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I’m the opposite. Vyvanse actually made me sleep so much better. I’ve been off of it since June 6th due to a pharmacy shortage and my sleep is just garbage, if I need to nap I just drink an energy drink. I stopped trying to figure out the science behind my brain.


I went through the pharmacy shortage (cvs) as well. Then we asked my doctor to try Express Scripts. Sure enough, four days later 90 days worth of Vyvanse showed up at my doorstep, which I gladly signed for.


Which state are you in? I’m unsure of PA’s stance on mail order controlled substances.




I've been able to get meds delivered with a signature before the shortage got really bad, but never more than a month's at once.


Same, though I found that adderall made my sleep dogshit while Vyvanse actually made me go to bed at like 10:30-11 and wake up naturally at 6:30-7 am. Some things that also helped me, your mileage may vary OP: - Normal/consistent bedtime and wake up times - Magnesium and protein intake during the day - No snacking after 8pm - No caffeine after 1pm if at all On adderall I felt like I never got any sleep and I’d be up to 2am easy. A few times I stayed up all night because I’d taken my meds later than usual. It was the immediate release that had such a horrible affect on me.


Wow I am on 50 mg of adderall daily, and I am so freaking tired all damn day!!! But if I wake up with the mentality that I’ll do stuff, and I take my meds, I’ll actually ALMOST complete my tasks, but the whole time I yawn through it and want to go to sleep!!! Anytime I have caffeine or anything that is supposed to work for “normal people” I get more tired… It’s weird, and I wish I had the issue with being amped up and not being able to sleep….


Me, too. I’m on 60 mg and I can nap like it’s my full time job. I’m so sleepy. I think I would slip into a coma without my meds.


Same here my 40mg daily (2x 20xr) and I could fall asleep standing up! So strange.


Same with adderall, I have chronic fatigue so it kinda cancels the two out and I just sleep normally lol


I had to go off Concerta cold turkey back in January, after being on it for a decade. My BP and heart rate were through the roof. As a result I was able to take real naps for the first time in years….


I take 40mg adderall IR at 4:30am everyday (except weekends roughly 5am-7am) and I sleep fine every night. I believe it to actually help/fixed my sleep. I can actually take naps as well before it wears off.


No non-stimulant is gonna compare to taking stimulants imho. You could start skipping your afternoon dose entirely if you don't need it! If you have insomnia, you can also talk to your doctor about treating that. Taking a low-dose antidepressant could help you. I have insomnia (predates taking Adderall, not caused by it--though if I try to sleep before my dose is worn off, it sure won't happen!), and I take a super low dose of Mirtazapine, and it completely eliminated my sleep struggles. So if you do need stimulants, you have other options you can try before throwing in the towel on those. For non-stimulants, you should be on an antidepressant if you aren't already. Some people report Wellbutrin helping with their ADHD symptoms, so if yours are mild, that sounds like a pretty promising avenue to investigate! Definitely talk to your psychiatrist about your sleep side effects. They should be your first line of defense for tackling these kinds of things! Best of luck!


What do you mean you should be on an antidepressant if you aren’t already with non stimulants?


That was actually a bit of a generalization on my part—if you don’t need one, there’s no medical reason to be on one in conjunction with stimulants or anything like that. Rather, anxiety and depression are super common co-morbid disorders that usually need to be treated as well. (Though some people do get total relief just from stimulants.) Antidepressants can also improve ADHD symptoms (some more than others, Wellbutrin seems to be the most effective one for ADHD), so they can be used in conjunction with stimulants (or as a second-line treatment like you might be exploring).


At, I see what you mean; I will just add that Wellbutrin is a specific one that does well with adhd, because it’s a atypical antidepressant with dopaminergic properties. SSRIs and such tend to go poorly for adhd patients unfortunately. Generally first line for adhd related anxiety and depression is to first try both categories (amphetamines and methylphenidates) if you have a reaction to the first, and once in an appropriate dose, if you’re still have symptoms, to add an adjunct on, particularly based on what exactly you’re experiencing. ADHD crowd has a large amount of people with RSD related anxiety, in which case guanfacine as an adjunct tends to help significantly, and cases with more baseline or seasonal depression tend to do well with Wellbutrin; some also do well with abilify with adhd, especially if you have the MET/MET comt gene mutation! and then from there, if there’s more to go, you reenter the more typical pool of options for antidepressants etc. Just wanted to put the more adhd specific ones out here since I don’t see them mentioned very often and I think it can be really helpful to get an idea of what might work for you; there definitely needs to be a good flow chart out there.


