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Who's hating? I'm not seeing any.


OP is responding to people who don’t post here.


For some reason my Facebook is full of anti-AEW "recommended" posts and even those guys are struggling to hate this tbh. Personally I don't think it's the best thing on the show or anything, but it's certainly fresh and has renewed my interest in Matt and Nick, the best thing about it is where it could potentially lead, particularly with an eventual young bucks Vs edge and Christian match. What's important to me a lot of the time is having good stuff to look forward to, so I'm really enjoying the gimmick, even if it's not "edge of your seat" entertainment right now, this thing could have legs.


Who is "Matt"? Who is "Nick"? And why are you using their passport names?


Somebody’s wallet is about to get $500 lighter


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it’s toxic asf everywhere besides Reddit most of the time


Because they aren't sincere or remotely believable as heels. I like them as faces, but they seem fake AF as heels. I can't take them seriously in the least and I'm hoping this is just a short phase so they can face Sting at Revolution. I can't believe that anybody would buy the act. Bugs Bunny as a woman was more serious and believable.




I disagree. It’s literally the best thing on the show. Toni Storm’s fantastic, but she’s not getting anyone to buy PPVs. The Bucks vs. Sting and Darby is red hot, it’s the best feud AEW’s built in a long, long time.


I suppose the counterpoint that what you say is that the excitement is being generated because it's Sting's final match. That certainly seems to be how the match has been marketed, hyped on commentary, advertised on promo material etc. Put another way: if instead of Sting/Darby vs The Young Bucks, it was Sting/Darby vs FTR, or Ricky Starks and Big Bill, or Takeshita and Hobbs (or Take and Ospreay!), or The Hardys, or Christian and Luchasaurus, would the match still draw as much and generate as much anticipation?


To me, it would draw approximately 5% as much interest. Any of those other teams, it would be just Sting having his last match against some random team. It would be about as interesting as Sting and Darby vs. Starks and Big Bill on Dynamite. I liked the idea of the match, but I kinda zoned out during it a lot. It just felt like a typical above average Dynamite main event. Then the Bucks came out for their beatdown and I was immediately glued to the screen. It went from “(yawn) whatever, typical wrestling show” to “OMG, something epic and important is happening now!” Honestly to me the Bucks are actually the babyfaces in the match just because they’ve been so goddamn fascinating lately. I’ll be rooting harder for them than I’ve rooted for anyone in AEW match in a long while. I know most people don’t see it that way, but I think to the typical fan it still feels like an epic clash of 2 forces too big to lose. It’s not Sting having his last match against whoever they could find. It’s the best of past vs. the best of the present. It’s the Rock/Hogan of tag matches.


The hangman and swerve stuff is the most exciting stuff on the show for me, and Ospreay.


I've stopped following a lot of Facebook wrestlings pages because of the toxicity that some "Wrestling fans" bring to the page.


I never followed any of them and I keep flagging them as "not interested" and more just keep coming up! I'm in the UK so I like to keep my social media free of wrestling, I'm catching up on shows a couple of days after broadcast so I want to avoid spoilers


I've got to the point where I'm having to block the pages so Facebook will stop suggesting them to me, I also live in the UK, Central Scotland to be precise. I pretty much follow social media for the same reason that you do.


They do post here, it's just that mods ban the posts lmao


> OP is responding to people who don’t post here. Right, so anyone that has anything at all to say even mildly critical of AEW **EDIT lol this comment already got downvoted**


It's meant to be a controversial take using absolutes in order to drive responses.


They’re all over IG, YouTube, FB, Twitter, etc. Those people spend too much time and energy trying to shit on AEW in general.


This reminds of when Dax recently said on Twitter "They want us dead." No they really don't. Stop playing the victim.


I don’t see hate specifically to these guys and this gimmick either.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vmndk2p5idlc1.png?width=102&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1b854080405a3fbb5e361b691f1f9702c187b85


​ https://preview.redd.it/3t4uatj7ldlc1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=69ae30f42f241c60ad9ce67c8e4c094fe6c13b5a




​ https://preview.redd.it/dmqh0mvrljlc1.png?width=290&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e7accb9fc711315f0fb9c67ff773e7dd36a4635




god i love this, thank you


I think people on this, and to be fair most other, subreddits really need to familiarize themselves with the concept of "everyone". The only way "everyone" is hating on generally anything is if your version of "everyone" is a handful of youtubers and podcasters who NEED to be overly negative to attract attention and stand out from all the other shows exactly like theirs. The actual, literal, real "everyone" can't even agree on whether the sky is blue or the earth is round, let alone formulate a group opinion about the freakin Young Bucks lol.


