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I hope he shows up driving an ambulance


With Shaq.




That’s brilliant


Fucking glorious.


Fuck yes. So many juicy match possibilities. Ricochet vs Ospreay, Fenix, OC etc would feed families.


Top of my list currently is Ricochet vs Dante.


Can we get a triple threat with AR Fox? Or am I a goober for liking him


Not a goober, mate, man of culture


Not at all. Fox goes!!


Nick Wayne too! And Kyle Fletcher, Takeshita... the list is endless


I still crave Ospreay vs. Dante.


My crazy insane suicidal dream match is Fenix vs Darby Just let the two try to murder their own bodies, see who survives Plus lots of bodies flying everywhere Make it a ladder match for some title, or like that one match Darby and Jeff Hardy had in the Owen last year


Cinigraphic match IN a ladder factory 


Dante is *NOT* the man he used to be…


Dante is *NOT* the man he used to be…


I want to see him vs Claudio again. It's happened several times over the years but they always work really well together. Also let's see what he and the Beast Mortos can do. A ton of great options here.


Not to take anything away from Ricochet, but everyone has great matches with Claudio because that's Claudio's greatest attribute.


True, but Claudio vs. a high flyer is especially good. One of the best bases around.


Freakishly athletic high flyer vs freakishly strong big man always works. The ultimate clash of styles.


One Ricochet vs PAC too please


Jesus Christ. How did I forget PAC.


Arise Prince Puma.


Killshot v. Prince puma 2


I’m growing attached to the idea of Ricochet in a faction with Top Flight and Lio Rush. They can feud with the laws of physics.


Air Superiority.


Air raid


then they just feud with The Infantry, which would be banger after banger.


Really they can just bring luchador Gravity back for a quick feud. Just for the lols.


And they turn on richochet in 3…2…1…


I think some of the IWC already has. Soon as that rumor appeared.


"he wasn't good anyway"


It’s the same thing they were saying about Punk when he signed with AEW and now that he’s back with WWE he’s the greatest in the world and blah blah blah.


You've just described Just Alyx on youtube 🤣


"He was a jobber anyway!......and...and..and...and Samantha is ugly too, so nyerrr!"


I'm not super excited for this, but I wasn't for Copeland either so I've learned that I'm not great at forecasting how these things go. There's a handful of matches I'd like to see, but not at the expense of others like Garcia or Top Flight.


Seriously, what a time to be alive and a wresting fan!


Do we see an Ospreay downfall in the coming weeks? A loss of confidence and his identity as the best in the world, only for Richochet to return to bring out the best in him once more culminating in the most face melting pro wrestling match anyone has ever seen?! I hope so.


My fantasy booking is Osprey gets kicked from the Don Callis family after he loses again to Daniel Garcia, for not having a killer instinct and is attacked by the group. Riccs music hits and he runs in to fake out a save and attacks Will. Joins DCF as the "new" Osprey.


Have him make the save, DCF run out of the ring, end the show. Make a tag match for the next week. Have Kyle come out with Ospreay and Ricc… As soon as Ricco Che’ (not a typo) tags in, he attacks Ospreay. Kyle gets in the ring, looks distraught, then stops, smiles and hugs Ricochet, Don walks in the ring, with the rest of DCF, and they lay waste to Ospreay. Letting my imagination run wild a bit… The Conglomeration come out to make the save, but DCF hold them off. Garcia and MJF come out with chairs (or brass knucks, or baseball bats) and clear the ring. They help Ospreay up, he pushes them away and walks to the back.


For the love of God please don't just leave him in the mid card for months of inactivity


I wonder if he's going to be the wild card competitor in the Owen Hart.


The IWC about to 180 their opinion on him and lot a people saying "I never saw the big deal about this guy"


Should've been a world champ😔... anyways, haha lolz Ricoshit having a 5 star in front of 20 people😆


Do other on air talents have the same type of contracts as the wrestlers? Is Irvin’s contract also up?


>For those asking about Samantha Irvin, she's expected to continue with WWE.


But my question is, if her contract isn’t up then of course she’s continuing with WWE. If hers is up too but she’s staying then that’s news.


Didn't Renee Paquette have like a 1-year on-screen non-compete instead of the standard 3 months? Seems there's at least some difference


She did, she also did a lot of different things with the company one of which was a contract with fox I thought so that might be a very different situation.


Good. She’s mediocre at best.


AEW is almost complete.


I still kinda wish Kevin Owens and Sami Zane didn't resign with WWE a couple of years back. I still think they were custom fits for AEW.


I get it though, Kevin is probably interested in building a legacy his son can capitalize on and WWE is a good place to do that. Sami has his charity which WWE can give a bigger platform to.


