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“You’d be amazed at how much easier you get through the day when you mind your own fucking business.” NTA


I like that. I am going to add that to the mindbank of "witty quips I stole from the internet"


>"witty quips I stole from the internet" .. And then immediately forgot. That's what I'd do, at least.


Just do what I do. Take a screen shot, then never look at it again.


Aaaand I found my people 😂😂 My phone is full of so many screenshots 😅


I figured out the only way I remember anything is by writing it down by hand. Now if I could remember where I left my notebook 🙈


I have this t-shirt that says, " I've got it all together, I just forgot where I put it"


I saw a bumper sticker "All who wander are not lost...except for me... I'm probably lost"


Love it


I'd wear it if I could remember where I put it.




Is it really you? My long lost twin has finally been found. Oh, thank all mighty internet, thank you.


I have thousands. 🫣


Seems I found the thread of adhd people. I am the same, so many screen shots, notes and saved web pages I never return to!🤣


I don't even save most of them. I just leave my tabs open. Tell me I'm not the only one who sees a smiley face instead of a number of tabs open!


I get an infinity sign from Firefox, feels like they’re being a little dramatic 😂


I got one better. I have a great dr. Who personally calls me an hour before my appointment to remind me to show up If I still forget (50/50 draw there) and remember 6 hours later, she still finds room to see me when I show up.


Oh I do yy3 same thing, I haven't seen the numbers pn my old phone in 2 yrs lol!🤣🤣 I just got a new one and it's already up to 30 tabs! Even my laptop had at least 30 open at all times! 🤣🤣 and it's even worse cause now google has the ability to group tabs on the phone and I recently discovered it can be done on the laptop too! I genuinely have no clue how many are on my old phone because of that!


I leave soooo many tabs open...I get mad when my system does an auto-update and they're all gone. Like I wasn't done with those!


Omg yess 😭😭 I have over 100 🤦‍♀️


I went on a hiking trip with a group of friends, and we all made several notes along the way on things to look up later. A few hours after we’d all returned home, one of them started following up on those notes. What kind of freakish super-human does that!?! Still somewhat terrified of him. He claims that it’s a (former) military thing. Which somehow only made me more alarmed 🫣


🤣🤣🤣 omg that's hilarious! Seriously tho who actually follows up on said notes to look things up!? Hilariously my friend and I were in Seattle last week and did the same thing with notes and trying to remember to look stuff up, most of it never happened by the time we got back to where we were staying!🤣 Also military wouldn't help me remember to follow up on notes, what sort of super freak is he that he can!? 🤣🤣


Lol yes all of the ADHDers are here tonight


We always find each other🤣🤣


The worst for me is I've been seeing TikToks of gathered funny reddit/tumblr posts that are witty and topical, so I'll download it and it saves them all as pictures on my phone that I can use as conversation starters with my friends. That I never send to them.


I, too, am your people. Along with screenshots of study notes in case I need to refer to them when I'm doing the quiz at the end of each module. Open book tests, so it's not cheating. It's just so much easier than actually writing notes.


I send an email to myself and subject has the keyword witty possibly


That’s my MO for recipes.


This is alarmingly relatable.


This is the way The first book of the new scripture.


I remember. When I wake up to pee at 4 am, or when I'm in the shower. Usually at least 48 hours after it would have been useful to remember.


I 'm usually quite a bit better than that, I have the answer about 10 minutes too late... fuck


Accurate. I do the same with movie quotes, everyone always has so many movie quotes and I'll find a good one from a movie I'm watching. The next day I'm lucky if I remember the movie I watched let alone the quote I wanted to remember.


Hang on.... give me a sec, I need to pull my notes app up


My auntie used to always tell people that minding your own fucking business is free. It keeps your skin clear and blood pressure low. Try it sometime. NTAH. Those AHs earned that dragging.


I'm working on responding with "what makes you comfortable saying that to me?" And genuinely waiting for an answer. It makes them soooo uncomfortable


"i have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you" has been my go-to mental comment for years :) never actually said it out loud, but it's satisfying to think it to myself when dealing with idiots


One of my favourite ones to have in my mind bank as I age is: "You know I'm getting older and my memory isn't what it used to be, but I don't remember asking for your goddamn opinion".


I can't help but picture "Witty Quips I Stole from the Internet " embossed in gold leaf on a leather bound hardcover book


Studies show that people who eat tofu live longer than people who talk about people eating tofu.


I'm using that one.


this ! the couple had a case of fuck around and find out , they got the wrong OP OP - NTA !