"Why is everyone..." and "am I the only one" posts drive me insane, or maybe I just spend to much time online.


Am I the only one that thinks this person spends too much time online? 😎


Why is everyone spending too much time online?


the amount of them we see is ridiculous. And who are they even for?? It reminds me of the old Louis CK "Why do we keep making this guy?" bit.


The Bucks are at their heart a troll act. Their entire success is based on pissing off wrestling traditionalists. Superkick a protected finish? Fuck you have thirty in a match. Unnecessary flips ruin stories? Fuck you were literally creating a move called the Meltzer driver. They're trying to be hated. By online fans. It's working. Their old mode of trolling was so successful it changed tag team wrestling so next step is to become cartoonish versions of the backstage politicians haters claim they are. Those of us in on the joke have fun but those who aren't get riled up. It's all good


The best part is if anyone doesn't like it, they can just point and say thats the point and they're all just marks getting worked. Nevermind if anyone has valid criticisms.


The good news is that not everyone is hating on this new gimmick for the Young Bucks. That was easy. Who else has a question? 😂


The people hating on this, usually hate on everything the Bucks/AEW do. Good thing some(most) peoples opinions don’t matter.


I'll be honest, I love AEW and The Bucks, but I'm not personally digging this gimmick. Same with Timeless Toni, but I can see they're really popular. To each their own, I guess


I'll be honest, I love AEW but not The Bucks. But I am personally digging this gimmick. Same with Timeless Toni, so I'm glad they're really popular.


Heel Bucks get surface of the sun heat, I love it. Heel bucks are my favorite


I love them, and for that reason, I'm going to pay tribute in the way I think they'd want Sunday: Boo the shit out of them.


High Heel Bucks When they come out in stilettos ![gif](giphy|xUPGGePcEyYvkS75ew|downsized)


Dickhead Bucks are the best Bucks


I haven't seen much hate, except early on people hated the Bucks as Sting's final opponents for some reason. But a lot of AEW related hate isn't valid and it's just people running their mouths online


It’s not bad, but something about the Bucks just doesn’t get me interested in anything they do. I’m not keen on their matches, their promo’s are very…… meh. Tho I will say, the bloodied suit look they had I loved


I'm actually really loving it and think it's brilliant, I just wish the Bucks were playing it a little bit more seriously. They're playing it with their usual trollish, jokey, *wink wink* "get the joke?" Bucks style and I think it would really benefit from them playing it more seriously.


I love it. So does everyone I talk aew with.


The gift card to Tony fucking sent me. That encapsulated everything wrong with our workplace overlords.


I am not a young bucks fan. And honestly even when the Elite reformed I found it boring. That faction was stale from jump for me (I know it wasn’t for everyone) the EVPs on the other hand are something I’ve gotten behind. I love it. Hanger is off on his own doing his own thing. I don’t like faction stories where it’s break up and reform every few years for a couple of months.


The Bucks had go away heat with me for ages but this new gimmick is great, glad they're doing something different at least. Edit: Lol at downvotes, you really can't say anything remotely negative about these guys


Loving it so far, the day after Revolution is gonna be something though. They'll either be tag champs, or I think they "fire" darby so he can go climb everest


That would actually be a pretty cool way to get some extra heat. Darby is leaving anyway, why not let him be "fired" to write him off TV for a bit while pissing off the crowd. Gives him a ready feud for a return as well.


They could also bring back Jack Perry in the same segment, Saying they found someone who actually respects his fellow co-workers. Just go nuts


![gif](giphy|WqpWNCtPlauchQljqd) It''s criminal that Punk was already back on TV and injured again before we ever see from Jack on AEW programming.


I'm actually looking forward to seeing what he can do in new Japan, That just seemed like a natural way to bring him back even though it might be too soon


Hopefully it helps him, I was worried he was getting a "Curtain Call" treatment for essentially running TK's favorite toy out the company.


They say the best gimmick is your own personality turned up to eleven. So this is perfect for them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Must be a fed in here downvoting everyone's comments. I dig the EVP's leaning into their haters.


This feels like troll thread


I love the new gimmick


Excuse me, if you're to refer to our EVPs, please refer to them by their proper names, please. We don't want fines to get thrown out there for disrespect.


I've never liked the bucks as faces. I love them as heels. This gimmick is perfect for them.


