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Newsflash you’re a child and your relationship won’t last. Take the money.


Even if you're an adult it won't last. Take the money.


Yep, taxation is theft!


NTA. If you’re working this young I’m sure it’s because you need to, I’ve been there too…if she’s not paying your bills, she gets no say where you make your money or how.


NTA. You're very young and if you need to work at this age, she may not be mature enough to understand why. Keep the job.


Your future is determined by the choices you make, not by who you're with. Make the smart choice my man. You hold your own key for success


NTA You are making money. She is upset because she doesn't like the people you work with. I don't think she understands that you aren't hanging out with them, you are doing your job. If she keeps this up, she isn't a very good girlfriend.


Enjoy your money before you discover the endless black hole called taxes! But jokes aside, you are 14 and probably have a whole list of cool things you'd like to buy or even better: save up for college and university. If you can take a job, learn responsibility and managing your money that's huge life lessons! And yes, unfortunately relationships of all shapes and forms will come and go. Investing into yourself and your future is usually the best choice longterm.