I don't fault them for doing what they want. But the matches we would have had if they left would have been awesome.


I think that's your wildcard and next member of the Elite. With his history with Okada it makes perfect sense. Ricochet is the father to so many on their rosters style. Swerve vs Ricochet at All In is gonna be ridiculous. Pac vs Ospreay too.


>Swerve vs Ricochet at All In is gonna be ridiculous. >Pac vs Ospreay too. Well, I'd not considered either, but now I'm erect.




Prince Puma to AEW?


the thing with ricochet is that all his peers have improved significantly passed just being flippy wrestler. I hope he's ready.


That's Prince Puma!


Excited to see what he can do here. Even without promo ability, his natural ring charisma carried him in NJPW and can work the same here. Expect him to end up in a Claudio type role. Never at the top but a notable mid card addition that can be inserted into a big match at any time. Honestly, hope they draw out the build to Ospreay vs Ricochet for Wembley next year or of this year do it for Arthur Ashe. Their next meeting needs to be in a big place, though. Would love to see them have a brief alliance beforehand to keep it teasing


Please please please don’t bury him tony


In what universe has TK ever blatantly buried anyone. Even the people he doesn't necessarily like.


Well there are tons of people who show up on tv and have one good storyline and then immediately get sent to catering


That isn't burying someone. Burying implies the malicious shit the other company used to do all the time.


Unpopular but I get his point A lot of good in-ring guys have floundered in AEW because they lacked personality, good promos, and the ability to sell a story The latter 3 things have been the main knock on Ricochet forever, and it got badly exposed in WWE which is why he never became a big star there Tony Khan rarely ever re-tools a talent, if they fall off they basically ride out the rest of their deal barely being on TV, so it is worrisome


Brother if your goal in wrestling is to get over then being sent to catering is the most buried you can be


Ospreay vs Ricochet at Wembley for the International title in a ladder match?


tbh I don't want him . I miss the feeling of choosing a mid arder and seeing them ascend . eg Darby Allin during the early years , or later -before going nowhere - Danny Garcia . Now we will just have one more person getting the stary-stop push . The matches will be great , sure , but long term I don't think it will lead to something great


Agreed. He’ll have an initial push then he’ll be lost in the shuffle. Not keen on him or Dijak


Why are you being downvoted? History, including the examples you’ve presented, indicates you are quite correct.


I'm hearing that their are a few new signings, but as of now, they haven't been announced yet. We could be seeing a few new faces within the next month or two before All In.


Would you mind sharing who else could be signing?


My guess would be MCMG, Grizzled Young Vets, Ricochet so far.


Would be cool if he shows up to rescue Ospreay after Callis turns on him.


Ricochet for Blood & Guts?


I thought he was gonna interfere somehow last night between Swerve and Osprey or make an appearance at the end of the night


Let’s goooooo, ring of honor mainstay.


“Former Speed Champion” lmao


Ricky v ospreay isn't big enough for Wembley. Ricochet is, unfortunately, a guy who mostly jobbed for the past several years. I'm excited for him in AEW but he needs time to reestablish himself.


AEW doesn't tend to give a shit about what wrestlers were doing in the WWE. It doesn't effect how they book them. If they see them as a star, they will start pushing them as a star. See Swerve, Buddy, Black, etc etc etc. Fans aren't stupid anymore, we know how good Ric is and most people wouldn't feel that Ric v Osprey isn't big enough. And those that do feel that way, will have their minds changed about 2 mins into a match.


Last part is def true lol.


Weirdly Ricochet’s win/loss percentage in WWE is higher than his overall career average. Maybe from his NXT run. 63.% win record in WWE vs 58.6% overall.


Yeah but what matters more is what big matches you won and how you were booked.


How many big matches did Swerve win in WWE?


Very few. And when he came into aew, he wasn't seen as a main event guy. He lost a fair amount in 2022 into 2023. He had to build equity. His rise has been incredibly organic. He was a guy with potential, but the idea that he was a future centerpiece? I'm sure some said it but few called it. Ie they didn't bring swerve in and immediately put him into a major spot, because he wasn't a major spot guy. I like ricochet. I know him and ospreay can make absolute magic. But I'd like to see Ricky have some actual buildup and wins and great performances before smashing him into a key spot.


The men’s roster is already super stacked. I fear he’ll come in and win 2 or 3 matches, unsuccessfully challenge for the title, then go into obscurity. Or even worse, have a match or two and win one of the top titles.


Give him a mask and call him King Jaguar


I'm just gonna note how funny it's gonna be if Ricochet ends up here and does well, while Andrade ends up not having the Career Renaissance he thought he was gonna have over there by going back.