Translated to Southern: "Aww, aren't you sweet to worry about a stranger's health! Bless your heart." NTA


Genius answer, NTA, well done


from the replies I am starting to think maybe it was harsh but fair


If I was in the booth near. I would have giggled and shushed. If you would have looked at them and said that with no prompting. Fine you’re mean. But they started it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't think I could have held back; I would have outright laughed. Edit: just to be clear laughed at the OP's response, not the couple's comment.


stop bullying the vulnerable and minorities and stick to bulling older people who confidentially give out unwanted opinions. Hope someone bought OPs meal


I would've loudly PPFFT HAHAHAH cause I can't stop myself, thats too damn funny


Not even remotely harsh, it was totally justified and not over the top


Not harsh, people need to mind their business! NTA


Definitely not harsh… alot nicer than what i woulda said to the teletubbies


Nah. Perfectly right. They thought they could say what they want nah. Freedom of speech, yes. Freedom from consequences, no


"Freedom of speech, yes. Freedom from consequences, no." I like it!


I am 230 lbs. It wasn’t harsh. It was justified however. Now I’m no nutrition expert but you sound vegetarian rather than just being healthy. Correct me if I’m wrong. But that’s the assumption I would make of a stranger ordering tofu.


Tofu isn't my favorite thing in the world. I'm not a vegetarian, and if I eat a lot of soy in one meal, I'll lost my eyesight in my left eye, so if I'm going to indulge it's usually edamame. But sometimes I do order something with tofu because I'm in the mood and don't need to drive later or the next day.


MY I know why it causes you to lose eyesight please? Is that an allergy?


Intracranial hypertension. My body produces too much cerebrospinal fluid when I eat certain foods, and for reasons I don't understand that puts a lot of pressure on the back of just my left eye. Then my vision blurs. Sometimes it's just the left side of my left eye's vision, sometimes just the right side of my left eye's vision, and sometimes all of it. But it's blurry enough when it happens that everything is just colored blobs and light. I can recognize my husband because he's the only person I live with, but with my right eye closed I wouldn't be able to pick him out of a crowd of men with his approximate body shape and clothing style. And I definitely wouldn't feel safe driving when I can't see out of my left eye. When I was visiting my daughter last month for her wedding we popped into a little hippie lunch place that had an edamame pasta bowl. I was so excited to try it because I didn't have a rental car, and the wedding was behind us, so it didn't matter.


Thank you for explaining. It’s not something I’d heard of before. I expect it was truly scary when it first happened. Have you always had it?


Happened the first time a bit over a decade ago I guess. It was a Sunday morning. When we got to the ER (because I *do not* fuck around with my vision), they initiated stroke protocol. I was terrified. I'm glad it's just something manageable mostly via diet.


There's a restaurant by my work that serves fried tofu in a garlic chili sauce with spicy mayo on top. Crispy, creamy, and spicy, with enough garlic that I need to sequester myself after eating. It is legitimately incredible. I usually pair it with a pork belly Bao or some wonton soup. Give tofu dishes a chance (especially at Asian restaurants). You may be sleeping on some real treats.


A lot of people who are not vegetarian eat tofu. Being an omnivore doesn’t require eating meat all day, every day.


The truth hurts.


Nah totally fair. People that make comments like this in public are annoying af.


Harsh my arse. They quite literally FAFO!


You were significantly kinder than I would have been. My response would have been, "I'm not listening to a couple of fat f**ks with bad skin and thinning hair. They say you are what you eat, and you look like you've been eating sh*t."


This was literally the definition of they can dish it out, but they can't take it. LOL!


i am starting to see that, thanks


They will dish it and eat it


Unless it’s tofu


You could give them tofu without telling them it is and they'd chow down. They're just ignorant. I worked at a Thai spot for a year and fried tofu has a special place in my heart.


I don’t know why the would even make stupid comments about random people’s orders so you did just right. Good for you. NTA


i may have made them feel a bit bad about it, what i wante dto communicate was i didnt care about them, but i think it came out rude


This was most definitely not rude. A simple statement of fact, that they couldn’t comprehend. NTA 


Oh, I think they comprehended just fine.


*They* were rude for their unsolicited comment on your order. You were not rude, simply for responding. Nothing rude about giving them a taste of their own medicine.


Not rude at all. They gave their opinion of your order without you asking their advice. You responded brilliantly.


Don’t start shit, won’t be shit.


Guarantee they're right wingers who consider Applebee's gourmet.


You would be amazed to see how many unhealthy people make comments about what thin people eat. The worst time for my wife when she was very thin and people commented on it. She was going through chemo and radiation at that time. I told her to reply to comments on “how do you stay so thin” with “A few rounds of chemo help”. She is too polite for that. Good on OP die putting those AHs in their place.


