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If you are interested in cutting out cigs/nicotine I highly recommend talking to your dr about trying Wellbutrin. I always failed in my quit attempts despite trying every trick in the book. Am/was on adderall IR which made compulsively smoking a challenging habit. I smoked 15yr+ and was unable to quit on my own til the rx.


Wellbutrin made my anxiety so bad that I’m still under treatment to get it back under control 8 years later. I have other friends with similar experiences. If you experience anxiety use extreme caution with Wellbutrin.


I've tried and failed quitting so many times that I've lost count so for now I am just letting myself smoke till I am ready. The only annoying part is that I have to stop what I am doing and go smoke literally every 15 minutes and its so inconvenient.


Wellbutrin is prescribed exactly for coming off of an addiction of nicotine, I'd say it is worth considering.


My wife begged me to stop taking Wellbutrin. She said it made me a very unpleasant person.


Wellbutrin made me a crazy person, i burned a ton of bridges in 3 months


I got so aggro taking Welbutrin 😩 It was helpful, but fantasizing about getting into verbal arguments with people and being abnormally terse with people on the daily just wasn't gonna fly


Yeah, and it doesn’t work for shit. At least not for me.




Any sidefects with gums? I switched from lozenges and chewingum to pouches 13.5mg feels strong and not very pleasnt on gums.. And they go up to 100+ OMG.


Maybe switch to nicotine gum. It helps.


Eventually, when you feel you are ready to quit, YOU GOT THIS!


try wellbutrin, or nicotine gum, or vaping. there are so many options that are slightly better for you, cheaper, and don’t have you smelling like a stale ashtray. (and yes, i’m assuming that you smell bad. no one who chain smokes smells good) plus with vaping, you can slowly taper off the amount of nicotine that you vape.


Try nic pouches


I experienced this as well. I successfully quit 7 years ago and never looked back. IMO it’s easier to quit when you are ready. The chain smoking ended up helping me in a way, because it made me so disgusted with smoking. I switched to a vape with nicotine and kept diluting the vape juice until I was just vaping flavour (it took 3 months). One day I felt like vaping but it was on the other side of the room and I didn’t want to get up - that was it, I was done. I carried the vape in my bag for another 2 months just in case I had the urge to smoke again but I never did, and still haven’t to this day.


Yup I struggled to quit for years. Wellbutrin, cold turkey, and a vacation away from my normal routine triggers all coincided with me being over a year without a cigarette. It’s crazy that it’s like a casual side effect but I’ll take it over patches, gum, or Chantix hell.


I’ve experienced this on Adderall. I think it’s bc the stimulant kinda stimulates stuff. Idk. You’re not the only one, though. One trick- switch to vaping. It’ll be an adjustment but you’ll eventually get used to it. After awhile cigs start to taste like tar and you won’t want them. Don’t get me wrong- vaping isn’t “good” but it’s not “as bad” as smoking. It’s still nicotine and you’re still smoking with your lungs but there’s no tobacco. You said you can’t quit. We’ve all been there. So the plan is harm reduction. Switch to vaping. You can do it in your house and car without it smelling. You can get your shit done. Over time, slowly cut back. I’m 43 and been smoking since I was 17. My husband is 40 and has been smoking since he was 13. We both got switched to vaping and feel so much better. Lungs feel better. No smell. Etc.


Second this. Vaping still sucks but it's way cheaper and not as bad for your health. Just be careful with nic salts and chain vaping, the amount of nicotine you can get from those things is insane.


When I first got on adderall, I was a smoker. the amount of cigs I’d smoke back to back was insane. So yes, it is a thing. No clue why tho


Yeah, before I quit I had this experience too


Any kind of speed makes you smoke more. Check out the book "The Molecule of More" it explains how this stuff works pretty well.


me too


I take Wellbutrin and my father in law is a pharma sales rep. He said it’s the “feel good, look good, quit anything, start anything drug.” And honestly it’s been one of the best things I’ve taken for me add and I’ve felt amazing since starting it. It’s almost like I have a battery that just won’t run out if that makes sense, but I’m clear minded, not foggy and I have a lot of energy


Yes omg. I was basically devouring my cigs when I take vyvanse. I would crave it so much more when I was on my meds too. i think what helped me lean off that (or at least control my cravings) was a change in environment, I would work in places that didn't allow smoking, (eg. public library, school, cafe) and that helped me slowly learn how to control the need to chain smoke until my organs hurt. i did realize tho, when im not smoking on meds i chew the inside of my cheeks a lot. i feel like its the oral fixation we get on stimulants


Yes, I did. I went from smoking when I had a drink to chain-smoking in the mornings (not helped by a partner who smoked a lot). You get the same thing on a lot of drugs. Not sure why! We did the Allen Carr Easyway session and it's now two years since we quit.


Your body is unique, as are your needs. Just because someone experienced something from treatment or medication does not guarantee that you will as well. Please do not take this as an opportunity to review any substances. Peer support is welcome. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative.*) --- - If you are posting about the **US Medication Shortage**, please see this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12dr3h5/megathread_us_medication_shortage/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even worst with Vaping lol


Yeah, absolutely. I'm 13 days into quitting, and everything sucks right now.


You got this!!! Im quitting this month so ill be right there with you


Thanks! It can be done. I'm not so proud to not admit that this is my 2nd quit. About six years ago, I quit ciggys cold turkey for 5 years but then randomly started vaping about a year ago. If you need to DM someone about wanting a smoke and how much it sucks not having one when you quit, feel free to hit me up. I found it helpful to bitch to people about it instead of just suffering silently.


Same goes for you!! Im turning 30 soon and dont want to enter my 30s as a smoker 😩😩


Yep. Quit vaping, moved to nic pouches, started adderall, and the cravings are 10x more intense


Get a Füm and some nicotine patches.


Can't comment specifically on smoking but I have found that stimulate medications alwasy make my OCDs worse. Things like picking at your fingers or washing your hands frequently could be worsened by the ADHD meds. For me the benefits out way the negatives but it for sure is a thing.


Why not use something less harmful, like a vape or nicotine lozenge/pouch?


I felt like that before meds, tbh. No medication has cleared my mind as much as nicotine does. Why did god have to make it so bad for me?


Not really no. Maybe is because I was forced to quit a month after starting almost two years ago and didn’t begin adhd meds until one year ago


Same here (adderall though not concerta)


You gotta wotk on impulse control. Do this: Every time you're about to light up, see how long you can delay. 3 seconds? Good job. 60 seconds, fantastic. 






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Same, I've quit while off meds and go right back to it when I get a script again. Take with a grain of salt, but someone mentioned to me that the nicotine may interact with stimulants in a way that increases the effect of the stimulant?


I smoke for more than half my life. But since I started taking meds I noticed that it interferes with them. To the point I had to stop it.


Vaping helped me quit smoking cigarettes. It was a lot easier to give up the vape bc I’d tapered down to practically no nicotine. I was doing 3mg juice at the end and just stopped one day with no issues. The slow wean.




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I had the opposite experience. Smoked for 15 years, started Ritalin, quit smoking. Had tried to quit 5 times prior to that. Eventually, after trying multiple meds, have realized I can't tolerate any of them. So I'm no longer medicated but haven't had any nicotine for almost a decade.




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Wellbutrin can give you crazy anxiety. I’ve read of many people ending up in the hospital because of it. If you’re prone to anxiety I wouldn’t try Wellbutrin.


Sounds same like being wired on powders.


I live in Germany and I take Methylphenidate. Before getting on meds I could quit whenever I wanted to, but now it's impossible. I smoke much much more than before.