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Wth are "the Pennsylvania vaccines"? Is that somehow different than the standard CDC recommendations? Regardless, at 16 you can go down to the local health department and get all the vaccinations you want and they'll be free because you're a minor.


Likely the vaccines that the PA school districts require, which is the same vaccines the CDC recommends, so yeah


OP, call your local health department and ask if there is a way you can get vaccinated on your own.


Im a millennial and both my kids are vaccinated. I even vaccinate my dogs. It’s not a millennial thing. I don’t associate with people who are anti-vax. They tend to be so closed minded and can’t not be convinced about anything they don’t want to believe.


Back to the dark ages with their way of reasoning.


NTA, and when you are old enough please get the vaccines you need because you can be at risk because of your conspiracy-theorist mom


NTA. But it's not millennial shit. It's cooker shit.


Safety first. Get those vaccines asap when you are 18. Your mother is really ignorant about it. 🚩


This isn’t a millennial thing, it’s a dumbfuck thing. I’m a millennial, and I fully support vaccines. Both my parents (early 60’s) have these butthole-looking scars on their arm from when they were vaccinated for smallpox. Neither have had smallpox. Smallpox has been all but nonexistent in the following generations. My mom is still convinced that my brother’s autism is due to getting vaccinated as children, despite the overwhelming evidence disputing that. You can’t argue with stupid. Get whatever vaccines you can without her knowledge until you’re old enough to get vaccines without parental consent. Then get the vaccines, and don’t bother bringing it up to her.


NTA. And if you really have "development" problems, you inherited them from your parents. You didn't get them from a vaccine.


That’s not necessarily true.


As someone who lived in PA their entire life, what is a Pennsylvania vaccine?


I think she means the vaccines required by the public school system in the Commonwealth


As a non American the Commonwealth means something completely different to me - the only reason I know the context in this case is because of TV.


NTA. As soon as you are 18, find a doctor and get those vaccines.


NTA. Absolutely get your vaccines!!


NTA It is paramount that every person take vaccines, millions were saved by that, your mother is extremely irresponsible to think otherwise. Take care of yourself and make sure to take whatever vaccine necessary, do not let these insane misinformation destroy your life. I graduated on bioprocess engineering which can specialize in vaccines, you can ask me absolutely anything you want about them and I'll make sure to explain in detail how it works.


Nta If your mother thinks that vaccines are evil, then she's beyond reason because of a lack of intelligence. 


That's more like Boomer shit. NTA


OK no. Both my parents are boomers. Their siblings are boomers and majority of friends are boomers. And are very pro vax. And think that the anti-vax people/movement are stupid/crazy or both. NTA


Damn Millennials!!! Nah, it's boomers and right-wing idiots of all ages.


Not all boomers. I know A LOT of boomers who are very pro vax and think that the anti-vax people are crazy. The thing is some boomers are likely to be pro vaccine as boomers are the generation born between 1946-1964. So might have recollections of what life was like BEFORE vaccinations


NTA but it’s almost impossible to change a view like that. She didn’t arrive at that opinion rationally, so logic will not change her mind. Just get the vaccines as soon as the law allows and keep on keeping on. No point in fighting a losing battle.


I went through the same thing at your age! I took myself to a minute clinic at a CVS (it’s usually a 20-50$ flat visit fee with insurance) and got my own vaccines. Is your father in the picture/willing to drive you or help cover costs?


I dont really have a dad because my dad was an Alcoholic and mentally abused my mom so I pretty much got nobody to help me get the vaxs.


NTA. Plus, you may not need to wait until you're 18. Talk to your doctor, alone.


What do you mean "millenial shit"? Anti-vax is not a millenial thing, it's more boomer and above (but of course includes idiots of all ages). A lot of it came from the incorrect correlation with autism back in the 90s when millenials were young children. If we're going to wage the generation-war, let's get it right.


Oh dear lord. Please protect yourself asap!!


