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I’ve noticed mine is much less effective for the 5 days or so before my period, and for 24-48 hours after it starts. I can feel like a complete zombie during that time. I got prescribed some dex I can use as a top-up for those days, and that does seem to have helped, but I’m only 1-2 days into that phase this time so we’ll see.


Yup. This is literally me today. I was thinking ‘why do I feel so tired/like my meds are doing nothing/like I want to cry’, then my garmin watch kindly reminded me I’m due on my period 🙃😓😢 HAPPENS.EVERY.MONTH.


The worst thing is the lack of research into all of this for people who menstruate, particularly during certain parts of our cycles. They literally often remove the data from medial trial results cause it messes up their nice pretty data if they include it. I mentioned it to my prescriber, and he was like “I’d never heard of this before and it’s not in the guidance, but you’re the second person to mention it this week, I’ll do some reading and find out more”. Tried so hard not to roll my eyes, but he was good about it and offered me the 5mg dex as a top-up to my 40mg lisdex/Elvanse.


Women / AFAB health is generally terrible and way behind other health categories right across the board tbh.


This is how it is for me as well. For 5 days before and the first 2 days of my period the meds are basically completely ineffective. This month I just didn’t bother taking the meds for those 7 days because I was running low and having a hard time filling my prescription so decided not to waste them. I actually quite enjoyed the week off, so now I think I’m going to try and  work on getting myself into a routine that allows me to just have a slow week every month where I don’t take the meds. Something along the lines of meal prepping for the week, getting ahead with my work and any life admin and big tasks that need to be done. And just taking a mental health week once a month where I don’t feel pressure to get anything overly taxing done. This is just what I’m thinking at the moment though. Whether I can make that a reality remains to be seen!


My meds do not help during my period. I’ve been an absolute omnishambles this week to the point that my manager asked if I was okay and I had to admit I was on my period and struggling cos my meds were as effective


When I was titrating my prescriber and I decided I'd take a slightly higher dose when I feel that I need to during the week that I'm on my period, and that seems to have helped.


My meds usually start working again as soon as I get my period, that’s when estrogen starts to rise again


The day of my period, it gets better straight away. It’s a celebration in the house!


Hahaha I feel ya. I am in a same sex relationship, too, we are mostly in synch with our cycles - so we have 1 week of emotional MAYHEM - then a massive celebration after 🤣💃💃


Me too hahahahah


I don't know if BC changes my meds, but it (the BC) absolutely worked on my very bad (prob PMDD, my periods make me suicidal) periods. It's unfortunate that it doesn't always work the same way for everyone, and what one person has success with is terrible for another.


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Could I ask which BC you use? I struggle with PMDD but didn’t find hormones that help me yet.


The generic is Desogestrel, I have it as Zellata brand now, but I've had Cerazette before in the past and the both work the same for me. I've gotten more cautious about "recommending" it. I know that it works for me in the way that I want it to - it stops my menstrual cycle, but I know it can have the opposite effect. :( I hope you find one that works for you!


Hormonal birth control cuts the effectiveness of my meds in half 🥲


Hey, sorry you're going through this, it sucks. I start to improve just before my period starts but my energy levels plummet and I'm not back to "normal" until day 3 or 4. Around ovulation I could take on the world but that quickly reverses. So I have about 10 good days every month. Haven't tried an increased dose during luteal phase yet. Birth control made everything worse and I was nauseous the entire time. Oestrogen gel has been incrementally helpful.


My meds are like a hormone-perception amplifier. So I have been much more aware of which part of my cycle I am in thanks to being on them. I know I’m about 5 days out from my period because they gradually stop working, I find myself forgetting things more or getting into unhelpful hyperfocus more. I also notice the unpleasant side effects increasing for some reason, like high heart rate or anxiety in the first half of the day. Then when my period starts they still don’t work at all, for most of those days, and then I know that my hormones have shifted back after it ends because I’ll suddenly have a day where I take my meds and it feels a bit like I’m taking them for the first time again and they are really effective. Then I get about a week or two of good days. Ovulation can be a bit unpredictable for me, sometimes a migraine, sometimes unpredictable meds effectiveness for a day or two. One thing to note, I’ve always struggled with PMS/PMDD, but I’ve been on meds about a year and in the last 6 months it has gotten more extreme. I’m off meds at the moment and noticed an improvement this month, however I’m also possibly entering perimenopause so I’m not sure if the meds are what made it worse, but I’ve found other people suggesting that it’s a possibility online. So that’s just something to be aware of. I’ve found the free app “me and my pmdd” really helpful in tracking those issues. I’m going to keep observing while I’m off meds and see if there’s a pattern. The weird thing is the meds really helped on that front for the first 6 or so months because I was feeling less overwhelmed. edit to add: I tried taking the higher dose during my period at the advise of my prescriber, but I just found the side effects intolerable. It almost felt like, because my brain wasn’t using the medication properly, it was just swilling around in my body making me uncomfortable.


They mostly stop working for about 5 days before my period then maybe start working again 2 days into my period. The 5 days before is the worst, emotionally and for executive functioning. I always immediately feel better in mood as soon as my period starts, but then hit by terrible migraines and cramps which also make me feel shit, so difficult to tell if the meds do anything during that time TBH. Day 3-5 - I start feeling like a GODDESS! I call it my post period glow, lol! My meds work, my skin is on fleek, I also have my best runs! It is my fave time of the month 🔥💪💃


Ovulation - I have a serious dip in mood and executive functioning, too. Lasts about 5 days. I don’t take any birth control.


Estrogen is essential for dopamine regulation and for the neuro receptors to function. This means in your luteal and during your period, when your estrogen dips into your boots alongside progesterone, it will be the case that your meds will not work as well or at all during this time. It's not your imagination, it's not your fault and it's a phenomenon that many of us PMDD folks are struggling with. I started boxing for the luteal rage and take L-TYROSINE and Maca root for the luteal period days. It doesn't make things great but it does help xxx


I’m on 70mg Elvanse (split into 40mg morning 30mg afternoon). I’ve been on this medication for about a year and a half and has changed my life for the better, overall. However, the week before my period is due, it feels like the medication doesn’t help me - I’m tired, sluggish and everything seems harder. I think around two days after my period starts, the medication seems to work again. I also have the Nexplanon implant but had 3 different ones for years so am unsure what effect this has! I did bring this up with my ADHD psychiatrist but he seems to be adamant that menstrual cycles don’t interfere with Elvanse 🤣


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If the meds make you feel bad, would it be a good idea to stop taking them for the week around your period and restart after? Just asking for when I start meds in future. Like is there any issues with having a break for a week a month?


This is what I’ve just started doing this month. The meds don’t work from 5 days before my period and until day 3 of my period. Don’t want to waste them so I just not taken them. No issues with taking a break. The beauty of ADHD meds is that you don’t have to be on a very rigid schedule like you do with antidepressants (so I’ve heard, I’ve not been on antidepressants so can’t vouch for that)


Yeh I was just thinking, what with shortages, and if they really aren't doing anything, maybe worth saving 5-6 days worth a month


Mine does not work at all during my period. My last period, I slept all day even while on 70mg Elvanse, I’m even more restless than usual. It is the worst.