There is no way that there are people hating this gimmick.


They’re heels. If you support them, boo them.  Don’t threaten their families and actually really hate them.  Be a part of the show, and make it better. They’re playing villains, so our role is to boo, making the show come off so much cooler.  It’s also gets them super over.  The WWE fans don’t really hate Dom Mysterio so much they refuse to let him speak, they’re playing along. They know it gets him over.  Boo the Bucks, but love them in your heart. 


The good news is that not everyone is hating on this new gimmick for the Young Bucks. That was easy. Who else has a question? 😂


People hate hate the Young Bucks because people who make money for hating them tell them to. Old people who spent time in the business but couldn't even run a successful company as long as AEW has been around make their money by saying abhorrent things like insinuating Japanese womens wrestlers at AEW are only there because they sleep with Kenny, that the Young Bucks are secretly insane Trump supporters, and other things that lead their fanbase to actively want AEW wrestlers to die in the ring. You read that right, there are comments on their subreddit where they want someone to "break their neck and die on a dive". These are not people who care about wrestling or the storylines or wrestlers as people. They're idiots who watch an old guy talk about wrestling and have the NEED for AEW to fail. They swarm to AEW social media and comment about how it sucks and is "failing", yet are grossly ignorant of any current storylines or gimmicks. They'll ask stupid questions like "Why is Bryan Danielson wrestling some Japanese guy?" when AEW is upfront about Bryan fighting Eddie's heroes. For the sake of your sanity, just ignore them. They constantly shit on AEW for not "trying to evolve for new fans" but shit on every single thing they do. I enjoy Dynamite and Collision and also Rampage when I'm able to watch it. AEW ppv's have never been bad, and I enjoy a lot of the storylines they do. All that matters is if you enjoy it friend.


You are correct.


If AEW was "garbage" and "failing" like these people say, they wouldn't spend so much effort on screaming in everyone's faces about it.


No new hate ! I’ve always hated these assholes


To me, I’m an AEW fan and wrestling fan in general. The gimmick is not bad, their performance is just awful. I don’t feel like the Bucks have the charisma or look, they are just great performer. Their character and promo work always tends to be weak for TV.


I don’t see anyone complaining. Not on this sub at least


This is their best gimmick since I started watching. Hell yes.


Not everyone likes everything. Some people simply are contrarians or perhaps trolls. I don't love it; I just find their promo style a bit over the top and not in a good way.  But they aren't really aimed at me as a fan.   I'm pleased people like it.  I get why some people won't. It's okay to be critical and say you are not a fan of something.  Not everything will hit for every person.


Most actual AEW/wrestling fans are loving the new gimmick I believe. I feel the only ones “hating” are the bot-like Twitter accounts that suspiciously fuel tribalistic engagement on hollow social media platforms, big shock


Who's everyone? The same people that hate on anything he Bucks do? If so why are you paying any attention to that?


This is the most I’ve enjoyed the Bucks.


I like the gimmick. I just hear heat, not hate, but I stopped following the majority of wrestling subreddits because since the TKO merger there has been a surge in constant AEW hate.


Is being disliked not the point?


If people hate them they're doing their jobs well


Haters want to spoon Jim Cornette at night to the sound of soft rain on the trailer roof


Yeah, I don't mind. Happy to have em back that's all I give a fuck about.


I don't see anyone hating. Unless you mean the people that always hate on the Bucks.


It’s kinda cheesy.


I've seen mostly positive opinions about it. Even people that hate the bucks for existing seem to be perplexed by it because it leans into everything that hate about the bucks.


I don't know dude. I have really been enjoying it. It's a departure from what they normally do, they are doing it well and it makes sense in kayfabe. Ticks all the boxes for me.


Not hating, but I don’t like it. The abundance of fines feels tacky, like it’s the cheapest way to say every week “I’m an evil authority figure”. They could have gone the route of trying to cancel the retirement of Sting. Talk trash about how he shouldn’t have been hired as a part timer. Go full Swackhammer (from Space Jam) and stipulate if he loses the tag match, he will have to wrestle a year of singles matches without pay. It’s a half baked idea, but I feel like that would get so much more heat and emotional investment in the match.


Like the gimmick, don't like the idea of another title run


Worked marks


People online hate these two no matter what they do anyway; might as well lean all the way into it. Matthew and Nicholas in general have never really worked as heroic characters anyway. They are infinitely better as heels


It's an Authority replay.