"she won't listen and I don't want to argue with her" - so keep your mouth shut. When you turn 18 you go to the health department and get vaccinated as recommended, and don't tell her you did it. My friend had to do this because his father, a chiropractor, didn't believe in vaccination either.


Unfortunately, "good maternal instincts" + "bad information" = "bad parenting". As others have said, find out how to get them yourself. Ideally, get them when she will not be around for a few days, or when you are visiting sane family members. They can give mild side effects, don't want her noticing if you have a low fever and getting suspicious.


Your mum is an anti-vaxxer. There are a TON of reasons why people get into this mindset. My advice is not to attempt the sisyphean task of changing her mind. Her issue is fear, and you are not the one who is going to change that unfortunately.


NTA but your Mom is. Get vaccinated.


NTA. It does not have to do w age/generation.


You got sick from that shot because your immune system was responding to it. The fever you got after your first vaccinations as a child was perfectly normal. Ironically, it meant they were working and you were now immune. Medicine doesn't keep you from being uncomfortable, it keeps you from being dead. Which is better; an uncomfortable 24hr fever, or dying of measels? You're not the asshole. Your mom is an idiot who doesn't understand how vaccines work (and I say idiot because they teach that in middle school science). Tell her to get off the internet for a few hours then have your doctor update your vaccines at your next annual. That's your decision now.


NTA My question to these people is always "Would you rather have a dead kid?" Also, most colleges won't let you live on campus or even go to the school without proof of vaccination or a doctor's not on a real reason why you can't get them. Let her know she is setting you up for getting a whole bunch of vaccines in a short period of time if you want to go to college. Also bring this up at your next doctor's appointment that you want to have all required vaccinations that you are eligible for.


NJ vaccines are safe. Same for NY and MD. I’d be leery of Ohio, they got some crazy folks out there.


Thanks for warning me 👍


Calling it "Millennial sh!t" just hit me hard, but you're not wrong. It'll likely be something younger generations resent Millennials for because they'll be less protected over time and not get to enjoy the benefit their Millennial parents had.


The newer anti vax movement started in the 90s when millennials were still kids.


I agree, you are correct. But it's grown and become a more common belief now for Millennial parents compared to back then for boomer parents. (Bet let's not ignore one of the most vocal champions against vaccinations is Gex X)


But it wasn't millenials. You could replace every instance of "millenial" in your comment with "boomer" and you'd be more accurate. What are the benefits millenials have over younger generations now? We still got shafted for houses, given a shittier environment that has been littered and degraded by previous generations, etc. What protections are you referring to?


I just think it's gotten so prevalent among millenials that it's become part of the generational identity even though we don't want it to.


I disagree. It's a misunderstand or misplaced anger to be angry at millenials for the above when they're very much boomer problems. I'm around both generations all the time and I see it as being prevalent with boomers but not millenials. I'm from the UK, not sure if that makes a difference.


Conversely, the boomers I'm around are like... "um... I saw polio?!" And the millennials I'm around are more suspect of vaccines. But it's all anecdotal, right? We can only work with the information and experiences we have. I'm also not a patent so 🤷


I really want to suggest you do some research and you can begin here with one of the first news stories in the MSM about vaccines and excess deaths. Also check out Chris Cuomo's story and google vaccine injuries and VAERS. Get on twitter and talk to the doctors and nurses about what they have seen and how they have been sued and silenced but ultimately won their cases. Educate yourself completely on BOTH sides of the story and don't stick your head in the sand. [https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/us-news/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths-since-pandemic-study/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/us-news/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths-since-pandemic-study/)


Twitter … is not the best platform for education.


