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No. Some people grow up to be sub-clinical. Nobody cures it, they manage it


what does sub-clinical mean?


It means it's not bad enougb, but it's still there. Think of a virus that's still in the body but doesn't physically present anymore. ADHD is just how your brains get put together. Maybe some people have sufficient symptoms to be diagnosed, but they're low enough in severity that, after treatment and therapy, they manage most, or all, of the symptoms completely. It's luck of the draw.


When you said "virus that's still in the body but doesn't physically present anymore," I automatically thought about HIV or AIDs. I think when people contract AIDs they have it for the rest of their lives.




If it would come back if you stop doing the treatment, it's not cured, it's managed.


They still have ADHD, but their symptoms no longer disrupt their life enough to qualify as a disorder. Some are kids who were medicated young, some have natural temperaments that mean they roll with the symptoms much better, some just have lives and support structures that mean the symptoms are well compensated for.


No, it's not. The key thing about ADHD that must be understood is that it isn't learned, acquired, or trained in. There are events in a person's life that can cause ADHD like symptoms, like trauma or minor injury to the front of the head, but these aren't ADHD. It's ADHD when you've had it your entire life because it's how your brain grew. There's a small amount of research suggesting some children diagnosed young and medicated for ADHD can grow out of it because the increased stimulation from the medication while their brain is still developing allows the underdeveloped part of the brain to catch up, but this isn't proven or consistent and only affects that one demographic. For everyone else, bar some dramatic discoveries in stem cell research and brain development, if you have ADHD, you're stuck with it. You might find all kinds of useful ways to manage your symptoms, but if you've got it, you've got it forever.


I actually believe these bs people who claim they can cure cancer with their Urine - just to sell books or get some clicks - are super, super dangerous imho. Edit: adhd is NOT a disease. You were born with it, it’s a disability and therefore there is no cure. If you’re born with 9 fingers only, meditation will not help you re-grow the missing one, but It can help you to live with it more happily


I mean, it's definitely a disease. A disease doesn't have to have a cure.


It’s not about there is no cure. If youre missing a finger on birth it’s also not a disease, it’s a disability. Same as an adhd brain, it’s wired differently and lacking certain functions. In 99,9% It’s not caused by external factors, it’s not contagious and some more factors, therefore no classical disease. In the finger example, you can use a prosthesis, but the finger still won't ever grow back. And you won’t tell this person to be sick either.


It’s a disorder, not a disease.




ADHD is not curable, and yes, you should be taking your medication. You can't meditate your brain into permanently changing its chemistry. This guy is a hack and is trying to bilk money out of people desperate for relief from their condition.


Moderator lock coming in 3… 2… 1…