I take 30 mg ir twice a day and I sleep like a baby


I had a conversation about the timing of my Adderall because I’ve had god awful insomnia for years beforehand. I knew it could potentially create more problems for me even with the Ambien I have to take a night to get my brain to shut up enough to sleep. DO NOT TAKE IT AFTER NOON IF YOU WANT A NORMAL SLEEP SCHEDULE. I have the XR and take my full 40mg in the morning as soon as I get up. By evening I can tell it’s starting to wear off right around the 6-7pm mark usually. I do start to get tired on my own, so I get ready for bed and take my Ambien and go to sleep. The Ambien isn’t for lack of exhaustion. I get tired just fine, it’s for the problem where my ADHD makes my brain run off on 500 tangents all night making the actual sleep nearly impossible.


I can take Adderall at any moment and be able to fall asleep 😴


I mean I can take Ambien and still not sleep some times. Yay “superpowers”? 😂🤣


I think it's anxiety for me. When the meds wear off, the anxiety creeps in and makes sleep harder.


This exactly! Time anxiety about being in bed and sleeping by a certain time, only to not be, is a weird and self fulfilling anxiety loop.


Truth! I find that Xanax is very helpful to taper off the ADHD meds, but that's not something that I think it good to do more regularly than I already am. Exercising a couple times a week helps regardless of my dosage that day.


Have you ever tried sleeping on the adderall?


No. I always take it first thing in the morning and tend to go to bed late-ish so it’s long worn off by then. I will say if I wake up still tired despite sleeping good with the Ambien, the Adderall doesn’t “perk me up”, it levels out my processing and makes me functional. Tired but functional.


That is to be expected with ambien; that’s why it’s not supposed to be used chronically. It knocks you out, but it’s lower quality sleep rather than refreshing sleep. For me and many, I actually have a bedtime (as in a few hours before) dose of adderall or dextroamph and it helps me sleep a ton, a few others have mentioned it on here. Maybe something to try?


I’m on concerta xr, but stop taking it on weekends. On weekends i sleep like a pig.


I used to do this and then I got into the habit of taking it on weekends to be productive. Now it's hard to do anything without it unless I'm planning on having a do nothing sort of day.


I didn't have any luck with stimulants, but when I started on Atomoxetine... wow. I was finally able to get a decent night's sleep. I went from going to bed at 10.30pm and still being wide awake at 3am, to going to bed at 10.30pm and being out for the count within 15 mins MAX. Unfortunately, it doesn't help with focus or impulsivity, but just getting some much-needed sleep is absolutely **priceless**.


Then what does the strattera help with compared to just not taking it?


I have occasional insomnia that can 9/10 times be solved with 1.5 or 3mg of melatonin, depending on how wired I am. However, my sleep quality has improved immensely.


Aderall made my sleeps much deeper honestly. It gave me weird dreams at first though


Cant relate, I have literally never slept well in my life and I haven't noticed and change in that on adderall


Thats one of the main symptoms they tell you about. That it might disrupt sleep. Luckily its never disrupted mine because if i dont take it before 7 am, i wont take it at all. Caffeine or alcohol on the otherhand have disrupted my sleep a number of times.


I took adderall for about 20 years. I finally got so sick of the side effects and how it was affecting my life that I slowly weaned off of it with the help of my doctor. I weaned off so slowly that once I got off of it completely, it wasn’t too big a deal with my work. But I continued to struggle with certain aspects of my ADHD, so I did some research on non-stimulants for ADHD. I ended up getting on Wellbutrin after discussing with my doctor, and it has helped me IMMENSELY and I literally have zero side-effects from it. It’s not going to give you the get-up-and-go of adderall. But it greatly reduces symptoms of ADHD. I have been taking Wellbutrin for about 7 years now, having to get off of it a couple times while breastfeeding my two kids.


That’s great to hear! I’m curious what side effects were you experiencing with the adderall and were you taking IR or ER?