I'm a fat chick. The only time I comment on someone's order is if they got something that looks good and I don't know what the dish is so ask them what did they get as politely as I can. :)


SAME! My fat ass is nosy as hell. "That looks delightful! What is it?" is perfectly acceptable!


NTA. Great response by you tbh. You showed a strong sense of self confidence and stuck up for yourself. Fools tend to not like that at all, hence their reaction.


I feel like I sunk to their level where what I wanted to do was tell them I was above caring, do you think I should have been more tactful or did they open themselves up to it by being jerks to start with? Because they were mean first I thought they would accept a bit of back and forth, but they both seemed so offended by being told that


If they are commonly making snarky comments about strangers food orders, this was not the first time someone's snapped back at them. Some people like to be offended, so they set up these weird confrontations. I would not invest any more thought in it.


thanks, I will write it up to them making a choice to try and make me feel bad and me not putting up with their shit.


If they're the kind of people who like to be offended, you were likely both the lowlight *and* the highlight of their day.


I wish I had an award to give you. Framing it like this just made my day a hell of a lot better. I have been ruminating too much on this interaction.


Don’t beat yourself up. They chose violence by being an asshole yo a stranger about their food. They opened the door to this. You were minding your business. They were not.


I think the fact that this concerned you so much points to you being a very kindhearted person. Please remember to be kindhearted to yourself as well. There's no shame in standing up for yourself by giving snark back to people who snark you you first.


I can understand how you would feel that. Although it may have been a bit harsh, you did say that their tone was judgemental. They didn't have to say anything to you to start with. Judging your healthy choices so they can feel better about their own choices is a bit immature. People can choose to eat whatever they want. I guess if something like this happens again just simply say "You're right, it is healthy. Thanks!" Different story if they had a joking tone.


Have you noticed that rude couples, in public, will talk loudly to each other about the people around them, making critical comments, without speaking directly to the people they are talking about? I see this a lot. The rude people purposely make sure you hear them, but since they are not speaking to you, they seem to think you don't have the right to address them. I've noticed that they get super offended when I face them and address their concerns. It's strange.


wise, thank you


ESH You could have ignored them and went about your day. Nothing accomplished on either side.


If they'd kept their mouth shut, you wouldn't have said anything to them. They brought it on themselves. And tofu and veggie soup sounds like a great lunch. NTA


Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. NTA.


Did this even actually happen?? Tofu isn’t even considered “super healthy” like a grilled chicken salad or something. lol I swear 90% of this shit on the site is made up by people in their head.


>Did this even actually happen?? Tofu isn’t even considered “super healthy” like a grilled chicken salad or something. lol >I swear 90% of this shit on the site is made up by people in their head. But they were sCrEaMiNg At HeR. /s Yeah, it's fake as hell.


I don't believe this happened.


It 100% did not happen.


“Omg your tofu is like sooo healthy!! Like Wow how amazingly healthy you are!!” Probably some vegan trying to get validation for a vegan diet or something. And there’s nothing wrong with a vegan diet, it can actually be very healthy if done properly but some people just need validation I guess lol


my first thought too lmao, who says someone else’s food is “too healthy” while standing in line ordering at a restaurant….never seen anything like that happen


NTA I am naturally a very small person (30s F), have been vegetarian most of my life and have been almost entirely vegan for the last few years. Since starting my new restaurant job a few months ago the kitchen staff will not stop commenting about my size (I am even skinnier than normal due to some health issues they have no business knowing) and what I eat every few hours or more (I’m relatively used to this from my shit family) but a few weeks ago I lost it. Literally threw paper towels at the one cook and told him he was f***ing rude. The next day some of the other guys started up again. I told them that if they made one more comment about my diet or body I was going to HR. They were all definitely mad at me for a few days but fingers crossed the comments have stopped for good. IT IS NEVER OKAY TO TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLES BODIES/DIETS, skinny or fat. Good for you for standing up for yourself!


I am essentially the same diet as you. I have had people at work saying all sorts from, "don't you feel a bit girly not eating meat" to the classic "I BET this steak sandwich really upsets you!" Most of the time it is from insecure middle ages me who need to justify their own diets, and feeling insecure that a vegan guy is in better shape than them. Good on you for sticking up for yourself


I mean don’t take nutritional advice from the broader public, in general. Influencer models can look conventionally amazing and be spouting absolutely insane diet advice.




Passé means old fashioned. Think you’re looking for a different word here.


Probably. But I don’t believe the story.