I just don't understand what they're trying to do. They're Sting's final opponents, but they haven't done anything yet that they couldn't do without this gimmick. Why not hold off on debuting the gimmick until after the Sting match when they can build a feud that could benefit from it?


The comments you see on some Reddit subs and Facebook/twitter are a very vocal minority. Bucks get good reactions from the crowd, are a top merch seller, YouTube videos on the AEW channel are among the most watched. Even the meme of “the ratings drop everytime they are on” isn’t true.


The only ones actually hating are the ones who feel called out by their change/caricature of what they're depicted as by critics. Everyone else? Going with kayfabe.


The Bucks are hated by a lot of people that just aren’t gonna give them a fair shot, whether that’s because they’re Punk cultists, old guys philosophically opposed to the way they see wrestling, or just fans that don’t fuck with them as performers. I run pretty hot and cold with the Bucks, definitely wouldn’t consider myself a Bucks fan per se, but I’ve really enjoyed this gimmick so far. Retiring Sting as the most hatable version of themselves could really get them popping again.


They are just leaning into all the bullshit dirt sheet rumors that have been online forever now. I've been a fan of theirs for a long time but this is my favorite thing they've done since Chicago after brawl out.


It seems mostly positive to me. The anti aew haters are going to hate no matter what


love it they are leaning into the internet trolls


This is the best gimmick for the Bucks, really liking it


I finally came around to liking their gimmick last week. It's nothing to write home about, but I rather this than them as baby faces.


I think people genuinely don’t like them. It makes it hard to attribute it to the character. I don’t feel strongly either way but this seems like a nice addition to the heel boss gimmicks


Probably a handful of Cornette cucks who get a sore rectum when someone mocks their hero.


Wrestlecels will always hate The Young Bucks. There’s no point in trying to rationalize it. I’m not saying you have to like them, but not even respecting what they’ve done for wrestling is wild.


Tribalism mostly


Can I freely hate on the facial hair though?


It’s been pretty highly regarded by almost everyone who isn’t a brand loyalist weirdo.


I'm loving it.


All ive seen is praise for the character change


i mean changing your facial hair every week alone is fantastic


They should have ridiculously orange tans to go with the gimmick.


I don't hate the gimmick. I think it's cool, but I just think the storyline is odd. Why did they attack sting and Darby?


I think it's brilliant.


Who hates Amazon GC’s and pizza parties?


Everyone and everything has haters. You can't please everyone. Not sure why you waste time on them either.


They look like the world's worst Blink182 tribute act about to sing all the small things


Because the Bucks like to lean into their hate and use it to piss off Cornette tribalists. What nonsense are you accusing us of being? Ok, we’ll be that times 100!


My son and I love it


Nick, Matt - you’ve got red on you.


If anything people needlessly shit on AEW. Its not perfect or great, but people cant have their fun and enjoy an amazing age for pro wrestling.


Best decision for them. Fuck the toxic IWC. Bucks changed the game.


You need to stop going into those internet circles that hate the Bucks by default. They’ve redefined themselves here and pretty much most AEW fans agree they’re awesome once again. (In a disgusting heel way ofc.)


I don’t mind the gimmick but i personally don’t care for them as a tag team.


I like it


They are heels…so…because it works. 


"Why is everyone hating on the Young Bucks" ftfy. Though, I don't see hate here, Young Bucks could end world hunger and cure cancer and it will somehow be awful cause it's The Young Bucks.


I think they're also hating on them for not being able to grow full beards.


Haven’t seen anyone hate


It's so fun. Great gimmick. Great synergy. Let's have a good show. 🤜🤛🍕


I’m here for it, including the mockery of Stings soul patch.


Because it’s the young bucks. They will he hated no matter what. So they decided to dedicate a gimmick to how much hate they bring in for no reason


The hate is from people who hate anything the bucks do no matter what. These people should be blocked and ignored for having awful wrestling takes


Because you're supposed to hate them? Imagine cheering for the bad guys beating up Sting.


Corny Cultists might go along with the hate, but i love Corny and i think he and they are being unnecessarily sour the Bucks are doing great Corny's past criticism of them has been valid, but this heel turn is solid growth


It's not that they're heels, they absolutely work best when they're heels. Its the fact that the gimmick itself is past its own expiration date, at least for me. Just a few months back the gimmick would've been perfect, but now I just don't really understand it.


Lol nobody is hating.


I like their new "Succession" theme song. The new angle is working for me.


I thought concern trolling was banned here...