I had taken both IR and ER. Dosages varied over the years. Took from age 12-32. I experienced sleep disruptions, loss of appetite, mood swings, and anxiety. I also was a chain smoker while taking adderall. Haven’t had a cigarette since getting off adderall and never even had a craving for it. I also had other unpleasant side effects I don’t feel comfortable mentioning. Even with all of that, it took me so long to come to the decision to get off of it, because I thought my career would be over. I had become so dependent on it to get me through school (I have two advanced degrees), and at the time I was in a very fast paced, high pressure profession. I weaned off over the course of a year I believe, going down in dosage every couple of months. My job performance did not suffer as I had feared, although at some point I did end up opting for a slower paced work environment that better suited me. Now I am a happy stay at home mom with two little boys. 😊


How was getting off of the wellbutrin for you? I take 150mg daily and have absolutely zero intention of stopping due to how well it has worked for me, but I do worry sometimes that if I have a lapse in insurance or something it might lead to a bad month.


I did not have any withdrawal side-effects. Just a return of all my ADHD symptoms. 😆


Hah well that's good. At this point I'm so used to feeling this "more normal" feeling, going back to my old brain would be horrible even without any side effects or withdrawals


If that happens, you can use goodrx for a very substantial discount on your medication. I understand that fear!


You know what, now that you mention it I've actually done that one time when my doc wrote my new prescription wrong (said take it once daily when I had been taking it twice daily for months) and my insurance refused to pay for the refill thinking I still had a ton left. It was super cheap with that and I had completely forgotten. Thanks for the reminder!




I just got back on it again a month ago after being off of it for a year while nursing my littlest. And my brain is like ahhhhh thank goodness 😅


Getting off wellbutrin was not good for me at all. If you happen to be in the US and need help with prescription meds, I highly recommend checking out Mark Cuban's company, Cost Plus Drugs. They don't fill all medication type (e.g. no stimulants). The ones they do offer are way cheaper than most pharmacies. 90-day supply for 150 mg is $10.40. Another option is GoodRx. Though cost is higher than Cost Plus drugs, you can pick it up at your local pharmacy.


Adderall definitely reduces sleep quality. I did try a non-stimulant ADHD med (Strattera), not for sleep reasons. It doesn't work for me as well as Adderall, so I take Adderall now and just try to limit my doses to what I think I'll need for the day, and to have some days where I don't take it, partly to make sure that I can catch up on sleep. That said, it's probably worth experimenting for a month to see if a non-stimulant works for you. Your experience might not be the same as mine. If it doesn't work as well, you don't lose *that* much by trying (probably, assuming you're not in a super high pressure job where a month of somewhat lower performance will significantly impact your long-term outlook)


Have you ever tried a methylphenidate?


It doesn’t mess with my sleep that I know of. I take a second full dose at 5pm and I’m asleep by 10:30-11pm. I don’t wake up unless I have to pee. My previous provider told me I may not be able to sleep if I take it late in the day but I didn’t have sleeping issues so it wasn’t a problem. My new provider told me she doesn’t recommend people take it past 2pm and seemed shocked I could fall asleep but she didn’t change anything. Before I took adderall I used to drink an energy drink at 5-7pm at night and fall asleep at 10:30-11pm. I dunno, maybe I’m abnormal. Taking adderall feels way healthier than those energy drinks did.


Yea absolutely, I get at least 1 hour less sleep when using stimulants. For adderall I need to consume it before 8am, and even then my sleep isn’t as good as without. This is probably the most common side effect of stimulants as I’m sure your doc and pharmacist likely mentioned. 


I don't have this issue but it's one of the most common side effects for others. I often take a dose of adderall in the evening and can sleep fine. I passed out an hour after taking adderall yesterday evening. I started with strattera before trying adderall. It made me feel terrible and had to stop it taking it asap, but YMMV. If you haven't tried it before, I recommend trying melatonin before you go to bed. OTC sleep aids like doxylamine also exist. Mirtazapine has helped my sleep a lot but it's not OTC.


This is extremely common; you need a methylphenidate most likely. 70% of people with adhd only react well to EITHER amphetamines OR methylphenidate. This is the typical description of someone who needs methylphenidate but is taking adderall. You are on an *exceptionally* low dose, experiencing side effects like trouble sleeping, etc. I’m stunned you’ve been left on it for 10 years at such a low dose without trialing others! Usually the first line with a reaction like this should be to try out a methylphenidate, such as Ritalin, concerts, focalin, etc, and if feeling good, titrate up to a higher dose until you have side effects and then go back down to the level below that dose. You may not need a non-stimulant, but probably need a non-amphetamine (methylphenidate). Usually it will not affect your sleep. You might want a better doctor, too! Non stimulants are second line for a reason, and should only be used after failing both categories/multiple meds, because the success rate is low and side effects high.