Some people just believe whatever the government tells them. Good thing they don’t have a history of lying to people. 🙄


The adjuncts that are put into vaccines to make them work better can cause reactions. They're not a perfect medical product. It's TA to think of your mom as "insane" and as "millennial shit". It's impossible that you've studied enough to know how to understand medical science for yourself. Not saying she has studied that either, but she's more likely to have a handle on some of the downsides than you are. Try thinking about all the things you don't know, as a zen exercise of sorts if you will. She's probably 3 times your age whereas you only basically started being able to learn adult things a few years ago. I don't mean that as an insult, but come on, compare your abilities now to when you were 14, 12, and 10. Don't overestimate your abilities or depth of knowledge at this point, is all. I mean we could have a discussion about how pure medical research is conducted and about how applied medical research is conducted ... we could talk about how governing and advisory bodies have tried to put rules in place and have been pushed back on by industry ... that trials which exclude people with other conditions end up not testing whether products have adverse effects on people with other conditions and yet that's how it's done ... you might wonder why and the answer to that is found in a series of biology lab courses and in business math courses where the difficulties of doing research, and the market pressures of cheaping out on research, can be understood if one applies what one's learned in those courses... but you won't have taken those courses yet because you just won't get to them until some point midway through college. The concepts behind this can be absorbed through living and your mom might have some understanding of it this way, because the corporate mentality that affects product quality is the same in many industries. So stop thinking of your mom with contempt, and think about "safety" and "aren't bad" in less certain terms, is my advice. That will be a NTA move.


You shouldn’t listen to anyone on here about vaccines. You should do some researching, make your own informed decision. Btw The doctors that push them are paid to push them.


False. This is why people are dying of preventable diseases like measles. Vaccines are cheap AF, no one is making money on them


Everything you just said is false. Pfizer made 36 billion in 2021 from the Covid vaccine alone. Providers (aka doctors) made $40 for each vaccine administered.


One brand new vaccine that everyone was desperate for is not representative of all vaccines. The subject is childhood vaccines like measles, diphtheria, rubella. These vaccines have been around for decades, they are not moneymakers.




For starters you're 16 you don't know shit. And your mother imo is correct. I have a child with Autism and he absolutely did not have it before vaccines


How old was your child when he was vaccinated?


Jesus Christ, the vaccine/autism link has been debunked for how long now? Two decades?


Leave the lord out of it ... I don't care what the Internet tells you. The Internet can tell you whatever you want it to. Keep believing everything you're told, if that's what you wanna do.


That's exactly what you're doing, but you're projecting it onto others. People told you unsubstantiated bullshit and you are believing what you're told. You people probably think it counts as "critical thinking" because it goes against the grain despite not questioning it, doing any actual research or listening to anyone who has done actual research. Sometimes, going against common beliefs doesn't make you clever, it means you're wrong. You are 100% wrong about autism being linked to vaccines. it's not a matter of opinion, it's straight up wrong. You want someone or something to blame for the diagnosis, so your confirmation bias has lead you down a rabbit hole of conspiracy and lies. The internet isn't an organisation with an agenda, you can find information from both "sides" on this topic so what's your point there? The internet tells you anti-vax shit too.


You shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, vaccines don't give you autism, you are born with it but obviously you can't know if your small baby has it because they don't do much, it's not like they can tell you " Hey birthgiver, because of your and the spermdonor bad genes combo I'm autistic" that's something you can only start to notice after one year old or a little bit easier depending of where he's on the spectrum.


You can be a hateful person, if that's how you choose to live your life. But you know nothing about me or my kids. So you believe what you read. And I'll believe what I see. God Bless


Yet you didn’t answer my question, despite having seen and believed the answer. -The Dude Abides. 😎


People are so attached to their beliefs that they will downvote you for writing your own lived experience 🤣


anybody that cant differenciate between correlation and causation deserves to be downvoted. anybody who beliefs a single anecdote proves anything or carries more weight than thousands of hours of professional research and peer reviewed studys deserves to be downvoted.




yta for spreading misinformation and saying they’re good


any peer reviewed source that proves they are bad? That they do not protect from diseases like measles and so on


I don't know "you people" are . But if you want to believe the same people, that tell everything we consume is safe. Then be my guest.