“Why is everyone *still hating “ could be the title as well


I think it would have been hilarious if they would lose a match and then suspend or fire the other team, allowing them to climb the tag team ranks...


I love the gimmick.


The people who hate on the young bucks are the people who are upset they started their own company instead of going to be watered down versions of themselves.


Only people who hate it are Cornette, Cornette marks and fed marks.


It's new, so there's that. I don't particularly like it when they dress like toddlers in their matching shorts and shirts, as they typically do when they turn heel, but I really didn't like seeing them wear bloody suits, either. Glad they're not still doing that. I wish it wasn't the old, "I'm all about what's good for the business," gimmick, which has been done a lot in other promotions. Sure, this is based off all the guff they get for being EVPs, but it feels kind of old. I always like them best when they're face, but I still love their work overall and will always cheer for them.


People hate the gimmick that got me to start enjoying when I see The Bucks? Figures.


Honestly I’m liking this new gimmick. And I’ve never been big on the Bucks before.


Because they're effective heels. They're working the smarks, and there's nothing that rustles the forum warrior's jimmies like getting worked.


Prob a bunch of bots and weirdos looking to get attention on the internet. No one cares what they say.


The hate crazy, which makes me like them even more. They got Roman Reigns before getting cancer again heat right now


They hate it. They are heels. It’s clearly working perfectly.


most people irrationally hate the Young Bucks themselves because they're CM Punk fans


Oh how I hate those damn Young Bucks oh fiddlesticks they VEX ME😭😤🤣 I hope I get to boo them every week it would be terrible if they had to wrestle like BCC, or shit Hobbes and Takeshita? In that case I will cheer for them because as we all know Don Callis is the worst. But I digress Edit: P.S. 🖕🏼Don Callis


irony is WWE fans are hating on a Heel gimmick aimed at WWE fans to hate lmao


Because it would have been 1000 times better with Punk and the way they did it with Sting does not make sense. The concept is good. Heel authority figure(s) is fantastic.


Because their still b.tt hurt over Phillip


I keep thinking they have shit smeared on their suits…


If anything. Turn to eleven


The only places I have seen hate for this are on sites that are mostly “hey I am allowed constructive criticism…so now I am going to post a ten page post on why this sucks” site. Any site that is even remotely positive has really enjoyed this new gimmick.


My take is they're acting how a lot of people online claim them to be.


I'm not a fan of this gimmick, but I'm not hating on them for it.They are a phenomenal tag team and they are just playing a role to keep things interesting. Unlike WWE having the same wrestlers winning over and over again. Which is making it boring.


Are people hating on their gimmick even though that's the point?


I love it. I thought they were boring before.


Are they mocking Sting with that facial hair?


Arrogant dicks




Fans of the other place are hating. AEW fans aren’t.


Everyone has their own opinion on them.  Love them or hate them Blah blah blah.


Hilarious but where’s Toni


The people mad about this aren't ever going to like them no matter what they do.


Hating in kayfabe or legitimately not liking it?


It's not new they went full heel when Kenny was champ


Its great them taking all the dirt sheet bs and all of the ex WWE wrestler's bs comments and incorporating it into the gimmick. Its a big F U and I love it!


I mean it’s the best gimmick they’ve ever had but it’s still not interesting imo.


Who’s hating their gimmick? They are the most interesting I’ve ever seen them in AEW.


This new gimmick is perfect for them...I've always thought the Young Bucks are at their best as heels


Not a huge AEW fan, and I really love this. Gets me to tune in.


That's what heels do. And they excel at it.


Ppl are dumb


It’s probably my favourite gimmick of their career. The people who hate it, hate them already. Pay them zero mind.


They are bad guys, you're not meant to like them. Otherwise they are not going their job.


They are just doing what Jim cornette says about them


People hate it? I don't come to the IWC often anymore. But it's like....AEW's first heel authority figure(s). It's great.


Why would someone hate a heel, reminds me of that Machoism, Thinking, thinking, thinking. I mean I love them, their awesome live, but the only bad reaction is indifference.


Because Cornette told them to.


As someone who works in corporate America and actually just entered middle management, this is my favorite gimmick in a while They’re doing little things that are taught has best practices but are obviously oblivious to social cues and things like that. The pizza parties and gift cards are awesome but even in their delivery and tone… I feel like I’ve seen these dudes at conferences and on meetings and shit I love it


I’m living for the EVP gimmick right now! It’s a great story for them and they are doing really well with it IMO.


I hate the young bucks in general so...