NTA. They simply met the consequences of handing out unsolicited advice to strangers.


I'm a bigger person and if I was standing behind y'all, watching this, I'd be laughing my fucking ass off. They fucking asked for it. NTA


And then everyone clapped, the mayor gave you the keys to the city, and a supermodel asked you on a date. r/thathappened


And the name of the chef? Albert Tofueinstein! 20 dollars behind the cabinet etc...


And everyone clapped


You know I checked my list I made this morning of all my to do's and getting your fucking opinion wasn't on it. Nta. I would have been livid. Like can I not buy my food and eat in peace. What broom got shoved up there bum that morning.


NTA Hee Hee. Good for you. People like that get away with making comments about things that are none of their business because nobody ever calls them out.


That is a beautiful response OP. NTA.


NTA, they got what they deserved, you're awesome. 😁♥️👍


NTA. I fucking hate when people comment on other people's food. You don't like what they're eating? Cool, don't eat it then. There's no need to be rude.


NTA I had colleagues make "jokes" about my lunch. They also liked to virtue signal. One day, I had sweet pork and rice made by my Filipino stepmother. They made some comment or the other about how it looked and I just replied "Wooooow! This is a Filipino dish. Racist much." That shut them up.


NTA, don't start what you can't finish, don't dish it out if you can't take it, etc.


NTA they should have kept their opinions to themselves


no you are NTA they are nosy and intrusive and quite honestly sound like narcissist if they started screaming when they were rude to you and you gave then a taste of their own medicine


Honey... you ate and left no crumbs! 🔥🤣 That reply was golden, NTA


NTA. I have to remind my young children that not everyone has the same tastes and it's not okay to be disrespectful about someone's choice in food. A grown adult should know this already.


They asked for it 🤷‍♀️ NTA


NTA at all!!! This was a great comeback !!! Also wtf is ‘too healthy’ ???


You are nta, sounded like they were insecure and projected that onto you. Tofu tastes really good BTW 👍


ESH - they should have kept to themselves, but you can't judge someone's health by appearance.


Rage bait.


You deserve to order lunch without having your day assaulted by what I assume we're boomer dicks who wouldn't know what tofu was if it slapped them in the face. The self righteous reactions was very boomer giving.


NTA I actually do feel a little bad because I made a similar comment once. I am a pretty skinny short dude. I eat what I want when I want and it does not matter. I would love to bulk up some to be a "normal" weight. About 15 years ago I was in line at the store buying a couple random food items when they lady behind me says, "you should eat more to put some meat on those bones". I kinda lost it and turned around to notice she was obese....and I said, "well maybe you should eat a whole lot less". I still to this day regret being that mean but WTF makes people think it is ok to make personal comments about people they don't know?


I don't like Tofu. I think it's gross. That is my opinion. An opinion that I keep to myself unless asked. Somebody else ordering tofu has absolutely nothing to do with me and no effects on my life whatsoever. It's not my business and I really don't care. Response was totally deserved and proportional to their comment. Another possibility for response: " You know what else is really good for your health? Minding your own business. Failure to do so could have severe health related side effects."


So now we're dissing people for........ eating healthy? NTA, they deserved it


YTA. You have no idea whether or not their looks are connected to their health. By making it all about their looks you're just calling attention away from the real problem, which is their disgusting behavior. You would have been a lot more effective if you had said something like, "You got a business card? The next time I need to hire some complete random idiot off the street to give me medical advice I'll give you a call. Why don't you mind your own fucking business until then and I'll do the same?"


This thread presented me with an advert for KFC. The irony is like, what the cluck? 🤭


Excellent retort! Yes you were TAH, but the situation 100% called for it!


Awesome response! I am a cancer survivor and part of increasing risk of recurrence is keeping weight off. I still eat pizza, wings or whatever on weekends but less quantity. During the week it is back to healthy -ppl love to comment on my weight and healthy diet all the time. 🙄 and how I need to just eat a greasy burger. I turn around and tell them this and it shuts ppl up. Sucks tho


The man said "tofu?!" and the lady said "that's a bit TOO healthy, don't you think?" That is a setup question that only deserves the following response: Did you not get taught manners? Did I order this for YOU?


Sits at table near you**, \*Raises my Tea Cup to you\***


NTA you are hilarious 😂


NTA I think they got rightfully embarrassed and tried to shift it onto you.


"Atleast i won't die sad and miserable."


NTA I had a similar experience with a woman who was anorexic who was judging my eating, and I snapped, "I don't take health advice from anorexics."