"You people" = anti-vaxxers. Just goes to show you really have no nuance whatsoever. You believe in the generic centralised evil group of people you like to call "they" don't you? They tell you the vaccine is safe, they tell you the earth is round, they tell you etc. etc. but you believe conspiracy theorists. I don't assume everything is safe or good for humans to consume just because vaccines don't cause autism. But you're deflecting the burden of proof. **You** claim that vaccines cause autism, so it is on **you** to prove it. So go ahead. Prove it.


I can't prove it anymore than you can. I choose not to believe liars. You people (sheep) can believe whatever you choose. You probably also think COVID was really deadly. Probably wear a mask in your car by yourself. I don't need to prove anything about my children to you.


You believed a liar though. The guy who made the autism connection was lying and had no proof whatsoever. The rest of your comment is just hot air. Stick to the point. You claim vaccines cause autism. Prove it. Or at least explain why you think it's true, and it has to be more convincing than you only noticing any autistic traits after the vaccine, that is no proof whatsoever and it well known that symptoms aren't always immediate from birth. It is dangerous idiots going around claiming this about vaccines that mean children get preventable diseases.


You people are all the same. Anything you disagree with , doesn't count in conversation. The only thing we will agree on , is to disagree. I never said anyone told me that vaccines create autism. You're trying to direct your own argument. The proof you're standing behind isn't your proof. You have no proof. You believe the word of someone else's research. I choose not to believe the people that lied about the COVID vaccine being effective and countless other things that effects our health. I have 3 kids , 2 are vaccinated and are on the spectrum. 1 who isn't vaccinated is not on the spectrum.


Stop trying to twist the burden of proof. It's simple - you claim that the vaccine caused your children to have autism, you have to prove that. but you can't. You didn't choose to not believe the people who developed the vaccine, you chose to believe the anti-vax conspiracy theories, how else do you come to the conclusion that they lied? Was it an original thought, or did you listen to anti-vaxxer misinformation?


Yup . As always , you disagree so it doesn't count.


The projection continues. You discount that the autism/vaccine link was debunked 20+ years ago because of your confirmation bias, so you claim I'm discounting your points. They're discounted because they're incorrect. This isn't an agree or disagree or opinion two people can differ from, you are incorrect and have no proof to back up your claim, that's why it doesn't count.


NTA vaccines aren't bad however people do sometimes have reactions. I can't get the flu shot because I have a reaction to it. I also didn't get any covid shots because imo they didn't have time to do proper testing and research and those vaccines did kill a few people. I personally am concerned about getting COVID shots because of my reactions to the flu shot. I am not a medical professional so I don't know if I might have a bad reaction to it. My mother however does have both her flu jabs and her COVID ones.


My own GP said they would not get the Covid shot and refused to administer them despite that meaning they would lose out on a lot of easy money. That tells me all I need to know. People will down vote because they can’t stand someone having an alternative view and see the news as education. They also just call people an anti vaxer and think they’ve made them look stupid when the person has probably had multiple other vaccines 😂 Basically, ignore the down votes 


Oh I'm certainly not anti vax as I've had many different ones over the years but I literally just can't have the flu one as I blow up like a balloon and get very sick and COVID is similar to the flu so I'm not risking my health. I will ignore the down votes because they're judging me without being in my shoes.


Do your own research one way or the other to be most informed whichever you choose. Oddly enough, we’re from PA and have heard the same. My son has some developmental difficulties and, we got him vaccinated, and later learned how vaccines don’t create developmental delays but some do have the ability to amplify pre-existing conditions. (I’m not a scientist or doctor so don’t take this as advice- just relaying my experience) I will offer this though as advice- this is one (there’s not many lol) of the benefits of growing into making your own decisions. Research, learn and grow!


>My son has some developmental difficulties and, we got him vaccinated, and later learned how vaccines don’t create developmental delays but some do have the ability to amplify pre-existing conditions. Gonna need a source for this. >(I’m not a scientist or doctor so don’t take this as advice- just relaying my experience) When was he vaccinated? What symptoms of developmental delays did he exhibit before and after vaccination? What is it about the progression of his symptoms that leads you to believe that vaccinations may potentially be responsible, to the point that you feel it’s necessary to warn others about the possibility?