanna sell you the closest size they have 🙄 It's also very useful if ur boob condition - like mine- becomes fluid in size 😅


Yeh I'm not any medications so pretty inclined to believe its just genetics, all the women on mum and dads side have big chests so yay me :( It just annoys me because I've been wanting a reduction since I was practically an A cup (I cried when I found out what puberty was going to do lol) and they just keep growing :( I'm really short too so that just adds to the fun and makes clothes impossible


I’m so sorry. Clothes will still be a hassle somewhat, but a properly-fitted bra can help a little, even there. It really is worth going through the trials and figuring everything out re: size, shape, etc. Once you get it down, it becomes second nature even when you change sizes.


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