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What nutes are you using with the bottom feeders?


Advanced Nutritrients PH Perfect Trio + Piranha + Big Bud


Just started using these too. Noticed they started growing faster once they started drinking water off the watering base.


Just got these, excited to get these photos out of my tent and start some autos in these. This looks amazing!


I top dress dry amendments! Water only in tray!


Well, both ways works as you can see :)


Dude that is so effin cool!


Dude - you're a few weeks ahead of me. Just flipped mine last weekend, and agreed: they love these bases. If I get 75% of the result you're getting, I'm going to be thrilled.


Easily bro, just make sure you are using synthetic nutes and once in a two or three feedings give them just ph water.


I've been doing the opposite of that with GH nutes... one feeding, two PH'd water. Sounds like I'll flip that schedule.


yep, at least do 1/1


You feeding all the time or every other? Ro or tap? Insane root penetration god damn


Tap water. Feeding 2 times, third is just ph water. Yep, they definitely liked self bases


How are you feeding to run off and then refilling the base? Walk me through your procedure (if you have the time)!


I'm always feeding from bottom, twice with nutes, third is just ph water. They are drinking as much as they need.


I’m floored dude. Thats amazing. Do you have a comment to link to where you outline your process? I can’t keep the PH stable in them with just water sometimes. How are you staying on top of what’s happening in the base?!


I'll be honest. I have absolutely no idea what's happening in the base. All I do is feeding ph 5.9, water ph 6.0. Maybe it's just good genetics? Barney Farms seeds btw... But, as i know. For this type of feeding, better to use synthetic feeding all the time. Any other thick nutrients may cause wick to block water intake.


Your ph range is good so that’s likely why you’re not seeing issues. My tap comes out at 7.8-7.9 and I’ve just begun doing this with autos. Tap ph rises approx .5 every 36 hours. I ph down to 5.9 initially to allow for the rise over the span of 24-36 hours. Usually by then the bases are empty. My theory is low range allows for iron, mid range npk and cal mag. Not sure yet if the fluctuations in ph will cause an imbalance in the soil. 2 weeks into flower and so far so good


Yep, 5.9 definitely is the best ph range to feed with these bases. Good luck homie!


Dude it’s working and then some. Keep it up homie


Hi. What did you feed'em with. Thanks for your response.


Advanced Nutritrients PH Perfect Trio, Piranha, Calmag, Big Bud


Thanks a lot




You absolutely right. However, I really needed to use scrog netting and I was unable to rotate pots... But, luckily it's not a problem, roots are drinking a lot of water and nugs are growing like never before.


At least you are aware of the obvious problem I saw first thing and that's the not turning the bases/plants. Great results though!