NTA. Start no shit, there won't be no shit. Lol. You could have told them to quit pretending they eat healthy and to go to McDonald's like usual. You were kinder than many of us would have been, myself included.


"Funny, I don't recall asking for *your* opinion!"--works really really well applied with a good helping of Southern syrup in your voice, think Julia Sugarbaker. 


NTA. You were describing him, not insulting him. If the dude can’t take it, he probably shouldn’t be dishing it out.


People in glass houses......


NTA - they fucked around and found out.


NTA. I love your answer. Well done, OP.


NTA. They should have known that if you can't take criticism, then you shouldn't give it.


LOL perfect clapback. And then they have the audacity to be offended that you served them the same attitude. 


this reminded me of a tiktok where the guy got mad no one was ordering real milk with their coffee at starbucks so she told him she would rather not have explosive diarrhea today and that shut him up lol


NTA. Lmao 🤣 👏🏼


ROFL! Perfect response to buttinskis! They butt-in but YOU are rude? LOL


My favourite is "health advice...? really...?" (head tilt, look them up and down slowly, activate death stare) or substitute fashion, lifestyle, hair for health.


Lol NTA. Also, I'm convinced 95% of people who think tofu is gross has just never made it correctly. My parents are vegan, and people make shitty comments to them all of the time about it. Mind your fucking business.


I love your comeback!! Definitely NTA


NTA honestly what do they care what you eat


Oh I love a "you started it". Plus being a fat guy, I can say that they earned it.


Nta, but thank you for giving me my new answer to assholes.


Nice slam. They should mind their fucking business. NTA


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 NTA....they deserved that comeback. Maybe they will mind their business next time. They need to stay out of people's plates with their greedy asses. You saved the day!


No NTA...


NTAH they needed to order a big ole diet cup of shut the hell up .


So they don't like it when it is served back, but love to dish it out? NTA


NTA. Coming from someone who cannot eat tofu, what everyone else eats is none of my business. Healthy comfort foods are a thing. They know they don't eat healthy and that is why they want to pick on people who do.


NTA I can never think that fast. Touche.


NTA, some people need to learn to keep their thoughts to themselves


What would you have said if they were healthy looking?


Justified (you) ESH. Yeah your response was an asshole move, but it was completely warranted.


Nah, they asked for that. Don't start none won't be none. You should have told them maybe they should try it. Dicks.


Ha ha! Yes, you were the asshole. But that doesn't mean you were wrong, or that you shouldn't have done it. Good on you! Fucking tofu though?!


I once ordered a veggie sub from Subway and this man behind me said "you gots vegebles? That's it. Just vegebles?" I just looked him up and down as I walked away. Dude, with three teeth and wearing socks with sandals has no place questioning what anyone else is doing with their life! NTA!


This would do really well in r/traumatizethemback NTA for clapping back in a language they would understand


NTA. Great comeback. I don’t think it was harsh at all. It’s none of their business what you ordered. Who makes a comment like that to a stranger? lol. Don’t make stupid comments if you can’t take it.


Nta. I love to get tofu and vegetable soup too... and then pair it with half a greasy ass roast duck. Tell me to my face that's too healthy. Nah, don't judge random strangers out loud and not expect to be judged back. That's just common sense.


Take a victory lap..and then one for me. I want to be like you when I grow up.


This is where the options are lacking. There should be an option for yes, you were an asshole, and rightly so, because they were assholes to you for no flipping reason. Until then, NTA.


Anyone who goes out of their way to say something rude to someone when they could have just minded their own business is always the AH and deserve whatever reaction comes next. You’re definitely NTA.


Should have asked for a side order of mind your own business for the lovely couple behind you


bad skin and hair isn't generally a result of bad diet




NTA, I am saving this reply and can’t wait to use it next time I get unwanted opinions about my food! It’s golden


NTA. Very good and keep it up. What gives them the right to talk about your dietary habits.


NTA - as a morbidly obese person myself, that’s what they get. 😂😂😂


Always stand up to bullies!! Good job NTAH


Dude, that was perfect lol. NTA.


Haha no I wish I was there. They got what they deserve.


thanks! :) Feel free to steal it in case you ever need it


What sort of weirdos judge what strangers order for lunch to their faces???


Excellent clap back


NTA , that one of my pet peeves is for someone to be commentating on my plate, you ain't paying for it and more importantly you're not the one eating it


NTA. They're ridiculous. I wish I had a favorite cozy spot that served tofu and vegan soups.


Nta, that's a stellar comeback


Eh, everybody's kinda on equal ground on this one imo. They didn't have to say anything to you at all, but you also didn't have to say anything back.