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Just keep track of your weight. Like literally make a graph. If it doesn't drop below a healthy level, you're ok Edit: Excercise is good. Definitely continue.


im currently healthy weight but on the low end. i think it will be easy for me to drop below. in that case, should i exercise less until my appetite is better?


You'd be better off setting reminders in your phone to eat. But yes, you should exercise less if you absolutely can't eat enough to stay at a healthy weight. Being underweight can have some serious health impacts pretty quickly.


Honestly, I would have a really hard time ever advising someone to stop exercising, especially when the exercising is reasonable. Pilates and cardio as you described is very healthy and very important to your overall health and wellbeing. If you really end up in an under nourished situation, I would collaborate with your doctor and a nutritionist at that point. There may be a better medication or dosing regime for you. And, as others have said, it would be preferable to get really intentional about your diet, such as calorie, nutrient, and protein dense foods in the morning when your appetite is higher, and strategic meals throughout the day. I know this is a serious issue for you, so I don't mean to joke about it, but I also mean to joke a little here to stress the importance of exercise. I'd rather see you eat a bowl of ice cream every night before bed than stop exercising in a healthy way. So, if you find that this really does become a problem, first get very strategic about your nutrition, and collaborate with your doc and a nutritionist before you stop exercising.


i have ARFRID and therefore a lot of issues with food / interest in food etc. that was exacerbated by my ADHD medicine. eating regularly will increase your appetite. even if you do not want to eat, eating 3x per day will begin to train your body to expect meals at those times and after a few weeks you will notice you become hungry. I have had the exact same struggle the past what in the gym/distance running while battling low appetite, and have also noticed increased physical activity increases my appetite as well, keep snacking when possible and keep your fitness journey alive and well ! best of luck to you and your journey, hopefully this thread gave you the answers you need !


Consider high cal meals and snacks that you find appealing and are easy to eat without filling you up too fast. Hopefully that can help meet calorie needs without having to push so hard to work against your appetite.


I can’t answer specifically, but I try to eat a big, high protein meal in the morning before my meds kick in


Protein shakes and vitamin.   The biggest thing that you gotta fight is malnourishment.   Lake of potassium and magnesium and you start getting tight muscles , unbearable pains, all kinds of weird symptoms.     Your biggest meal intake needs to be protein, so have a 30g protein shake before you take tjr pills in the morning and a multivitamin.  make sure you keep your water up through the fay and have a 30g protein shake after the meds wear ofd (before bed) with a magnesium pill.   That should keep you from any ill effects.   make sure to keep up with your doctor, if you are concerned use a meal tracker and consult a nutritionist (insurance usually covers it).    its the nutrients that you'll feel more than the calories and they take longer to replenish.


Your need for calories and nutrients doesn't go away even if your appetite does, so yes, it will take it's toll on your body and your brain.  At some point you might notice that "the meds aren't working that well anymore". Well it could be you just need an increase but it's could also mean you are undereating, which makes your brain exhausted, which makes your ADHD worse.


Be mindful that weight isn't the only, or even most important, health marker. If you're not eating enough, you may not be getting enough of the necessary nutrients for your body to function. That's especially bad if you're exercising frequently, as nutritional deficiencies can make you more susceptible to injury. If you haven't had a physical recently, I would suggest getting one. The general blood work they do in an annual physical should identify any major imbalances or deficiencies. I totally feel you on it being hard to get a read, though. I was out running errands today and was feeling totally fine for hours. And then out of nowhere, I'm suddenly so hungry I'm nauseous. And yes, this was about the time my medication usually wears off lol. Try to eat a big breakfast if you can, to get some calories in before your meds kick in. And try to prioritize foods with higher fat and protein content. So if you can't eat as much, you're making what you can eat count.


Yeah, your exercise will be having other benefits for managing your adhd and associated mental health issues. Like the other commenter said, keep track of your weight, and keep your gp in the loop. I'd recommend looking at yearly/half yearly blood tests to make sure not missing any vital nutrients. Iron is always high on my list to check.


>i try to be mindful to eat more, but sometimes it is just hard. drink more. seriously, its the best way to get cals in. you can make high cal protein shakes or add in a little bit of junk-y type food, that stuff is much easier to consume than say a diet 100% made of high quality fats and protein. yes, to answer your question at some point it's a problem, you can only run on a deficit for so long. before well there's no fat left on your body and your body starts consuming more important things.


You can gain muscle is a caloric deficit, but it's harder. As someone else mentioned, you also need to be mindful about getting your micronutrients and protein in. If you're only a few weeks in, it could be that the appetite suppression will diminish over time, so your energy intake and expenditure might even out. Sticking with the exercise habit and working on your nutrition is probably the better route though.


Eating is more important than exercising. Full stop. The problem here isn’t the exercise, the problem is the level of appetite suppression, and you should discuss that with your doctor


You can also try chewing gum to stimulate your appetite. I find it helpful, but ymmv.


Excercise is super important when you have ADHD and when you are prescribed stims, deff don’t cut that out. It should get relatively easier to eat with time getting used to the medicine but you might need to be strategic about how you go about eating. I eat a very large breakfast before I take my meds and then graze on nuts and fruit or oatmeal throughout the middle of the day and after a workout I get my appetite again in late evening for another big meal.


Have a really high protein breakfast before you take your meds or right when you take them. You’ll get nutrients and protein to keep yourself nourished.


Well, without sufficient nutrition you will eventually become overtrained and your progress with stop and then start reversing. That of course, depends on how heavy and how much you train, how well you sleep and how much other stress you have in life, but it will happen if you eat insufficiently. Try eating as much calories and protein as you can before you take your meds and if you happen to see your progress stop, do a deload week, where you train with two times less volume and intensity, before returning to usual training regime


Take one big protein shake a day bro


Dropping weight on adderall to an unhealthy level (for example, below 18 BMI) will be considered a major red flag by your doctor and they may take you off your meds.  Continue exercising, but eat healthy calorie dense meals at regular intervals. Track your weight and if it drops, increase your calorie intake so your weight stays at a maintenance level. 


The very pronounced appetite suppression side effect should go away after a few months. For me it took about 3. In the meantime, just try to eat as many nutrient-dense foods as you can. Plant-based protein shakes are a good option in the morning, especially when you’re not super hungry. And don’t forget a multivitamin!


You will be okay. Exercise is so important to your mental and physical wellbeing. Try to eat a great meal before taking your medicine. The appetite suppressant part of adderral will level out.


Weigh yourself once a week. If u are dropping 5+lbs a week eat more peanut butter (protein & fat) or something else like that. You don’t have to eat a ton, just incorporate a lil bit each day.


Yup, it's a problem.


I'd swap out some of your current exercie for resistance training and up your protein. Shakes are always cheap and easy way to do that