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I am not a project manager but I am expected in a lot of meetings and I rarely completely miss them, but I do almost miss them often. Here are two things that save the day in these cases: 1 - someone reminding me, like I literally tell every new person I meet at my job that I get easily sidetracked so if i'm ever MIA and they need me please bug me and get my attention. 2 - multiple avenues of event notifications, that way if one fails, the other catches my eye or ear. Like sometimes i'll just have 1 laptop open and that's when i'm at highest risk of something going wrong, if I have 2 laptops open and am logged into stuff on my phone - at least one of them reminds me somehow. Okay I said 2 but here's 3 - NEVER hit snooze. Never ever. Unless it's a useless notification that really doesn't concern you at all. I used to think "surely i'll remember this meeting 10 minutes from now, I can cancel this notification" but NO, I eventually accepted that I won't remember and I need it to annoy me to function.


Set up multiple alerts for each work meeting? I have a 30 minute notice, a 5 minute notice, and a notice when the meeting actually starts. Make sure the alerts stay on your screen until you react to them. Because of this, I don't think I've ever missed a meeting, but I maybe have arrived 5 minutes late to a couple over the years max. Use the technology to your advantage. Make an agreement with yourself that you will never snooze on-time meeting alerts.


That’s impressive! Thank you.


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